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Does this game feel rewarding?


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Honestly, this is probably THE most unrewarding MMO on the market. People like to talk down about WoW but you have to admit they know how to do end-game content and keep players around. The main thing to do in this game is to grind gold to buy things on the TP since rewarding loot drops are pretty much non-existent for the average player. Warframe, a game that is all about grinding is 100x more rewarding to play than this game--it actually respects your time spent.


Doing a 20+ step achievement for the measly reward of like 5 AP? That's laughable.

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> @Fox.3469 said:

> All i hear from the people that are saying "the game is rewarding to me" is that they are still busy doing old content. Wich is fine and power to you, but that doesn't give you the right to say, of course the game is still rewarding, look at me doing all this old content. You have to understand that for veterans of the game that old content is in the past and completed.


People most definitely do have the "right" to say that the game is rewarding -- for them. Just as you have the "right" to say that it isn't -- for you. There is no objective "correct" opinion because guess what, people value different things. Nor does it have anything to do with who is a "veteran" or not. It's all down to what you want, which differs from what I want, which differs from what anyone else wants.


The game has its issues, but that does not invalidate people enjoying different things in different ways.

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Rewards are not so important for me. But that said I think it is a shame that 95% of the skins are gem store only instead of a reward for killing a boss or doing an achievement. I understand they want to make money but look at gliders. There are only 3 glider skins you can get as a reward (the legendary gliders). The whole rest of a whopping 50+ (my guess) skins is gem store. These are missed opportunities. For example: if you could get the Soul River glider skin from a Gorseval kill this would fit the lore and would be rewarding and it is also an incentive to kill this boss.


Same goes now with mounts: they released an unbelievable 30 mount skins but not a single skin is available via gameplay. That's just silly and a missed opportunity. WoW did that right, it was always a great incentive and motivation to get new cool mounts skins by playing the game and do achievements. Do that, really! You still can keep like 80% of your gem store fluff, but for god's sake, give us at least _something_ more via in game.

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> @pah.4931 said:

> While agree PoF seems lacking when it comes to fun meta events and long achievement chains (compared to HoT)...


> The more stuff they put in the game, the less money they make. The older the game gets, the less money people will spend in it. Bank slots or filled. Bag space is already large. Most people might already be happy with their characters outfits and armor. Since it doesn't have a sub, it has to make up for it in other places. Unfortunately, that means RNG in the cash shop. Sure there are a FEW people who probably pump plenty of money into the game (I would bet the LARGE majority of players spend less than $10 a year on gems), but I guarantee cash shop spending has been trending down since the game's launch.


> But hey! I'd rather have RNG and gem shop items and a game to play... than no game to play at all.


The reverse of this is also true. The less engaging things they put in the game as goals the less people play. If you're not playing you don't really need the extra bling from the gem store so you probably would be less likely to buy it. Balance in almost all parts of GW2 has been broken since HoT release.

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> @Chadramar.8156 said:

> > @Fox.3469 said:

> > All i hear from the people that are saying "the game is rewarding to me" is that they are still busy doing old content. Wich is fine and power to you, but that doesn't give you the right to say, of course the game is still rewarding, look at me doing all this old content. You have to understand that for veterans of the game that old content is in the past and completed.


> People most definitely do have the "right" to say that the game is rewarding -- for them. Just as you have the "right" to say that it isn't -- for you. There is no objective "correct" opinion because guess what, people value different things. Nor does it have anything to do with who is a "veteran" or not. It's all down to what you want, which differs from what I want, which differs from what anyone else wants.


> The game has its issues, but that does not invalidate people enjoying different things in different ways.


While people can play the way they want, the opinion of people just starting the game is irrelevant to the state of the game. It's like someone in another game not being level cap and commenting there is so much to do. That is irrelevant for the majority of the player base. You can play the game you want, but coming in and saying, game feels rewarding to me, look at all this old content i'm doing, is not contributing to the discussion. An expansion is supposed to add new content and a big part of the player base played HoT for 2 years now, telling us "well go play HoT again there is stuff to do there" is not a valid reply to people complaining the new expansion and latest releases have less and less content. In 9 months after HoT however underwhelming it was, i never ever had someone tell me, go back and play the base game. Because HoT had stuff to go for. PoF fails in this aspect and that is a huge problem. Telling people to go back to content they've been playing for 2 years, 2 months after the expansion, is bullshit.

