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You and Tyria (Newbie Roleplaying Guide) v2.0


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The potential of Roleplaying in this game is seemingly boundless compared to other games that I’ve played. Plenty of possibilities, plenty of social hubs, and most importantly, the environment to endowing your character with a unique personality.


First, I’ll start off with some questions that are usually asked!


Q: What does it mean to “Roleplay?”

A: “Roleplaying” is where you essentially get into character, and act out your character. Everything from their dialect to their behavior, but there are do’s and dont’s in Roleplaying


Q: What are the benifits to Roleplaying?

A: Roleplaying is a great way to ensure that any game you play is more than grinding, questing, etc. Roleplaying is a great way to make friends and/or rivals, inspiration for artwork and stories, and most importantly, Immersion!


Now the big question is “Where do I begin” right?


You begin the instant you create your character! From their appearance, their size, their origins, to the very little details such as facial features, you’ve already taken the first step into roleplaying! Even if one makes dramatic features on their character for the purpose of looking goofy, you’ve half-intentionally created a character that would fall into a Comic Relief category. However, before you start going off imitating Jar Jar Binks, it’s important that we cover the Do’s and Don’ts.


Developing your character is important, but keep in mind that it’s a multiplayer game. Other people will be interacting with you, and if the characters name, backstory, or canonical presence doesn’t make sense, it will not only confuse those that you interact with, but also offset any roleplaying potential that could have been had.




This is a quickly-thrown together example of a Charr Elementalist. He has a backstory that validates his chosen profession, he sticks to the tradition of charr being a military culture, and his traits are realistic.




This is a quickly-thrown together example of a poor RP character. Notice the name. The name is the first thing people see when they interact with you. The character’s age is unrealistic, the bio isn’t kept in the Guild Wars 2 universe, the charr worships a god irrelevant to the GW2 universe, ridiculous size and description, and most importantly, is “Immortal.” These are examples of Lore Breaking.


Lore Breaking is essentially disregarding the boundaries, lore, culture, and base of which your character passively inherits. For example, it’s possible for a charr to worship a god, but it would likely show as a sign of weakness within the charr culture and result in them either becoming a Gladium or being stricken from Charr history. No player, by any means, no matter how much you respawn, can be considered “Immortal.” It’s also lore breaking (Or more appropriately referred to as Fail RP in this case) to enter a room and attempt to “Dominate the minds” of other players. "


It’s also important to remember that you cannot kill/permakill/permainjure another player in RP.

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Communicating during RP events can get complicated sometimes without indicators of OOC talking (Out of character) and IC talking (In Character). To indicate this, most people use brackets to speak Out of Character.


Me: I killed that basilisk along with two others. They put up a pretty heavy fight, but I came through!

You: They can definitely come out of nowhere, I’ve seen it happen before!

Me: ((BRB, phone’s ringing))

You: ((Alright))


Another way of communication and expression is through the Custom Emote function, which consists of /me, /emote, /em, or /e followed by the text you wish to enter of what you’re doing, however, it’s extremely important that it be noted that the range of emotes extend a MASSIVE distance as well as chatting. This is something that needs to be kept in mind if you’re in cities or instanced locations, because sometimes it can be frustrating to other players. I’m not saying don’t emote or chat, but be very mindful of your location.


If you plan on making a character with a hostile personality, it’s important to keep in mind that other players can’t tell if you’re in character or out of character, so before you walk up to a Human Engineer and make various insults about his mother, it’s best to alert them that you’re in character. I’ve seen rumors spread like weeds in games because people didn’t think to alert the person in question to their characters behavior, but keep in mind, it’s not a get-out-of-jail-free card to act like a jerk!


To make your character canonical to the Guild Wars 2 universe, there’s plenty of work-arounds and loopholes that can be used. One example is the “Amnesia Approach.” The Charr that I made an example of earlier, Balfol, could wake up with Amnesia, and depending on the severity of the amnesia, could negate social and cultural guidelines from the Charr. It’s encouraged to find an alternative due to the fact that the Amnesia Approach is used quite often. Alternatively, if you don’t mind a good read and learning about the lore, history, and culture of your characters race, you can refer to the official guild wars race page for the basics, or look at external sources for more in depth explanations.



