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[Request] Fluffy jumping spider mount


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> @Fatemaster.3590 said:

> @"Veprovina.4876" I guess as an alternative we could always have Karaka mounts, I'd want it to be something we would have to raise up from an egg if it ever happened... like tamagachi!


Quotes are manageable again now. :sweat_smile:


Would be cool to raise a mount, like, a collection or something that rewards increasingly advanced stages of the creature until you can use it as a mount at the end. Just please don't let it cost like the Griffon lol.


I wonder if people who are bothered by spiders are also bothered by Karka in this game. They kinda look "spidery".

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> @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > @Fatemaster.3590 said:

> > @"Veprovina.4876" I guess as an alternative we could always have Karaka mounts, I'd want it to be something we would have to raise up from an egg if it ever happened... like tamagachi!


> Quotes are manageable again now. :sweat_smile:


> Would be cool to raise a mount, like, a collection or something that rewards increasingly advanced stages of the creature until you can use it as a mount at the end. Just please don't let it cost like the Griffon lol.


> I wonder if people who are bothered by spiders are also bothered by Karka in this game. They kinda look "spidery".


I'd go for any large crab/hermit crab thing in the class, maybe not so much a collection and more like "Feeding" it food like the Mawdrey backpack crafting stages.

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Again when there are spiders in game already, and Rangers can tame spiders, and there are spider bosses/champions. People being scared of a unrealistic looking game. Shouldn't be able to play anyway. So I am just calling bull on all this "if they add spider mounts" Nope that is it.


No on is actually scared of the spiders in this game.

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Most of the comments in this thread are the reason no one got a spider mount!


Reality: have you ever held a cute cuddly bunny? Have you ever had to doctor a gaping wound on your finger after that cute bunny bit it? The bunny mount could eat you whole if it wanted to, he is afterall bigger than most of us, and make no mistake, hes keeping score on the number of seemingly bottomless cliffs you laughed at as you flung both him and you over the edge.


Now, a spider on the other hand would be like I GOT THIS and shoot out sticky spider web gunk and save you both, and you be like THANK YOU MISTER SPIDER, and he'd be like DON'T MENTION IT, BUT DON'T DO THAT AGAIN K! and you'd be like YES SIR!


See, the spider would've commanded respect and you would've been afraid, but not because he's a spider, but instead we have the bunny, that we should be afraid of, but are too blinded by his cuteness. Our days are numbered I tell you.

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> @HazyDaisy.4107 said:

> Most of the comments in this thread are the reason no one got a spider mount!


> Reality: have you ever held a cute cuddly bunny? Have you ever had to doctor a gaping wound on your finger after that cute bunny bit it? The bunny mount could eat you whole if it wanted to, he is afterall bigger than most of us, and make no mistake, hes keeping score on the number of seemingly bottomless cliffs you laughed at as you flung both him and you over the edge.


> Now, a spider on the other hand would be like I GOT THIS and shoot out sticky spider web gunk and save you both, and you be like THANK YOU MISTER SPIDER, and he'd be like DON'T MENTION IT, BUT DON'T DO THAT AGAIN K! and you'd be like YES SIR!


> See, the spider would've commanded respect and you would've been afraid, but not because he's a spider, but instead we have the bunny, that we should be afraid of, but are too blinded by his cuteness. Our days are numbered I tell you.


The spider would not "tick tick tick tick tick" as he slooooooooooooooowly hop his damn way down a side of a cliff because "OH! THERE IS LITTLE AREAS HERE I CAN LAND ON! BUT I RATHER NOT AND HOP SLOOOOOOOOOOOWLY DOWN AND YOU WILL WATCH ME SLOOOOOOOWLY DROP UNTIL I GET TO THE BOTTOM!"

The spider would climb up slowly and surely while you cling tight.

Can't find a place to stand? Don't worry... elevator mode as it makes it way up the cliff climbing all cliffhanger style.

Want to stop half way? "No worries." Spider mount will make a little temporary foodhold for you and/or her.


As a spider, she would also be able to drop from massive heights and not harm herself like the rabbit.


The idle animation could even be you looking over the spider's head and you look into her eyes and then she reach her hand up towards you and then you give her a high five. Because spider mount is that awesome.


