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Official Mount Adoption Feedback Thread [merged]

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> @Zeivu.3615 said:

> With each stink that is made about the skins, the more attention it brings to them. With each 'complaint' that is posted, all that does is bait people out there to buy them in spite towards you guys and ruins any relations the devs have with us by ignoring the community as a whole. If you want to 'win', don't buy them and flat-out ignore it. Dead horse is dead.


For 5 years people were talking how mounts are "dead horse" and boom, here they are :)


Complaining is always the way to get what you want. That's how GW2 has now mounts, raids and no esport :)

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I don't mind the 2000 gem cost, it seems a bit steep, but if it's a skin that I like, then I much prefer this fixed option rather than the stupid RNG option. If the Shiba skin (still the only skin I actually like, all the others look either barely any different, or completely hideous imo) had been available for 2000 gems I would have instantly brought it.


One thing that did confuse me a bit with the skin currently in the store (can't remember the name, 2000 gem raptor one), is the description said something like 'buy this to unlock this mount', the wording seems to suggest it's a new mount type rather than a skin, it doesn't even mention which mount the skin is for. I had to ask my guild to double check what it was.

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As they are 100% cosmetic the whole thread makes me facepalm..


For some funny reason, people seem to complain massively about this stuff but then buy smartphones, TVs, cars with a equally ridiculous profit margin without a blink of an eye. I never heard "Let's boykott Samsung, Apple or Lamborghini for this". It's premium. Don't buy it if you can not or do not want.


I actually like there is some premium stuff here and there where people with gold and/or money can buy themselves some nifty stuff; GW2 this is not socialism/communism after all where all players are forced to be equally poor.



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Tl;Dr - I won't suggest boycott to others. I won't buy THIS skin at 2000 gems. But will buy a pterodactyl Griffon.


Since I am earning decent at work, I can afford to spend $25 on this skin. But I choose not to, because I don't want this skin (not worth the money, didn't like it, never needed one etc). That's individual "boycott". I won't ask others to follow, because someone might like the peacock and be able to afford it too. OP is asking for everyone to boycott because (s)he can't afford it? I don't agree with that logic.


These transactions are what allows Anet to price the original PoF low (setting a low entry barrier to the game). So do not think low price of PoF automatically leads to low price of Gem Store. It's the other way around. Optimum pricing of consumption basis items (read: Gem store) allows Anet, to price PoF low and keep the LS4 free. And if this pricing strategy is indeed profitable for Anet, I am ok to have others buy the kitten peacock or that lava goat, so that I don't have to, still playing this beautiful beautiful game.


On the other hand, if you really wanted these skins but can not afford it, then Anet didn't make the skin for you. Harsh, but simple. Anet is a company with real bills to pay. They will price EVERYTHING at the optimum price they BELIEVE will make them the most money. I am not from/linked to Anet, but I can assure you they wouldn't have come up with a magic number of 2000 gems in their sleep. And again, it will NOT be as simple as - WoW is selling at this price, so let's too.


IF Anet is wrong in their calculations, and if they don't make enough profit off these, they will adjust their model and you will see future mounts with different pricing strategy. They are taking samples. That's why the first mount was for Firey Jackal, and Second was for bird like Raptor. Next might be a Pterodactyl Griffon (which I might buy for 2500 gems)

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> @Zedek.8932 said:

> I actually like there is some premium stuff here and there where people with gold and/or money can buy themselves some nifty stuff; GW2 this is not socialism/communism after all where all players are forced to be equally poor.


They are not offering any other mount skin that is not "premium" for direct purchase. That's the issue here.


If we had been given a lot of options, with a few skins earned in game, some being directly sold by 400 gems, some being sold by 800 gems and some being sold by 2000 gems, there would be a lot less complaining. Using your metaphor, it's as if our only options were to use a [Nokia brick phone](https://i.pinimg.com/236x/74/e5/2d/74e52d5e0451245c2f4d8ef2a2e7a6cd--time-capsule-the-s.jpg) or an iPhone 10, with nothing in between.



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I worry they're going to charge for an Aurene Skin for the griffon in some way. My hope is that they don't and create a collection line to acquire the cosmetic skin - without any gold sink. Arguably the gold sink was the worst part of acquiring the griffon - otherwise it was a very fun list of collections.

