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Golem test?


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full buffed on golem with




28.5k dps


start in GS

1. GS 4

2. well of suffering

3. haunt

4. GS 2

-> weapon swap

5. axe 2

6. warhorn 5

-> Shroud

7. soul spiral

8. 3x AA (alternatively AA until soul spiral is back up)

-> end Shroud

9. axe 2

-> weapon swap

10. following on cd until weapon swap is rdy again:

GS 4

well of Suffering


GS 2

11. back to 5.


-> below 50% boss hp: gravedigger


**different build, different rotation:**




27k-27.5k dps

a lot more sustain. some grp sustain plus 400 dps extra dps from grp-members (vampiric presence)

you don't lose much


camp GS, keep GS 4, GS 2, haunt, well of suffering on cd.

AA = all 3 hits (since buffed, no need to interrupt at chain 2)

below 50% -> gravedigger



i dont have the infusions.

realistic dps varies due to dodges, mechanics and less boon/class specific buff uptime



> @SneakyTouchy.6043 said:

> Wondering what your golem tests are. My power necro is limited to exotic armor with scholar, ascended tinkets/gs, but I've only been able to manage 19k using spite, blood and reaper. The only thing I'm missing for top gear is ascended armor stats.


ascended is "only" 5% ish increase. with full infusion maybe a bit more.

go to living world season 3 maps and get yourself amulets, rings, nakpack and earrings in a matter of no time to start with. weapons can be done by HoT achievements (fairly easy and without investing gold). only thing left is the armor which doesnt have a huge impact after all.

and then have fun

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> @Aetatis.5418 said:



> **different build, different rotation:**


> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNBHhFakhGapx2awxGYvxSugNF2WCTBoAQDYFEXF7ihRA-jhRBABP8IAoU9HAODAmpEEP9BXt/o8bdwAgZmZmGZmZmZmpUARsMC-e


> 27k-27.5k dps

> a lot more sustain. some grp sustain plus 400 dps extra dps from grp-members (vampiric presence)

> you don't lose much


> camp GS, keep GS 4, GS 2, haunt, well of suffering on cd.

> AA = all 3 hits (since buffed, no need to interrupt at chain 2)

> below 50% -> gravedigger


Hello! Thanks for your post, I have a question though :p


For normal PvE encounters (solo), what do you think about Strength runes and Strength sigils for more might generation and uptime? Would the extra ferocity, 5% damage and lightning strikes be more of a dps increase under normal circumstances? Any insights would be appreciated!


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So you have no condition damage in your build, and you reduce condition damage from might stacks with the spite trait, yet you choose Dhumfire? How much of your damage was from fire? Would Flame Legion runes not increase your DPS significantly? 45% burn duration and 7% against burning targets, on a Power Rune?


Alternatively couldn't you camp Shroud with the signate and blighters boon, allowing you to use the 50% crit while in shroud 100% of the time? Or would you be able to use the Trait Reaper's Onslaught with the ferocity boost to take better advantage of Valkerie gear and lower precision?



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Aetatis's builds are the meta ones, except for blood magic variant i would take ritual of life since we're not causing bleeding anymore, unless we dodge. (and the well is useful)

however, i dont know what he/she means by "full buff", but i did the realistic buff setup and got 27k ( that means no assassin's presence). i tried various rotations and the strongest was rotating through axe/gs/shroud, though gs/shroud camping got me only 0.2k less so you can just camp gs and auto in shroud in between gravedigger cd.

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Can someone try this build, i don't have the gear to test it.


[gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQJARRjM0QpN2WDO2A7NWyFs4q4W8LSVGWDNLoAQDIBA-jxRBABXt/o8jiLAAAPBgHOEAUq+jZKBxTXQAgDgzPPzPPw5nf+5nfeXf+5nf+5nf+5nfepAiYCG-e](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQJARRjM0QpN2WDO2A7NWyFs4q4W8LSVGWDNLoAQDIBA-jxRBABXt/o8jiLAAAPBgHOEAUq+jZKBxTXQAgDgzPPzPPw5nf+5nfeXf+5nf+5nf+5nfepAiYCG-e "gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQJARRjM0QpN2WDO2A7NWyFs4q4W8LSVGWDNLoAQDIBA-jxRBABXt/o8jiLAAAPBgHOEAUq+jZKBxTXQAgDgzPPzPPw5nf+5nfeXf+5nf+5nf+5nfepAiYCG-e")



The idea is to gain 3% per second from Shroud autos, and 1% from signate, leaving you only 1% deficit, which you would drop out of shroud at 50% to regenerate back using GS 3, and an auto chain. Use your Minion attacks go back into shroud. Then, I would assume Gravedigger constantly once at 50% health. The question is if the 20% extra dmg after 50% would be stronger than the 180 power across the entire fight, and the increase in dmg from shroud...

