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Official Mount Adoption Feedback Thread [merged]

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I am here, along with others, to say that I totally agree with the OP.


I have 2 accounts. Both of those accounts have HoT and PoF. I have spent a lot of money on Gems. I have always highly recommended this game to anyone who asked. I have always told people what an amazing game this is with awesome support and how Anet actually listens to their community. I am really hoping that this is one of those times that you really listen to your community.


I don't mind the price, I would actually be willing to pay a little more, if you get rid of the rng aspect.


My money is hard earned, very hard earned, and I am not willing to spend it and stand a chance of not getting what I want, or that I may get something that I really do not want. Basically, I do not gamble. When I pay my hard earned dollars I know what I am getting not what I may or may not get.


Remove the rng aspect of this and I will be more than happy to buy a few of those very nice skins. Leave the rng aspect and you will not be getting a dime from me for those skins. I will also be very sadly disappointed in a company that up until now I have had nothing but respect and good things to say.



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> @PookieDaWombat.6209 said:

> > @Swagger.1459 said:

> > > @Ashantara.8731 said:

> > > > @Swagger.1459 said:

> > > > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > > > What price? Because one person can buy 400 gems and get the one skin they want or the other may be required to buy 9600 gems to get the same skin.

> > > > >

> > > > > These mounts don't have single price, so you can;t tell they are worth their price.

> > > >

> > > > All the skins are AWESOME!!! Don’t worry about gems, just buy them and enjoy!!!

> > >

> > > Did ANet pay you to make this statement? Seriously, there are people for whom 120 EUR is a lot of cash. Most people, actually. It's a total rip-off.

> >

> > No, Anet didn’t pay me. So silly of you to think that.

> >

> > The skins are optional, and do not have any impact on gameplay, so let’s not be all mean to Anet over this.

> >


> you must be new here.


> No, while the skins are optional, yes, you have two separate issues here.


> First, and most insidious is the deliberate preying on individuals with addiction issues that will end up spending the money to get all of the skins via compulsion, even if they shouldn't be spending that money. I'm sure you could look up the correlation between addictive personalities/behaviors and MMOs. This is predatory behavior on Anet's part and it just doesn't look good on them.


> Secondly though, and probably the easier thing to understand here is this:

> If Anet simply offered each skin at say 400 gems a pop and maybe the new one at 800 gems and these people on the forum and elsewhere all eventually bought the (lets say for arguments sake 10) ten skins they most wanted and even the new one (cuz its cool) that's roughly 4800 gems for lets assume here 50 people each. Thats 240000 gems, or roughly 3000 dollars american. Now, this is just a small sample, but I'm willing to wager this number is WAY higher in reality. We're talking serious money. The problem here is they have made it an RNG system which has left such a bad taste in these 50 people's mouths making them opt to not get any skins. For those keeping up, that amounts to ZERO dollars american. Now, from a business perspective I'd rather we get the first number and not the second, but apparently anet thinks their whales will float them on this one, so let them have at.


> I'm sure their quarterly numbers will tell all. And it won't look good.


Then exchange in-game gold and get these items for FREE maybe?

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> @Swagger.1459 said:

> > @Natto.5819 said:

> > > @Swagger.1459 said:

> > > We are not entitled to anything for FREE, but we do get a ton of FREE updates to the game. You want optional cosmetic items that have zero impact on gameplay? Buy them. Don't know where you are drawing the parallel of vanity items to "p2w" items. Sad.

> >

> > I guess you never played an Asian MMO or even a mobile game. It's a natural progression from mount skin RNG loot crate cash grab to full P2W RNG loot crate cash grab. This is where it feels like we're headed.

> >

> > Think of it this way, how much did you pay for your PoF expansion? Now how much will getting all mount skins cost?


> You pay ZERO in monthly access fees for this game. ZERO. You can get every item off the gemstore for FREE.


> Tell me more about these Asian mmos that give free monthly access and a path to every item on their item store for free?


Time spent farming for gold to buy Gems isn't FREE. My Time is a Cost.