Official – https://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/races/asura/

External – https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Asura



Official – https://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/races/sylvari/

External – https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sylvari



Official – https://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/races/charr/

External – https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Charr



Official – https://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/races/human/

External – https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Human



Official – https://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/races/norn/

External – https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Norn


Another golden rule about Roleplaying, and this is an important one that someone brought up in the original thread.


This is pretty good! Definite +1 from me.


One thing that might be good to add though…

Never, ever, ever while you are role playing should you feel unnecessarily compelled or forced into something you are not comfortable with.

This might sound like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how many people… especially those that are just starting to try and roleplay… feel like they are obligated to go along with things, even if they don’t feel comfortable with it.


This is something very important to remember and it’s good that they mentioned it. You are not, by any means, obligated to partake in Roleplaying if you don’t want to. Sometimes people try to pressure others into ERP (A topic that I refuse to go into).


Your character isn’t just another number or head among a crowd, it’s your vessel! Your conduit to the world which they reside, the world which they fight in, defend, make friends, make enemies. Experiment, and imagine your character being in a book. What life will you give them? What’s the next chapter? Roleplaying is the ultimate form of imagination. Give it a try, share your thoughts, and you’ll find yourself immersed in the world of Tyria!


Also, having found people from other forums surprised that there was actually an RP community in this game, once a week, I plan on bringing attention to that fact.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> Will ask the same thing I ask in every RP conversation.

> Is it considered RPing if the main character you made is meant to be you?


This is a good question. There is a phrase among the Roleplaying community known as "Bleeding." That means that some of your characters share certain personality traits that you have in real life. For example, if someone suffered a bad injury in real life, they could incorporate it into their roleplaying profile/character.


Essentailly, any character we play as could be looked upon as an extension of our imagination, so it's very possible that someone could roleplay as themselves, but people usually like to step out of their own skin and develop another persona. We're already ourselves 100% of the time.

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Hi, thanks for starting a guide, especially the part about consent. While some people enjoy different types of role playing, they also need to understand that playing out their fantasies in this manner involves another human being, who may or may not enjoy the same things. So before engaging a stranger into your role playing, whatever it may be, please ask first.


One question that I always have had about role playing in MMOs is direction. For "tabletop" RPGs (air quotes due to the fact that such games are now increasingly played over the internet), the story is directed or facilitated by a Game Master or similar. Are there ones that are common for role playing in MMOs?

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> @Ojimaru.8970 said:

> Hi, thanks for starting a guide, especially the part about consent. While some people enjoy different types of role playing, they also need to understand that playing out their fantasies in this manner involves another human being, who may or may not enjoy the same things. So before engaging a stranger into your role playing, whatever it may be, please ask first.


> One question that I always have had about role playing in MMOs is direction. For "tabletop" RPGs (air quotes due to the fact that such games are now increasingly played over the internet), the story is directed or facilitated by a Game Master or similar. Are there ones that are common for role playing in MMOs?


There aren't really any Game Masters when it comes to roleplaying in MMOs. When people roleplay, it's usually just Dialogue and building a story. The people that roleplay and have an understanding of the lore in the Guild Wars universe are the closest things to "Game Masters" that there is, simply because one can ask them if the character's story/background is canonical.

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Another question that was sent to me via message by someone that doesn't want to be mentioned was this:


I saw your thread and wanted to ask a question that's been hitting my mind about Roleplaying. You can add this in your thread, but don't mention me please (there's still some stigma surrounding roleplaying in this game). How can one roleplay someone or something else if there's already a character story, where you essentially fight all these significant enemies and get praised by the NPCs for it? Thank you.


It's unusual for players to become so significant in the storylines of MMORPGs, but this is how people have worked around it:


Think of the "Character Story" as more of a perspective of who the Commander is. Naturally, not all of us can be the one who fought against Zhaitan or Scarlet. Instead, since there were so many soldiers that assisted the Commander in his fights against evil, you could have been one of the many thousands that held the line against the Risen.