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> @KTap.4381 said:

> > @Aetatis.5418 said:


> >

> > **different build, different rotation:**

> >

> > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNBHhFakhGapx2awxGYvxSugNF2WCTBoAQDYFEXF7ihRA-jhRBABP8IAoU9HAODAmpEEP9BXt/o8bdwAgZmZmGZmZmZmpUARsMC-e

> >

> > 27k-27.5k dps

> > a lot more sustain. some grp sustain plus 400 dps extra dps from grp-members (vampiric presence)

> > you don't lose much

> >

> > camp GS, keep GS 4, GS 2, haunt, well of suffering on cd.

> > AA = all 3 hits (since buffed, no need to interrupt at chain 2)

> > below 50% -> gravedigger


> Hello! Thanks for your post, I have a question though :p


> For normal PvE encounters (solo), what do you think about Strength runes and Strength sigils for more might generation and uptime? Would the extra ferocity, 5% damage and lightning strikes be more of a dps increase under normal circumstances? Any insights would be appreciated!





unfortunately ... no legendary armor to test. and switching runes alone back and forth just for testing. sry i play necro for 5 years, i aint no money, because i am not allowed to play pve xD

nah eh seriously, i can't test it atm. but i could imagine that strength rune in solo or very unoptimized groups and realistic circumstances could be better. you dont have to watch scholar uptime and such... plus you generate more might.


> @Meetshield.1756 said:

> @Aetatis.5418


> So you have no condition damage in your build, and you reduce condition damage from might stacks with the spite trait, yet you choose Dhumfire? How much of your damage was from fire? Would Flame Legion runes not increase your DPS significantly? 45% burn duration and 7% against burning targets, on a Power Rune?


> Alternatively couldn't you camp Shroud with the signate and blighters boon, allowing you to use the 50% crit while in shroud 100% of the time? Or would you be able to use the Trait Reaper's Onslaught with the ferocity boost to take better advantage of Valkerie gear and lower precision?




well tbh dhuumfire is in there because it is the only dps-gain. crit is capped anyway (way beyond).

i'd say flame legion rune is not optimal in solo and in groups, you loose a lot of ferocity which translates to a lot more dmg than 7% on burning targets. i would rather use the strength runes instead as stated above, because might is the condition that is met 99% of the times (solo and group) - burning on the other hand only while you can AA in shroud, which is a very short amount of time (would only work in groups, and there you would lose ferocity and 10% extra dmg from scholar).


but i can not run test-runs because it is too expensive for me.


valkyrie is not worth it anymore. unless you want some extra hp (the 10% vit into ferocty food is gone!!). in fact you lose some power because the sharpening stones scale on precision now. also valkyrie does not offer more ferocity than berserker and necro doesnt have a trait that is based on vitality (except for the shroud, but since all the decay AND the gain are based on a percentage... it would just mean, that you can get ~~hit~~ tickled a little more without losing much - but you WILL lose some - dps in shroud)


> @Meetshield.1756 said:

> Can someone try this build, i don't have the gear to test it.


> [gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQJARRjM0QpN2WDO2A7NWyFs4q4W8LSVGWDNLoAQDIBA-jxRBABXt/o8jiLAAAPBgHOEAUq+jZKBxTXQAgDgzPPzPPw5nf+5nfeXf+5nf+5nf+5nfepAiYCG-e](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQJARRjM0QpN2WDO2A7NWyFs4q4W8LSVGWDNLoAQDIBA-jxRBABXt/o8jiLAAAPBgHOEAUq+jZKBxTXQAgDgzPPzPPw5nf+5nfeXf+5nf+5nf+5nfepAiYCG-e "gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQJARRjM0QpN2WDO2A7NWyFs4q4W8LSVGWDNLoAQDIBA-jxRBABXt/o8jiLAAAPBgHOEAUq+jZKBxTXQAgDgzPPzPPw5nf+5nfeXf+5nf+5nf+5nfepAiYCG-e")