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> @Fox.3469 said:

> While people can play the way they want, the opinion of people just starting the game is irrelevant to the state of the game.


Nope. It'd be one thing to say, "I'm glad new players have years of fresh content ahead of themselves, but in my opinion the last expansion does not have the longevity I'd like to see". It's another thing entirely to tell people that they do not have a "right" to an opinion on what is "rewarding" or not. Your opinion (or mine, or anyne else's) is just that and no more, it is neither objectively correct nor do you get to speak for everyone, or even just all "veteran players". There's already too much negativity aimed at new/casual players, and it's really not good to add to that.


Some longtime players like PoF, some do not. Some define "rewarding" in one way, others in define it in completely different ways. Some want maps with massive overaching event chains that require multiple coordinated groups, some don't, some want a mix leaning one way or the other. And all that is fine.


We can criticize shady business practices, or wish that Anet hadn't "overreacted" to some negative feedback about the HoT maps by not implementing a balance of "normal" maps and "meta" maps, or ask why the new stuff added to vendors wasn't in the game at launch. But we can do all that without telling others that they don't have a "right" to weigh in, or that doing so would not be "constructive" -- silencing others is what is not constructive, unless they are being abusive.



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> @Chadramar.8156 said:

> > @Fox.3469 said:

> > While people can play the way they want, the opinion of people just starting the game is irrelevant to the state of the game.


> Nope. It'd be one thing to say, "I'm glad new players have years of fresh content ahead of themselves, but in my opinion the last expansion does not have the longevity I'd like to see". It's another thing entirely to tell people that they do not have a "right" to an opinion on what is "rewarding" or not. Your opinion (or mine, or anyne else's) is just that and no more, it is neither objectively correct nor do you get to speak for everyone, or even just all "veteran players". There's already too much negativity aimed at new/casual players, and it's really not good to add to that.


> Some longtime players like PoF, some do not. Some define "rewarding" in one way, others in define it in completely different ways. Some want maps with massive overaching event chains that require multiple coordinated groups, some don't, some want a mix leaning one way or the other. And all that is fine.


> We can criticize shady business practices, or wish that Anet hadn't "overreacted" to some negative feedback about the HoT maps by not implementing a balance of "normal" maps and "meta" maps, or ask why the new stuff added to vendors wasn't in the game at launch. But we can do all that without telling others that they don't have a "right" to weigh in, or that doing so would not be "constructive" -- silencing others is what is not constructive, unless they are being abusive.




I have to say i disagree completely. It's like someone saying about a tv series, man "this series quality has really gone down the drain compared to how it used to be". And then someone being 3 seasons behind enjoying it toroughly saying, "well i'm really enjoying it." That is not relevant to the current quality at all. YES gw2 has a bunch of content that is really good and feels rewarding, but that's not what i was talking about in my first post, i was talking about the continued downwards trend of GW2 in terms of reward, reaching a peak in path of fire, while more and more stuff was added on the gemstore. You can play the game however the fuck you want, but if you contribute in a discussion about "the current content is getting less and less rewarding" the answer "oh but the old content is still rewarding" is fucking irrelevant... I can't see how you do not understand that.


Now if you have something to contribute about path of fire feeling rewarding to you, i'm more then willing to listen to a different opinion.

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I find a lot of intrinsic reward in playing GW2. Looking at the virtual scenery is fun. The combat system is fun. Doing events is fun. Heck, gathering is fun. The problem, if there is one, is that these things tend to hold my attention only so long. This is fine for me, but I believe a lot of MMO players want to play longer sessions than I do. For such people, I believe "their" MMO needs to also offer extrinsic rewards (i.e., stuff). This game has had its ups and downs with regard to rewarding stuff.


The first problem is that the gear chase is the one major carrot in a lot of MMO's. The gear chase in WoW became -- for me -- a thing where my motivation to get tier X gear was so that I could then move on and get tier Y gear, so I could then move on and get Tier Z gear. Since I saw the content (the playable content) as tiresome and repetitious, it became very much like leveling in a F2P grinder -- leveling up so I can level up again, with very slightly different mobs. GW2 of course, was not designed with anything but an _initial_ gear chase in mind. While Ascended crafting still seems to have some effect on the economy, the longer one has been playing, the less likely one needs more Asc. gear.


