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Official Mount Adoption Feedback Thread [merged]

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> @finkle.9513 said:

> There used to be a way to achieve most of the gem store items in game, or at least a version...


> I find myself playing less and less as when i login i see new items that look cool yet im not able to spend £30 on gems to get them, this becomes really off putting, and a little depressing and sad.. so i just dont login really :(


Facebook sickness and/or envy - a bad combination.

I see people driving around sports cars. I do not drive a sports car. Heck, I even take the bus (we have Mercedes Benz' though^^) because it's cheap and fast with the permanently full car parks in my city.. But that does not get me depressed. Neither that I am not earning 10.000€, or that I am not owning a house. Or that I am not Hercules.


Heck, I won't even get the Griffon, but I am good with that, I have my bunny-kangaroo. But would I start to play less just because others have nifty things? Not at all. Do you go out less on the streets when you see people with expensive watches on their wrist or do you avoid public roads when a Lamborghini overtakes you at the street? With all the bling bling around, I appreciate more and more the average player look. Since I am wearing plain clothes in game as well. In Rata Sum I see people looking like a flashing christmas tree. Then I see an Asura Engineer that looks...like an Engineer. Or that Charr Warrior without gem store wings. Just a martial feline. Beautiful. Maybe you are one of the sane ones by looking normal instead of looking like a cockatoo? If you look at your character, and what she has done, do you really need those status symbols?


The analogy of real life and video games is becoming closer and closer since both is melting into each other with artificial facebook friends you'll never meet and video game friends you also won't meet. People with the iPhone X, my uncle has one, think they are the most badass on the block. We all laugh about such stupidity. Strip all the gem store bling bling and you will often see ill-mannered people covering insecurities or a condescending attitude. I am sure you can charm as person. S

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> @Daishi.6027 said:

> But I am curious to know if you can get doubles? Because 400 for a mount skin that you wouldn't double up on doesn't seem so bad. At an in gold exchange that will hover around 100-150g ea. You get 2 mount skins for 10 bucks (wish there was regional equivalents but oh well) and while RNG sucks, considering the currently limited pool I don't think it's so awful? Although as there will be more stupid filler skins over time this will become much more problematic.


From the update page on the main site :


>Every license guarantees the successful adoption of a unique breed, so it’s easy to make room in your heart for all of them.




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I've got a question to the developers about the Mount Adoption Licenses.

Do they also work on future mount skins that are released separately, the Spooky Mount skins & the Reforged Warhound skin released today or only to the 30 other skin you released today?


I - like so many others - very much disliked the fact that the licenses give you a random mount skin based on RNG. Making players gamble for the skins they want is a really bad way to add them to the game, compared to just letting us buy the skins we like. And then there's the riddiculously high price of a single skin, the Reforged Warhound.


If the licenses work on **all** mount skins, these serious mistakes are a little bit easier to comprehend. That is, because if you actually spend the 9600 gems to get all 30 skins, you'll get to buy the rest, including the Reforged Warhound (2000 gems, if I'm correct) with the 400 gem licenses in the future, which would actually be an ok price for a single skin. The problem still is though, that you'll still have to get the future skins through RNG as well, and there will still be some skins we wouldn't want to buy.


You did very good job on the designs though. The skins are great and the fact that you released 31 skins at once was a nice surprise nobody expected.

Just... please. Seriously reconsider the prices and methods for buying mount skins in the future. The current situation is very disappointing on so many levels, which you have no doubt already noticed.

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I am 100% for mounts and skins. I bought the Halloween skins as soon as i saw them. With that said..

Some of the mounts are cool but others fall short. The Raptor, Skimmer, and Griphon are just lack luster to me. I love some of the Jackel and Springer mounts. I wanted more skins like the reforged warhound. Something different!

I do not support the random skin selection. Why Anet!? Why not let us choose what we want? I am fine with how you did Halloween skins. I am even fine if you broke up the set and we paid a little bit more for individual skins. I am not fine with RNG.

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> @"Rajani Isa.6294" said:

> > @Daishi.6027 said:

> > But I am curious to know if you can get doubles? Because 400 for a mount skin that you wouldn't double up on doesn't seem so bad. At an in gold exchange that will hover around 100-150g ea. You get 2 mount skins for 10 bucks (wish there was regional equivalents but oh well) and while RNG sucks, considering the currently limited pool I don't think it's so awful? Although as there will be more stupid filler skins over time this will become much more problematic.


> From the update page on the main site :


> >Every license guarantees the successful adoption of a unique breed, so it’s easy to make room in your heart for all of them.