Everything that you do as the Commander in the actual game should be kept as a Rumor of the Commander.


Guy1: I heard that the Commander was of Noble Human descent.

Guy2: No, they were a Charr, I remember seeing them.

Guy3: No no no, you're all wrong. The Commander was a Norn!


Either way, the Commander remains a symbol of Unity between races, and it's up to us on how we view that symbol through the choices we make.

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> @Lahemic.6097 said:

> Another question that was sent to me via message by someone that doesn't want to be mentioned was this:



I saw your thread and wanted to ask a question that's been hitting my mind about Roleplaying. You can add this in your thread, but don't mention me please (there's still some stigma surrounding roleplaying in this game). How can one roleplay someone or something else if there's already a character story, where you essentially fight all these significant enemies and get praised by the NPCs for it? Thank you.


> It's unusual for players to become so significant in the storylines of MMORPGs, but this is how people have worked around it:


> Think of the "Character Story" as more of a perspective of who the Commander is. Naturally, not all of us can be the one who fought against Zhaitan or Scarlet. Instead, since there were so many soldiers that assisted the Commander in his fights against evil, you could have been one of the many thousands that held the line against the Risen.


> Everything that you do as the Commander in the actual game should be kept as a Rumor of the Commander.


> Guy1: I heard that the Commander was of Noble Human descent.

> Guy2: No, they were a Charr, I remember seeing them.

> Guy3: No no no, you're all wrong. The Commander was a Norn!


> Either way, the Commander remains a symbol of Unity between races, and it's up to us on how we view that symbol through the choices we make.


I think, to clear up confusion in RP circles about who the Commander is supposed to be... we should all assume the Canon Commander is the emotionally broken, partially-crazy Charr Iron Legion Necromancer Snargle Gutslurprer

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> @Ojimaru.8970 said:

> ...

> One question that I always have had about role playing in MMOs is direction. For "tabletop" RPGs (air quotes due to the fact that such games are now increasingly played over the internet), the story is directed or facilitated by a Game Master or similar. Are there ones that are common for role playing in MMOs?


Okay, since the OP of the thread did not really answer this in full I'd like to add a bit:

While there is no general Gamemaster for all the RP that is happening, there is such a thing as planned out plots. This means, someone of the communty had the Idea of sending a group of players on a journey (for example: Retrieve a heirloom to a clan of Norn) that bears similarities to campaings in tabletop/DSA style RP. So the person establishing the plot is kind of the gamemaster of said plot, reacts to player choices, emotes enemies/NPCs and drives the group to puruit the goal and not linger at one place. I've seen such plots&events to up to 30 players (which requiers more than one "gamemaster" tbh) or some of them with only a handfull.

Generally most RP happens in cities though since people more or less tend to play "regular" citizens, shopkeepers, barkeepers, merchants, nobles, thieves, beggars, priests whatever. Normal RP drives on the dialogue with maybe strangers.


> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> Now I'm curious, what is the stigma of roleplaying in this game?


> Also, to be fair, every war/army have more than one commander usually.


Stigma in this game. Once in a while you might find threads on reddit or in this forum where people saw/witnessed some insensitive idiots playing ERP in public chat. Also often the quality of things written in style and lore-capability are subpar - at least the RP happening in public /s chat.


Also, yes, there are often more than one/more commanders in an army. But in this game the commander is _the_ one commander. The one that slayed two dragons and a god.

This is a common thing in roleplaying btw, OP and I mentioned it before: People tend to be careful with the powerlevel of their characters, politically and ability wise. A character so powerful and so high up in the ranks that other players have to adhere to what that character says, can't react to or attack is usually really boring. And in most communities simply ignored as soon as it is clear that this character is what rolepayers and writers call a [Mary Sue](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Sue "Mary Sue").


BTW, since OP didn't want to talk about it:


If you find the urge - and a willing partner - to ERP. Please be decent. Use party chat, use a closed instance. Remind yourself that this game is rated for a 12yo audiance (at least in germany, don't know about the us tbh). Also remind yourself that you wouldn't do the naughties in public IRL either (or at least you aren't allowed to, whatever your preferences), so please adhere to that in game as well. Keep it private.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> Now I'm curious, what is the stigma of roleplaying in this game?


