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Can someone post a picture of Twin Sands styled to look like a Shiba Inu?

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Could someone with the Twin Sands mount style their mount dye channels to try to get as close to a Shiba Inu as much as possible? For reference:




Posting a picture of it in the dye window or in game would work. Thanks :)

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Huh, I'd not really looked at the mount skins as I really had no interest in them. But this one, in a shiba style, has my attention! I now see the issue about the whole way the mount skins have been released, I would want only this one out of the whole 30(?) available! So chances are I'll never end up with it as no way I'm gonna spend gems on potentially 29(?) attempts before getting the only one that I would want and use, the rest would just be expensive useless junk to me :/

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> @killermanjaro.5670 said:

> Huh, I'd not really looked at the mount skins as I really had no interest in them. But this one, in a shiba style, has my attention! I now see the issue about the whole way the mount skins have been released, I would want only this one out of the whole 30(?) available! So chances are I'll never end up with it as no way I'm gonna spend gems on potentially 29(?) attempts before getting the only one that I would want and use, the rest would just be expensive useless junk to me :/


Or 1 try, just like this person who wanted exactly the same skin as you.

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> @phandaria.4891 said:

> > @killermanjaro.5670 said:

> > Huh, I'd not really looked at the mount skins as I really had no interest in them. But this one, in a shiba style, has my attention! I now see the issue about the whole way the mount skins have been released, I would want only this one out of the whole 30(?) available! So chances are I'll never end up with it as no way I'm gonna spend gems on potentially 29(?) attempts before getting the only one that I would want and use, the rest would just be expensive useless junk to me :/


> Or 1 try, just like this person who wanted exactly the same skin as you.



Sure if I'm lucky then one try, but if you're going to spend money (or convert gold), then you have to allow for what it would cost if you don't get the luck on the first try (or even the first 10 or 20). In that case that would be a lot to spend for one skin, especially as there'd be no way to recoup any value from the skins that would have no interest or use to me. For every failed attempt it would be a waste of gems/gold/money for anyone who has no interest in any of the other skins.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> Is it possible to make that mount looks more menacing?

> I'm not supporting the RNG, but yesterday I thought "I could use this on Middna" who's based on... the obvious.


> I don't want a grinning happy looking Link.

> I know Dyes can do certain things so, possibility?


I got that skin. I’ll try some dyes to see if it can become a goth mount.



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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> Is it possible to make that mount looks more menacing?

> I'm not supporting the RNG, but yesterday I thought "I could use this on Middna" who's based on... the obvious.


> I don't want a grinning happy looking Link.

> I know Dyes can do certain things so, possibility?


Dye the rune channel red. Red glowing eyes always add an air of menace, especially to a "smiling" face. The deeper the better, generally.

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> @Trise.2865 said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > Is it possible to make that mount looks more menacing?

> > I'm not supporting the RNG, but yesterday I thought "I could use this on Middna" who's based on... the obvious.

> >

> > I don't want a grinning happy looking Link.

> > I know Dyes can do certain things so, possibility?


> Dye the rune channel red. Red glowing eyes always add an air of menace, especially to a "smiling" face. The deeper the better, generally.


Well no. When I mean menacing I meant like

![](https://i.imgur.com/1qroIPD.png "")

Took the image from Dulfy's video, but it's still the same. The patterns around the eyes and the mouth give it one of those general/typical "Dopey Dog" kind of faces all "Happy" and "Derpy" in terms.


![](https://i.imgur.com/SJ87ELQ.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/ttnrm0O.png "")

When I'm talking menacing, I'm not speaking in terms of evil or demonic or deadly.

I was mostly speaking on "Can the dyes make the face look more determined/serious?"


Right now the face in my opinion can't give off the look of "I'm not a canine you can throw a branch meters away and expect me to go fetch it. I'm more dignified than that"

It gives the face of "Hehehehe fetch! Fetch! Aroooo! Let's play! Fetch! Hehehehehe throw it as many times and I'll go catch it! Hehehehehe! Aroooooo."