Still doesn't make it any less terrible if you ask me.


The very fact that they underhandedly added a "bypass the gambling"-bundle speaks volumes, for example.

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> @Myrdreth.6829 said:

> > @Rio.4259 said:

> > > @SmirkDog.3160 said:

> > > > @Deihnyx.6318 said:

> > > > Question, do you call people who love trading card games stupid too for buying card packs with RNG?

> > >

> > > I'm amazed that no one has replied to _this_ one.

> > >

> > > As someone who does collect trading cards, I got tired of relying on RNG to get a certain card, so guess what I did. _I bought a single online._ For like the same price as a booster pack, I bought the exact card I wanted.

> > >

> >

> > Yeah, I had to reply to this one, too. >.> Because if booster packs = loot boxes....yeah. Buying random packs DOES get old and if there's one shiny card I really want, Im not gonna spend $150 on packs hoping to get it. I'm gonna spend $10 on the card itself. Take that as you will, if someone wants to make that comparison.


> My husband and I love to play Magic the Gathering. And we never buy booster packs. We buy the cards we want on the flea market or online at ebay or whatever. I only play white decks, and I only buy white cards.


Sorry, don't mean to derail, but I miss Circle of Protection. Revised Edition for the win!


On topic, I should have responded to the CCG comparison earlier as well. Packs have always been available and "random", but the singles market balances that. In GW2, that singles market is the TP (although it could be in the gemstore as well). Anet could actually choose which singles market they want! Post them for gems, perhaps released 2 at a time every week over the next 15 weeks, OR make them available to sell on the TP... players will set a price via gold. On one hand, it's controlled by Anet, so there likely wouldn't be any difference based on more or less desirable skins. On the other hand, it goes free market with supply and demand factors in play.

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> @SmirkDog.3160 said:

> > @Deihnyx.6318 said:

> > Question, do you call people who love trading card games stupid too for buying card packs with RNG?


> I'm amazed that no one has replied to _this_ one.


> As someone who does collect trading cards, I got tired of relying on RNG to get a certain card, so guess what I did. _I bought a single online._ For like the same price as a booster pack, I bought the exact card I wanted.


I must have missed that comment but yes, I just spent 40€ on yugioh cards. And I probably saved a lot of money doing so instead of buying boosters. In my entire life I bought 2 Booster packs and I still regret it.

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0 mount skins can be earned via dungeons.

0 mount skins can be earned via fractals.

0 mount skins can be earned via raids.

0 mount skins can be earned via spvp.

0 mount skins can be earned via wvsw.

0 mount skins can be earned via jumping puzles.

0 mount skins can be earned via personal story.

0 mount skins can be earned via collections.

0 mount skins can be earned via dynamic events.

0 mount skins can be earned via exploration.


BUT! BUT you can earn that one that you like and can see in the hero panel by gambling in the GEMSTORE YAY! This is so much fun!



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I would have gladly PAID for the skin I want. I'm not going to pay for the chance of having the skin I want. I thought the whole idea behind gw2 was to avoid RNG.

They gave us precursor crafting so we can avoid RNG.

They gave us raid currencies so we can avoid RNG.

I thought a long time ago we had agreed that RNG is not fun and GW2 wasn't going to rely on it. That was the whole point behind a lot of changes made to the game.

But no - we get RNG in the gem store - because why not get some more extra cash huh?

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> @"Afro Dude.8423" said:

> I'm of the opinion that these business practices are highly immoral, and also just plain stupid. The polls on this site show 80-90% of people hate the RNG practices, so it would make sense to NOT upset the majority of your dedicated playerbase. I've boycotted games from companies like Activision and EA that use predatory gambling, and it looks like I'll be doing the same here from now on.


Don't take the vocal minority as a majority, ever. Right now that poll is full of people who's on a rampage about lootboxes and don't understand that Anet have done them a favor with this unique system. They could've put these mount skins in the black lion chests, but they put them in a separate system.


This RNG ticket system, unlike the lootbox system that it is being unfairly compared to, gives you the same chance to get a fire raptor as getting the raptor with only a different skin pattern. There is also no chance to get anything else than a new skin with these, so I don't get why people can't understand that this isn't like those damn lootboxes in other games. They even removed the chance of getting a duplicate so you don't sit there and cry about getting the same thing twice. Sure you might not have gotten the specific mount skin you wanted, but you got a new skin so what's the big deal?

