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Some help for a New player ?

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Hello, I'm very new to this game actually bought and downloaded it before an hour or so and I'm already having problems heh, I don't really know what to do and where to go and guides on YouTube are 2 years old...I started playing on Server called Ruins of Surmia I assumed that the lower the population on the server is the newer the server must be.I created a Warrior since in most of the games I've played warriors were ones of the easier classes to begin with.I also bought the Hearth of Thorns expansion or how you call it, after a couple of minutes playing I saw that i had a coin/token that made me jump to level 80 and that's where I got completely Lost...So yeah, if some would like to show me the path it would be really amazing.


Thank you for your time.

A jeżeli czyta to jakiś Polak to też prosił bym o jakąś pomoc z Grą :)

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> @PandaXPomPa.6319 said:

> Hello, I'm very new to this game actually bought and downloaded it before an hour or so and I'm already having problems heh, I don't really know what to do and where to go and guides on YouTube are 2 years old...I started playing on Server called Ruins of Surmia I assumed that the lower the population on the server is the newer the server must be.I created a Warrior since in most of the games I've played warriors were ones of the easier classes to begin with.I also bought the Hearth of Thorns expansion or how you call it, after a couple of minutes playing I saw that i had a coin/token that made me jump to level 80 and that's where I got completely Lost...So yeah, if some would like to show me the path it would be really amazing.


> Thank you for your time.

> A jeżeli czyta to jakiś Polak to też prosił bym o jakąś pomoc z Grą :)


Hello, welcome.!


The server you make your character on only matters for World vs World play. In the case of WvW you definitely don't want to be on a low population server. So if you think you will ever want to participate in WvW, I would transfer to a higher population server. A server transfer normally costs gems (Store Currency), but since you are new, I would open a Customer Service ticket and ask to transfer for free. They will probably do it.


Other than for WvW, servers don't matter at all. GW2 operates on a "Megaserver" where every time you are on a map the Player Characters you see could be from any server at all.


Regarding your character class, Warrior is a great first-time character. They can be hard to kill and do decent damage depending on how you create them. You can google Warrior Build and look for a build that is not "Berzerker" or "Spellbreaker". Those builds use a Elite Specialization which you have to unlock via getting Hero Points.


Regarding jumping to level 80, that is fine but I still would start from the beginning. And the best way to start is by doing your Personal Story. Open your Hero panel by pressing H (unless you changed the key) and look for the Story tab by mousing over the symbols on the left side. Click on the Story on the right side and make sure it is active. Then follow the green prompts in the UI on the upper right of your game window and the green marks that appear on your map. After you are done with your Personal Story, you can do the story that you received with the Heart of Thorns expansion.


When you get used to playing your character, or if you get tired of doing the Story, you can jump into any map you like and do whatever you want. You can always go back to the Story, you don't have to keep going on it until you completely finish. The most people are going to be in the latest content. The latest is the Path of Fire expansion, but you don't really need a lot of people around to do most content. One thing you might want to do is go to the Heart of Thorns area and unlock the Gliding mastery. Gliding is very helpful in all of the game. You can look for tips on how to do anything in the GW2 wiki. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Main_Page If you want even more information on something, try Google. Good luck!

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@"Djinn.9245" Thank you very much kind friend,

I found your answer really helpfull but I think I did something stupid...I logged in, I changed servers to Vabbi and i DELETED the old character I created the Level 80 one and i created a new one.

I will do as you said and google what is the best Build to follow for a Warrior.Also, if I find the game enjoyable and fun to play I will for sure buy the Path of Fire expanions.

How long it takes to EXP from level 1 to 80 normally ?

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> @PandaXPomPa.6319 said:

> @"Djinn.9245" Thank you very much kind friend,

> I found your answer really helpfull but I think I did something stupid...I logged in, I changed servers to Vabbi and i DELETED the old character I created the Level 80 one and i created a new one.

> I will do as you said and google what is the best Build to follow for a Warrior.Also, if I find the game enjoyable and fun to play I will for sure buy the Path of Fire expanions.

> How long it takes to EXP from level 1 to 80 normally ?


I would open a Customer Service ticket and ask to get another level 80 Boost. Explain that you are new and didn't understand how everything works. Hopefully they will give you a new one.


Leveling to 80 isn't too bad, you will get extra XP items while playing, and doing the Personal Story you don't have to be level 80 anyway. So even if you do get a new Boost, you might want to just save it in case you decide to make a new character of a different class that you want at 80 right away.

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I am very new to this game also. It was recommended to me to save my level 80 boost until after I had tried several professions/classes and leveled a couple up the old fashioned way. That way I could use my level boost for something once I have a better idea of what is going on and what classes I enjoy playing the best.

