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[Request] Fluffy jumping spider mount


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> @Ravij.9856 said:

> > @"Cuon Alpinus.7645" said:

> > They said it was scrapped due to a hearty amount of people in the office possessing arachnophobia


> Yet they didn't stop to think about the percentage of the playerbase having a fear of clowns when they made that one harvesting tool. :|


that only counts if there would be a different skin for the mount that would've had the spider skin, since the standard harvesting tools don't have a clown in them.

but since they had the idea,I'm sure that at some point they will add mount skins that actually are different animals instead of reskinned coppies of the ones that already exist

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It's all well and good when people are posting pictures of peacock spiders. Have you seen them in real life? They're **tiny**.


For reference:

![](https://i.imgur.com/IeeyfgD.jpg "")



Real spiders have curves (don't open if arachnophobic):




That said. If they did a cute one, i'd want one. Just not to climb on walls, that would kinda break the game, but honestly, i don't know what mechanic a spider could bring that would be worthwile to get. Maybe in LS4 they could invent the need for a spider, that would be cool.

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Disclaimer: I didn't read most of the replies because of the massive spider pictures (which I was entirely expecting to see).


The day they add spider mounts to GW2 is the day I uninstall the game and never look back. Which would be a massive shame because I love this game but honestly I can just about deal with the spider enemies - mostly by staying at range with the camera zoomed all the way out and angled above my character, never putting the mouse over them and killing them as fast as possible. (And on bad days by avoiding areas I know I'll encounter spiders.) I can deal with the ranger pets by staying away from them - including going to find a different bank/merchant/TP if one is too close.


But spider mounts would have to be far, far bigger than either and could appear anywhere, including in situations where I cannot avoid them. I can absolutely guarantee it will be the mount of choice for afking in populated areas too.


(And no, it wouldn't help if they looked like those "cute" fluffy spiders. If you're arachnophobic they are just as terrifying as any of the others. Yes I've seen the posts/videos on Facebook, repeatedly. Some people genuinely seem to believe the archaic advice that looking at the thing you're afraid of will do anything except make it worse and others apparently think other people's phobias are really funny and a great source of entertainment is to send pictures to your "friend" who you know can't stand them. On the plus side I've cleared several people who clearly are not my friends off of Facebook.)

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> @Danikat.8537 said:

> Disclaimer: I didn't read most of the replies because of the massive spider pictures (which I was entirely expecting to see).


> The day they add spider mounts to GW2 is the day I uninstall the game and never look back. Which would be a massive shame because I love this game but honestly I can just about deal with the spider enemies - mostly by staying at range with the camera zoomed all the way out and angled above my character, never putting the mouse over them and killing them as fast as possible. (And on bad days by avoiding areas I know I'll encounter spiders.) I can deal with the ranger pets by staying away from them - including going to find a different bank/merchant/TP if one is too close.


> But spider mounts would have to be far, far bigger than either and could appear anywhere, including in situations where I cannot avoid them. I can absolutely guarantee it will be the mount of choice for afking in populated areas too.


> (And no, it wouldn't help if they looked like those "cute" fluffy spiders. If you're arachnophobic they are just as terrifying as any of the others. Yes I've seen the posts/videos on Facebook, repeatedly. Some people genuinely seem to believe the archaic advice that looking at the thing you're afraid of will do anything except make it worse and others apparently think other people's phobias are really funny and a great source of entertainment is to send pictures to your "friend" who you know can't stand them. On the plus side I've cleared several people who clearly are not my friends off of Facebook.)


The Arachnophobia is strong in this post. :tongue:

Spiders are bros. They keep the annoying bugs in check, i always leave a couple at my house to kill the flies and mosquitoes.


But what you wrote here, how you experience it, this is probably why they scrapped the spider mount in the first place. It's fine for people to avoid areas with spiders in them, but a spider mount, presumably with a specific mechanic it has (like other mounts) that would require you to use it to traverse certain areas... That would lock a bunch of people out of that content.


Unless they also release an arachnophobia filter with the spider mount that replaces the mount with raspberries or something. That could work.

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> @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > @Danikat.8537 said:

> > Disclaimer: I didn't read most of the replies because of the massive spider pictures (which I was entirely expecting to see).

> >

> > The day they add spider mounts to GW2 is the day I uninstall the game and never look back. Which would be a massive shame because I love this game but honestly I can just about deal with the spider enemies - mostly by staying at range with the camera zoomed all the way out and angled above my character, never putting the mouse over them and killing them as fast as possible. (And on bad days by avoiding areas I know I'll encounter spiders.) I can deal with the ranger pets by staying away from them - including going to find a different bank/merchant/TP if one is too close.

> >

> > But spider mounts would have to be far, far bigger than either and could appear anywhere, including in situations where I cannot avoid them. I can absolutely guarantee it will be the mount of choice for afking in populated areas too.

> >

> > (And no, it wouldn't help if they looked like those "cute" fluffy spiders. If you're arachnophobic they are just as terrifying as any of the others. Yes I've seen the posts/videos on Facebook, repeatedly. Some people genuinely seem to believe the archaic advice that looking at the thing you're afraid of will do anything except make it worse and others apparently think other people's phobias are really funny and a great source of entertainment is to send pictures to your "friend" who you know can't stand them. On the plus side I've cleared several people who clearly are not my friends off of Facebook.)


> The Arachnophobia is strong in this post. :tongue:

> Spiders are bros. They keep the annoying bugs in check, i always leave a couple at my house to kill the flies and mosquitoes.


> But what you wrote here, how you experience it, this is probably why they scrapped the spider mount in the first place. It's fine for people to avoid areas with spiders in them, but a spider mount, presumably with a specific mechanic it has (like other mounts) that would require you to use it to traverse certain areas... That would lock a bunch of people out of that content.


> Unless they also release an arachnophobia filter with the spider mount that replaces the mount with raspberries or something. That could work.


She's not the only one that feels this way. She does the same thing I do, avoid spiders as much as we can.


There was similar thread in the old forum where a poster actually laughed at us and called us liars regarding our arachnophobia.

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> @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> > @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > > @Danikat.8537 said:

> > > Disclaimer: I didn't read most of the replies because of the massive spider pictures (which I was entirely expecting to see).

> > >

> > > The day they add spider mounts to GW2 is the day I uninstall the game and never look back. Which would be a massive shame because I love this game but honestly I can just about deal with the spider enemies - mostly by staying at range with the camera zoomed all the way out and angled above my character, never putting the mouse over them and killing them as fast as possible. (And on bad days by avoiding areas I know I'll encounter spiders.) I can deal with the ranger pets by staying away from them - including going to find a different bank/merchant/TP if one is too close.

