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Official Mount Adoption Feedback Thread [merged]

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> @Brandkanne.8571 said:

> I don't want to have another lootbox system in this (or any other) game!

> Raise the price to 800 gems for a selectable skin and I'm sure to spend some money for mount skins. With RNG you won't get any amount of money from me!


That's my opinion too. However they won't do it.

The only time ANet listened to our complains was with the price of HoT for old players, and we just got an outfit and a title for that. Oh and an extra character slot, yay, I already had 8.


Just look at the state of WvW, with 90% of the population asking for a fix to condi creep (and 10% playing Scourge happily) and yesterday's patch did NOTHING to address it.

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> @Llethander.3972 said:


> I'm actually surprised this wasn't done League of Legends style with basic skin alterations being a low price, more noticeable skin alterations being a somewhat higher price, and "premium" skin alterations being a higher, premium price.


When looking at all the skin previews i was thinking about this.

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30 skin? Amazing, some skin are nice



RNG? Heck no. This is terrible method. Even tho it is nice that you wont get duplicate skin, but this method is really terrible.

Rather than doing this way, you could have done having it own "Cashshop" for mount, and pay 400 or 600 for a mount skin you want to get.


Anet, You have gone even more greedy than 4+ year ago.

I don't even have knowledge in business or knowledge on how to make good profit.

This method may be a good profit **BUT**, ONLY for a short run.

This is like saying, you guy are planning to run GW2 for a year and that it then end it. (Just like other MMO that was heavy RNG factor).

If you guy really want to make a good profit with long run, you need to stop being greedy.


_Note: This may be wrong, but this is what I think at this pace._


You need to balance thing out, it is okay to add more awesome skin to BLT, but you also need to balance it to non-gem, such as collection etc.

Other wise, for player who have nothing that wish to seek out to get good item will start leave game.


You serious need to sort it out.

RNG == Game end faster.



On different topics, you guy seriously need to add tone slider for effect(skill, mount, glider, aura, armor effect).

>! At this point, it is too much colorful, I know player want to show off their armor etc etc. but really, please add tone slider for effect in client side.

>! So that we can enjoy view better. You could add it mode option

>! for example

>! Combat:

>! Skill: %

>! Mount: %

>! Armor: %

>! Weapon:%


>! Raid:

>! Skill: %


>! same thing for other dungeon, PVE, PVP, WvWvW.

>! % are slider from low to high for tone effect.

>! That way, some people can enjoy view in public such as LA, while in combat you wont see much of particles, effect, given that you would able to see mob's attack area much easier.


You also need to be contact with playerbase more often. I understand you guy are trying not to "promise" what you said to user. But really, you need to understand playerbase more. Right now at this moment, Anet felt like a different company who just brought GW2 and have no idea what to do with it, so they just called someone how to make money and not giving care to playerbase.


At this moment, you are just treating customers like a trash/tools.


I still have more thing to say but I will end it here.


I know this thread is for mount RNG thing, but couldn't help including different topics into it.


Sorry for ranting it off.


I have been getting too much negatives across all social media and in gw2.

I love this game, but it have across line... I don't want this happen.



Stop being greedy Fake Anet.


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> @"Changer the Elder.2948" said:

> As much as I hate the new mounts, I'll be the first to stand up and shout this statement is false in pretty much everything it says. *ArenaNet, just like any company, has to make money to feed its employees.* Even EA, Bioware, Ubisoft and other studios need to do so. What you think being a multimillion dollar industry dilutes money very fast, because the food chain in entertainment business is very long and contains a ton of middle management to be able to offer what it does. If you think every developer can buy a new Mercedes every other week, you have absolutely no idea how gaming industry really works.


