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Some change suggestions for necro


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I will mainly point out scourge change suggestions in this post.


I dont want to diskuss the %numbers i mentioned here.


First thing to do: remove the big shade trait. Make f1 one big shade at all times.


Change the big shade trait into something that buffs barrier. Like: 25% of amount of barrier u share with allies heals them (giving 2k barrier would heal for additional 500 on this teammate). This should only affect allies. Not yourself.

Or make it into: barrier u apply has 10% more value and applying barrier also applies aegis for 3 seconds.


Second would be to change the "pain does more dmg and does burning"-trait: u are now able to place down 3 shades (like the actual f1 right now) multiple shades now can hit one target with 15% less shade skill dmg per active shade + pain does more dmg.


This would make the last trait. The master of corruption more viable in any pvp mode. Since noone plays it nowadays.



Second would be to completly rework the death magic traitline, since its way too useless in any gamemode right now.

I dont have any suggestions for this one. Maybe change it, so its traits interact better with reaper and core necro. Like remove +180 toughness and give +180 power while in shroud.

Change the passive trait on reaper, that applies chill on fear, to be the speed of shadows trait. Which might also need a change to the bottom first trait on reaper: gain 20% movement speed in reapers shroud, + something else maybe: vulnerability on you is 10% less effective on you, while in shroud.


Also defenitly work on scourges skills. The obstructed thing with f1 and necro portal really is damn annoying.


Same goes for transfusion. Its way too low healing and the pull doesnt always work in wvw.


With these changes u will make scourge a good healer and a good dps. But not both at the same time.

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Maybe even rework epidemic

1: it only copies your conditions on enemys to 5 others. Not all conditions of the target.

Or 2: completly rework it. Give it another name. Make its effect to something like: you dodge the next attack against you (within 3 seconds) if u dodged successfully, get crippeld for 3 seconds. If not, gain retaliation. With a ammunition system and 2 charges. And like 25 to 30 seconds recharge time (since you can trait it). Traited malus being also inflict chill on you (2 seconds)

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You have nice idead Nimon, but i will put always 1 big shadow, (that 3 small is dumb idea at all) so one will be barrier/healing/buff type, one dmg type like now, and then the last one like now.


Obstructed shade is dumb also... dunno what happening, didnt see in any patch note.


Epidemic change... it was good skill before, now mediocre, but it takes 2 years to do something with reaper, that ruined him. So that much changes you post ? For sure u can forget on all of it.

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