> The idea is to gain 3% per second from Shroud autos, and 1% from signate, leaving you only 1% deficit, which you would drop out of shroud at 50% to regenerate back using GS 3, and an auto chain. Use your Minion attacks go back into shroud. Then, I would assume Gravedigger constantly once at 50% health. The question is if the 20% extra dmg after 50% would be stronger than the 180 power across the entire fight, and the increase in dmg from shroud...



a shroud build with signets is imo not worth it - or lets say, i havent found a way (yet) to make it work properly. it might be possible to pull 27k - but if you get hit and shroud depletes, its a major dps loss.

and the tradeoff from close to death to signets + losing dhuumfire to 50% crit in shroud + loosing decimate defense to chilling victory, **just** to be able to stay in shroud longer - lets call it "very situational". could work in an environment in whcih you face many targets at once and chill them (open world with chill shouts or very hardcore bruiser - squads in wvw (you would lose wells and other cc, but be able to rezz with the signet))... but in open world really almost anything works, its what you like to play... or in your own t4 fracs group which is not a time-race but a chilled grp of ppl doing fractals in a very chilled atmosphere.

but: nothing for "close to competitive" pve-attempts.


> @Obtena.7952 said:

> I'm just wondering if the numbers people are getting are significantly better than what they had before? Really, the question is: What percentage increase did the highest DPS build get?


numbers are exactly the same as before. difference is that GotL got removed from the game (10% extra dmg fpr everybody). so every class lost dps, every class except necro.



> @Sublimatio.6981 said:

> Aetatis's builds are the meta ones, except for blood magic variant i would take ritual of life since we're not causing bleeding anymore, unless we dodge. (and the well is useful)

> however, i dont know what he/she means by "full buff", but i did the realistic buff setup and got 27k ( that means no assassin's presence). i tried various rotations and the strongest was rotating through axe/gs/shroud, though gs/shroud camping got me only 0.2k less so you can just camp gs and auto in shroud in between gravedigger cd.


yeh, you are right, i didnt pay attention. when somebody uses blood magic and does the shroud-rotation, then the rezz-trait is better. if you are however using the exact same build als pre-patch... you could still run blood bond. i use the rezz for t4 fracs anyway... somebody gets downed 100% ... and it tops of scholar uptime on myself

the dps difference between builds however is max 1k anyway (if we forget about vampiric presence on grp-buddies. which is a gain of roughly 400-500 dps that counts towards your damage. so between shroud rotation and camping gs with deathly chill ... there is hardly any difference. would like to see real engagements with the two builds instead of golems, for comparison reasons.)

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> @Aetatis.5418

> well tbh dhuumfire is in there because it is the only dps-gain. crit is capped anyway (way beyond).

> i'd say flame legion rune is not optimal in solo and in groups, you loose a lot of ferocity which translates to a lot more dmg than 7% on burning targets.


Okay, I built it on the Build editor and I can see what you mean. Thats why I asked if you knew how much burning dmg was of total, but its fine.



> a shroud build with signets is imo not worth it - or lets say, i havent found a way (yet) to make it work properly. it might be possible to pull 27k - but if you get hit and shroud depletes, its a major dps loss.


Well we need someone to run it to see if maintaining shroud is possible, and if it is a DPS increase. If it is NOT a DPS increase, then we can go back to Anet and say Please try again... If we simply assume it is not a DPS increase, and thus never try it, we will have no evidence to show then as to why it is not enough of a boost they gave to us.


I wasn't Theorycrafting, I was suggesting we need this hard evidence. It is your same build with just traits and utils changed... If you want to run Dhumfire because Crit is capped then that too is fine.


And surely the +300 Ferocity and 15% faster attack speed in Reaper's Onslaught would increase DPS, over a 1k Bleed on Chill? Maybe you don't need Blighters boon if you can find a way to stay in shroud without it. Onslaught is 20% more crit dmg... So it would cancel out the loss from close to death... (even if you can only maintain shroud 50% of the time).. and then you get the 180 power for FREE to go with your 1% lf regen per second...


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> @Meetshield.1756 said:

> > @Aetatis.5418

> > well tbh dhuumfire is in there because it is the only dps-gain. crit is capped anyway (way beyond).