> > >

> > > But spider mounts would have to be far, far bigger than either and could appear anywhere, including in situations where I cannot avoid them. I can absolutely guarantee it will be the mount of choice for afking in populated areas too.

> > >

> > > (And no, it wouldn't help if they looked like those "cute" fluffy spiders. If you're arachnophobic they are just as terrifying as any of the others. Yes I've seen the posts/videos on Facebook, repeatedly. Some people genuinely seem to believe the archaic advice that looking at the thing you're afraid of will do anything except make it worse and others apparently think other people's phobias are really funny and a great source of entertainment is to send pictures to your "friend" who you know can't stand them. On the plus side I've cleared several people who clearly are not my friends off of Facebook.)

> >

> > The Arachnophobia is strong in this post. :tongue:

> > Spiders are bros. They keep the annoying bugs in check, i always leave a couple at my house to kill the flies and mosquitoes.

> >

> > But what you wrote here, how you experience it, this is probably why they scrapped the spider mount in the first place. It's fine for people to avoid areas with spiders in them, but a spider mount, presumably with a specific mechanic it has (like other mounts) that would require you to use it to traverse certain areas... That would lock a bunch of people out of that content.

> >

> > Unless they also release an arachnophobia filter with the spider mount that replaces the mount with raspberries or something. That could work.


> She's not the only one that feels this way. She does the same thing I do, avoid spiders as much as we can.


> There was similar thread in the old forum where a poster actually laughed at us and called us liars regarding our arachnophobia.


Yeah people are idiots some times, especially on the internet, so that stuff is to be expected honestly. I wouldn't pay much attention to it.

But yeah, arachnophobia is pretty common in a lot of people, and just because i'm not freaked out by spiders (even the ugly ones), doesn't mean no one is. So Anet probably know this, as this is a common phobia (and rooted in our genes probably - some spiders are dangerous), and decided to scrap the spider mount.


But if they intend to implement it, there should really be a filter that replaces the spider mesh with something else, even if it breaks clipping and doesn't look right.

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I am sorry people need to get over the weird spider fear. There are already spiders in game, big ones, small ones, undead ones. It is not like you don't literally see them in nearly ever zone in the game and you don't hear people cry for them to be removed.


I hate snakes in rl, but I think a snake mount would be cool lol.

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> @Zakka.2153 said:

> I am sorry people need to get over the weird spider fear.



Yeah, it doesn't really work that way. Sometimes seeking professional help can assist people in learning to cope with phobias, but that is a genuinely difficult task and not always successful. Not to mention expensive and time consuming. Phobias are a very real thing and there is no reason that a video game should knowingly trigger it in part of their player base just to humor the coolness factor for another part of their player base.


Even if the number of arachnophobic gamers is so small that ANET would not see any appreciable loss in game/gem sales, there is still the matter of simple human decency which they have shown in choosing to scrap this mount. Who here honestly thinks it is worth reducing other people to tears & nightmares and a loss of their time and money invested in GW2 simple to have another "cool" movement in game?

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> @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> > > @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > > > @Danikat.8537 said:

> > > > Disclaimer: I didn't read most of the replies because of the massive spider pictures (which I was entirely expecting to see).

> > > >

> > > > The day they add spider mounts to GW2 is the day I uninstall the game and never look back. Which would be a massive shame because I love this game but honestly I can just about deal with the spider enemies - mostly by staying at range with the camera zoomed all the way out and angled above my character, never putting the mouse over them and killing them as fast as possible. (And on bad days by avoiding areas I know I'll encounter spiders.) I can deal with the ranger pets by staying away from them - including going to find a different bank/merchant/TP if one is too close.

> > > >

> > > > But spider mounts would have to be far, far bigger than either and could appear anywhere, including in situations where I cannot avoid them. I can absolutely guarantee it will be the mount of choice for afking in populated areas too.

> > > >

> > > > (And no, it wouldn't help if they looked like those "cute" fluffy spiders. If you're arachnophobic they are just as terrifying as any of the others. Yes I've seen the posts/videos on Facebook, repeatedly. Some people genuinely seem to believe the archaic advice that looking at the thing you're afraid of will do anything except make it worse and others apparently think other people's phobias are really funny and a great source of entertainment is to send pictures to your "friend" who you know can't stand them. On the plus side I've cleared several people who clearly are not my friends off of Facebook.)

> > >

> > > The Arachnophobia is strong in this post. :tongue:

> > > Spiders are bros. They keep the annoying bugs in check, i always leave a couple at my house to kill the flies and mosquitoes.

> > >

> > > But what you wrote here, how you experience it, this is probably why they scrapped the spider mount in the first place. It's fine for people to avoid areas with spiders in them, but a spider mount, presumably with a specific mechanic it has (like other mounts) that would require you to use it to traverse certain areas... That would lock a bunch of people out of that content.

> > >

> > > Unless they also release an arachnophobia filter with the spider mount that replaces the mount with raspberries or something. That could work.

> >

> > She's not the only one that feels this way. She does the same thing I do, avoid spiders as much as we can.

> >

> > There was similar thread in the old forum where a poster actually laughed at us and called us liars regarding our arachnophobia.


> Yeah people are idiots some times, especially on the internet, so that stuff is to be expected honestly. I wouldn't pay much attention to it.

> But yeah, arachnophobia is pretty common in a lot of people, and just because i'm not freaked out by spiders (even the ugly ones), doesn't mean no one is. So Anet probably know this, as this is a common phobia (and rooted in our genes probably - some spiders are dangerous), and decided to scrap the spider mount.


> But if they intend to implement it, there should really be a filter that replaces the spider mesh with something else, even if it breaks clipping and doesn't look right.


Take a look at a list of common phobias and consider the list of things that couldn't be in games following this logic. Pretty sure all of the mount types except springer would get the axe. It's been a while since I've looked at the list, but I think spiders come out on top, with reptiles being #2, and dogs falling somewhere in the top 5 and birds somewhere in the top 20.


I mean this not to be insensitive. I have a very common phobia myself, (heights, which I think is #3, related to my neuromuscular disease.) I tried to get used to and even learn to like high places and jumping puzzles in the game. In the end, it just makes me feel anxious and sick. Regardless, I don't think it makes sense to ask for jumping from high places etc. to disappear from video games because of my health problem.


I do think it's a good idea to have an option to hide other player's mounts/skins particle effects if someone so chooses.

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I'm just wondering as I didn't know arachnophobia was so huge. Is there like some connection on why a lot are afraid of the little guys?

To be fair, while I'm a spider person, I don't like Tarantulas. I just don't like how at times how slow they are and how super super furry they are. Just don't seem appealing to me.