None of this has anything to do with what I said. I said that companies do NOT in fact "need" to stoop to unethical, unregulated, deliberately exploitative moneygrubbing schemes to survive, as proven by every game and developer that does not do these things. This is NOT a matter of lootboxes or the industry can't operate, which is the implication in all the "they have to make money somehow" excuses. Please note that I never claimed that everyone in this industry is filthy rich -- I'm quite aware of BS like post-launch layoffs, writers saying they get no royalties like in other sectors, crappy conditions and compensation for voice actors. But the industry as a whole, the big corporations, _is_ filthy rich, likely in part _because_ it is so badly regulated.


Lootboxes are NOT a necessity.

Gambling is NOT a necessity.


And if they were, the company in question would not be worth supporting. Maybe they missed the mark with their intended target audience. Maybe they alienated an established fanbase. Maybe they royally screwed up their finances. Maybe they were overly ambitious and simply didn't have the time, resources or skills to deliver. Maybe the work environment was so bad that they lost employees in droves. Whatever the reason, it can't be on the customers to bail them out via unregulated gambling.


We do not do anyone, not devs and other creators who genuinely want to deliver a good game and certainly not ourselves, any favors by turning a blind eye on or actively making excuses for shady business practices.

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I see a lot of people complain about the RNG mount skins, yet they still buy them.


If Anet sees that their RNG concept works because people buy those tickets they *won't* change it!


That's why I chose to not buy a single ticket unless they let us pick a specific mount skin and if you want that, too, do the same.

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Gaile, my voice on this matter is pretty much in unison with the overwhelming majority of players who are upset enough as to speak out immediately in protest. I absolutely will not be buying any of these RNG mount skins or any similar RNG material from the gem store after seeing this released today.


It is not only the RNG aspect that is disappointing to me, but the rehash of many of the "less desirable" mount skins being such subtle variations on vanilla mounts. This only brought back memories from when I first bought Guild Wars 2 and saw gem store gimmicks like the "15%+ Swim Speed Booster" and selling off single use Halloween tonics and Trick-or-Treat bags on the Gem Store for 75 gems each, as well as the constant player pressure to purchase RNG Black Lion Chest Keys. It encouraged me to leave this game shortly after originally purchasing it years ago, and I didn't come back until HoT dropped years later and saw a more sensible Gem Store. And that was pennies compared to this. This is 100+ USD we are talking about, and it is even more insulting. RNG gambling bleeds the fun from the game, breeds distrust, and in this case especially with the quality of the items involved, is incredibly insulting to the players.


Please respect your customers.

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If there will be a way to get em directly from the gemstore ( not RNG ), then to me


* Recolor should be 500 gems

* Slightly improvements 1000 gems

* Total reskin 2000gems ( here's the real work )


Discounts on bundle ( Icy theme, 2k gems instead of 5x500 ).


Prices should be higher in order to give the RNG way a sense ( why should i bet on RNG? because you are going to save from 100 to 680 gems each ).

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> If there will be a way to get em directly from the gemstore ( not RNG ), then to me


> * Recolor should be 500 gems

> * Slightly improvements 1000 gems

> * Total reskin 2000gems ( here's the real work )


> Discounts on bundle ( Icy theme, 2k gems instead of 5x500 ).


> Prices should be higher in order to give the RNG way a sense ( why should i bet on RNG? because you are going to save from 100 to 680 gems each ).


This is very reasonable.

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> @BlakThornArrow.2389 said:

> I like the fact you call it "Adopt a mount"


I don't. That's manipulative language **designed** to bring in more traffic. It's an emotionally manipulative marketing strategy that's not only advertising, but **it's advertising gambling**.


@"Gaile Gray.6029"


You wanted my thoughts, here they are.


1. This game isn't entirely played by adults. It's rated for teens as well. Teens being what, 13 and up? I know of some 10 year olds who play this, and younger (one of which being my sister, so yes, this hits home). Kids are more likely to become addicted to gambling, especially if it's introduced to them in a video game. Not only that but the boxes are designed to take advantage of those with gambling addictions. Both those points make me **VERY** angry.


2. Noting that the game isn't just played by adults, you need to tailor your content to your audience. Tell me which of these you should NOT do:

>You own a kid's show. You write in the script for the main character to explain how good alcohol is (because after all, not only children watch the show!)