> > i'd say flame legion rune is not optimal in solo and in groups, you loose a lot of ferocity which translates to a lot more dmg than 7% on burning targets.


> Okay, I built it on the Build editor and I can see what you mean. Thats why I asked if you knew how much burning dmg was of total, but its fine.


> >

> > a shroud build with signets is imo not worth it - or lets say, i havent found a way (yet) to make it work properly. it might be possible to pull 27k - but if you get hit and shroud depletes, its a major dps loss.


> Well we need someone to run it to see if maintaining shroud is possible, and if it is a DPS increase. If it is NOT a DPS increase, then we can go back to Anet and say Please try again... If we simply assume it is not a DPS increase, and thus never try it, we will have no evidence to show then as to why it is not enough of a boost they gave to us.


> I wasn't Theorycrafting, I was suggesting we need this hard evidence. It is your same build with just traits and utils changed... If you want to run Dhumfire because Crit is capped then that too is fine.


> And surely the +300 Ferocity and 15% faster attack speed in Reaper's Onslaught would increase DPS, over a 1k Bleed on Chill? Maybe you don't need Blighters boon if you can find a way to stay in shroud without it. Onslaught is 20% more crit dmg... So it would cancel out the loss from close to death... (Shock).. and then you get the 180 power for FREE to go with your 1% lf regen per second...



i have been trying to make signets work and to be in shroud with shroud maintaining for 2min. and i could not quite get to 27k-28k dps. with all the tradeoffs to stay in shroud long enough i got close to 24k dps. it doesnt necessarily mean i covered everything. maybe i didnt see the perfect trait to do so.


300 ferocity is what makes shroud now equal(slighlty better) to GS camping (with the increased base-dmg). the 15% attack speed do not stack with quickness. quickness is 50% attack speed, which is attackspeed cap. so the 15% only appliy without a chrono/firebrand.

and yes the 300 ferocity is (almost) equal to that 1k bleed. the bleed is applied constantly, ferocity is only topped, when in shroud. and you stay in shroud only a couple of sec. in an optimized rotation. its not like the dps got increased to be equal to GS and THEN anet introduced 300 ferocity on top of that ^^ in other word: shroud is still not good enough to make a difference.


on the other hand (!!) : we have two traits in reaper that allow three different versions to play the reaper at full dps potential. none of them is ultra superior to the other. thats something only this elite-spec could achieve. in every dps build on every class/spec there is only ONE single choice to do dmg. any other choice is a dps loss of 10% or way beyond that. reaper with three different builds stays below 10% difference.

thats a good thing. something that should apply to everybody, in a perfect world.


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Thank you for the testing by the way, I know Raids are still not possible but hopefully we won't get crap in T4 Fractals.


Guess I have to get a Warhorn somehow, my Alternate set is Ascended Axe/Dagger (I'll have to figure out the difference for infusions).


I wonder why Valk is a DPS loss I thought we were Crit Capped through talents?

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> @Oldirtbeard.9834 said:

> Thank you for the testing by the way, I know Raids are still not possible but hopefully we won't get crap in T4 Fractals.


> Guess I have to get a Warhorn somehow, my Alternate set is Ascended Axe/Dagger (I'll have to figure out the difference for infusions).


> I wonder why Valk is a DPS loss I thought we were Crit Capped through talents?


i got kicked from t4 fracs 9 times today... just for being on my reaper.

so... nope

created a holosmith and punched some 1000 gold in his face to be frac and raid rdy. because its the closest to reaper gameplay as it can get.


valkyrie is a dps loss as stated above: sharpening stones scale with precision/ferocity now. they used to scale with vita/toughness.

that means the more precision and ferocity you have, the more power you get with a sharpening stone.

you do not have the problem IF you use scribing utilities - 200 power when above 90% health... costs 16 gold per hour. have fun. 160 power above 90% health costs roughly 3 gold per hour.

the sharpening stone does give roughly 130 power at all times and costs 15 silver per hour. the sharpening stone that gives power and ferocity and scales with precision - costs roughly 2.5 gold per hour, but nets about the same damage as a potent superior sharpening stone at the cost of 15 silver per hour.

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> @Aetatis.5418 said:

> > @Oldirtbeard.9834 said:

> > Thank you for the testing by the way, I know Raids are still not possible but hopefully we won't get crap in T4 Fractals.