The small ones yes can be furry at times but it's a cute furry and don't look like a 8 legged multi-eyed kitty (which I think might be kinda cute to see... minus the multi-eyes on the kitten).

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> @Dovienya.6597 said:



> > @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> > > > @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > > > > @Danikat.8537 said:

> > > > > Disclaimer: I didn't read most of the replies because of the massive spider pictures (which I was entirely expecting to see).

> > > > >

> > > > > The day they add spider mounts to GW2 is the day I uninstall the game and never look back. Which would be a massive shame because I love this game but honestly I can just about deal with the spider enemies - mostly by staying at range with the camera zoomed all the way out and angled above my character, never putting the mouse over them and killing them as fast as possible. (And on bad days by avoiding areas I know I'll encounter spiders.) I can deal with the ranger pets by staying away from them - including going to find a different bank/merchant/TP if one is too close.

> > > > >

> > > > > But spider mounts would have to be far, far bigger than either and could appear anywhere, including in situations where I cannot avoid them. I can absolutely guarantee it will be the mount of choice for afking in populated areas too.

> > > > >

> > > > > (And no, it wouldn't help if they looked like those "cute" fluffy spiders. If you're arachnophobic they are just as terrifying as any of the others. Yes I've seen the posts/videos on Facebook, repeatedly. Some people genuinely seem to believe the archaic advice that looking at the thing you're afraid of will do anything except make it worse and others apparently think other people's phobias are really funny and a great source of entertainment is to send pictures to your "friend" who you know can't stand them. On the plus side I've cleared several people who clearly are not my friends off of Facebook.)

> > > >

> > > > The Arachnophobia is strong in this post. :tongue:

> > > > Spiders are bros. They keep the annoying bugs in check, i always leave a couple at my house to kill the flies and mosquitoes.

> > > >

> > > > But what you wrote here, how you experience it, this is probably why they scrapped the spider mount in the first place. It's fine for people to avoid areas with spiders in them, but a spider mount, presumably with a specific mechanic it has (like other mounts) that would require you to use it to traverse certain areas... That would lock a bunch of people out of that content.

> > > >

> > > > Unless they also release an arachnophobia filter with the spider mount that replaces the mount with raspberries or something. That could work.

> > >

> > > She's not the only one that feels this way. She does the same thing I do, avoid spiders as much as we can.

> > >

> > > There was similar thread in the old forum where a poster actually laughed at us and called us liars regarding our arachnophobia.

> >

> > Yeah people are idiots some times, especially on the internet, so that stuff is to be expected honestly. I wouldn't pay much attention to it.

> > But yeah, arachnophobia is pretty common in a lot of people, and just because i'm not freaked out by spiders (even the ugly ones), doesn't mean no one is. So Anet probably know this, as this is a common phobia (and rooted in our genes probably - some spiders are dangerous), and decided to scrap the spider mount.

> >

> > But if they intend to implement it, there should really be a filter that replaces the spider mesh with something else, even if it breaks clipping and doesn't look right.


> Take a look at a list of common phobias and consider the list of things that couldn't be in games following this logic. Pretty sure all of the mount types except springer would get the axe. It's been a while since I've looked at the list, but I think spiders come out on top, with reptiles being #2, and dogs falling somewhere in the top 5 and birds somewhere in the top 20.


> I mean this not to be insensitive. I have a very common phobia myself, (heights, which I think is #3, related to my neuromuscular disease.) I tried to get used to and even learn to like high places and jumping puzzles in the game. In the end, it just makes me feel anxious and sick. Regardless, I don't think it makes sense to ask for jumping from high places etc. to disappear from video games because of my health problem.


> I do think it's a good idea to have an option to hide other player's mounts/skins particle effects if someone so chooses.


Well no one is asking to delete something from the game. The spider mount isn't even in the game, but if it did come to GW2, well, spiders kinda need a filter. I don't know why, maybe it's the intensity of the fear that's causing this, or maybe the nature of the spiders themselves.


Cause I've seen people have weird phobias in real life (moths, reptiles, centipedes, etc.) but none of them minded those things when on TV, in videogames or photos or something. Spiders are different. You can make a lizard look "cute" to people who don't like them because the raptor in this game doesn't look remotely like any real lizard does except for the baseline features (scales and "looks lizardy"), its facial expressions and behavior kinda "humanizes" it. The bunny is, well, a bunny, and the griffon doesn't exist so to most mature players, fictional things aren't scary, or they could be scary, but there's no real life parallel they need to worry about so that's fine. Skimmer too. Manta ray or something, it's redeeming feature (if people are afraid of it) is it's movement over water and how beautiful that looks and feels. All the mounts have some fun idle animations that endear themselves to the players. I like the "what the f... " one on the raptor when he starts shaking lol.


But spiders are... Spiders. No matter how "unrealistic" you portray them (and there's some pretty far fetched ones in this game), it's still a spider. Still has 8 legs which is what mostly creeps people out, still has more eyes than anything should have, it's still either thorny or hairy... And people react to that the same way if they'd seen a real spider.

It's weird and i don't know why that is, but this is why arachnophobia is a relevant factor in media (not just games), because you can't humanize a spider like you can other creatures. Or present them as pets. That's why arachnophobia filters exist, or why games sometimes use spiders when something is supposed to be scary or uncofortable. Because (supposedly, read that somewhere, don't quote me on this) spiders are rooted in our genes as something to be careful of. It links to our survival.


Fear of hights is kinda 50/50. It's a real phobia, and well, a pretty smart one to have, it also ensures the continuation of the species, just like pain tells us "hey, you'll seriously hurt yourself or die if you keep doing the thing that causes you pain", fear of heights tells us "hey, this is about as far as you can go to have a realistic chance of survival if you fall". I personally don't think fear of heights as a phobia, it's just common sense, and everyone should have it. :tongue:


As for heights in media. It's pretty uncommon for people to even percieve heights on a 2D plane, even if it is a 3D environment, it's still not "high" or "low", it's just "there" until you factor in VR. The fact that you can percieve and "feel" the height in jumping puzzles actually means you're more immersed in the world and the game than most people, and i guess in other media as well...


So bottom line, you can't really compare any of that to spiders, with the exception of height, but that's a rare occasion. Spiders are special.

Still useful to have around the house in the summer though... :smiley: The harmless ones. :wink:


> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> I'm just wondering as I didn't know arachnophobia was so huge. Is there like some connection on why a lot are afraid of the little guys?

> To be fair, while I'm a spider person, I don't like Tarantulas. I just don't like how at times how slow they are and how super super furry they are. Just don't seem appealing to me.

> The small ones yes can be furry at times but it's a cute furry and don't look like a 8 legged multi-eyed kitty (which I think might be kinda cute to see... minus the multi-eyes on the kitten).