> Also, to be fair, every war/army have more than one commander usually.


I am only annoyed when I see people getting out of setting. Like when someone claims to be part of an enemy faction or to be a race that has not been seen in Tyria.


Among [these basic rules](http://www.springhole.net/writing/why-people-might-not-want-to-roleplay-with-you.htm "these basic rules"), for me the worst offender is "don't know your stuff".


If I see a guy claiming to be inquest, my reaction will be: "No, you are not, and you may have these dumdums fooled, but you cant fool me. You are likely some whispers guy infiltrating them, and you will be doing a poor job if you go around fraternizing with the other races while still undercover." or "No, you are not, you are a freaking 3m tall norn, Inquest do not let non-asura join, everyone knows that. At most you'd be a hired mercenary or a slave worker". Or "Oh, yeah... Righ... Of course.... And I'm Queen Jennah! Look at me! I have no shoes! Woo-hoohoohoohoohoo...!"




As for the multiple commanders problem, I see the game as a jumble of countless fractals mixing the histories of many alternate versions of Tyria, looping at different points in time. While there's just 1 'canon' story, when we play we are replaying through different combinations of different versions of it. In one version we are the commander who defeated Mordrmeoth, in another we are a volunteer who lead the Pact against the Mouth or Mordremoth and distracted it while the commander defeated him. In another version we are the band of adventurers who freed Saul D'Alession, in another we are the friend of the commander joining them while the take over the Flame Citadel. In another we are explorers from the Grove traveling through the world.

Just like how Mystlock Observatory, Dessa and Arkk where once real, our characters have their several alternate original versions too, but we are actually playing their fractal echoes, and that allows us to do things out of order, and also to participate in different things that contradict each other.

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> @Lahemic.6097 said:

> > @Ojimaru.8970 said:

> > Hi, thanks for starting a guide, especially the part about consent. While some people enjoy different types of role playing, they also need to understand that playing out their fantasies in this manner involves another human being, who may or may not enjoy the same things. So before engaging a stranger into your role playing, whatever it may be, please ask first.

> >

> > One question that I always have had about role playing in MMOs is direction. For "tabletop" RPGs (air quotes due to the fact that such games are now increasingly played over the internet), the story is directed or facilitated by a Game Master or similar. Are there ones that are common for role playing in MMOs?


> There aren't really any Game Masters when it comes to roleplaying in MMOs. When people roleplay, it's usually just Dialogue and building a story. The people that roleplay and have an understanding of the lore in the Guild Wars universe are the closest things to "Game Masters" that there is, simply because one can ask them if the character's story/background is canonical.


I would add that in some more... heavy guilds, there are storytellers, which function as GMs. They are the people who set up a plot thread for folks to work through. A lot of guilds have an overarching plot-line that the characters in the guild can work their way through, and much in the same way as a tabletop campaign that plot can change depending on the creativity of the players and adaptability of the storyteller. Generally though for public roleplay, everyone is the storyteller for their own character and the story builds through interaction with others, naturally and entirely on its own. A well built character has its own personality and tends to "take over" without the player even having to think too much about how they will react to a given situation.

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> @MithranArkanere.8957 said:



> I am only annoyed when I see people getting out of setting. Like when someone claims to be part of an enemy faction or to be a race that has not been seen in Tyria.


> Among [these basic rules](http://www.springhole.net/writing/why-people-might-not-want-to-roleplay-with-you.htm "these basic rules"), for me the worst offender is "don't know your stuff".


> If I see a guy claiming to be inquest, my reaction will be: "No, you are not, and you may have these dumdums fooled, but you cant fool me. You are likely some whispers guy infiltrating them, and you will be doing a poor job if you go around fraternizing with the other races while still undercover."