> >

> > Guess I have to get a Warhorn somehow, my Alternate set is Ascended Axe/Dagger (I'll have to figure out the difference for infusions).

> >

> > I wonder why Valk is a DPS loss I thought we were Crit Capped through talents?


> i got kicked from t4 fracs 9 times today... just for being on my reaper.

> so... nope

> created a holosmith and punched some 1000 gold in his face to be frac and raid rdy. because its the closest to reaper gameplay as it can get.


> valkyrie is a dps loss as stated above: sharpening stones scale with precision/ferocity now. they used to scale with vita/toughness.

> that means the more precision and ferocity you have, the more power you get with a sharpening stone.

> you do not have the problem IF you use scribing utilities - 200 power when above 90% health... costs 16 gold per hour. have fun. 160 power above 90% health costs roughly 3 gold per hour.

> the sharpening stone does give roughly 130 power at all times and costs 15 silver per hour. the sharpening stone that gives power and ferocity and scales with precision - costs roughly 2.5 gold per hour, but nets about the same damage as a potent superior sharpening stone at the cost of 15 silver per hour.


There should be an over haul to group finder to penalize people for kicking out a class prior to starting if its geared properly (since all classes are viable), its time to stop pretending we have such a nice community, and use automation to police the toxicity like WoW does.


Like oh you want to kick my Reaper, sorry you have a timer before you can, if you abandon the group then you get a deserter rebuff preventing you from queueing again.

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> @Oldirtbeard.9834 said:

> > @Aetatis.5418 said:

> > > @Oldirtbeard.9834 said:

> > > Thank you for the testing by the way, I know Raids are still not possible but hopefully we won't get crap in T4 Fractals.

> > >

> > > Guess I have to get a Warhorn somehow, my Alternate set is Ascended Axe/Dagger (I'll have to figure out the difference for infusions).

> > >

> > > I wonder why Valk is a DPS loss I thought we were Crit Capped through talents?

> >

> > i got kicked from t4 fracs 9 times today... just for being on my reaper.

> > so... nope

> > created a holosmith and punched some 1000 gold in his face to be frac and raid rdy. because its the closest to reaper gameplay as it can get.

> >

> > valkyrie is a dps loss as stated above: sharpening stones scale with precision/ferocity now. they used to scale with vita/toughness.

> > that means the more precision and ferocity you have, the more power you get with a sharpening stone.

> > you do not have the problem IF you use scribing utilities - 200 power when above 90% health... costs 16 gold per hour. have fun. 160 power above 90% health costs roughly 3 gold per hour.

> > the sharpening stone does give roughly 130 power at all times and costs 15 silver per hour. the sharpening stone that gives power and ferocity and scales with precision - costs roughly 2.5 gold per hour, but nets about the same damage as a potent superior sharpening stone at the cost of 15 silver per hour.


> There should be an over haul to group finder to penalize people for kicking out a class prior to starting if its geared properly (since all classes are viable), its time to stop pretending we have such a nice community, and use automation to police the toxicity like WoW does).


Who is the more toxic? The one who kicks based on class, or the one who wants to force others to accept them or be punished if they don't?

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> @Fatalyz.7168 said:

> > @Oldirtbeard.9834 said:

> > > @Aetatis.5418 said:

> > > > @Oldirtbeard.9834 said:

> > > > Thank you for the testing by the way, I know Raids are still not possible but hopefully we won't get crap in T4 Fractals.

> > > >

> > > > Guess I have to get a Warhorn somehow, my Alternate set is Ascended Axe/Dagger (I'll have to figure out the difference for infusions).

> > > >

> > > > I wonder why Valk is a DPS loss I thought we were Crit Capped through talents?

> > >

> > > i got kicked from t4 fracs 9 times today... just for being on my reaper.

> > > so... nope

> > > created a holosmith and punched some 1000 gold in his face to be frac and raid rdy. because its the closest to reaper gameplay as it can get.

> > >

> > > valkyrie is a dps loss as stated above: sharpening stones scale with precision/ferocity now. they used to scale with vita/toughness.

> > > that means the more precision and ferocity you have, the more power you get with a sharpening stone.

> > > you do not have the problem IF you use scribing utilities - 200 power when above 90% health... costs 16 gold per hour. have fun. 160 power above 90% health costs roughly 3 gold per hour.