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honestly, i would sooner buy a 2000 gem individual mount than an RNG box any day, but i do feel that 2000 is overkill for a mount, something between 1000-1500 gems would be more appropriate... now, if there was an aurene skin for the griffon mount, id feel that would justify the 2000 cost and would snatch that up without a second thought, because aurene <3.

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> @Erasculio.2914 said:

> > @Zedek.8932 said:

> > I actually like there is some premium stuff here and there where people with gold and/or money can buy themselves some nifty stuff; GW2 this is not socialism/communism after all where all players are forced to be equally poor.


> They are not offering any other mount skin that is not "premium" for direct purchase. That's the issue here.


> If we had been given a lot of options, with a few skins earned in game, some being directly sold by 400 gems, some being sold by 800 gems and some being sold by 2000 gems, there would be a lot less complaining. Using your metaphor, it's as if our only options were to use a [Nokia brick phone](https://i.pinimg.com/236x/74/e5/2d/74e52d5e0451245c2f4d8ef2a2e7a6cd--time-capsule-the-s.jpg) or an iPhone 10, with nothing in between.




Seeing as I don't have a cellphone or a smartphone, I would be in the "I would just get none."

Which is what I've been doing with all mount skins after the Halloween ones.

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I agree, the prices are way too high for single skins, even if they are unique. Charging the equivalent of 25 dollars for a single skins, when you can buy the entire expac for 29.99 just doesn't make sense at all. For my part, I'll simply vote with my wallet. If I see reasonable prices and nice skins, I will buy them, but otherwise, I won't. If others do the same, that will send a message more loud than any forum post could.

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A boycott is an act of voluntary and intentional abstention from using, buying, or dealing with a person, organization, or country as an expression of protest

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boycott


So this means you would refuse to buy anything from Arenanet and use any of thier products (yip, that would include this forum). So it is unlikely that people who boycot's Arenanet will actually read this.


You are confusing boycot with buyers power to not buy. I would love to have a Tesla model X. But I simply will not pay that amount of money for it. That doesnt mean I am boycotting Tesla, just not doing any business. If enough people do this, they will lower their prices. But it is not something you can organise or happens out of protest or anything.

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> @Zedek.8932 said:

> I actually like there is some premium stuff here and there where people with gold and/or money can buy themselves some nifty stuff; GW2 this is not socialism/communism after all where all players are forced to be equally poor.


It's not about being rich or poor, it's about how much value you see in a purchase. If someone tries to sell me a City Golf at the price of a Ferrari, I'm going to raise an eyebrow regardless of whether I'm a millionaire or not. And I'm sure as hell not going to buy it just because someone is trying to shove the idea down my throat that it's somehow a 'premium' item just because it has a big price tag. Lol.


For some people, it's hard to justify 25 dollars for a mount when some games sell entire seasons passes or expansions for that price, with vastly superior quality or bang for their buck. For you to pass that off as them simply being poor is a very shallow way of looking at things.

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> @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

> A boycott is an act of voluntary and intentional abstention from using, buying, or dealing with a person, organization, or country as an expression of protest

> Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boycott


> So this means you would refuse to buy anything from Arenanet and use any of thier products (yip, that would include this forum). So it is unlikely that people who boycot's Arenanet will actually read this.


> You are confusing boycot with buyers power to not buy. I would love to have a Tesla model X. But I simply will not pay that amount of money for it. That doesnt mean I am boycotting Tesla, just not doing any business. If enough people do this, they will lower their prices. But it is not something you can organise or happens out of protest or anything.


Semantics are important in gw2 community :)

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> @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

> A boycott is an act of voluntary and intentional abstention from using, buying, or dealing with a person, organization, or country as an expression of protest

> Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boycott


> So this means you would refuse to buy anything from Arenanet and use any of thier products (yip, that would include this forum). So it is unlikely that people who boycot's Arenanet will actually read this.


> You are confusing boycot with buyers power to not buy. I would love to have a Tesla model X. But I simply will not pay that amount of money for it. That doesnt mean I am boycotting Tesla, just not doing any business. If enough people do this, they will lower their prices. But it is not something you can organise or happens out of protest or anything.


It's boycotting portions of the product, if not the entirety of it.

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> @Zedek.8932 said:

> As they are 100% cosmetic the whole thread makes me facepalm..