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> @Natto.5819 said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > @Natto.5819 said:

> > > We are all paying players. I think we're entitled to good items because we've paid money into this game. We should get mount skins for free , but if Anet is going to step into Asian MMO luck of the draw content, they should just go full throttle. Bring out 2,000 Gem swords with x2 damage, or 400 Gem tickets that give a 0.5% chance at x4 damage weapons. Just like peeling off a bandaid, do it fast or it'll hurt. When I was an addict, I was forced to go cold turkey or I might not be alive today. If Anet does this RNG content too slowly, the players will be feeling the pain longer.

> >

> > I don't know... when I used to wear bandaids, I used to wear them until they just slowly came off.


> You mean when it would get all black and rot away because you just left it on? That's not a good analogy for this game.


IF people are truly not just vocal and speaking with their wallet and deciding not to fund anything on the gem store anymore and even taking a break from the game and going elsewhere?

I think the "black until it rots away" could be the perfect analogy.


I'm not one of those people though, as I'm still bloody waiting for my damn Jungle Explorer Outfit.



But so help me Grenth if they somehow made a RNG outfit item or something that I have to spend 400 gems to RNG to get that outfit when every other outfit that they made so far I don't like at all (except partially the Pirate Outfit), then I'm completely out.

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> @Vadeil.3924 said:

> 1. no new masteries

> 2. no repeats

> 3. no repeats and all are dye able even the effects if they have them.

> 4. nope, i got a good mixture the first few i opened.


Where'd you get the info on no repeats? I definitely missed something. That being said, no repeats makes it...not as bad. I still disagree with the practice, but it does quell my anger a bit. There's a cap, and that's a good thing.

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> @Natto.5819 said:

> > @Swagger.1459 said:

> > > @Natto.5819 said:

> > > > @Swagger.1459 said:

> > > > We are not entitled to anything for FREE, but we do get a ton of FREE updates to the game. You want optional cosmetic items that have zero impact on gameplay? Buy them. Don't know where you are drawing the parallel of vanity items to "p2w" items. Sad.

> > >

> > > I guess you never played an Asian MMO or even a mobile game. It's a natural progression from mount skin RNG loot crate cash grab to full P2W RNG loot crate cash grab. This is where it feels like we're headed.

> > >

> > > Think of it this way, how much did you pay for your PoF expansion? Now how much will getting all mount skins cost?

> >

> > You pay ZERO in monthly access fees for this game. ZERO. You can get every item off the gemstore for FREE.

> >

> > Tell me more about these Asian mmos that give free monthly access and a path to every item on their item store for free?


> Time spent farming for gold to buy Gems isn't FREE. My Time is a Cost.


That's a pretty weak argument. So would you like every item in-game handed to you for free so anet values your time more?

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:


> But so help me Grenth if they somehow made a RNG outfit item or something that I have to spend 400 gems to RNG to get that outfit when every other outfit that they made so far I don't like at all (except partially the Pirate Outfit), then I'm completely out.


That last part is a great idea! RNG Loot Crate for Town Clothes! What better way to dress up your role play character than random recolored starter armor?

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> @Disig.7169 said:

> > @Vadeil.3924 said:

> > 1. no new masteries

> > 2. no repeats

> > 3. no repeats and all are dye able even the effects if they have them.

> > 4. nope, i got a good mixture the first few i opened.


> Where'd you get the info on no repeats? I definitely missed something. That being said, no repeats makes it...not as bad. I still disagree with the practice, but it does quell my anger a bit. There's a cap, and that's a good thing.


i think official word was a tweet on twitter.


And i bought them all, i did not get any repeats.

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What would happen is all the skins you didn't want will not be worth the cost to buy it. You will not be able to break even. Just like the steam marketplace, the 1% will sculpt it so the average player will not want to buy rng packs because it won't be worth it unless you buy bulk.

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> @Swagger.1459 said:

> > @PookieDaWombat.6209 said:

> > > @Swagger.1459 said:

> > > > @Ashantara.8731 said:

> > > > > @Swagger.1459 said:

> > > > > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > > > > What price? Because one person can buy 400 gems and get the one skin they want or the other may be required to buy 9600 gems to get the same skin.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > These mounts don't have single price, so you can;t tell they are worth their price.

> > > > >

> > > > > All the skins are AWESOME!!! Don’t worry about gems, just buy them and enjoy!!!

