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Shortbow post "buff" and grrr.... Sevenshot...


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So, let's be honest, the damage buff to virtually everything was great. But didn't go far enough. While the weapon hits much harder than it did, and has decent damage (on a stationary golem).... It's still clunky and slow, and just doesn't feel strong.


A few fixes:


Add 1 more second to auto attack bleed.


Auto attack is more dps than 2. It's basically a wasted button atm. I suggest adding poison to each arrow, and make them home in on the target. You shouldn't be able to walk sideways to avoid this, you should have to dodge.


Sevenshot. Everyone has an idea of how to make this work. And the increased damage is in fact, solid. But it's slow, and hard to target. Also, does not work against targets behind you. (most skills spin you around to face the target.) I would suggest a few simple changes here.

-decrease cast time by 1/2

-increase projectile speed 100%

-move the portals slightly closer together, and stagger the 'line' into a 'chevron' (^) with the player standing at its leading point.

-widen the projectiles of each bolt.

-if all seven shots connect 1 sec chill, and 2 7sec poison.


4 skill. Good damage now. Nearly impossible to hit a moving target. Remove casting delay entirely. (I know *it's* slow because it *does* slow. But come on. Drop that idea. It's a bad one.)


5 skill is good now. Solid.




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Considering how poor the #2 skill is... Why not create both there? Press 2 once and its a block for 2sec, (with an open mist portal graphic) if it successfully blocks an attack, shadowstep the target who was blocked 300 range behind the player. The player shadowsteps forward 300 range behind where the attacker was.


Concept text something like.... *"open a portal to the mists blocking incoming attacks and teleporting you and your enemy away from each other." "*


I dunno if that's too complicated. But it's hard to justify a block on shortbow. (hence why I made it out of mist energy.) I mean... Doesn't your sword cut my bow string and make blocking a really bad idea?


I dunno... Perhaps an evade is better.

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Sevenshot is almost there, here are a few more suggestions:


1. Each hit inflicts 1 second of chill, stacking in effect.

2. If at least 3 shots hit, apply 10 stacks of vulnerability.

3. If all 7 shots hit, the target explodes into a fire field that sticks to them for 3 seconds and causes burning periodically to nearby enemies. The fire field can trigger blast finishers.

4. Shots leave behind an aoe trail which inflicts torment and poison on a 1 second pulse for 5 seconds.

5. When the Rev casts Seven Shot, they gain 3 stacks of stability for 3 seconds. This allows them to act on the fire field finisher without having to worry about how to play the game.

6. Add a new master trait - "Seventeen Shot", the number of shots fired by Seven Shot is increased by 10, and gives the Rev a stack of superspeed and protection for 3 seconds.

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> @otto.5684 said:

> It does not matter how many things you tack on to 7 shot. It does not reliably hit anything beside large stationary hit boxes.


> Beside complete re-design it will never be legit for anything but trolling helpless AI in open world PvE.


It really is an absolutely atrocious skill. I don't understand why it is in the game; even a rudimentary amount of testing would have revealed that it is utterly unworkable. At a fundamental level, a skill shot with a potential of one to seven strikes can never be linearly balanced, the potential damage range is too great. You would need a formula like the first hit deals 50% of the maximum possible damage, the second 25% etc. To reduce the punishment for missing. Such a mechanic however, should never be favoured in lieu of scrapping a god awful idea at the design stage. My only explanation for the existence of this utter abortion of common sense, is that either the designers didn't know wtf they were doing, or seven shot is someone's precious little baby that they refuse to let go of. Unfortunately, often the latter is the case - a prima donna designer wielding more power than they know what to do with overriding the common sense of their colleagues and users.

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