EDIT: Dismount attack she circles the enemy in sacs which will burst and do multiple little attacks as baby hatchlings come out to hit the enemy and syphon energy to you.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @HazyDaisy.4107 said:

> > Most of the comments in this thread are the reason no one got a spider mount!

> >

> > Reality: have you ever held a cute cuddly bunny? Have you ever had to doctor a gaping wound on your finger after that cute bunny bit it? The bunny mount could eat you whole if it wanted to, he is afterall bigger than most of us, and make no mistake, hes keeping score on the number of seemingly bottomless cliffs you laughed at as you flung both him and you over the edge.

> >

> > Now, a spider on the other hand would be like I GOT THIS and shoot out sticky spider web gunk and save you both, and you be like THANK YOU MISTER SPIDER, and he'd be like DON'T MENTION IT, BUT DON'T DO THAT AGAIN K! and you'd be like YES SIR!

> >

> > See, the spider would've commanded respect and you would've been afraid, but not because he's a spider, but instead we have the bunny, that we should be afraid of, but are too blinded by his cuteness. Our days are numbered I tell you.


> The spider would not "tick tick tick tick tick" as he slooooooooooooooowly hop his kitten way down a side of a cliff because "OH! THERE IS LITTLE AREAS HERE I CAN LAND ON! BUT I RATHER NOT AND HOP SLOOOOOOOOOOOWLY DOWN AND YOU WILL WATCH ME SLOOOOOOOWLY DROP UNTIL I GET TO THE BOTTOM!"

> The spider would climb up slowly and surely while you cling tight.

> Can't find a place to stand? Don't worry... elevator mode as it makes it way up the cliff climbing all cliffhanger style.

> Want to stop half way? "No worries." Spider mount will make a little temporary foodhold for you and/or her.


> As a spider, she would also be able to drop from massive heights and not harm herself like the rabbit.


> The idle animation could even be you looking over the spider's head and you look into her eyes and then she reach her hand up towards you and then you give her a high five. Because spider mount is that awesome.


> EDIT: Dismount attack she circles the enemy in sacs which will burst and do multiple little attacks as baby hatchlings come out to hit the enemy and syphon energy to you.


Spider high five! Yes please!

(and yes, i know that's a Harvestman, not a spider, but it's got what looks like 8 legs so close enough)



Also, since Path of Fire is a desert, Anet could give us some of those burrowing spiders as a mount. That would be hilarious. Like have them move half the speed burrowed, but have an ambush attack engage skill. :smile:


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> @"Zoltar MacRoth.7146" said:

> If only we had the technology to add an option to the Options menu, called something like 'Display spider mounts', which could default to No and let people control if they want to see other player's spider mounts. What a glorious future that would be.


To be honest, an option to turn off eye laser surgery whenever a permafrost gem store mount skin griffon passes by would be nice too.

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> @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > Are people who are afraid of spiders also afraid of ants? Maybe an ant mount could be an alternative option.

> > ?


> But anet already made a spider mount. And there are no ants in GW2 as fas as i know. Chak maybe? Those are insects.


ANet can make an ant mount then. If spider phobes aren’t ant phobes then it might work as the structure of the two are roughly similar.


As to the presence of ants, they may not be shown but they are mentioned. Two examples: [The Anthill](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Anthill) and [”Stomp on any dredge you see. They're everywhere, like ants.”](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Wagh_Nearshot)

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> @Veprovina.4876 said:

> Well we'll see what happens in LW4 when it gets released, if that will give us any kind of new mount. Hope it does, but i really hope they don't make it into another gold sink like they did with the griffon.


Spider Mount. You need to collect special web-like threading items in the shape of a sack for 50 gold.

Inside the sacks is an item worth 10 karma.

Collect all 20 to get the spider mount.

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I sympathize with everyone who posted who is arachnophobic.... Personally I like spiders - so long as I know where they are, and with certain exceptions. As for adding them as a mount, all I can say is one of my fav mounts in another game is a spider so I'd definitely not be adverse to having one here.

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> @Veprovina.4876 said:


> That said. If they did a cute one, i'd want one. Just not to climb on walls, that would kinda break the game, but honestly, i don't know what mechanic a spider could bring that would be worthwile to get. Maybe in LS4 they could invent the need for a spider, that would be cool.


They would probably offer a web-flavored Oakheart Essence anywhere. That would be fun.

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