> > > >

> > > > Did ANet pay you to make this statement? Seriously, there are people for whom 120 EUR is a lot of cash. Most people, actually. It's a total rip-off.

> > >

> > > No, Anet didn’t pay me. So silly of you to think that.

> > >

> > > The skins are optional, and do not have any impact on gameplay, so let’s not be all mean to Anet over this.

> > >

> >

> > you must be new here.

> >

> > No, while the skins are optional, yes, you have two separate issues here.

> >

> > First, and most insidious is the deliberate preying on individuals with addiction issues that will end up spending the money to get all of the skins via compulsion, even if they shouldn't be spending that money. I'm sure you could look up the correlation between addictive personalities/behaviors and MMOs. This is predatory behavior on Anet's part and it just doesn't look good on them.

> >

> > Secondly though, and probably the easier thing to understand here is this:

> > If Anet simply offered each skin at say 400 gems a pop and maybe the new one at 800 gems and these people on the forum and elsewhere all eventually bought the (lets say for arguments sake 10) ten skins they most wanted and even the new one (cuz its cool) that's roughly 4800 gems for lets assume here 50 people each. Thats 240000 gems, or roughly 3000 dollars american. Now, this is just a small sample, but I'm willing to wager this number is WAY higher in reality. We're talking serious money. The problem here is they have made it an RNG system which has left such a bad taste in these 50 people's mouths making them opt to not get any skins. For those keeping up, that amounts to ZERO dollars american. Now, from a business perspective I'd rather we get the first number and not the second, but apparently anet thinks their whales will float them on this one, so let them have at.

> >

> > I'm sure their quarterly numbers will tell all. And it won't look good.


> Then exchange in-game gold and get these items for FREE maybe?


Do you have goddamn idea how long it would take to get that kind of gold in game? Not even remotely a valid excuse.

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> @Disig.7169 said:

> > @Preyar.6783 said:

> > 1: You do a long "quest" with collections and everything after you have done the PoF story to gain it. It then unlocks masteries too. You can get skins for it without having it unlocked so beware of that.

> >

> > 2: No

> >

> > 3: No repeats

> >

> > 4: No, else Anet would have told so


> 1: not talking about the Griffon mount. Talking about the 2000 gem mount in the gem store.

> 2&3: where'd you find that info?

> 4: I'm really not so sure about that.


Oh, the 2000 gem skin dosn't give any new masteries, it is however a quite unique model + it has unique animations and sound effects. Other stuff is correct, as said by the other player. Otherwise Anet would have sorted them under "Uncommon", "Rare" and "Super Rare" like with Black Lion Chests.


I got 2 "Uncommon" skins, 2 "Rare" skins and 2 "Super Rare" skins from 6 licenses. (Rarity is based on their looks and effects)

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> @Vadeil.3924 said:

> > @Disig.7169 said:

> > > @Vadeil.3924 said:

> > > 1. no new masteries

> > > 2. no repeats

> > > 3. no repeats and all are dye able even the effects if they have them.

> > > 4. nope, i got a good mixture the first few i opened.

> >

> > Where'd you get the info on no repeats? I definitely missed something. That being said, no repeats makes it...not as bad. I still disagree with the practice, but it does quell my anger a bit. There's a cap, and that's a good thing.


> i think official word was a tweet on twitter.


> And i bought them all, i did not get any repeats.


Ah, that explains why I didn't see it. TY.

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> @Natto.5819 said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:


> > But so help me Grenth if they somehow made a RNG outfit item or something that I have to spend 400 gems to RNG to get that outfit when every other outfit that they made so far I don't like at all (except partially the Pirate Outfit), then I'm completely out.


> That last part is a great idea! RNG Loot Crate for Town Clothes! What better way to dress up your role play character than random recolored starter armor?


If I have to RNG to get this:

![](https://i.imgur.com/twcvmC6.png "")


I will rage as well. As I wanted this outfit for a long while too.

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> @Swagger.1459 said:

> > @PookieDaWombat.6209 said:

> > > @Swagger.1459 said:

> > > > @Ashantara.8731 said:

> > > > > @Swagger.1459 said:

> > > > > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > > > > What price? Because one person can buy 400 gems and get the one skin they want or the other may be required to buy 9600 gems to get the same skin.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > These mounts don't have single price, so you can;t tell they are worth their price.

