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Official Mount Adoption Feedback Thread [merged]

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> @ReaverKane.7598 said:

> > @kharmin.7683 said:

> > > @YoukiNeko.6047 said:

> > > Yeah same, both me and my GF both the ultimate and have the previous ultimate editions.

> > > But the RNG mount skins are really pushing us in the direction of leaving the game for good.

> >

> > Nothing personal, but I wonder at such a strong reaction to something that isn't required to play the game.


> If you'd read my post, you'd have seen it's not the mounts... It's that there's a systematic encroachment of "gambling" mechanics in the game.

> I mean they could have slowly released the mounts 5 at a time over the next 6 weeks for 400 gems each, and people would be buying them, especially if they stacked the "aura" mounts to the end of the release plan. Now a lot of people (me included) won't touch them at all, and a lot of people (me included) are less inclined to buy gems, or even play the game.


> Also it's not just the RMG but also the price on that Forged Hound thing... 2000 gems? That's more expensive than the WHOLE expansion, not to mention as expensive as the previous 5 pack.

> They could have easily learned from games like LoL and have tiered skins 400 for "common" skins (The ones without particle effects), 800 for "elite" sins (the particle effect ones), and 1200 for Legendary skins (Like the hound). But 2000 Gems?


> They were greedy with the mounts. And yes, as a person that bought Ultimate, having them release 30 mounts so soon after release tells me that the whole "not sure about mount skins yet" talk that was going on at release was kitten and an excuse not to do what they did with HoT and give a special skin for buyers.



Yeah your right m8, this is bad practice and I couldn't word it better myself

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I am just disappointed that 90% os these skins are ugly af and are just cheap recolours of basic models. why would you sell something like that as a skin?

If they made beautiful skins like they sometimes did with gliders... Gliders can be so different! Dragon wings, butterfly wings, ravens, ghosts, golems, meteors... So many cool stuff. Yet we got 30 recolours which is sad (and maybe 2 new jackal models that are really different skins)... I hate it when they make recolours and add 1 tiny detail and call it a "skin".

It's not a skin. It's a new dye :disappointed: ...

Is that why our basic mounts have NO real dye channels? So you can sell them? :disappointed:

And theyre also rng? Really? I will never gamble because my luck is shit.


Alsp what's up with these prices?

First 2000 gems for 5 mount "skins" (reskins really").

Now 2000 gems for one skin and 400 each on rng reskins?

What is going on? O.o

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> @Preyar.6783 said:

> Don't take the vocal minority as a majority, ever. Right now that poll is full of people who's on a rampage about lootboxes and don't understand that Anet have done them a favor with this unique system.


So unmitigated greed is a "favor" now. How lovely.


An actual "favor" would be adding skins that can actually be earned by _playing the game_, preferably by doing something related to the skin in question, which would have the added benefit of actually adding some meaning to the things and tying them into the world. Another obvious way to show "favor" woud be to put them in birthday presents.


If we move beyond "favor" to "ethical business practice", the obvious decision would be to make them directly purchasable, like glider skins and outfits. Also add some to the expensive PoF editions, like HoT with its glider skin.


There is nothing even remotely "favorable" about gambling, ever. It's specifically designed to be exploitative, and people need to stop making excuses for this garbage.

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> @DakotaCoty.5721 said:

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/246938


> I already made a thread here, please don't spam the forums with countless threads - it'll make our cause harder to be recognised if we act like apes.


While i get where you're coming from with this, Anet tends to listen more when they are forced to look at multiple threads they are then forced to merge because then they can't feign somehow missing it on the forums.

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> @PookieDaWombat.6209 said:

> > @DakotaCoty.5721 said:

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/246938

> >

> > I already made a thread here, please don't spam the forums with countless threads - it'll make our cause harder to be recognised if we act like apes.


> While i get where you're coming from with this, Anet tends to listen more when they are forced to look at multiple threads they are then forced to merge because then they can't feign somehow missing it on the forums.