> > > the sharpening stone does give roughly 130 power at all times and costs 15 silver per hour. the sharpening stone that gives power and ferocity and scales with precision - costs roughly 2.5 gold per hour, but nets about the same damage as a potent superior sharpening stone at the cost of 15 silver per hour.

> >

> > There should be an over haul to group finder to penalize people for kicking out a class prior to starting if its geared properly (since all classes are viable), its time to stop pretending we have such a nice community, and use automation to police the toxicity like WoW does).


> Who is the more toxic? The one who kicks based on class, or the one who wants to force others to accept them or be punished if they don't?


i was going to make a comparison to european society... with that attitude.

but it doesnt belong here.

its about golem dps and spread-sheet-ing. so please stay on that topic (everybody !)

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> @Fatalyz.7168 said:

> > @Oldirtbeard.9834 said:

> > > @Aetatis.5418 said:

> > > > @Oldirtbeard.9834 said:

> > > > Thank you for the testing by the way, I know Raids are still not possible but hopefully we won't get crap in T4 Fractals.

> > > >

> > > > Guess I have to get a Warhorn somehow, my Alternate set is Ascended Axe/Dagger (I'll have to figure out the difference for infusions).

> > > >

> > > > I wonder why Valk is a DPS loss I thought we were Crit Capped through talents?

> > >

> > > i got kicked from t4 fracs 9 times today... just for being on my reaper.

> > > so... nope

> > > created a holosmith and punched some 1000 gold in his face to be frac and raid rdy. because its the closest to reaper gameplay as it can get.

> > >

> > > valkyrie is a dps loss as stated above: sharpening stones scale with precision/ferocity now. they used to scale with vita/toughness.

> > > that means the more precision and ferocity you have, the more power you get with a sharpening stone.

> > > you do not have the problem IF you use scribing utilities - 200 power when above 90% health... costs 16 gold per hour. have fun. 160 power above 90% health costs roughly 3 gold per hour.

> > > the sharpening stone does give roughly 130 power at all times and costs 15 silver per hour. the sharpening stone that gives power and ferocity and scales with precision - costs roughly 2.5 gold per hour, but nets about the same damage as a potent superior sharpening stone at the cost of 15 silver per hour.

> >

> > There should be an over haul to group finder to penalize people for kicking out a class prior to starting if its geared properly (since all classes are viable), its time to stop pretending we have such a nice community, and use automation to police the toxicity like WoW does).


> Who is the more toxic? The one who kicks based on class, or the one who wants to force others to accept them or be punished if they don't?


Probably the ones that don't buy into ANets philosophy of Play How You Want, and refuse to accept that everything is viable I suppose.


The difference is you've got one person that just wants to have fun vs people that don't play for in it play for stop watches and DPS meters?

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> @Aetatis.5418 said:

> > @Fatalyz.7168 said:

> > > @Oldirtbeard.9834 said:

> > > > @Aetatis.5418 said:

> > > > > @Oldirtbeard.9834 said:

> > > > > Thank you for the testing by the way, I know Raids are still not possible but hopefully we won't get crap in T4 Fractals.

> > > > >

> > > > > Guess I have to get a Warhorn somehow, my Alternate set is Ascended Axe/Dagger (I'll have to figure out the difference for infusions).

> > > > >

> > > > > I wonder why Valk is a DPS loss I thought we were Crit Capped through talents?

> > > >

> > > > i got kicked from t4 fracs 9 times today... just for being on my reaper.

> > > > so... nope

> > > > created a holosmith and punched some 1000 gold in his face to be frac and raid rdy. because its the closest to reaper gameplay as it can get.

> > > >

> > > > valkyrie is a dps loss as stated above: sharpening stones scale with precision/ferocity now. they used to scale with vita/toughness.

> > > > that means the more precision and ferocity you have, the more power you get with a sharpening stone.

> > > > you do not have the problem IF you use scribing utilities - 200 power when above 90% health... costs 16 gold per hour. have fun. 160 power above 90% health costs roughly 3 gold per hour.

> > > > the sharpening stone does give roughly 130 power at all times and costs 15 silver per hour. the sharpening stone that gives power and ferocity and scales with precision - costs roughly 2.5 gold per hour, but nets about the same damage as a potent superior sharpening stone at the cost of 15 silver per hour.