> > > > >

> > > > > All the skins are AWESOME!!! Don’t worry about gems, just buy them and enjoy!!!

> > > >

> > > > Did ANet pay you to make this statement? Seriously, there are people for whom 120 EUR is a lot of cash. Most people, actually. It's a total rip-off.

> > >

> > > No, Anet didn’t pay me. So silly of you to think that.

> > >

> > > The skins are optional, and do not have any impact on gameplay, so let’s not be all mean to Anet over this.

> > >

> >

> > you must be new here.

> >

> > No, while the skins are optional, yes, you have two separate issues here.

> >

> > First, and most insidious is the deliberate preying on individuals with addiction issues that will end up spending the money to get all of the skins via compulsion, even if they shouldn't be spending that money. I'm sure you could look up the correlation between addictive personalities/behaviors and MMOs. This is predatory behavior on Anet's part and it just doesn't look good on them.

> >

> > Secondly though, and probably the easier thing to understand here is this:

> > If Anet simply offered each skin at say 400 gems a pop and maybe the new one at 800 gems and these people on the forum and elsewhere all eventually bought the (lets say for arguments sake 10) ten skins they most wanted and even the new one (cuz its cool) that's roughly 4800 gems for lets assume here 50 people each. Thats 240000 gems, or roughly 3000 dollars american. Now, this is just a small sample, but I'm willing to wager this number is WAY higher in reality. We're talking serious money. The problem here is they have made it an RNG system which has left such a bad taste in these 50 people's mouths making them opt to not get any skins. For those keeping up, that amounts to ZERO dollars american. Now, from a business perspective I'd rather we get the first number and not the second, but apparently anet thinks their whales will float them on this one, so let them have at.

> >

> > I'm sure their quarterly numbers will tell all. And it won't look good.


> Then exchange in-game gold and get these items for FREE maybe?


time is money

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> @Disig.7169 said:

> > @Swagger.1459 said:

> > > @PookieDaWombat.6209 said:

> > > > @Swagger.1459 said:

> > > > > @Ashantara.8731 said:

> > > > > > @Swagger.1459 said:

> > > > > > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > > > > > What price? Because one person can buy 400 gems and get the one skin they want or the other may be required to buy 9600 gems to get the same skin.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > These mounts don't have single price, so you can;t tell they are worth their price.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > All the skins are AWESOME!!! Don’t worry about gems, just buy them and enjoy!!!

> > > > >

> > > > > Did ANet pay you to make this statement? Seriously, there are people for whom 120 EUR is a lot of cash. Most people, actually. It's a total rip-off.

> > > >

> > > > No, Anet didn’t pay me. So silly of you to think that.

> > > >

> > > > The skins are optional, and do not have any impact on gameplay, so let’s not be all mean to Anet over this.

> > > >

> > >

> > > you must be new here.

> > >

> > > No, while the skins are optional, yes, you have two separate issues here.

> > >

> > > First, and most insidious is the deliberate preying on individuals with addiction issues that will end up spending the money to get all of the skins via compulsion, even if they shouldn't be spending that money. I'm sure you could look up the correlation between addictive personalities/behaviors and MMOs. This is predatory behavior on Anet's part and it just doesn't look good on them.

> > >

> > > Secondly though, and probably the easier thing to understand here is this:

> > > If Anet simply offered each skin at say 400 gems a pop and maybe the new one at 800 gems and these people on the forum and elsewhere all eventually bought the (lets say for arguments sake 10) ten skins they most wanted and even the new one (cuz its cool) that's roughly 4800 gems for lets assume here 50 people each. Thats 240000 gems, or roughly 3000 dollars american. Now, this is just a small sample, but I'm willing to wager this number is WAY higher in reality. We're talking serious money. The problem here is they have made it an RNG system which has left such a bad taste in these 50 people's mouths making them opt to not get any skins. For those keeping up, that amounts to ZERO dollars american. Now, from a business perspective I'd rather we get the first number and not the second, but apparently anet thinks their whales will float them on this one, so let them have at.