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> @Moonlit.6421 said:

> > @Kalocin.5982 said:

> > People generally assume that players are just whining children but as far as I'm concerned, I'm an adult, I have my own life and bills to pay. If my local grocery store started spiking its price I'd go elsewhere. There's this weird odd disconnect for people when they associate "value" and digital goods. To say ignore it, is a very dangerous slope to go down, and horrible for the digital industry in general; heck it's why net neutrality is so huge right now.

> >


> Honestly I can say that I'm not a huge fan of the way mount skins were done, though I personally can also I say I don't find it a huge deal. To those who do and wish to voice it that's fine, but I get tired of people found it in such a bratty and childish way. You don't like something? Hey that's fine, but don't come on forums and scream "Anet should be ashamed" or "they're taking a page from Ubisoft and...". If you don't like it make a serious post, tell me why, and tell me why I should be on your side and why Anet should change. Don't make a post with the title in all caps and whine like a child who was just told they couldn't have something, it makes it really hard for me to agree with you. And I'm not talking about the op here but more the 4-5 other threads all talking about the new skins.




I guess for the most part it's an emotional response. People do really invest into gaming and especially the mmo genre and I'm sure you know I'm not taking about time or money here. Partly I think that's why there's something almost exploitative about certain newly emerging business practices in the gaming industry. People can treat these games as a life. That I find sad in it's own right but I'm sure noone wants to hear that and in actual fact I'm wrong it's all fine. Maybe a lot of Anets customers saw them as 'better than this' and as they're emotionally attached.....a lot of rage.


I'm sure lots of marketing people and businesses strategists will be looking at the big money in hypercasual mobile games of all types and gaming/spending cultures of other regions, ie Korea, and trying to make everyone fit into the same demographic. I think that is the primary mistake. Arpg's are cheaper to make, run and have potentially wider appeal (more ppl have mobiles than pc's). Maybe mmo's need to be sub based, niche markets to achieve maximum profit for the effort. But here's not really the place for a meaning discussion about such issues. Though I do find many facets of this very interesting. Particularly though how people don't fully recognize themselves as consumers but as 'gamers'.

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> @Moonlit.6421 said:

> > @Kalocin.5982 said:

> > People generally assume that players are just whining children but as far as I'm concerned, I'm an adult, I have my own life and bills to pay. If my local grocery store started spiking its price I'd go elsewhere. There's this weird odd disconnect for people when they associate "value" and digital goods. To say ignore it, is a very dangerous slope to go down, and horrible for the digital industry in general; heck it's why net neutrality is so huge right now.

> >


> Honestly I can say that I'm not a huge fan of the way mount skins were done, though I personally can also I say I don't find it a huge deal. To those who do and wish to voice it that's fine, but I get tired of people found it in such a bratty and childish way. You don't like something? Hey that's fine, but don't come on forums and scream "Anet should be ashamed" or "they're taking a page from Ubisoft and...". If you don't like it make a serious post, tell me why, and tell me why I should be on your side and why Anet should change. Don't make a post with the title in all caps and whine like a child who was just told they couldn't have something, it makes it really hard for me to agree with you. And I'm not talking about the op here but more the 4-5 other threads all talking about the new skins.




I do understand that it's hard to sympathize with those being incredibly vocal, but consider all the people you'll see being angry in retail, politics, or pretty much any sector of the world and it's a lot easier to see that people in general do this despite the source. Regardless, my main thought process is the general idea of respecting your customer, and it's quite less about "oh ubisoft", and there is a disconnect in the desire to dismiss the association of value.


For instance, previous purchases feel justified, player-base is good and what not. Now all that good will feels trampled on, and previous investments as a whole feel inherently less valuable as the game's reputation goes down. With that in mind, we can also consider people flipping out are now just angry customers who's product, computer, microwave, refrigerator etc. went faulty.


Anyhow, value, investment, and money is certainly a topic not to dismiss regardless of how childish they may seem, as they're paying for this game, and they're keeping yours and my game alive.

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> @Zedek.8932 said:

> > @finkle.9513 said:

> > There used to be a way to achieve most of the gem store items in game, or at least a version...

> >

> > I find myself playing less and less as when i login i see new items that look cool yet im not able to spend £30 on gems to get them, this becomes really off putting, and a little depressing and sad.. so i just dont login really :(


> Facebook sickness and/or envy - a bad combination.

> I see people driving around sports cars. I do not drive a sports car. Heck, I even take the bus (we have Mercedes Benz' though^^) because it's cheap and fast with the permanently full car parks in my city.. But that does not get me depressed. Neither that I am not earning 10.000€, or that I am not owning a house. Or that I am not Hercules.


