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[Request] Fluffy jumping spider mount


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I mean... dont we all hate spiders IRL? :fearful:

But in game, I just find them really awesome, cool looking creatures! I would loved to ride one of those if they didnt get scrapped, :no_mouth:


Imagine the Spider mount's mastery would be... :)

Climb on walls, spin webnet, posion your enemies, trap enemies in a webcacoon... :wink:

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> @Halan.8951 said:

> > @Alatar.7364 said:

> > Unless it was made super cute, I would get an Heart-attack anytime somebody would Mount-up.

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/5EizPiq.gif "")





That's the face of, "Can I sit in your hands? Can I sit in your hands please? I want you to give me attention. I promise to eat all the unwanted bugs in your room. Can you please take me home?"

and I would have a hard time saying no even though it might not be safe for the little guy as I have 3 black widows that might get jealous of him (assuming it's a he as he's kinda small looking in the build. Not sure what specific spider that is).

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @Halan.8951 said:

> > > @Alatar.7364 said:

> > > Unless it was made super cute, I would get an Heart-attack anytime somebody would Mount-up.

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/5EizPiq.gif "")

> >

> >

> >


> That's the face of, "Can I sit in your hands? Can I sit in your hands please? I want you to give me attention. I promise to eat all the unwanted bugs in your room. Can you please take me home?"

> and I would have a hard time saying no even though it might not be safe for the little guy as I have 3 black widows that might get jealous of him (assuming it's a he as he's kinda small looking in the build. Not sure what specific spider that is).


I think that is a type of peacock spider. They are rather small in comparison. They could easily kill the poor thing.

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> @Kumouta.4985 said:

> there are enough huge spiders in the game. I don't think adding a spider mount would change much for arachnophobes. Also, i like spiders so bringbackspidermount +1


My spider-liking-self enjoy this idea but in a way... I kind of dodged a bullet.

I would've been raging a lot more about this RNG thing if they had made a skin for the spider and made it a black widow skin.

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> @"Cuon Alpinus.7645" said:

> They said it was scrapped due to a hearty amount of people in the office possessing arachnophobia


Personally I would have paid extra for PoF to see someone who didn't know they were in-game minding their own business in Amnoon during a race when suddenly a herd of giant spiders comes rumbling over the horizon toward them.

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> @"Cuon Alpinus.7645" said:

> They said it was scrapped due to a hearty amount of people in the office possessing arachnophobia


Somehow missed this comment.

Okay, so what's the excuse with many places in the game just swarming all over with them?

I think a single mount wouldn't be an issue compared to some areas with giant champion ones, enemies that swarm tons of hatchlings, the tons and tons of webbing everywhere and many other things.

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