>You own a kid's show. You write in the script for the main character to make a point about why to stay away from alcohol and not to pick up needles.


By introducing gambling into a game that children can legally and do play, you're advertising gambling to kids, which is illegal in *many* countries.


3. Anet *obviously* makes money. They didn't need **another** gambling box to compound on it. All those saying "the devs need money too" and being worried about the game's state rather than caring about those with vulnerabilites in the community make me sick. They're putting the wellbeing of a massive company above the individuals who could potentially support that company.


4. There's some subconscious deterrant to the Black Lion Chests, because you need 2 items rather than 1. Sure, people buy them anyway, but there's something more appealing about the mount boxes being 1 single item that you need rather than 2. I've always had an issue with the chests being in the game anyway, considering it's still gambling.


Yes, mystic forge gambling and ecto gambling have always been a thing, but no, you have never needed to convert real life currency into gems in order to forge or ecto gamble. Items for those can be earned simply by playing the game.


Yes, you *could* buy gems and gamble with the gold you get from it, but it's not advertised like that (hell, it's not advertised at all). These mount boxes are being advertised as "buy this with cash!". Do you seriously think a kid would think about grinding for it with gold first? Or do you think they'd steal their parent's credit card and use it?


5. This is not just the developing team/marketers/company's fault. This is a vicious circle that won't stop until a wrench is thrown in the works. People buy RNG items, the company sees the sales and increases the amount of items of that type, and round we go. Usually this isn't a bad thing, and as a business move it's a good one, but again, taking into account the fact that CHILDREN play this game, putting **more** gambling items in is morally and ethically wrong. Hell, having any sort of gambling in a game that kids can play is wrong. This whole circle is the fault of the company and the consumers who don't think about what they're affecting by buying said boxes.


6. "It doesn't affect you, why get mad?" It may not directly affect me, but it **will** indirectly affect me, and the entire community. Funny to note that a lot of German citizens had this stance in WWII. Look how that affected them. Yes, it's an extreme, but the point still applies.


I've been playing gw2 since release, and I played gw1 before this. I'm even pretty sure that you helped me get my account back when it had been stolen. I've put thousands of dollars into gw1 and 2, and I've never once bought a set of black lion keys.


I've been contently playing this since release up til today. This whole thing makes me feel so sick I haven't even logged on once. If lootboxes are the way you go I will be encouraging everyone to boycott NCSoft's games. PoF is the last purchase you will *ever* get out of me.

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The thing is, just doing that is not enough. ArenaNet doesn't need most people to buy the RNG loot boxes; they need a few people to buy a lot of them, which is going to happen anyway (and has pretty much already happened, based on some reports in the forum). The majority not buying the boxes would not be a boycott, it would be what always happens anyway.


As someone else said, the best we can do is to be loud about this issue, so public perception about ArenaNet is that they are a RNG loot box company. That requires being loud on the forum, and on other media talking about GW2.

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I bought the whole bundle after open the first single adoption and get a skimmer. to be honest I love every single of the skin. love all the springers everyone is a unique character I love them all. same with all the raptors.

unfortunately I have to say that, the bundle even with all the skins they are too expensive, the cost is equivalent to paying for a new game and even more than an expansion where expansion requires much more detail and time to develop compare to making the skins. i think its a little too greedy imo. i hope by getting this bundle we will see nice update for game content in very near future .. i like to see more inclusion of achievements, collections that is not too tedious to complete, more story to play and free content. if we are continue to be updated, i am happy to spend these $ to support the game.

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Just want to add my voice to the overwhelming majority of people who hate and despise the RNG lootbox.


I agree with most others that paying real money for a RNG lootbox, whether it's black lion chest keys or these mount skins, is predatory and abusive towards Arenanet's customers. Even if the boxes never spit out duplicate skins, you've simply turned it into a cable-tv-channel-like bundle where you are forced into paying for many things you don't want just for the one or two things you do want.