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Even tho Warrior is one of the more easier classes, I would recommend on not using a L80 boost on your first character. The boost mostly skips the 'learning how to play your profession (class)' part of the game, which is quite important. :)


I know ArenaNet had to offer this item because most other MMO's offer the same. But really, leveling goes relatively quickly in this game and it is the best way to get used to your character. You can always use it later when you think you master your character enough and experienced the different weapons and skills and found a build (skill/weapon/trait combination) that works for **YOU** and fits **YOUR** playstyle.


When you want to become a completionist or an achievement hunter, you will need to redo all the skipped content anyways.

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Regarding content after you hit level 80, the game does not really start until you get to lvl 80. Dungeons, Fractals (essentially harder dungeons with unique mechanics and better rewards), World Bosses, Mastery levels (post lvl 80 progression that does not involve a gear grind), Expansions (not accessible until lvl 80 I believe), Raids, Living story (free DLC’s after a fashion), WvW (Server vs. Server scale PvP)... the list goes on.


Let’s see... people already covered saving the lvl 80 boost... I assume they told you about metabattle (google it if you have not but do not always strictly follow the builds. The are more guidelines than actual set in stone requirements)... use map chat (type /m on the keyboard to use it) to ask questions to everyone on the map with the chat enabled.


Oh, and try to find a friendly and active guild that will teach you as well. I have not been on much recently (real life sucks sometimes) but feel free to message me here on the forums or in game when I am online and I will do what I can to teach. I make no promises as to the efficacy of my teaching however.

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The level 80 booster is the worst item that Anet could've offered new players. The last thing anyone needs is to join a game and instantly get to the top level and have no idea what they are doing. Leveling your character the old fashioned way is the best was to learn your profession. It does content lock you from doing Raids, Dungeons, and Fractals, but not from anything else. The perks of leveling the "hard" way: it is the best way to learn your skills and weapons, so when you get to that challenging content, you will actually know what skills are best for what. By the time you get to level 80, you will already have a great grasp on the game. If you just boost yourself, you won't know any of these things!

Story is a great way to level up, but I haven't actively done the story since pre-release and I believe they changed it so that a lot of the missions are level gated. However, this gives you a chance to explore new maps that your story won't take you through.

Once you hit 80, head on over to the HoT maps and get your gliding masteries. Did we mention masteries? At level 80, you will get access to the mastery system. There are core masteries (ones tied to the base game), HoT masteries, and PoF masteries. Definitely head over to Verdant Brink first (this is the first HoT map which can be accessed via the Silverwastes) and unlock the first mastery which gives you gliding. You level your masteries the same way your level your character, but to get the mastery, you have to have a mastery point. Mastery points are gathered by a variety of methods. In the core game, you get them by finding them on some of the maps, beating boss metas (you'll come across them on your travels), story, and doing various achievements. This is the same for HoT and PoF, but you will find them more frequently on the maps in the expansions. It should be noted that mastery points can only be used for whichever maps/stories/achievements they came from. For example, a mastery point found in the core game cannot be used for a mastery in the HoT expansion. A person's mastery level is marked by gold numbers when you hover over a character (the max character level is 80! the current max mastery level is 257. A character with 257 mastery points is not stronger than a level 80 character, they just have access to more masteries like autolooting, ley-line gliding, and mount abilities).

The last thing to cover are elite specializations. Once you reach level 80, you can choose an elite specialization. Each profession has two, but since you only have HoT, you will only have access to Berserker. Berserker is more powerful than vanilla warrior, but obviously it's a while off.

For now, enjoy the game for what it is. The game is very alive and active, if you ever have any questions feel free to ask in map chat (/m for the command). Most of the community are very helpful.

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Welcome to Tyria!

Others have already suggested it and I believe they're right: It's best to level your first character without using the instant lvl 80 booster.


Core-Tyria (GW2 before the first expansion) was designed around the idea that there is no difference between leveling and endgame. For example the first dungeon opens at lvl 30 (35 for the exploration paths) and can be completed at that level. Being level 80 does make the dungeon a lot easier, but doesn't make it trivial either. There are even world bosses on the lvl 1-15 maps, the most prominent one being Shadow Behemoth in Queensdale. Depending on your play style leveling to 80 the old fashioned way takes a few weeks, but at the end you should have a good understanding of your profession and the game.


The expansion areas are a completely different beast. You mentioned having HoT. The HoT areas ramp up difficulty a lot in comparison to Core maps. I recommend having at least full exotic (orange) gear and a good understanding of your profession before attempting the challenge.


By the way: There are polish guilds in GW2. Having a nice and helpful guild really does wonders.

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