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Official Mount Adoption Feedback Thread [merged]

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I dislike the RNG aspect of the Adoption Licenses; imo it should be around 350-400 gems for any Mount Skin, selectable upfront, as it's not that different from a Glider Skin..

And 2000 gems for ONE specific Mount Skin when the Halloween Mounts were 1600 for all 5 (that's 320 each)? I'm sorry, but are you high?!

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RNG is so not ok. I will gladly give even 800 gems for one mount skin rather than to 'gamble' with randomness and get the skins I really don't want.

When I first saw the contracts I thought I could choose which mount skin to get.

I am definitely not going to buy these contracts, primarily because they are random. Kudos to design team for making the skins, but bad, bad move to make them random.

We should be able to choose what we want.

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As has been said by countless others (I am repeating this because hopefully the powers that be will see this is a common opinion ) I will not buy these mount skins from an RNG box. If these skins were offered individually from the gem store, meaning I could purchase the one I wanted, I would be willing to pay. I realize this means that most likely it will cost considerably more than 400 gems. The fact that I would be 100% certain of getting the skin that I want and will use is worth it to me.

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> @Turk.5460 said:

> Who would bother buying the non-shiny mount skins when they can just insta-get the most shiniest and most legendary looking ones? No one. <


Actually, I would. After previewing all the new mount skins, I prefer the more subtle ones, although some of the Raptor ones are too bland. The flashiest ones are IMO tacky and I think they look pretty ridiculous in-game. Personal opinion only; if you love them, great, but not everyone does.


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My 15 year old brother plays Guild Wars 2. In Australia, he is not permitted to gamble in clubs or casinos, but could easily spend all of his savings on RNG mount skins as a purely digital reward. This is gambling, pure and simple, and it's unregulated nature preys especially on young and vulnerable fans of this game.


There is a difference between paying 800? for a specific skin from the stables and gambling sets of 400? indefinitely, until you get that same one.


As an aside, I am a young adult who works part time with few overheads. I make AUD$375 a week at most, and the stable license would cost me AUD$156. This is an unacceptable price for a purely aesthetic digital reward.

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I hope A-net takes every employee in their marketing department, ties them to a chair and FORCES them to read all 33 and counting pages of this thread.


This randomization monetization horse crap needs to be fKing murdered before it begins.


And that 2000 Gem jackal skin is beyond qualifying as a sick joke. That shit is just DISGUSTING.

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I like a couple of the skins but I refuse to pay real money to buy gems to maybe get what I want. A better way of doing it would have been like the Zephyrite Color Swatchs. Group the skins into packs according to what mount they go on. We would then buy a pack, of say Raptor skins, and then pick the skin that we want. I would actually be willing to pay a little more if being able to pick the one that I want is an option.

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Just my thought if the devs really want to know. I had some gems so I bought a skin to see what they were, and got a Jackalope. Go figure I have never won the RNG lottery with anything before. Love the skin, and never thought about looking at the skins first sadly, so I bought a few more assuming they were all going to be like the Jackalope. The other skins were more or less meh other than the fact that they can be dyed with more than one color. I may buy one more when I get more gems to see if I can get a raptor skin, but I'm in no rush. Good job on the Jackalope skin though.

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From my perspective I think the price should either be reduced slightly due to the fact it is randomized, or each mount have their own "license". This allows people to at least roll through the mounts they may want in case there is a mount they don't care to have skins for. Would feel bad if you bought licenses and got a ton of skins for a mount you didn't want additional skins for.

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anet is a company and they have to maintain their employers and their family. IF you rate mount skins too expensive you can easily don't buy it. I usually don't buy skin but i can play aswell. THey are not mandatory so i don't see nothing wrong if they gain on that, it is not a p2w so it is really ok for me

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Making new mount skins closed behind RNG is plain silly because in the worst case I'm gonna have to pay 125 pounds to get the skin I want. If I had an option to choose the mount I like, surely I'd buy at least 5 of them. Right now I don't feel like buying any because I don't like gambling, I prefer to pay for things I want, not a chance to get them.

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I'm also not 100% upset by this... but that's because I think I see where ANet had the idea and what went wrong with the implementation.


The mount skins are analogous to the special dye kits that occasionally get sold. Those also have a random assortment of prizes, and unlike the mount skins, you're not guaranteed to get something new. ANet looked at the dye sales, said "we're going to do the same with mount skins" and tried "fixing" it by making sure you get something you don't already have **but** the result is account bound. Unfortunately, this removed the reason that the dye kits worked... the reason the dyes work and the mount skins don't is that we can sell the unwanted dyes. Even with the chance of getting a dye worth practically zero (you opened a Shadow dye kit looking for the 400g Shadow Abyss dye and got the 4s gray dye), the risk is still worth it because if you need one specific special dye, you'll likely make enough from selling the other special dyes to get it on the TP.


As it currently stands, players with a lot of money can buy all the skins and they'll eventually get the one they want. But those of us with less money (or more attachment to our wallets) have no sure way of getting the skins we want. ANet is unlikely to get my money or my gold for a random skin. If the mount skins could be resold, you'd have the people with gold buy a large amount of skins, take the ones they need, then sell the rest. Their turning gold to gems to buy the skins is a gold sink, as is reselling the skins on the TP. Those of us without gold pay the players that can afford to buy skins in bulk, and we get the ones we want... ANet would get my gold via the person buying the skins in bulk, plus the TP tax for the exchange.



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1. I supposed we have to come to terms with the fact that there are players who compulsively need every mount skin and who struggle with addiction, making the lootboxes predatory. As someone who is not a compulsive gambler, I think the idea of the mount stables is fun: if you have an extra 400 gems, see what prize you get and end it there. But yeah, there are a fair number of people who struggle with compulsion loops and this is a very customer unfriendly business model

2. My BIGGEST problem with the mount skins is how shiny the star one are. They are so lore breaking and flashy and distracting and I would like the option to hide them

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I said this on reddit but I'll say it again here: it's fine to sell random mounts for 400 gems each, but players should also be able to buy the mounts they want for, say, 700 gems each.


That way, people that want a specific mount can get the one they want with no RNG, whereas people that like the lottery aspect can save money on each mount they buy.



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I bought the 2k reforged and felt like it was pricey, but loved it.


I saw the fire griffon and gambled another 2800 gems to hopefully get it. Instead I got a bunch of dogs which I won't use. I'm walking away having spent 4800 gems with a feeling of disappointment. I'm even feeling embarrassed that I chose to participate in the fervor of the mount gamble box. If that is the kind of customer experience ArenaNet continues to cultivate, then I simply won't participate with your products any further.


You have so many talented people working on this amazing product, I know you can find another way to monetize the game which is both profitable for the game and healthy for your players.

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Im having a hard time justifying past purchses of black lion chests to myself but this time i wont support the RNG gambling for items, the feeling it gives is not good when you spend more than you should and any skins will just remind me of that feeling. This is designed to bait you into buying more and more licenses since the odds of getting what you want will only get better and better. I dont mind spending money on gems and i have spent around half a grand a year for 4+ years and i will continue to spend money on non-RNG gemstore purchases.

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