I'm not sure I get this... The game demonizes the inquest for sure by making them predominantly enemies to fight, but the Inquest publicly and openly holds a seat on the arcane council and is a sanctioned "Megakrewe" of sorts, and one the council sometimes relies on for tasks others have not been able to complete in a timely or cost effective manner. They are considered a part of Asuran society and while they are certainly... lacking in ethical boundaries which makes them the bad guys, there is zero reason to assume a member of the inquest would never "fraternize" with anyone outside of the organization. They don't let their members quit, but they don't forbid them from interacting with others.

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One of the things I can't stand in other player's role play is when their character is portrayed as an ultimate badass. Always trying to pick a fight, always talking tough, and nothing can hurt them. I just roll my eyes and walk away.


Also, one of my characters relies heavily on /e, because she can't talk. So a greeting from her would be something like /e signs: ~Good morning~.

Somehow she's become one of my most popular characters. _~shrugs~_

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Another thing to mention, OP also only kind of adressed this:


Please - and I know this might be difficult - separate between IC and OOC. A character might be evil, hostile, a jerk. The person behind this is most likely not. Separate this. I repeat: separate this, don't mark someone as a jerk because their character is one. Don't take IC drama into the real world, they are not connected. Not at all. One should not need to warn people OOC of ones character for it to be clear that it's the character that is hostile, not the player. Sadly, many, even veteran RPrs, often make that mistake.

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So I am someone who forum RPed in places like proboards and jcink. I am also someone who has no extra guild slots. Anyway I had two questions:


**One, how do I join into RPs without a guild?** I've tried joining in bar RPs in DR but was ignored. I would love to get to RP in this game but I seem to be slightly stuck.


Two, I have played the game since launch and would say I have a decent amount of legendary things. **When joining into an RP would it be expected for me to put on a more 'realistic' looking weapon? Say have a base looking pistol to swap to besides HOPE?**

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> @tunatubafish.3405 said:

> So I am someone who forum RPed in places like proboards and jcink. I am also someone who has no extra guild slots. Anyway I had two questions:


> **One, how do I join into RPs without a guild?** I've tried joining in bar RPs in DR but was ignored. I would love to get to RP in this game but I seem to be slightly stuck.


> Two, I have played the game since launch and would say I have a decent amount of legendary things. **When joining into an RP would it be expected for me to put on a more 'realistic' looking weapon? Say have a base looking pistol to swap to besides HOPE?**


1.: Check the RP-Forums: guildwars2roleplayers.com for the english-speaking community.


2.: Legendary weapons are kind of a point of open discussion I'd say. They are visually very obstrusive, and a "normal" character might have trouble to have even one of them since they are, as the name implies, legendary. If you insist on wearing them while RPing - and I don't say everyone is ok with them at all -, and this goes for any "special" looking or unique weapon, armor, item your character has: Have a comprehensible reason for your character to have them. They are special, the story why your character has them has to be special. Not just "Well, I found them while I was searching my parents attic, strange that they had such a thing lying around...". Don't have something special on your character just for the sake of having it.


No 1 might also have something to do with the appearance of your character. If you're flaunting a ghostly infusion, legendary armour, Eternity and Ad Infinitum on your back RPrs don't really take that character seriously or might ignore him. It is - as stupid as that sounds - immersion breaking for most RPrs. I mostly switch out my legendaries/backitems to something more 'normal'.

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> @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> One of the things I can't stand in other player's role play is when their character is portrayed as an ultimate kitten. Always trying to pick a fight, always talking tough, and nothing can hurt them. I just roll my eyes and walk away.


> Also, one of my characters relies heavily on /e, because she can't talk. So a greeting from her would be something like /e signs: ~Good morning~.

> Somehow she's become one of my most popular characters. _~shrugs~_


Well, if you can build up an interesting story around that super op-kitten-nothing-can-kill-me-and-i-can-kill-all-character, then I would say it´s fine.

Take Saitama as an example, op like hell but still his story is quite interesting.^^

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> @Sailsd.9245 said:

> > @tunatubafish.3405 said:

> > So I am someone who forum RPed in places like proboards and jcink. I am also someone who has no extra guild slots. Anyway I had two questions:

> >

> > **One, how do I join into RPs without a guild?** I've tried joining in bar RPs in DR but was ignored. I would love to get to RP in this game but I seem to be slightly stuck.