Read the post above, i tried to explain it as i understand it.

It's supposedly a genetic thing. Spiders are dangerous and our fear is instinctive. It's completely normal, it only becomes a phobia when you can't control yourself and it takes over your own actions. Like you start running into traffic when you see a spider picture. Phobia is a condition, fear of them is normal.

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> @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > @Dovienya.6597 said:

> >

> >

> > > @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > > > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> > > > > @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > > > > > @Danikat.8537 said:

> > > > > > Disclaimer: I didn't read most of the replies because of the massive spider pictures (which I was entirely expecting to see).

> > > > > >

> > > > > > The day they add spider mounts to GW2 is the day I uninstall the game and never look back. Which would be a massive shame because I love this game but honestly I can just about deal with the spider enemies - mostly by staying at range with the camera zoomed all the way out and angled above my character, never putting the mouse over them and killing them as fast as possible. (And on bad days by avoiding areas I know I'll encounter spiders.) I can deal with the ranger pets by staying away from them - including going to find a different bank/merchant/TP if one is too close.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > But spider mounts would have to be far, far bigger than either and could appear anywhere, including in situations where I cannot avoid them. I can absolutely guarantee it will be the mount of choice for afking in populated areas too.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > (And no, it wouldn't help if they looked like those "cute" fluffy spiders. If you're arachnophobic they are just as terrifying as any of the others. Yes I've seen the posts/videos on Facebook, repeatedly. Some people genuinely seem to believe the archaic advice that looking at the thing you're afraid of will do anything except make it worse and others apparently think other people's phobias are really funny and a great source of entertainment is to send pictures to your "friend" who you know can't stand them. On the plus side I've cleared several people who clearly are not my friends off of Facebook.)

> > > > >

> > > > > The Arachnophobia is strong in this post. :tongue:

> > > > > Spiders are bros. They keep the annoying bugs in check, i always leave a couple at my house to kill the flies and mosquitoes.

> > > > >

> > > > > But what you wrote here, how you experience it, this is probably why they scrapped the spider mount in the first place. It's fine for people to avoid areas with spiders in them, but a spider mount, presumably with a specific mechanic it has (like other mounts) that would require you to use it to traverse certain areas... That would lock a bunch of people out of that content.

> > > > >

> > > > > Unless they also release an arachnophobia filter with the spider mount that replaces the mount with raspberries or something. That could work.

> > > >

> > > > She's not the only one that feels this way. She does the same thing I do, avoid spiders as much as we can.

> > > >

> > > > There was similar thread in the old forum where a poster actually laughed at us and called us liars regarding our arachnophobia.

> > >

> > > Yeah people are idiots some times, especially on the internet, so that stuff is to be expected honestly. I wouldn't pay much attention to it.

> > > But yeah, arachnophobia is pretty common in a lot of people, and just because i'm not freaked out by spiders (even the ugly ones), doesn't mean no one is. So Anet probably know this, as this is a common phobia (and rooted in our genes probably - some spiders are dangerous), and decided to scrap the spider mount.

> > >

> > > But if they intend to implement it, there should really be a filter that replaces the spider mesh with something else, even if it breaks clipping and doesn't look right.

> >

> > Take a look at a list of common phobias and consider the list of things that couldn't be in games following this logic. Pretty sure all of the mount types except springer would get the axe. It's been a while since I've looked at the list, but I think spiders come out on top, with reptiles being #2, and dogs falling somewhere in the top 5 and birds somewhere in the top 20.

> >

> > I mean this not to be insensitive. I have a very common phobia myself, (heights, which I think is #3, related to my neuromuscular disease.) I tried to get used to and even learn to like high places and jumping puzzles in the game. In the end, it just makes me feel anxious and sick. Regardless, I don't think it makes sense to ask for jumping from high places etc. to disappear from video games because of my health problem.

> >

> > I do think it's a good idea to have an option to hide other player's mounts/skins particle effects if someone so chooses.


> Well no one is asking to delete something from the game. The spider mount isn't even in the game, but if it did come to GW2, well, spiders kinda need a filter. I don't know why, maybe it's the intensity of the fear that's causing this, or maybe the nature of the spiders themselves.


> Cause I've seen people have weird phobias in real life (moths, reptiles, centipedes, etc.) but none of them minded those things when on TV, in videogames or photos or something. Spiders are different. You can make a lizard look "cute" to people who don't like them because the raptor in this game doesn't look remotely like any real lizard does except for the baseline features (scales and "looks lizardy"), its facial expressions and behavior kinda "humanizes" it. The bunny is, well, a bunny, and the griffon doesn't exist so to most mature players, fictional things aren't scary, or they could be scary, but there's no real life parallel they need to worry about so that's fine. Skimmer too. Manta ray or something, it's redeeming feature (if people are afraid of it) is it's movement over water and how beautiful that looks and feels. All the mounts have some fun idle animations that endear themselves to the players. I like the "what the f... " one on the raptor when he starts shaking lol.


> But spiders are... Spiders. No matter how "unrealistic" you portray them (and there's some pretty far fetched ones in this game), it's still a spider. Still has 8 legs which is what mostly creeps people out, still has more eyes than anything should have, it's still either thorny or hairy... And people react to that the same way if they'd seen a real spider.

> It's weird and i don't know why that is, but this is why arachnophobia is a relevant factor in media (not just games), because you can't humanize a spider like you can other creatures. Or present them as pets. That's why arachnophobia filters exist, or why games sometimes use spiders when something is supposed to be scary or uncofortable. Because (supposedly, read that somewhere, don't quote me on this) spiders are rooted in our genes as something to be careful of. It links to our survival.


> Fear of hights is kinda 50/50. It's a real phobia, and well, a pretty smart one to have, it also ensures the continuation of the species, just like pain tells us "hey, you'll seriously hurt yourself or die if you keep doing the thing that causes you pain", fear of heights tells us "hey, this is about as far as you can go to have a realistic chance of survival if you fall". I personally don't think fear of heights as a phobia, it's just common sense, and everyone should have it. :tongue:


> As for heights in media. It's pretty uncommon for people to even percieve heights on a 2D plane, even if it is a 3D environment, it's still not "high" or "low", it's just "there" until you factor in VR. The fact that you can percieve and "feel" the height in jumping puzzles actually means you're more immersed in the world and the game than most people, and i guess in other media as well...


> So bottom line, you can't really compare any of that to spiders, with the exception of height, but that's a rare occasion. Spiders are special.

> Still useful to have around the house in the summer though... :smiley: The harmless ones. :wink:


> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > I'm just wondering as I didn't know arachnophobia was so huge. Is there like some connection on why a lot are afraid of the little guys?