> Heck, I won't even get the Griffon, but I am good with that, I have my bunny-kangaroo. But would I start to play less just because others have nifty things? Not at all. Do you go out less on the streets when you see people with expensive watches on their wrist or do you avoid public roads when a Lamborghini overtakes you at the street? With all the bling bling around, I appreciate more and more the average player look. Since I am wearing plain clothes in game as well. In Rata Sum I see people looking like a flashing christmas tree. Then I see an Asura Engineer that looks...like an Engineer. Or that Charr Warrior without gem store wings. Just a martial feline. Beautiful. Maybe you are one of the sane ones by looking normal instead of looking like a cockatoo? If you look at your character, and what she has done, do you really need those status symbols?


> The analogy of real life and video games is becoming closer and closer since both is melting into each other with artificial facebook friends you'll never meet and video game friends you also won't meet. People with the iPhone X, my uncle has one, think they are the most kitten on the block. We all laugh about such stupidity. Strip all the gem store bling bling and you will often see ill-mannered people covering insecurities or a condescending attitude. I am sure you can charm as person. S


With the car analogy, I want an 80s Lamborghini Countach and an Ectomobile (Ecto-1 or Ecto-1a... or 1b from the game would be fine... just not that 2016 movie one).

One reason of course I don't own one is the prices, but then as you said the parking, the registrations, the insurance, the worry of someone scrapping/hijacking/damaging/scratching the vehicle and so on... I rather have it in my brain. Less pain and suffering.

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> @Moonlit.6421 said:

> If the worst problem you have is that unrequired visual items are not easily available to you than I think you'll be fine lol. I don't see why everyone's throwing such a fit over this, you don't need these things to enjoy the game and plenty of f2p players have fun here with minimal stuff. Don't get me wrong I'm an altoholic with a passion for fashion but I recognize and accept there's cool items out there I may never get, but that doesn't mean there aren't a ton of cool items I can acquire. Make the most of it and have fun, if you can't do that then maybe you just need to take a break from this game and try out some others.


At what point did people start forgetting this is an MMORPG? Emphasis on RPG. If you want to create an immersive setting, a roleplay setting if you will, where you play as the mighty warrior, the wise and powerful elementalist, the stealthy thief, cosmetic options are key to that. Your armor, your mount, what sword you wield or magic you use is paramount to that experience. We've all had the experience when we beat the boss and said holy shit, look at this badass new sword that I got, that's what makes a game exciting, the sense of reward, and now that's being taken away because if I want a cool mount I can just pay $25 for it. Guild Wars 2 has always tried to stick with the notion of "play your way". I'm the goddamn commander and slayer of two dragons in my personal story, so why the hell would I have the same goddamn mount as every other common person in the game. My mount should be unique and special to ME, and now because I can't afford to buy $40 worth of mount skins you're telling me I just have to live with it? Well, screw you. Yes, I'll make a fit, yes this affects my gameplay experience and the experience of the player base as a whole, no I will not sit down and just take it.

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> @Preyar.6783 said:

> Sure you might not have gotten the specific mount skin you wanted, but you got a new skin so what's the big deal?


It doesn't matter if I got 1 random new skin of the 30 when there is only 1 there I really want.


There is a big fruit basket sold at the supermarket. It is even on sale.

It has grapes, oranges, bananas, strawberriers, cherries, grapefruits, apples and peaches. They don't sell any single fruits.

Will I buy the fruit bakest when I only eat strawberries? **Hell no.**

I'll go and find another supermarket that sells strawberries – or in this case: I don't buy anything since I have no other option.


"But you get something?!" Yes, I get something I don't want, which makes it worthless to me. That's not an argument.

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In the game, where everything is about look - im suprised, that we can't get it from playing. Just playing. Not crazy farming for gold, to buy gems, to buy it from tp... Like Naxian.9823 summed up: 0 skins from doing stuff in game. It would be awesome to have some dungeon related skins obtainable by some new achievements or something like that.

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> @SmirkDog.3160 said:

> > @Deihnyx.6318 said:

> > Question, do you call people who love trading card games stupid too for buying card packs with RNG?


> I'm amazed that no one has replied to _this_ one.


> As someone who does collect trading cards, I got tired of relying on RNG to get a certain card, so guess what I did. _I bought a single online._ For like the same price as a booster pack, I bought the exact card I wanted.



Agreed. If I open a pack of MtG cards and don't get a card I like or need for a deck, I can trade the rest, sell them, give them away. Not a legit comparison.

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