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My Support Ticket [merged]


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Long story short, I have been adamantly trying to get in touch with support in regards to a Gem refund over these ridiculous 'mount adoption contracts'

My first ticket was sent 20 minutes after the game went up on Tuesday requesting a refund in the midst of the storm brewing because of the RNG that contracts bring.

I have added several replies to my ticket (adding more and more details and information) and the original ticket is still open with no answer.


I had made another ticket explaining that my first one is still unsolved and asked if there was another way I should go about what I was requesting.

**That ticket was shortly "closed for comment" ...????**

However, my original ticket still remains open.

I thus submitted a follow up to closed ticket so now I have the follow-up ticket as well as my original ticket from Tuesday morning still open and unsolved.


How many tickets do I have to open or how much time do I have to spend stalking the forums/reddit/twitter for any kind of response?

I understand there's probably a slew of tickets on their lap at the moment but I would at least expect a solid "yes or no" by now....

I'm just sitting here like a dumbkitten.

Support as always been fast and fair when it comes to solving problems...

I'm just getting pushed farther and farther away from a game that I have grown to love for the past few years.

Such a shame...

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Duplicate tickets will be closed/merged with the original; this has always been the case.





The CS Team allows themselves 72 hours to respond, at most, when there is no backlog. Your ticket will be attended to as soon as it makes its way through the queue. (Do keep in mind, the CS Team may or may not be awaiting instructions on what to do with Mount Skin refund requests; I don't know.)


Good luck.

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> @Nokomis.5076 said:

> > @Aya.6321 said:

> > How many tickets do I have to open


> Exactly one. Don't be impatient, it won't help. Stay to your original ticket.


> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Duplicate tickets will be closed/merged with the original; this has always been the case.


> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/343/account-support-helping-us-help-you



> The CS Team allows themselves 72 hours to respond, at most, when there is no backlog. Your ticket will be attended to as soon as it makes its way through the queue. (Do keep in mind, the CS Team may or may not be awaiting instructions on what to do with Mount Skin refund requests; I don't know.)


> Good luck.


Thank you both~

I'm just so lost with what to do. It's just a pretty crappy situation to be in and I wish I didn't have to act so sporadically.

Just feeling like a small little fish in a stormy sea~

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Hey there~

So I submitted a support ticket on Tuesday and I have yet to get any response.

I don't want to keep updating the ticket and over complicating things but I'm just curious when I should expect a response?

I was told at the most it takes 72 hours for the CS to answer a ticket but so far I have got no where.

Has anyone else had any issues with support tickets since Tuesday?


@"Gaile Gray.6029"~

everything okay over there?

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Well, as some of you might have already read, Mike had released a public announcement regarding the situation about the Mount Stable skins.



Honestly, it really doesn't help those who really got kittened by the whole situation.

Some knew what they were in for, some didn't.

Some happy with their rolls, most totally devastated.

For my situation, I blew 4k Gems right at the start thinking that we'd have a choice over what skin we would get.

Of course we all know now, that's unfortunately not the case.


I have myself submitted a request for a refund (just the Gems; not even the money I paid for them) for the contracts literally 20 minutes after the Contracts went on sale on Tuesday and I have yet to get any sort of answer.

My ticket is still unanswered and I've been adamantly checking the status every day for what feels like every 20 minutes.

I honestly don't expect a refund after this point, especially after Mike's statement; but honestly any sort of response would suffice. Even if it is a huge "NO."


Anyone else submit any sort of refund request regarding the Mount Contracts? I feel like they don't know what to really say or do.

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> @RoseofGilead.8907 said:

> It's only been a few days, and you already made a similar thread just yesterday. Try to be patient.


I get that but honestly, It's just, a "yes" or "no" ... (or so I think~)

I've submitted way more intricate tickets in the past that required more steps to process and solve.

They were taken care of in a matter of hours at that.

Just feel pretty helpless since there's really no clarity on the possibility of a refund or not.



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With the forum backlash over the issue, they may have put tickets requesting a refund on hold while they figured out what they were going to do and what they weren't going to do.


So that they didn't tell people in tickets X before corporate decided to do Y. Especially in cases where they would have been mutually exclusive.


If it's skins and they either auto-unlocked or you unlocked them, their hands may be tied with regards to giving a refund given that they can't remove skins from the wardrobe.

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