> > To be fair, while I'm a spider person, I don't like Tarantulas. I just don't like how at times how slow they are and how super super furry they are. Just don't seem appealing to me.

> > The small ones yes can be furry at times but it's a cute furry and don't look like a 8 legged multi-eyed kitty (which I think might be kinda cute to see... minus the multi-eyes on the kitten).


> Read the post above, i tried to explain it as i understand it.

> It's supposedly a genetic thing. Spiders are dangerous and our fear is instinctive. It's completely normal, it only becomes a phobia when you can't control yourself and it takes over your own actions. Like you start running into traffic when you see a spider picture. Phobia is a condition, fear of them is normal.


You make some good points about mounts, and I forgot skimmer entirely.


I worked in a pet shop when I high school and can attest that while people tend to have real, pathological fear of dogs, it seems a lot less common than spider and reptile phobia. I know a woman who is afraid of birds, I'll have to ask her about her griffon feelings :)


That being said, being afraid of heights and having a heights phobia are not the same thing. I am not sensitive about this at all, so please do not take this as a rebuke. I have vertigo related to a disease that causes muscle spasms around my eyes. Even walking down stairs causes my knees to wobble, which is the physical part. The phobia part, where I tend to relate to others who have a heights phobia with or without physical problems, is that feeling like I cannot control my own body from fear. It stinks. Jumping even in a video game causes an involuntary reaction that is detrimental to gameplay results, and causes nausea.

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> @Dovienya.6597 said:




> > @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > > @Dovienya.6597 said:

> > >

> > >

> > > > @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > > > > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> > > > > > @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > > > > > > @Danikat.8537 said:

> > > > > > > Disclaimer: I didn't read most of the replies because of the massive spider pictures (which I was entirely expecting to see).

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > The day they add spider mounts to GW2 is the day I uninstall the game and never look back. Which would be a massive shame because I love this game but honestly I can just about deal with the spider enemies - mostly by staying at range with the camera zoomed all the way out and angled above my character, never putting the mouse over them and killing them as fast as possible. (And on bad days by avoiding areas I know I'll encounter spiders.) I can deal with the ranger pets by staying away from them - including going to find a different bank/merchant/TP if one is too close.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > But spider mounts would have to be far, far bigger than either and could appear anywhere, including in situations where I cannot avoid them. I can absolutely guarantee it will be the mount of choice for afking in populated areas too.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > (And no, it wouldn't help if they looked like those "cute" fluffy spiders. If you're arachnophobic they are just as terrifying as any of the others. Yes I've seen the posts/videos on Facebook, repeatedly. Some people genuinely seem to believe the archaic advice that looking at the thing you're afraid of will do anything except make it worse and others apparently think other people's phobias are really funny and a great source of entertainment is to send pictures to your "friend" who you know can't stand them. On the plus side I've cleared several people who clearly are not my friends off of Facebook.)

> > > > > >

> > > > > > The Arachnophobia is strong in this post. :tongue:

> > > > > > Spiders are bros. They keep the annoying bugs in check, i always leave a couple at my house to kill the flies and mosquitoes.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > But what you wrote here, how you experience it, this is probably why they scrapped the spider mount in the first place. It's fine for people to avoid areas with spiders in them, but a spider mount, presumably with a specific mechanic it has (like other mounts) that would require you to use it to traverse certain areas... That would lock a bunch of people out of that content.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Unless they also release an arachnophobia filter with the spider mount that replaces the mount with raspberries or something. That could work.

> > > > >

> > > > > She's not the only one that feels this way. She does the same thing I do, avoid spiders as much as we can.

> > > > >

> > > > > There was similar thread in the old forum where a poster actually laughed at us and called us liars regarding our arachnophobia.

> > > >

> > > > Yeah people are idiots some times, especially on the internet, so that stuff is to be expected honestly. I wouldn't pay much attention to it.

> > > > But yeah, arachnophobia is pretty common in a lot of people, and just because i'm not freaked out by spiders (even the ugly ones), doesn't mean no one is. So Anet probably know this, as this is a common phobia (and rooted in our genes probably - some spiders are dangerous), and decided to scrap the spider mount.

> > > >

> > > > But if they intend to implement it, there should really be a filter that replaces the spider mesh with something else, even if it breaks clipping and doesn't look right.

> > >

> > > Take a look at a list of common phobias and consider the list of things that couldn't be in games following this logic. Pretty sure all of the mount types except springer would get the axe. It's been a while since I've looked at the list, but I think spiders come out on top, with reptiles being #2, and dogs falling somewhere in the top 5 and birds somewhere in the top 20.

> > >

> > > I mean this not to be insensitive. I have a very common phobia myself, (heights, which I think is #3, related to my neuromuscular disease.) I tried to get used to and even learn to like high places and jumping puzzles in the game. In the end, it just makes me feel anxious and sick. Regardless, I don't think it makes sense to ask for jumping from high places etc. to disappear from video games because of my health problem.

> > >

> > > I do think it's a good idea to have an option to hide other player's mounts/skins particle effects if someone so chooses.

> >

> > Well no one is asking to delete something from the game. The spider mount isn't even in the game, but if it did come to GW2, well, spiders kinda need a filter. I don't know why, maybe it's the intensity of the fear that's causing this, or maybe the nature of the spiders themselves.

> >

> > Cause I've seen people have weird phobias in real life (moths, reptiles, centipedes, etc.) but none of them minded those things when on TV, in videogames or photos or something. Spiders are different. You can make a lizard look "cute" to people who don't like them because the raptor in this game doesn't look remotely like any real lizard does except for the baseline features (scales and "looks lizardy"), its facial expressions and behavior kinda "humanizes" it. The bunny is, well, a bunny, and the griffon doesn't exist so to most mature players, fictional things aren't scary, or they could be scary, but there's no real life parallel they need to worry about so that's fine. Skimmer too. Manta ray or something, it's redeeming feature (if people are afraid of it) is it's movement over water and how beautiful that looks and feels. All the mounts have some fun idle animations that endear themselves to the players. I like the "what the f... " one on the raptor when he starts shaking lol.

> >

> > But spiders are... Spiders. No matter how "unrealistic" you portray them (and there's some pretty far fetched ones in this game), it's still a spider. Still has 8 legs which is what mostly creeps people out, still has more eyes than anything should have, it's still either thorny or hairy... And people react to that the same way if they'd seen a real spider.

> > It's weird and i don't know why that is, but this is why arachnophobia is a relevant factor in media (not just games), because you can't humanize a spider like you can other creatures. Or present them as pets. That's why arachnophobia filters exist, or why games sometimes use spiders when something is supposed to be scary or uncofortable. Because (supposedly, read that somewhere, don't quote me on this) spiders are rooted in our genes as something to be careful of. It links to our survival.

