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Official Mount Adoption Feedback Thread [merged]

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> @Phil.7369 said:

> Incredible patch today, **they listened to so many of our concerns and fixed them**, but this.... this RNG killed it. It's such a shame how it ruined this update which could have been all positive, but nope. I don't support RNG it's bad decision and it will drive people away just like WOW's RNG systems did to their playerbase, which you can read all over their forums.



Are you actually aware that there's been an extremely annoying and critical bug in which the camera freezes upon using a mount? It doesn't happen to everyone, but does happen to several players for sure. The camera doesn't move when you move with your mount. It takes its sweet time to properly load the mount model and teleport the camera to your location. Until that happens you must rely on the minimap to move around or go by foot. So here's what they did today. Apart from the disgusting way they presented the new mount skins to the community, oh yes you guessed correctly. They released new mount skins but did NOT fix that bug. Pay for skins but hey, sorry you can't use your mount properly!

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> Btw it's like the spooky bundle.

> 9600 gems for 30 skins

> 400 gem for 1 skin


> 10k gems for all 31 skins.


> 322 gems per skin.


> Spooky bundle was 320 x skin.


> Everything is fair.


Except at least with the Spooky mounts we knew exactly what we were getting -- the spooky skins, one for each mount. With the new lootbox, you have absolutely no idea which randomized skin you're going to get. You could get all of the skimmer/springer skins and none of the raptor/griffon/jackal ones or vice versa, and the skin you get might not even be one that you want. At least with the spooky mount bundle we (assumingly) got what we (theoretically) wanted when buying them.





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> @Ryan.9387 said:

> I'm not going to type an essay about this.


> You are putting items into the gem store for $120 now. That is disgraceful and insulting to your player base. You should be ashamed.


30 items for US$120, not one item.

(Doesn't mean you have to like it or support it, but let's try not to exaggerate.)

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> @SkyShroud.2865 said:

> It is a interesting bundle, 400 gems for a single gem item while 320 (total 9600) for 30 skin.


> It isn't p2w so I don't care.


Except that it is 400 Gems for a _gamble_ or 9600 to _avoid the gamble_.


It is underhanded and dirty.


Had you been able to directly buy the skin you want for 400 Gems instead, the forums wouldn't be overflowing with hatred towards Anet like they currently are.

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> @Oglaf.1074 said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > @Oglaf.1074 said:

> > > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > > > @felincyriac.5981 said:

> > > > > Places are also getting cluttered with obnoxiously colored mounts, hope there is a "default mount skins" setting on the way.

> > > >

> > > > Just like there's one for gliders.

> > > > Oh wait... still waiting on that kitten option.

> > >

> > > Max-sized Norns using the Raven glider skin ftw!

> > >

> >

> > I remember looking through glider skins and seeing one where poor chickens are trying to fly while their broken legs are holding the player up.

> > Can only imagine max size/buffed male norns with them would look/feel.


> Oh the Raven is so obnoxiously huge that I pretty much cannot use it on my Norn - it obscures literally everything.


> I can imagine me using it would annoy the heck out of nearby players as well.


It's always big norns and charrs for me.

The worst ones would be Geomancer Glider, Raven Spirit Glider, Shattered Bloodstone Glider, Necrotic Glider, Infinitarium Glider, Spectral Glider, Bubble Glider , Phoenix Glider, and at times the Super Cloud Glider.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @Oglaf.1074 said:

> > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > > @Oglaf.1074 said:

> > > > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > > > > @felincyriac.5981 said:

> > > > > > Places are also getting cluttered with obnoxiously colored mounts, hope there is a "default mount skins" setting on the way.

> > > > >

> > > > > Just like there's one for gliders.

> > > > > Oh wait... still waiting on that kitten option.

> > > >

> > > > Max-sized Norns using the Raven glider skin ftw!

> > > >

> > >

> > > I remember looking through glider skins and seeing one where poor chickens are trying to fly while their broken legs are holding the player up.

> > > Can only imagine max size/buffed male norns with them would look/feel.

> >

> > Oh the Raven is so obnoxiously huge that I pretty much cannot use it on my Norn - it obscures literally everything.

> >

> > I can imagine me using it would annoy the heck out of nearby players as well.


> Raven Spirit Glider


That's the one. Literally covers the entire screen, doesn't it? Heh.



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Dear Arena Net.

I understand that I am just one among many, but hopefully there will be enough of us making similar complaints for it to start mattering. I don't expect a reply to the topic, I simply wish to make my opinion heard as a loyal customer and a long time Guild Wars player.



I've always fully supported the game, its monetisation and pretty much everything you folks at Arena Net did. I didn't mind the XP boosters, nor the RNG of many of the game's aspects because they were handled well. I've fully enjoyed everything so far, and have pushed the game to all of my friends until they all joined me online. I was quite happy to spend extra cash in the game store, and often converted my gems to ingame gold.

