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This is silly.


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> @Burnfall.9573 said:



> This thread topic isn't about pve: it's about mesmer toxicity. What does mesmer toxicity has to do with pve? Absolutely Nothing. No competitive players cares about what class is toxic in Pve; not including streamers.

> You're the one who want to sugar coat the real issues here by shifting the blame on Pve.


> Pve isn't a competitive mode to begin with!!

> Free to do whatever you want without consequences or risks: who cares!!

> Focus on what matters. Focus on the real issues that's plaguing the game.


> Pvp+WvW it is


> That is what the thread is about; The Truth. Stop running away from the truth.


> Face It!!


Ok basics :

1st rotation only count in raid and fractal 100 people told you this

2d if you saw the vid (but i don t think you did ) the old no longer exists as a templet , the test golem had 25 stack of vulnerability, and the tester had all boons + profession spec like storm spirit,Empower Allies, and banners with perma resistance, perma aegis etc this never happen even if you run with a zerg you don t get this much boosts and wvsw people dont have time to perform perfect rotation in pvp ditto.

3d the dps mesmer HAD average dps in controlled environment atm it is 20k with my test , and the much more the 25- idk K ( maybe 28K) but this need perfect rotation and noone can perform this in real situation (maybe 1 person) but this is pve


Finally it is best if you go and disturb other forums because Im ( we are ) not buyers for this kitten shows



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The Mirage axe bug and its fix are proof of just how little the balance team in GW2 gives a shit.


Mirage axe allows for absurd DPS, far outstripping every other class? OK, bugs get missed, I get that. And I get fixing it. But when they fix it, Mirage DPS goes down below just about every other class besides Scourge (and that class alone is a balance nightmare)...and do they do anything to compensate? Did the team say, "Wow, their DPS went into the toilet, we should maybe tweak some other things upward to make them worthwhile in PvE since they don't bring anything else to the table besides DPS?" Nope! They just said, "Bug's fixed, my job here is done!" and left it. Congratulations, balance team, great work there. I hope your handlers gave you an extra banana for that one.


Why is anyone on the balance team still employed? The high schoolers who work at Burger King put more effort into their jobs than the GW2 balance team. If they did this kind of slapshod non-work at any other job they'd be fired.

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> @Yuyuske.7182 said:

> The Mirage axe bug and its fix are proof of just how little the balance team in GW2 gives a kitten.


> Mirage axe allows for absurd DPS, far outstripping every other class? OK, bugs get missed, I get that. And I get fixing it. But when they fix it, Mirage DPS goes down below just about every other class besides Scourge (and that class alone is a balance nightmare)...and do they do anything to compensate? Did the team say, "Wow, their DPS went into the toilet, we should maybe tweak some other things upward to make them worthwhile in PvE since they don't bring anything else to the table besides DPS?" Nope! They just said, "Bug's fixed, my job here is done!" and left it. Congratulations, balance team, great work there. I hope your handlers gave you an extra banana for that one.


> Why is anyone on the balance team still employed? The high schoolers who work at Burger King put more effort into their jobs than the GW2 balance team. If they did this kind of slapshod non-work at any other job they'd be fired.


The bugfix was to prevent mesmer from facerolling bosses. They blew dps out if the water. The bugfix was an emergency reaction.

Balance itself will come with the next balance update.


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