That and his post made it seem like mounts were the first iteration of gambling in GW2, i wanted to point out the escalation. Because that's the worrisome part.

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> @Oglaf.1074 said:

> > @Squee.7829 said:

> > Is everyone just mad that they're being so blatant about it?


> People are not mad about the skins being premium content, no.


> People are mad because they were implemented as a form of gambling.


> Had you been able to pay 400 Gems for each skin - knowing full well which skin you are getting - it would be business as usual.

Yeah, that. I'd seriously consider buying 2k gems for a new skin of my choice for all five mounts, but screw this RNG garbage

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Anet, I've been playing your game for nearly four years now. I've dumped hundreds of dollars into the gemstore, and been happy to do so. But I am **NOT** about to spend 2000 gems on a single mount skin, and the RNG based mount skin system is coming _dangerously_ close to the lootbox plague the likes of EA, WarnerBros and Activision are trying to spread.


Sincerely, get over yourselves.

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I've been in conversations a few times lately with my guildies and friends about the lootbox garbage Activision and EA have been getting up to lately. Never thought for a moment it would come to GW2...and I have never been more disappointed with Anet. They won't get my money for these...and they could have got plenty if it wasn't random.

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I got a bad feeling about this during the first PoF demo weekend, when I stepped in the Oasis and found the Casino and all the gambling stuff.


This new ANet's system is not going to work with me. I will happily support them financially, as I have done time and time again, but only when I know what *exactly* I will be buying with my money. Not a cent before that.

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We are all paying players. I think we're entitled to good items because we've paid money into this game. We should get mount skins for free , but if Anet is going to step into Asian MMO luck of the draw content, they should just go full throttle. Bring out 2,000 Gem swords with x2 damage, or 400 Gem tickets that give a 0.5% chance at x4 damage weapons. Just like peeling off a bandaid, do it fast or it'll hurt. When I was an addict, I was forced to go cold turkey or I might not be alive today. If Anet does this RNG content too slowly, the players will be feeling the pain longer.

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> @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

> You guys are talking about a group of people who tried to sneak in privateer weapons and then was like "ohjhh, oh no we're not doing it like this, this is a one time thing to show you something special!".


> Until I see internal memos detailing that in writing before they released it, I will not believe it was anything but backpedaling and saving face after being caught.


> Are you guys legitimate like unawares that this is standard procedure? Don't be naiive.


> Also Anet has done nothing wrong here. Truly we are to blame for showing them, by the numbers, that we love gambling.




Please tell me about the privateer weapons as I don't even know what those are, lol.

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There was only enough time in the 2 years they worked on the expansion to make 5 mount skins. Lucky for us they were able to make 36 new ones within 2 months. Want them? Pay an extra 170$. (120$ for mount set, 30 new skins, and 25$ for 5 skins, and 25$ for 1 skin) Let's also realize that mount skins are even easier than outfits to make for the devs.


Expansion costs 30$ and you get 5, so I guess it's a good deal....\(^_^)/

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Here are some Contact info you should put in your OP


Arenanet HQ 425.462.9444 US Number


NCSOFT HQ +82-2-2186-3300




Here you can find all the numbers and email for all there offices


We have lost enough Games to the new Lootbox Trend, I don't want to loose GW as well. Call em and voice your concerns


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I think we all agree that some amazing mount skins have been added to Guild Wars 2. But to many the way to obtain them has been disappointing. However, as I already posted on one of the mount discussion threads: I think there may be just a simple solution for it.


**Just make the skins tradable.** This will solve everything. Then players can and will still gamble with gems all they want, and sell the skins they don't need for gold.


All other players can get the new mount skins from the trading post using gold against current market prices. (Supply/demand) Popular mount skins will likely be expensive, less popular ones more affordable.


Players who want to cherrypick mount skins for gems, can then just exchange gems for gold and buy the mounts from TP.


And ANet gets taxes on all currency exchanges and revenue with the gem sales.


Everyone happy?

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