I say all of that so you know that I don't have a problem with paying money for something I enjoy.


I would like to say that I do have a huge problem with your implementation of the Mount Adoption Licence. While some of the skins are indeed very lovely and would be happy to pay the 400gems per skin I enjoy (and that's coming from a country with poor economy where 5€ actually buys things), I refuse to spend money on this horrible gambling scheme. It is a scam, nothing more, when you expect people to simply shell out 100€ or so if they want the 100% chance to get their skin of choice for their mount, and even that in a limited 7 day offer.


I was genuinely happy to see new skins, and was waiting for the whole day to log in and buy them, but after seeing this scam, I don't feel the desire to even remotely touch the game for quite some time. I feel not only cheated but somehow also personally offended, to see this sort of a horrid scam in a game that I've so fanatically supported and advertised, in a great measure for its excellent, and outstandingly fair monetisation practices.



I do understand that I am one customer among many, but I simply must add my voice to what I'm sure will soon be many, voicing similar opinions, and perhaps this can be one mistake that will soon just be a distant unpleasant memory, and not the future for this game.


To any players who may be reading this post, I simply ask you to respect my need to speak my mind and do not feel in any way personally offended by anything I've written here. I understand that forums can sometimes breed the worst in us, and I wish this topic does not turn into something ugly.


Thank you all for your attention. Feel free to speak your mind, but please be civil about it.

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> @Jordan.5930 said:

> > @Moonlit.6421 said:

> > If the worst problem you have is that unrequired visual items are not easily available to you than I think you'll be fine lol. I don't see why everyone's throwing such a fit over this, you don't need these things to enjoy the game and plenty of f2p players have fun here with minimal stuff. Don't get me wrong I'm an altoholic with a passion for fashion but I recognize and accept there's cool items out there I may never get, but that doesn't mean there aren't a ton of cool items I can acquire. Make the most of it and have fun, if you can't do that then maybe you just need to take a break from this game and try out some others.


> At what point did people start forgetting this is an MMORPG? Emphasis on RPG. If you want to create an immersive setting, a roleplay setting if you will, where you play as the mighty warrior, the wise and powerful elementalist, the stealthy thief, cosmetic options are key to that. Your armor, your mount, what sword you wield or magic you use is paramount to that experience. We've all had the experience when we beat the boss and say holy kitten, look at this kitten new sword that I got, that's what makes a game exciting, the sense of reward, and now that's being taken away because if I want a cool mount I can just pay $25 for it. Guild Wars 2 has always tried to stick with the notion of "play your way". I'm the kitten commander and slayer of two dragons in my personal story, so why the hell would I have the same kitten mount as every other common person in the game. My mount should be unique and special to ME, and now because I can't afford to buy $40 worth of mount skins you're telling me I just have to live with it? Well, screw you. Yes, I'll make a fit, yes this affects my gameplay experience and the experience of the player base as a whole, no I will not sit down and just take it.


This point. The immersion, the fact that the people with the really fancy mounts or griphons have done a lot of story, farming, etc, to get there... While it's cool that the mounts are cool, the grind to get the mounts needs to be a lot more intense.

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I might be missing something here, but it seems to me like we all knew this was coming. The moment they announced there would be mounts not a single person doubted this would be Anets new gem store cash cow. Is everyone just mad that they're being so blatant about it? These are skins. They serve no purpose. Just like all the outfits and black lion weapon skins and glider skins people have been dropping money for since launch.

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> @Squee.7829 said:

> Is everyone just mad that they're being so blatant about it?


People are not mad about the skins being premium content, no.


People are mad because they were implemented as a form of gambling.


Had you been able to pay 400 Gems for each skin - knowing full well which skin you are getting - it would be business as usual.



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This is not a glider or a piece of armor, these are character models that are also part of a new game system, and mount skins have probably taken more work than anything we've seen in the gemstore before, or at the very least as much work as any outfit and the system behind it.


That having been said, gambling is dishonest, and should not be an option any company with any amount of integrity.


I would gladly pay a handsome fee for a mount I want, the $20.00 mount they've added for example, while not my style, is more than worth that price for the amount of work that has been put into it. And I'd pay a reasonable fee for any of the others as well.


But I won't spend as much as a penny on gambling; as I am not stupid, depraved, or prone to addiction.


You're not getting a dime ANet until we have an HONEST means to purchase your goods.

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I'm glad to see I'm far from the only one who thinks these new (really awesome) mount skins are overpriced. I really hope Anet sees that this is just crossing the line of acceptable payment for skins. I'm getting the feeling the game is heading towards a moneysucking well, instead of staying an awesome epic mmorpg...

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> @Flarre.4850 said:

> People become so mad for a non mandatory nor game breaking mount skins?

> Omg from someone coming from black desert it s really funny...


Maybe try reading stuff next time?


Nobody is complaining about the skins themselves, but the gambling method of acquiring them.

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