> > >

> > > There should be an over haul to group finder to penalize people for kicking out a class prior to starting if its geared properly (since all classes are viable), its time to stop pretending we have such a nice community, and use automation to police the toxicity like WoW does).

> >

> > Who is the more toxic? The one who kicks based on class, or the one who wants to force others to accept them or be punished if they don't?


> i was going to make a comparison to european society... with that attitude.

> but it doesnt belong here.

> its about golem dps and spread-sheet-ing. so please stay on that topic (everybody !)


Sorry, I see a comment about a guy getting booted from fractals because of the Elite spec we play and it looks like no matter how many buffs we get mouth breathers will mindlessly keep excluding us from content, this is just behavior that most MMOs have grown past in he past 10 years.


I will stay on topic.

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> @Aetatis.5418 said:

> valkyrie is a dps loss as stated above: sharpening stones scale with precision/ferocity now. they used to scale with vita/toughness.

> that means the more precision and ferocity you have, the more power you get with a sharpening stone.

> you do not have the problem IF you use scribing utilities - 200 power when above 90% health... costs 16 gold per hour. have fun. 160 power above 90% health costs roughly 3 gold per hour.

> the sharpening stone does give roughly 130 power at all times and costs 15 silver per hour. the sharpening stone that gives power and ferocity and scales with precision - costs roughly 2.5 gold per hour, but nets about the same damage as a potent superior sharpening stone at the cost of 15 silver per hour.


How about Grieving gear with Dhuumfire and Deathly Chill?



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Just as a point of reference, I tested out my other classes, they were pulling about 27k dps with realistic buffs (might, fury, quickness, alac, spotter, sun, frost, str+disc banners, ea, pinpoint/assassin's) and no food, so it's not as bad as it used to be I guess. I mean there's still a gap, but it's not as wide as before.

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> @Eltiana.9420 said:

> > @Aetatis.5418 said:

> > valkyrie is a dps loss as stated above: sharpening stones scale with precision/ferocity now. they used to scale with vita/toughness.

> > that means the more precision and ferocity you have, the more power you get with a sharpening stone.

> > you do not have the problem IF you use scribing utilities - 200 power when above 90% health... costs 16 gold per hour. have fun. 160 power above 90% health costs roughly 3 gold per hour.

> > the sharpening stone does give roughly 130 power at all times and costs 15 silver per hour. the sharpening stone that gives power and ferocity and scales with precision - costs roughly 2.5 gold per hour, but nets about the same damage as a potent superior sharpening stone at the cost of 15 silver per hour.


> How about Grieving gear with Dhuumfire and Deathly Chill?




Curious about this myself.

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> @haavik.8537 said:

> > @Eltiana.9420 said:

> > > @Aetatis.5418 said:

> > > valkyrie is a dps loss as stated above: sharpening stones scale with precision/ferocity now. they used to scale with vita/toughness.

> > > that means the more precision and ferocity you have, the more power you get with a sharpening stone.

> > > you do not have the problem IF you use scribing utilities - 200 power when above 90% health... costs 16 gold per hour. have fun. 160 power above 90% health costs roughly 3 gold per hour.

> > > the sharpening stone does give roughly 130 power at all times and costs 15 silver per hour. the sharpening stone that gives power and ferocity and scales with precision - costs roughly 2.5 gold per hour, but nets about the same damage as a potent superior sharpening stone at the cost of 15 silver per hour.

> >

> > How about Grieving gear with Dhuumfire and Deathly Chill?

> >

> >


> Curious about this myself.


So am I.

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> @Eltiana.9420 said:

> > @Aetatis.5418 said:

> > valkyrie is a dps loss as stated above: sharpening stones scale with precision/ferocity now. they used to scale with vita/toughness.

> > that means the more precision and ferocity you have, the more power you get with a sharpening stone.

> > you do not have the problem IF you use scribing utilities - 200 power when above 90% health... costs 16 gold per hour. have fun. 160 power above 90% health costs roughly 3 gold per hour.

> > the sharpening stone does give roughly 130 power at all times and costs 15 silver per hour. the sharpening stone that gives power and ferocity and scales with precision - costs roughly 2.5 gold per hour, but nets about the same damage as a potent superior sharpening stone at the cost of 15 silver per hour.


> How about Grieving gear with Dhuumfire and Deathly Chill?




try it. i can't atm.

made a holosmith and a chrono for pve ... (hint hint)... and burned all my money

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