> >

> > Fear of hights is kinda 50/50. It's a real phobia, and well, a pretty smart one to have, it also ensures the continuation of the species, just like pain tells us "hey, you'll seriously hurt yourself or die if you keep doing the thing that causes you pain", fear of heights tells us "hey, this is about as far as you can go to have a realistic chance of survival if you fall". I personally don't think fear of heights as a phobia, it's just common sense, and everyone should have it. :tongue:

> >

> > As for heights in media. It's pretty uncommon for people to even percieve heights on a 2D plane, even if it is a 3D environment, it's still not "high" or "low", it's just "there" until you factor in VR. The fact that you can percieve and "feel" the height in jumping puzzles actually means you're more immersed in the world and the game than most people, and i guess in other media as well...

> >

> > So bottom line, you can't really compare any of that to spiders, with the exception of height, but that's a rare occasion. Spiders are special.

> > Still useful to have around the house in the summer though... :smiley: The harmless ones. :wink:

> >

> > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > I'm just wondering as I didn't know arachnophobia was so huge. Is there like some connection on why a lot are afraid of the little guys?

> > > To be fair, while I'm a spider person, I don't like Tarantulas. I just don't like how at times how slow they are and how super super furry they are. Just don't seem appealing to me.

> > > The small ones yes can be furry at times but it's a cute furry and don't look like a 8 legged multi-eyed kitty (which I think might be kinda cute to see... minus the multi-eyes on the kitten).

> >

> > Read the post above, i tried to explain it as i understand it.

> > It's supposedly a genetic thing. Spiders are dangerous and our fear is instinctive. It's completely normal, it only becomes a phobia when you can't control yourself and it takes over your own actions. Like you start running into traffic when you see a spider picture. Phobia is a condition, fear of them is normal.


> You make some good points about mounts, and I forgot skimmer entirely.


> I worked in a pet shop when I high school and can attest that while people tend to have real, pathological fear of dogs, it seems a lot less common than spider and reptile phobia, and the visceral reaction of people who do respond in that way is recognizable.


> That being said, being afraid of heights and having a heights phobia are not the same thing. I am not sensitive about this at all, so please do not take this as a rebuke. I have vertigo related to a disease that causes muscle spasms around my eyes. Even walking down stairs causes my knees to wobble, which is the physical part. The phobia part, where I tend to relate to others who have a heights phobia with or without physical problems, is that feeling like I cannot control my own body from fear. It stinks. Jumping even in a video game causes an involuntary reaction that is detrimental to gameplay results, and causes nausea.


Well yes, in your case it's a phobia then. I believe that loss of control is some baseline factor that describes if something is a phobia or not. And i wasn't taking this as a rebuke or anything, i'm just enjoying the conversation, after all it's the one of the more interesting and civil conversations i've had in a long time on the internet lol. :tongue:


Anyway... As i said, i find it actually fascinating that you can percieve heights in a game. Most people can't, maybe that's realted to your phobia or maybe it's an immersion related thing. But removing height from the game would be near impossible without it looking weird. One thing comes to mind is that maybe they could add a constant flat plane that spans to the horizon at your character's feet whenever the character is above a certain point. That would look like, when you're jumping higher, that he world is just sinking into the water, but it would look and feel wrong probably as this isn't how anything realistic works. So that could either be good for you since you can't relate this kind of behaviour with anything realistic so, no phobia to parallel, or it would be like, fundamentally wrong and wouldn't feel right. I don't know i'm just rambling at this point.


But it would be much harder to make a heights filter than it would be to make a spider filter. Spiders are objects in the world that can be replaced entirely by another placeholder with a few lines of code. Heights are part of the geometry, so that would be difficult.

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> @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > @Dovienya.6597 said:

> >

> >

> >

> > > @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > > > @Dovienya.6597 said:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > > @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > > > > > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> > > > > > > @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > > > > > > > @Danikat.8537 said:

> > > > > > > > Disclaimer: I didn't read most of the replies because of the massive spider pictures (which I was entirely expecting to see).

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > The day they add spider mounts to GW2 is the day I uninstall the game and never look back. Which would be a massive shame because I love this game but honestly I can just about deal with the spider enemies - mostly by staying at range with the camera zoomed all the way out and angled above my character, never putting the mouse over them and killing them as fast as possible. (And on bad days by avoiding areas I know I'll encounter spiders.) I can deal with the ranger pets by staying away from them - including going to find a different bank/merchant/TP if one is too close.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > But spider mounts would have to be far, far bigger than either and could appear anywhere, including in situations where I cannot avoid them. I can absolutely guarantee it will be the mount of choice for afking in populated areas too.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > (And no, it wouldn't help if they looked like those "cute" fluffy spiders. If you're arachnophobic they are just as terrifying as any of the others. Yes I've seen the posts/videos on Facebook, repeatedly. Some people genuinely seem to believe the archaic advice that looking at the thing you're afraid of will do anything except make it worse and others apparently think other people's phobias are really funny and a great source of entertainment is to send pictures to your "friend" who you know can't stand them. On the plus side I've cleared several people who clearly are not my friends off of Facebook.)

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > The Arachnophobia is strong in this post. :tongue:

> > > > > > > Spiders are bros. They keep the annoying bugs in check, i always leave a couple at my house to kill the flies and mosquitoes.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > But what you wrote here, how you experience it, this is probably why they scrapped the spider mount in the first place. It's fine for people to avoid areas with spiders in them, but a spider mount, presumably with a specific mechanic it has (like other mounts) that would require you to use it to traverse certain areas... That would lock a bunch of people out of that content.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Unless they also release an arachnophobia filter with the spider mount that replaces the mount with raspberries or something. That could work.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > She's not the only one that feels this way. She does the same thing I do, avoid spiders as much as we can.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > There was similar thread in the old forum where a poster actually laughed at us and called us liars regarding our arachnophobia.

> > > > >

> > > > > Yeah people are idiots some times, especially on the internet, so that stuff is to be expected honestly. I wouldn't pay much attention to it.

> > > > > But yeah, arachnophobia is pretty common in a lot of people, and just because i'm not freaked out by spiders (even the ugly ones), doesn't mean no one is. So Anet probably know this, as this is a common phobia (and rooted in our genes probably - some spiders are dangerous), and decided to scrap the spider mount.

> > > > >

> > > > > But if they intend to implement it, there should really be a filter that replaces the spider mesh with something else, even if it breaks clipping and doesn't look right.

> > > >

> > > > Take a look at a list of common phobias and consider the list of things that couldn't be in games following this logic. Pretty sure all of the mount types except springer would get the axe. It's been a while since I've looked at the list, but I think spiders come out on top, with reptiles being #2, and dogs falling somewhere in the top 5 and birds somewhere in the top 20.