> >

> > Two, I have played the game since launch and would say I have a decent amount of legendary things. **When joining into an RP would it be expected for me to put on a more 'realistic' looking weapon? Say have a base looking pistol to swap to besides HOPE?**


> 1.: Check the RP-Forums: guildwars2roleplayers.com for the english-speaking community.


> 2.: Legendary weapons are kind of a point of open discussion I'd say. They are visually very obstrusive, and a "normal" character might have trouble to have even one of them since they are, as the name implies, legendary. If you insist on wearing them while RPing - and I don't say everyone is ok with them at all -, and this goes for any "special" looking or unique weapon, armor, item your character has: Have a comprehensible reason for your character to have them. They are special, the story why your character has them has to be special. Not just "Well, I found them while I was searching my parents attic, strange that they had such a thing lying around...". Don't have something special on your character just for the sake of having it.


> No 1 might also have something to do with the appearance of your character. If you're flaunting a ghostly infusion, legendary armour, Eternity and Ad Infinitum on your back RPrs don't really take that character seriously or might ignore him. It is - as stupid as that sounds - immersion breaking for most RPrs. I mostly switch out my legendaries/backitems to something more 'normal'.


Thanks for the answer! On my engineer the only thing legendary are the pistols. I know for a fact if I took my chrono who has Shooshadoo, Shining Blade, and the fractal backpack I would be ignored.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> Will ask the same thing I ask in every RP conversation.

> Is it considered RPing if the main character you made is meant to be you?


In my experience considering GW2's Tyria being very very different from The world you are from. This is considered bad RP. And in some cases might even sugest that the player has an inability to see them selves separate from their character. In which case i'd suggest you visit a psychiatrisch or other mental health worker. (Do note that just because you might need help, you are NOT crazy! There is no such thing as "Being Crazy".)


> @Ojimaru.8970 said:

> Hi, thanks for starting a guide, especially the part about consent. While some people enjoy different types of role playing, they also need to understand that playing out their fantasies in this manner involves another human being, who may or may not enjoy the same things. So before engaging a stranger into your role playing, whatever it may be, please ask first.


> One question that I always have had about role playing in MMOs is direction. For "tabletop" RPGs (air quotes due to the fact that such games are now increasingly played over the internet), the story is directed or facilitated by a Game Master or similar. Are there ones that are common for role playing in MMOs?


Considering i actually facilitate as a sort of GM for the Charr warband Roleplay Guild i'm Leading. There are in fact GM's of sort in an MMO. But you won't randomly encounter them in the game unless you're really lucky and stumble on a guild run event. If you are just doing random RP, say the rp done in a bar or tavern. There you won't encounter a GM unless there is a guild event that came passing by. If you want/need the structure of a GM to help direct the rp. Joining a RP guild is usually a good idea. And you can look for all kinds of RP guilds at http://www.guildwars2roleplayers.com where there is a huge community dedicated to rp guilds, inter guild rp and just random rp. The site also has more resources for starting out Roleplayers so deff take a look. They have a NA and an EU side, so you'll sure to find something you need there.


> @Lahemic.6097 said:

> Another question that was sent to me via message by someone that doesn't want to be mentioned was this:



I saw your thread and wanted to ask a question that's been hitting my mind about Roleplaying. You can add this in your thread, but don't mention me please (there's still some stigma surrounding roleplaying in this game). How can one roleplay someone or something else if there's already a character story, where you essentially fight all these significant enemies and get praised by the NPCs for it? Thank you.


> It's unusual for players to become so significant in the storylines of MMORPGs, but this is how people have worked around it:


> Think of the "Character Story" as more of a perspective of who the Commander is. Naturally, not all of us can be the one who fought against Zhaitan or Scarlet. Instead, since there were so many soldiers that assisted the Commander in his fights against evil, you could have been one of the many thousands that held the line against the Risen.


> Everything that you do as the Commander in the actual game should be kept as a Rumor of the Commander.


> Guy1: I heard that the Commander was of Noble Human descent.

> Guy2: No, they were a Charr, I remember seeing them.