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Just an FYI: You can preview any/all dyes in the Dye section on all the Mount skins whether you've unlocked the skin or the Mount.


> I got that skin first try, lol, and I don't even have a Jackal.


My Middna at the moment is using Shadow Abyss x2 and Seafoam x2


How the skin look in the preview

![](https://i.imgur.com/mFN9kUY.png "")


How my halloween one look

![](https://i.imgur.com/ewzDOGu.png "")


Unless you're going to tell me I can't dye the canine itself which I'm going to say is false as I've seen people dye before. I don't see how I would I can preview the dyes or not.

Also funny how the link made for my halloween say "Ewz Dogu" on it.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Not sure what you are saying. You can go to Dyes and preview them on the Mount Skins. Of course, you must preview the Mount Skin first.


> Good luck.


And how do you preview it?

I just hit h and go to mounts and it shows the skins there. I don't see how you "preview" other than that.

I see no way of not making the sand colour parts not sand coloured.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > Not sure what you are saying. You can go to Dyes and preview them on the Mount Skins. Of course, you must preview the Mount Skin first.

> >

> > Good luck.


> And how do you preview it?

> I just hit h and go to mounts and it shows the skins there. I don't see how you "preview" other than that.

> I see no way of not making the sand colour parts not sand coloured.


The Shiba mount has 4 dye channels - One for the runes and eyes, one for the stone, one for the top of the sand body, and one for the bottom.


> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> Is it possible to make that mount looks more menacing?

> I'm not supporting the RNG, but yesterday I thought "I could use this on Middna" who's based on... the obvious.


> I don't want a grinning happy looking Link.

> I know Dyes can do certain things so, possibility?


Dark dyes might work. Not 'Black", but I'm looking right now. I think I got something pretty menacing using Oil Slick for the upper body, Zaffre for the eyes/runes, Fern for the lower body (Nice dark grey with a greenish tint), and Shadow Green for the stone.


You can probably find cheaper alternative dyes. https://gyazo.com/ce71e8cbc1f250f3ef14608fe4684c4b

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> @phandaria.4891 said:

> > @killermanjaro.5670 said:

> > Huh, I'd not really looked at the mount skins as I really had no interest in them. But this one, in a shiba style, has my attention! I now see the issue about the whole way the mount skins have been released, I would want only this one out of the whole 30(?) available! So chances are I'll never end up with it as no way I'm gonna spend gems on potentially 29(?) attempts before getting the only one that I would want and use, the rest would just be expensive useless junk to me :/


> Or 1 try, just like this person who wanted exactly the same skin as you.



I've bought into the "other people had good luck so I might too!" fallacy too many times in exploitative mobile games to fall for it here.


No guarantee, no gacha.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > Not sure what you are saying. You can go to Dyes and preview them on the Mount Skins. Of course, you must preview the Mount Skin first.

> >

> > Good luck.


> And how do you preview it?

> I just hit h and go to mounts and it shows the skins there. I don't see how you "preview" other than that.

> I see no way of not making the sand colour parts not sand coloured.


I *believe* there is a way to preview the dyes, but it can be a little complicated. First you preview the skin itself, then you go into the BLTC and find the dye you want listed there. Then you have to preview those dyes in the order you want them to appear, which might take a little trial and error. Remember if you reset you have to start all over. I don't think there's any way to preview the skin using dyes from your own wardrobe, or using the standard interface.

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> @Sartharina.3542 said:


> Dark dyes might work. Not 'Black", but I'm looking right now. I think I got something pretty menacing using Oil Slick for the upper body, Zaffre for the eyes/runes, Fern for the lower body (Nice dark grey with a greenish tint), and Shadow Green for the stone.


> You can probably find cheaper alternative dyes. https://gyazo.com/ce71e8cbc1f250f3ef14608fe4684c4b


That actually doesn't look that bad at all.

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