> > > >

> > > > I mean this not to be insensitive. I have a very common phobia myself, (heights, which I think is #3, related to my neuromuscular disease.) I tried to get used to and even learn to like high places and jumping puzzles in the game. In the end, it just makes me feel anxious and sick. Regardless, I don't think it makes sense to ask for jumping from high places etc. to disappear from video games because of my health problem.

> > > >

> > > > I do think it's a good idea to have an option to hide other player's mounts/skins particle effects if someone so chooses.

> > >

> > > Well no one is asking to delete something from the game. The spider mount isn't even in the game, but if it did come to GW2, well, spiders kinda need a filter. I don't know why, maybe it's the intensity of the fear that's causing this, or maybe the nature of the spiders themselves.

> > >

> > > Cause I've seen people have weird phobias in real life (moths, reptiles, centipedes, etc.) but none of them minded those things when on TV, in videogames or photos or something. Spiders are different. You can make a lizard look "cute" to people who don't like them because the raptor in this game doesn't look remotely like any real lizard does except for the baseline features (scales and "looks lizardy"), its facial expressions and behavior kinda "humanizes" it. The bunny is, well, a bunny, and the griffon doesn't exist so to most mature players, fictional things aren't scary, or they could be scary, but there's no real life parallel they need to worry about so that's fine. Skimmer too. Manta ray or something, it's redeeming feature (if people are afraid of it) is it's movement over water and how beautiful that looks and feels. All the mounts have some fun idle animations that endear themselves to the players. I like the "what the f... " one on the raptor when he starts shaking lol.

> > >

> > > But spiders are... Spiders. No matter how "unrealistic" you portray them (and there's some pretty far fetched ones in this game), it's still a spider. Still has 8 legs which is what mostly creeps people out, still has more eyes than anything should have, it's still either thorny or hairy... And people react to that the same way if they'd seen a real spider.

> > > It's weird and i don't know why that is, but this is why arachnophobia is a relevant factor in media (not just games), because you can't humanize a spider like you can other creatures. Or present them as pets. That's why arachnophobia filters exist, or why games sometimes use spiders when something is supposed to be scary or uncofortable. Because (supposedly, read that somewhere, don't quote me on this) spiders are rooted in our genes as something to be careful of. It links to our survival.

> > >

> > > Fear of hights is kinda 50/50. It's a real phobia, and well, a pretty smart one to have, it also ensures the continuation of the species, just like pain tells us "hey, you'll seriously hurt yourself or die if you keep doing the thing that causes you pain", fear of heights tells us "hey, this is about as far as you can go to have a realistic chance of survival if you fall". I personally don't think fear of heights as a phobia, it's just common sense, and everyone should have it. :tongue:

> > >

> > > As for heights in media. It's pretty uncommon for people to even percieve heights on a 2D plane, even if it is a 3D environment, it's still not "high" or "low", it's just "there" until you factor in VR. The fact that you can percieve and "feel" the height in jumping puzzles actually means you're more immersed in the world and the game than most people, and i guess in other media as well...

> > >

> > > So bottom line, you can't really compare any of that to spiders, with the exception of height, but that's a rare occasion. Spiders are special.

> > > Still useful to have around the house in the summer though... :smiley: The harmless ones. :wink:

> > >

> > > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > > I'm just wondering as I didn't know arachnophobia was so huge. Is there like some connection on why a lot are afraid of the little guys?

> > > > To be fair, while I'm a spider person, I don't like Tarantulas. I just don't like how at times how slow they are and how super super furry they are. Just don't seem appealing to me.

> > > > The small ones yes can be furry at times but it's a cute furry and don't look like a 8 legged multi-eyed kitty (which I think might be kinda cute to see... minus the multi-eyes on the kitten).

> > >

> > > Read the post above, i tried to explain it as i understand it.

> > > It's supposedly a genetic thing. Spiders are dangerous and our fear is instinctive. It's completely normal, it only becomes a phobia when you can't control yourself and it takes over your own actions. Like you start running into traffic when you see a spider picture. Phobia is a condition, fear of them is normal.

> >

> > You make some good points about mounts, and I forgot skimmer entirely.

> >

> > I worked in a pet shop when I high school and can attest that while people tend to have real, pathological fear of dogs, it seems a lot less common than spider and reptile phobia, and the visceral reaction of people who do respond in that way is recognizable.

> >

> > That being said, being afraid of heights and having a heights phobia are not the same thing. I am not sensitive about this at all, so please do not take this as a rebuke. I have vertigo related to a disease that causes muscle spasms around my eyes. Even walking down stairs causes my knees to wobble, which is the physical part. The phobia part, where I tend to relate to others who have a heights phobia with or without physical problems, is that feeling like I cannot control my own body from fear. It stinks. Jumping even in a video game causes an involuntary reaction that is detrimental to gameplay results, and causes nausea.


> Well yes, in your case it's a phobia then. I believe that loss of control is some baseline factor that describes if something is a phobia or not. And i wasn't taking this as a rebuke or anything, i'm just enjoying the conversation, after all it's the one of the more interesting and civil conversations i've had in a long time on the internet lol. :tongue:


> Anyway... As i said, i find it actually fascinating that you can percieve heights in a game. Most people can't, maybe that's realted to your phobia or maybe it's an immersion related thing. But removing height from the game would be near impossible without it looking weird. One thing comes to mind is that maybe they could add a constant flat plane that spans to the horizon at your character's feet whenever the character is above a certain point. That would look like, when you're jumping higher, that he world is just sinking into the water, but it would look and feel wrong probably as this isn't how anything realistic works. So that could either be good for you since you can't relate this kind of behaviour with anything realistic so, no phobia to parallel, or it would be like, fundamentally wrong and wouldn't feel right. I don't know i'm just rambling at this point.


> But it would be much harder to make a heights filter than it would be to make a spider filter. Spiders are objects in the world that can be replaced entirely by another placeholder with a few lines of code. Heights are part of the geometry, so that would be difficult.


I think you hit the nail, and I have never considered the difference between triggers from a visual cue and an immersive one. I believe what triggers mine is the latter.


I think what bothers me is more the feeling that I'm at risk of falling than the visual cue of being up high. It's not as extreme as the real thing either, however unpleasant and impeding to gameplay it can be. With spider visuals maybe it is as extreme as the real thing just to see them.


Hey, civil discussion has its uses. Your logical discussion changed the way I view this topic.

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> @Veprovina.4876 said:

> The Arachnophobia is strong in this post. :tongue:

> Spiders are bros. They keep the annoying bugs in check, i always leave a couple at my house to kill the flies and mosquitoes.