There seems to be a lot of talk over time, and especially lately, about "Fashion Wars." Just as in the original Guild Wars Game, the pursuit of skins seems to be a lot of the "endgame." The thing is, **skins were asked to do too much in this game**. They're supposed to be a major component (along with AP) in the endgame, and they're being asked to be the main source of income in the store. Now, were ANet able to crank out cosmetics faster, this might be less of a problem. However, decisions made in the formation of the game have resulted in apparent skin creation bottlenecks which throttle the ease of adding skins to the game. Since money makes the game go, the in-game rewards are what has suffered.


I'm not sure what ANet can do to ameliorate this issue. I do tink, though, that it ought to be a main concern.


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GW2 is too good, and im frustrated I can't keep myself entertained for more than an hour or two a day. Most content gets dull, I dont see a reason to run a fractal for the 100th time, I mostly stand around chatting these days. I wish i cared about getting skins ill barely use, or getting achievement points, but I just dont so whats left is a bit of pvp and wvw roaming, maybe daily fracs if I feel like it, a raid here and there and thats it.

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The game has a fixed level cap which means that eventually all players at the level cap will run out of things to do.

There arnt any real solutions to this problem as there is a limit in what can be done in MMOs they way they are currently designed.

Anet could take the route of WOW which is a continuous increase in the level cap , which translates into a continuous gear grind to get ever increasing better gear, and also requires an ever increasing size of the world to cater for the higher level players.

Also means that you then have to dedicate your entire life to playing the game or you get left behind.


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Not really, never been since release tbh. After the 1st legendary craft reward/pleasure feeling goes downhill. Also game is throwing silver coins, useless loot, currencies everywhere to simulate good rewards. Despite countless leggy crafts, the only really rewarding thing for me has been the PVP, more so League Season 1 after rushing the Legendary Back item 24/7. Since then... a year ago... nothing interesting...

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Given the amount of material they've let deteriorate as time moves on I'm starting to question it's long term survivability. Balance patches are too late and usually too much or not enough. Many issues with economy and materials is usually allowed to persist to extreme ends. Leather is still way too expensive (to the point they hard nerfed turrets and farming in Lake Doric instead of fixing the drop rate elsewhere), orichalcum and gossamer is too cheap, Maguuma Lilly has one of the most absurdly small drop rates, and with the focus on condi first Black Diamond has increased in value by more that 2.5 times it's previous value pre PoF.


If the game is to persist they really need to focus on gameplay, and given they found time to make 40+ mount skins since release there's some serious questions about where their resources are focused. They couldn't even pay for a person to expand the bank for new crafting mats in the last expansion. The dungeons are way outdated and some are actually super glitchy for stories making getting them done a chore and sore representation of the game pre HoT.


At this point if they don't fix it it'll be unplayable to fully encapsulate the story and lore. I can never experience LWS1 since they give no options to go back and play through it. So for comparison WOW may not like fixing old content but even they weren't above going back to dungeons and fixing issues, some issues fix themselves as players become so powerful they no longer posses a challenge, I would recommend a replay option or even a daily you can do at the dungeons to pick up currency outside of just the dungeon. This would be a great opportunity for new stories and lore to add to the content without having to just make new zones. The new dead bodies show how something like this can be fun without having to be a massive time spent inclusion.

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It does for most of the open world events but after like 10th time. You just want those Meta events to success without much hassle. But from current Experience there new people everyday ruining a 30 minute organizing meta thus giving you just scrap for your effort.


Gearing new toon now having roadblock called Harden Leather Section. Thus all your saving goes to these mats and you see many people who play open world are in Sup-par gear dragging other people down as well.

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> @"Nick Lentz.6982" said:

> Rewarding is a subjective term.

> You make what rewarding is to you.

> My "rewarding' us legendary gears and cheevo hunting. I just forged Aurora last night, was neat.

> Some one else's mights be #1 in PvP or speed clears. Or collecting every skin.

> You make what you want, rewarding.


Agreed, rewards differ from person to person. Completing a full raid clear by pugging alone for me is rewarding.

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The original version of the game at release felt rewarding. You did something; you got something.

Now? It seems the only things important are map completion and hero/mastery point completion. Killing mobs is pretty much a waste of time; other than XP, the rewards are scant. Even chests have little utility since all too often the "rewards" can't even be used by your class or are a lower level than the gear you already have.

To me it's disappointing. The game at release was much more enjoyable; currently, GW2 is just a time-waster.

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