> Guy3: No no no, you're all wrong. The Commander was a Norn!


> Either way, the Commander remains a symbol of Unity between races, and it's up to us on how we view that symbol through the choices we make.


I have never actually seen anybody mention "The Commander" in rp before. And i think it is especially smart for those new to rp to not mention that ever. "The Commander"'s adventures can in fact be in direct opposite of what you want to rp. Like if you want to Roleplay as Nightmare court. Then the "Character Story" Doesn't at all reflect the story you want your character to have. This however does not mean i'm opposed playing the "Character Story" In fact you for sure should have at least once played till the level 30 chapter of the race you wish to rp. Why? because its a great way to learn about the culture of your chosen race. And far more fun that just reading up on the lore on the wiki. Combining those two is a very good way to learn.


> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> Now I'm curious, what is the stigma of roleplaying in this game?


> Also, to be fair, every war/army have more than one commander usually.


I don't believe there is a stigma perse. What you might encounter though are people who think its a good idea to mock you, or try to disrupt rp through whatever means they can come up with. Best responses are to just ignore them or if you might doubt they are being disruptive on purpose. use whisper to politely ask for their cooperation. Sometimes its just spectators that didn't realise they were in the way or players who might be interested in rp them selves. In those cases educating them and giving links to resource site is a great way to help. Do note that is a player is intentionally being so disruptive that they are actively preventing you and your fellow rp-ers from having fun. You CAN! report their behavior. A-net supports players playing gw2 the way they want, but not at the cost of the enjoyment of other players.


Sorry for the long read though ;)


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> @Sailsd.9245 said:

> BTW, since OP didn't want to talk about it:


> If you find the urge - and a willing partner - to ERP. Please be decent. Use party chat, use a closed instance. Remind yourself that this game is rated for a 12yo audiance (at least in germany, don't know about the us tbh). Also remind yourself that you wouldn't do the naughties in public IRL either (or at least you aren't allowed to, whatever your preferences), so please adhere to that in game as well. Keep it private.


I'm not telling people "Don't ERP" but I don't want the entirety of guild wars suffering the same thing that the Moonguard server does on WoW. Goldshire became Adult Friend Finder Town, where people openly exchanged skype and KiK information.


If you are going to ERP, as Sailsd said, keep in mind the age of the targeted audience, the laws of your country, and please please PLEASE keep it private. If people know what you're doing, then something's wrong.


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  • 4 weeks later...

> @Lahemic.6097 said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > Will ask the same thing I ask in every RP conversation.

> > Is it considered RPing if the main character you made is meant to be you?


> This is a good question. There is a phrase among the Roleplaying community known as "Bleeding." That means that some of your characters share certain personality traits that you have in real life. For example, if someone suffered a bad injury in real life, they could incorporate it into their roleplaying profile/character.


> Essentailly, any character we play as could be looked upon as an extension of our imagination, so it's very possible that someone could roleplay as themselves, but people usually like to step out of their own skin and develop another persona. We're already ourselves 100% of the time.


In a different PoV, *every* character you role-play is you, on a certain level. They will vary in what events/environments shaped them, and you can intentionally make them act different than you would. But ultimately their decisions, their motivation and their reasoning are born of your own imagination. Which makes them, in a way, your own. Some bleeding will *always* be there between a player and their character.


And conversely, regardless of how hard you're trying to role-play yourself, there will always be differences. We tend to overlook our flaws and such a character will appear as a sort of idealised version of yourself, put in a different world. It's still a role you're playing, though I must admit I consider it somewhat lazy approach to RP.

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> @Feanor.2358 said:

> In a different PoV, *every* character you role-play is you, on a certain level. They will vary in what events/environments shaped them, and you can intentionally make them act different than you would. But ultimately their decisions, their motivation and their reasoning are born of your own imagination. Which makes them, in a way, your own. Some bleeding will *always* be there between a player and their character.



I have had this perception of RP for an extremely long time: The characters being extensions of ourselves in another setting. I'm glad I'm not the only one that kinda sees that. We are, after all, the ones piloting the Charr, Sylvari, etc.

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  • 7 months later...

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