> For some funny reason, people seem to complain massively about this stuff but then buy smartphones, TVs, cars with a equally ridiculous profit margin without a blink of an eye. I never heard "Let's boykott Samsung, Apple or Lamborghini for this". It's premium. Don't buy it if you can not or do not want.


> I actually like there is some premium stuff here and there where people with gold and/or money can buy themselves some nifty stuff; GW2 this is not socialism/communism after all where all players are forced to be equally poor.


> Excelsior.


I do agree ( though this shouldn't be an excuse to put everything behind the gemstore even with the gold>gems exchange. It's a game afterall. ).


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I'm a poor guy and could barely afford the expansion. I was hoping to be able to get some nice mount skins through Achievements but that wasn't the case. Then I told myself I'll save some gold and buy Mounts during Wintersday (hoping that we'd get some nice frosty Mount Skins) but seeing how incredibly expensive single Mount Skins are and how ridiculous the Mount Skins gambling is I have little hope left.


Needless to say I'm not gonna buy a single Mount skin at this rate - ever.

(I was sure Mount skins would be 500gems for normal Mount skins and 800gems for those with special effects... but now 2000gems for one mountskin? That's almost as much as we paid to play with Mounts to begin with...)

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> @cNd.1096 said:

> You don't have to buy it if you think it costs too much, you know that?


Of course, issue is I want to buy them but refuse at the extremely high price as do many others.


For the price it's not worth a skin. While if the price was reasonable the 100 people that won't spend the money might then buy them increasing profits for anet and keeping players happy

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I bought the Spooky Mount set without hesitation because I knew exactly what I was spending money on, it was a complete set, and it was a fair price.


I refuse to buy the RNG mount skins, I don't gamble.


I also won't be spending the equivalent of $25 for a single mount skin... that almost the cost of the entire expansion!

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Some of you are being children. THEY'RE JUST MOUNT SKINS. It doesn't matter what the price is, its a luxury item. They even give you the means to buy it entirely through gold. And 500 gold is easily achievable. It's a niche item for people who really want it. You're not entitled to it. The higher price point only makes it more attractive and rare to those who want it.


Although I will say I think 1600 would have been a more optimised price. The commerce team underestimated how much the customer will be put off by the extra money they must pay for 2400 gems.

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> @MarkoNS.3261 said:

> the gem price is truly ridiculous on quite a few things in the gem store.


I agree. And imho there are just a few things really worth regarding reasonable price-performance ratio. Things that I bought in the past were more bank- and inventory slots, character slots, my missing LS3 episodes, the infinite copper salvage kit, a few shared space slots and one PoF-preparation bundle mainly because of the infinite gathering tools. I never bought a single skin or specially animated gathering tool or things like that, because they do not serve any other purpose than posing. But posing in GW2 is pretty hard due to open world and Mega Server and fast-paced gameplay and other mechanics.


Everything is about time-efficiency, doing things as fast as possible, staying focused, not talking much - and every specific goal like legys or upgrading the Guildhall further support this because they require an incredible amount of items aka time - which counteracts visual cosmetics like skins and their reception entirely. At least I have the feeling to waste my time stopping and viewing skins of other players, if they ever happen to stand somewhere longer and not raptor-jump out of view. There is not a single ingame-feedback on the different skins, so they actually have no meaning in the game world. I know I do not need them, but I also do not even feel motivated enough wanting them at all. There should be related cosmetic things in the game that I miss when I don't have this or that skin, like e.g. npc-reactions to different skin-sets, or to be allowed to enter special places, or to get further information from a faction-mate, and so on. Small things like that.


Currently it's up to us to create opportunities to decelerate game experience that concede enough time to actually give things like skins a meaning and the chance to be viewed more than a few shiny seconds while still having the feeling of being embedded in the game world doing something there. Like the walk/hike event on sunday, which probably is just a poor substitute but better than nothing.

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**25€ or 30$ for 1 skin**, you can hardly call that ‚microtransactions‘ anymore. That’s the same amount they charged entry level of expansion packs. Really not cool.


Oh and can we pls stop comparing to other publishers, who are way more stupid in exploiting their players anyway?!

For example: just because WoW is sucking their players dry, doesn’t mean that a) it’s ok and b) the fact that other publisher follow along this path, makes it a good practice in the first place.

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