> > >

> > > I'm sure their quarterly numbers will tell all. And it won't look good.

> >

> > Then exchange in-game gold and get these items for FREE maybe?


> Do you have kitten idea how long it would take to get that kind of gold in game? Not even remotely a valid excuse.


Do players have to have them instantly? No... Just enjoy the journey and the rewards become that much sweeter!

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> @Gazelle.3128 said:

> What would happen is all the skins you didn't want will not be worth the cost to buy it. You will not be able to break even. Just like the steam marketplace, the 1% will sculpt it so the average player will not want to buy rng packs because it won't be worth it unless you buy bulk.


That's any different than the dyes in the gem store?

The gamblers buy, they get junk, they sell junk in the shops, they go back and gamble, they hope they get a better skin to sell in the shops.


While I buy off all the copper skins.

Sounds like the already set-up...setup.


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> @Disig.7169 said:

> > @Preyar.6783 said:

> > 1: You do a long "quest" with collections and everything after you have done the PoF story to gain it. It then unlocks masteries too. You can get skins for it without having it unlocked so beware of that.

> >

> > 2: No

> >

> > 3: No repeats

> >

> > 4: No, else Anet would have told so


> 1: not talking about the Griffon mount. Talking about the 2000 gem mount in the gem store.

> 2&3: where'd you find that info?

> 4: I'm really not so sure about that.


> @TheRandomGuy.7246 said:

> 2k gems thingy is not a mount it is just a skin for the jackal.


Oh god... that made me think... what if someone actually bought it thinking it was a new mount....?

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Ok, so is that randomize mount skin a glitch or can i not really choose what skin i get beacuse i don't know when anet thought it was a good idea to start a drug importmentship because mount skins with a high price of gem doesn't sounds smart at all, so yeah it wouldn't be all so bad if it wasnt randomize you guys made 30 of the adoption papers like what 9600 gems? i am sorry but that isnt even an optional gem amount you can buy I would have to buy 100 dollars worth of gems? and then you want me to add a little bit more on top of that? for what mount skins? OK sorry but this a joke, right? that or its a big darn insult to the players that have been giving out money to this game. NOW FOR those of you who are like " oh if you don't like it don't buy it or if you got a problem then don't complain just don't get it'' missing the point my friends if i didn't like it the mount skins i wouldn't complain I love them, allot of people do and that's the problem. SOmething you like shouldn't cost so darn much like ok look i get it if i want one adoption paper just get the 400 gem version right? ok. Sure but just one? doesnt seem all that worth it wouldnt be much of a big deal though IF I COULD PICK THE MOUNT I GET INSTEAD OF IT BEING RANDOM SELECTION! and again i dont care about if i dont like it then dont buy it stuff. listen i made this so i can listen to the people that agree not disagree. I dont mind them making a comment its just that if you are gonna be like that think about it like this if you dont agree dont have to respond this, but if you disagree but still have respect of the opinion that is fine but dont bash me for being upset. ARENANET IS MAKING A MISTAKE you cant tell me that if the price was lower you wouldnt be happy it shouldnt cost that much and it shouldnt be randomized making it that much gems? yeah that is telling the players that you have grown to be a bigget or kinda full of it, considering the fact you guys thought, 'hey shoot people loved are expac there is nothing we cannnot do the players wont like so lets make a cash cow and run them for there money" HOW DARE YOU I FEEL INSULTED WITH THE GEM PRICE at least make it where the veteren players get 2 adoption papers and mount skins the can CHOOSE from depending on how long they been playing the game. BUT NOPE the only time you guys can do something even close to that is when you come out with a stupid royal knight outfit and send it free i remember that day. But it seems like the players are only worth doing something like if the item you give them is crappy right? or isnt all that special? yeah ok. This is a joke. And it isnt funny.


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> @TheRandomGuy.7246 said:

> 2k gems thingy is not a mount it is just a skin for the jackal.


Yep. The info for it in the gem shop is completely misleading. It doesn't say it's a sand jackal only skin, and instead implies it's a completely new mount.


I like it, but, I payed 1,600 gems for 5 spooky mount skins. I'm not paying 2k for a single jackal skin. I would pay 2k for a themed pack for all mounts.

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