> But what you wrote here, how you experience it, this is probably why they scrapped the spider mount in the first place. It's fine for people to avoid areas with spiders in them, but a spider mount, presumably with a specific mechanic it has (like other mounts) that would require you to use it to traverse certain areas... That would lock a bunch of people out of that content.


> Unless they also release an arachnophobia filter with the spider mount that replaces the mount with raspberries or something. That could work.


Oh I know spiders play an important role in the environment, and I'm happy about it - I'd just rather not see them.


A filter would be a good solution if they really did want to put a spider mount in. Something like the mod for Dragon Age which made all the spiders look like dogs.


> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> I'm just wondering as I didn't know arachnophobia was so huge. Is there like some connection on why a lot are afraid of the little guys?

> To be fair, while I'm a spider person, I don't like Tarantulas. I just don't like how at times how slow they are and how super super furry they are. Just don't seem appealing to me.

> The small ones yes can be furry at times but it's a cute furry and don't look like a 8 legged multi-eyed kitty (which I think might be kinda cute to see... minus the multi-eyes on the kitten).


There's a lot of theories about why, but I'm not sure anyone has ever proven a cause. All I can tell you is _everything_ about spiders freaks me out. Their legs, their eyes, their mouths, their abdomens, the way they move, their webs...everything. I once saw a photo of a spiders foot taken under a microscope and didn't even knew what it was but it made me feel sick. (And it's not that it looked gross, it basically looked like velcro.)


I live in the UK where there's no truly dangerous (to humans) spiders, as far as I know I didn't have any traumatic childhood experiences that pre-date the phobia (lots of traumatic experiences, but only because I was already scared of them and then one was near/on me. My parents don't mind them so I didn't learn it from them. As far as I can tell it's completely irrational. But that doesn't make it any easier to deal with.


> @Veprovina.4876 said:

> Fear of hights is kinda 50/50. It's a real phobia, and well, a pretty smart one to have, it also ensures the continuation of the species, just like pain tells us "hey, you'll seriously hurt yourself or die if you keep doing the thing that causes you pain", fear of heights tells us "hey, this is about as far as you can go to have a realistic chance of survival if you fall". I personally don't think fear of heights as a phobia, it's just common sense, and everyone should have it. :tongue:


> As for heights in media. It's pretty uncommon for people to even percieve heights on a 2D plane, even if it is a 3D environment, it's still not "high" or "low", it's just "there" until you factor in VR. The fact that you can percieve and "feel" the height in jumping puzzles actually means you're more immersed in the world and the game than most people, and i guess in other media as well...


Fear of heights in the phobia sense is nothing at all like the perfectly sensible awareness that you could be hurt if you fall from that height. My husband has a fear of heights for him it means he will panic and freeze - he'll be sweating and shaking but finds it difficult to walk, even away from the edge. Like everything in his body is telling him not to move at all in case he falls. And that's even if there's no danger - like if we're inside an elevator with windows or behind a fence. And yes it can be affected by 2D images. His reaction isn't quite so bad in that case - but then you could say the same about me and spiders because I don't scream and jump away from the computer. (Although I also can't take "kill it with fire" quite so literally in real life, so maybe it's a lack of options?)


(And yes this means he gets rid of spiders and I change the light bulbs.)

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Ok quoting has become a 10 page thing at this point and i'm too lazy to edit so i'm just gonna @mention who i'm replying to. :tongue:


@"Dovienya.6597" Well if your case of height perception in games is immersion, then that's kind of a good thing isn't it? I mean, it still creates an uncomfortable experience, but it does create an experience. That's a point in both the game's and your favor. :smile: It's a weird relationship between the games and their devs who all want to create immersion in their games and people who actually play them. Some can get immersed, while others can't. I wonder why that is. I have so little games that i get immersed in, but when i do, those are the games i always replay, even some of the horror ones that really messed me up.


But i still love it because it's rare for me to be really immersed in media. I mean, i also have a fear of heights (not as strong as you though, and not as much as i used to), but i never experienced discomfort when looking at heights in video games, i actually feel the opposite, the wonder because i can experience height in a safe environment. Like, if my character falls in any of them, the worst that can happen is a loading screen. There were a few games that did height "well", so that i did feel a little dizzy, but still, it's far from anything grand. But that's probably partly my fault too, not being immersed, not the game design entirely. Like, people who get scared at Alien Isolation and i'm just like "oh well, gonna try a different route now" when the Alien gets me. :tongue:


@"Danikat.8537" A lot of games have mods for spiders. System Shock 2 also has them. It completely removes them from the game (replaces their meshes with a non collision invisible model and makes their AI non aggressive). Skyrim i think has a mod that replaces spiders with bears. So the sheer fact that so many games have spider removing mods shows the need for such things and that spiders are actually really unsettling in any shape or form for people. Which is weird when you think about it, no other creature represented in games gets the same response from people.


I mean, i like spiders, as i said, i have them in my home on purpose and when they overstep their bounds (around my bed is a no spider zone, i don't want to clean up their mess all the time, spiderwebs are hard to clean), i don't kill them, i just take them outside. Yet, i'm still "surprised" when they do sudden movements as if that's something unnatural, and when there's a render of a spider in a game i'm always like "that's a spider" unlike other creatures. Spiders really have something to them that's instantly recognizable no matter how poorly you render them people are gonna go, yup, that's a spider. So there has to be something more to them, maybe rooted in our instinctive brain that instantly recognizes a "threat" or something.


As for your fear of spiders, if you have a phobia, well, phobias are irrational by definition, same as your husband, that panic and freeze scenario, that used to happen to me too when i was at high places. Now that's gone for some reason, i'm not gonna climb a mountain untethered or at all, but i can ride an elevator with a window. :smile: And i really couldn't before, but beats me what changed. But like i said, i never experienced the same reaction when looking on a 2D surface, or even in games. Depends on person to person i guess, the level of immersion you can experience and the intensity of the fear you have.


I have to say, you and your husband have a pretty neat arrangement there hahaha! :lol:


@"Fatemaster.3590" Well the "nope" for spiders is natural for people. And even if a lot people didn't want a spider mount, a lot of people would (me included). So the only thing Anet could really do if they would implement a spider mount, was to change it's mesh with an arachnophobia filter to something else. Maybe change the spider enemies meshes too while they're at it. For me, it's a cool idea, and another mount, well, why not, with LS4 coming, who knows what they'll come up with, maybe new maps will require a new type of mount. It doesn't have to be a spider, but if they ever do a spider, i hope they consider all the people who would be bothered by it. Because if anything, spiders do get a strong reaction from people, and people with spider phobias surrounded by spider mounts in LA... I can see how that wouldn't be fun. :tongue:

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