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[Video] China server wvw


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> @Norbe.7630 said:

> hmmmm,

> i think CN understood WvW as World vs World (am i the only one who thinks they understood english better than the other 2 english speaking servers?)

> while on NA WvW is understood as Guild vs Guild (https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/13237/should-invisible-tag-be-a-thing#latest)

> dunno about on EU though.... (they are the real deal english folks so i assume they're good)



> all in all, good to see this vid

> makes me wanna play DOTA2 again, cuz ive had enough of the same boring strats NA makes on WvW.... metabutthole......


hard to win without meta if enemies use meta, so everyone use meta now :/


> @boolah.1325 said:

> Good for them.. they are enjoying the game instead of just coming onto the forums to complain :)


china fourm have a lot of complan too.


> @Svarty.8019 said:

> > @SloRules.3560 said:

> > Where is the melee ball? They just seem to be clouding, which results in no pushes at all.


> Who needs a melee ball? It's the return of the Pirate Ship, baby! Avast me hearties, haul the mainsail! YARRR!


> Scourge circles were always a stupid idea.


yeah, a huge Pirate Ship.


> @Heiheihei.4379 said:

> Hey , your guardian play very suck u know?


this is my friend's video, my computer is bad can't record.


> @Halbarz.3854 said:

> looks awesome but I have only one questions :P How do you understand what everyone is saying? I hear like 40 different people speaking at the same time xD


my ear filtering unnecessary information Automatic :/

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> @Norbe.7630 said:

> hmmmm,

> i think CN understood WvW as World vs World (am i the only one who thinks they understood english better than the other 2 english speaking servers?)

> while on NA WvW is understood as Guild vs Guild (https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/13237/should-invisible-tag-be-a-thing#latest)

> dunno about on EU though.... (they are the real deal english folks so i assume they're good)



> all in all, good to see this vid

> makes me wanna play DOTA2 again, cuz ive had enough of the same boring strats NA makes on WvW.... metabutthole......


Actually it's in EU that WvW is more Guild vs Guild where generally you have large pug blobs running public and then the majority of guilds with their 15-20 picking fights with their equivalents in other servers.


NA is more about RvR. Both Roster v Roster and Realm v Realm

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> @Sovereign.1093 said:

> thats how noisy wvw used to be you know


our cmd is insensitive, so we need to give him a lot of information...


> @FrouFrou.4958 said:

> You mentioned that there are also people complaining in the forums there, any particular WvW related things? Are players over there happy with the condi/pirate meta?


Condition is not meta in china server, if you have 2 guardian and 2 rev can easily use resistance or condi clean to againest it.

The most damage receive is rev's hammer skill, and WoD is very op too. These two are most in need of attention.

Well...just accept it.


> @Kirin.7306 said:

> framerate wars =)





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> @Norbe.7630 said:

> hmmmm,

> i think CN understood WvW as World vs World (am i the only one who thinks they understood english better than the other 2 english speaking servers?)

> while on NA WvW is understood as Guild vs Guild (https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/13237/should-invisible-tag-be-a-thing#latest)

> dunno about on EU though.... (they are the real deal english folks so i assume they're good)



> all in all, good to see this vid

> makes me wanna play DOTA2 again, cuz ive had enough of the same boring strats NA makes on WvW.... metabutthole......


in war, it is not the means but the outcome becoz all's fair in love and war

in west, it seems to be more about individual feeling good than the war itself

oh wait, maybe that's why there are more trash talks in gw2 than pvp mmorpg

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> @FrouFrou.4958 said:

> What about classes, do you have people going for optimal min/max setups and kicking rangers out of the squads or are everyone welcome to join?


we will recommend our guild member like this

direct damage = herald(easiest) or weaver

condi damage = scourge

support = Firebrand + Spellbreaker(need mic) + Chronomancer + Druid

There are newbie everywhere, we will recommend them to play rev first


> @jul.7602 said:

> Their eotm pugs look more organized than any NA t2 server I've seen.


not pugs, two guild vs two guild actually

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