I have spent upwards of $1000 in gems over the course of 5 years playing GW2. Those gems have been spent on things that have a *direct* value, whether it was for a specific skin, character or bag slot, or a convenience item.


I want Arenanet to make money. I want the game devs and other employees to be paid what they're truly worth. I want Arenanet to be able to invest money for future growth and development. I even want Arenanet investors to make a reasonable return off the money they put in. But I want Arenanet to be better than the industry standard of abusive MMO and F2P practices. Arenanet almost always has been before. But if the only way for Arenanet to survive is to sink to that level, then it's just not worth it and the whole industry needs to die.

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Random loot box for 400 gems? Yes I'd love to pay you 5 dollars when all I like is 3 skins out of 30. This is joke, lower the price or raise it and let us choose. or make all of this not account bound so I can pick what I want off the bltc. Also one jackal skin for 2k gems? ha I'd rather just buy a new game.

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> @Esterie.7409 said:

> Editing to add: After reading additional comments, I'm starting to become afraid that this dependence on RNG could lead us down a slippery slope, with RNG boxes being added for more and more gem store items. Honestly, at this point it's not that much of a stretch to imagine this concept being applied to outfits and weapon skins in the future.....


Aren't we already very down on the slippery slope? The game has always had RNG boxes, with the Black Lion Chests. That was the beginning of the process that has now led to the RNG mount skins. If people had vehemently complained about the Black Lion Chests, if people didn't buy a lot of keys, if people didn't support all RNGs within the RNGs (such as the dye packs with random results), we wouldn't be where we are now.


"Ah, but the Black Lion Chests weren't as bad as this" - true, they aren't. But that's why it's a slippery slope, each step worse than the last. If ArenaNet does not revert this, I wouldn't be surprised to see something even worse in the future, with people saying then "it's ok, it's a lot like the RNG mounts".

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The RNG aspect needs to be removed entirely to let us select a specific mount skin that we want. I was fully planning on collecting all of the mount skins until I discovered that they were randomly granted to you upon using a license. I mean, the fact that you're guaranteed to never get a duplicate makes it a little less awful, but it's still unacceptable that you're asking up to $120 for _skins_. I am supremely disappointed in you for this, ANet, and I hope you come to your senses and do the right thing.

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Another player, another opinion : as long as there is a reasonable exchange rate from Gold to Gems, I take any complaint about the Gem store practices with a grain of salt.

That being said, I'm taking the opportunity to say that I'm not interested in a gambling chance for one among 30 skins. If I want to gamble to support A-net, that's what Black Lion Keys are for, I've already bought some fully aware that they were just that : gambling to support. But cosmetic items, I'm not interested in gambling for. I'll add that I'd be ready to spend as much as 1000 gems for a single mount skin that I can freely choose.

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> @"Sarge shot Grif.6450" said:

> > @Loosifah.4738 said:

> > What do you have against mount skins?


> It's not the skins, it's the method by which they're sold. They're making them random so we buy more to get the skin we want (like loot boxes). This is the kind of crap that's gonna push me away from this game to go find another.



I've already moved away. I started playing GW2 since March, 2012 (closed betas), I've been with the game through the ups and downs, spent however I could in the GemStore, but there's a limit regarding what they consider additional content, and GemStore is by far not "content" to me. Currently, my finances have become a bit more stable and I've started playing a P2P game (FF...) and I don't feel like thrasing my money away like I've been doing in this game.


I've stepped away from a B2P model as it ultimately becomes a F2P-like ripoff of sorts. I never imagined a B2P MMORPG would embody this tendency, but it _is_ what it is, and I'm glad not to be part of it anymore.

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> @Rawr.9467 said:

> Unfortunately you only need a few people to buy them. Boycotts don't work very well when you have whales that give in and purchase everything, further solidifying the benefits of this marketing model.


I strongly believe that if there are enough people that also *don't* buy those skins, Anet will have to change it since everyone counts as a source of money and they make less money if people don't buy those skins because of RNG aspects.

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