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"Legendary" Renegade Stance


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Ok first of I did not play it yet so I can’t say anything about performance, although I hear mostly bad things about it.


But there is something I can say about it based on the other “Legends” the Revenant can use.

For those who never played GW1 to your information these characters the Revenant draws power from are all characters from GW1, except for “Kalla Scorchrazor”. Now that doesn’t mean she is not a Legend, but there is another reason why I find choosing her strange.

To start I will tell you about my reactions toward all the “Legends” I had when Revenant and their Elites were introduced:


- Legendary Assassin Stance (Shiro Tagachi) – "Ah the main antagonist of “Factions” if you could use his skills for real then you could wipe the floor with anyone in the game."


- Legendary Centaur Stance (Ventari) – "Oh yeah the centaur you meet in “Prophecies” and “EotN” who planted the Pale Tree along with Ronan."


- Legendary Demon Stance (Mallyx the Unyielding) – “Oh give me a break the final boss of the Domain of Anguish, you could also wipe out anyone in this game if you had access to his skills.”


- Legendary Dwarf Stance (Jalis Ironhammer) – "Yeah the King of the Dwarves before they did the whole ritual thing in “EotN”.


- Legendary Dragon Stance (Glint) – "Yeah Glint the dragon prophet, although I don’t get how can she be the “Elite” since Shiro and Mallyx are way more powerful than her."


- Legendary Renegade Stance (Kalla Scorchrazor) – “Who?????”


Yes I had no idea who that was when I first heard it so I had to look it up on wiki. Which told me she is the grandcub of Pyre Fierceshot, so I guess that’s ok, but why not use Pyre Fierceshot himself then?

Pyre Fierceshot was one of the hero’s you can get in “EotN”. He was the first to rebel against the Flame Legion. The Charr quote “The charr have no gods!” is in fact first spoken by him. And even Rytlock Brimstone says it right before fighting Gaheron Baelfire at the end of CoF Story mode.

So Pyre Fierceshot would make a far better “Legend” than Kalla Scorchrazor, even more so Pyre Fierceshot was a Ranger so his primary weapon was also a bow. So the new Elite Spec would not even require any real changes if using him instead, except maybe some skill names.


So yeah strange choice if you ask me given there is a far better choice closely related to her.

I get that Pyre and Rytlock have same voice actor, but thats not really an issue as the Legends only speak quotes from time to time and it's not like we will hear the voices inside Rytlocks head which would make it awkward with them having same voice.

More over what quotes can we actually get from Kalla? We know only her lore and one line she said before her death "At least I die knowing my sisters are free", thats not enough so they will have to be invented. Pyre had very memorable quotes in EotN like "Revolutions eat their Heros" or "Do not trade one set of shackels for another" and of course "There are no gods for the Charr". The last one is in fact quite fitting for the upcoming fight with Balthazar.


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They wanted to check off a diversity box by deviating from Pyre Fierceshot into the "badass female charr who united the legions and liberated charr females."


Which would have been fine if they hadn't genderbent Pyre Fierceshot and followed Kalla's weapon which is a greatsword and not a shortbow.

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> @Ryouzanpaku.1273 said:

> Here is the video secretly taken on the AN meeting regarding new Legend for Revenant:



This is how the conversation on where to place the stun break for Kalla.


"We could in theory put it here, but the gents that designed that skill don't quite believe a stun break would fit...."

"Perhaps over here?"

"That would be a problem because the skill starts with the letter W, which may remind players of the weaver, who not only got their profession mechanic, but they had it implemented for underwater combat..."

"So what do you propose?!?!?"

"I say good chap, we put on the healing skill, so players can get an amazing skill that saves their lives. Both a healing skill and a stun break, so to balance it, it'll do it's healing over 10 seconds... in a fixed area, and you can cancel it out by dealing 10k dmg to a spirit with no armor. Sounds reasonable."

"People will be lining up the use that skill now!"


"Only problem is with such an overpowered healing skill, we'll need to make sure each utility skill is virtually worthless on their own; can be killed, and require additional action from the player to see any real benefit."

"Should we give them a short bow to remind them that the spec fell short?"

"Good IDEA!"


haha rant over. ;P


As someone who never played gw1, Kalla doesn't seem any less random than Malyx. Shiro has a badass backstory, Ventari is talked about a bunch in season 2, glint is a main component of the story, jalis I don't know much about, but his people are legends and he is their king.


I really hope that some work was done since the beta week-end. I was really hoping for some back and forth for the development, but it looks to have only been one sequence of feedback and we don't know what they are doing with it. If nothing changes for launch I might believe, *at least in principle*, that the devs stopped caring. (ps: this is a reference to the video)


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Can we move on past this already, this discussion is getting quite tedious with the same points being made over and over.


**Something something...Pyre something... Fierceshot something:**

Yes Pyre was important in sparking the rebellion but it wasn't until Kalla came that the rebellion was actually successful, her tactics (use of female Charr) helped the rebellion grow (females acted as spies) and unite. I would prefer Pyre over Kalla too and Turai Ossa over both of them but we're not getting them and it shouldn't be so much of an outrageous notion that we have Kalla instead.


tl;dr: **Please get over it.**


**Kalla isn't legendary/memorable/important enough:**

Kalla is a very important figure in regards to modern Charr culture.

Without Kalla female Charr (what we could assume is half the Charr fighting force) would still not be on the battlefield, she trained many in secret for years so they could eventually take up arms when the time was right. Her ideas were the nail in the coffin for the Flame Legion's supremacy. She even has 2 air ships named after her.


tl;dr: **She might not be as significant to actual players because we do not get to interact with her but in the Guild Wars 2 universe and lore she is definitely significant enough to be "legendary".**


**Kalla had a greatsword:**The statue of Kalla has a greatsword, we don't know anything about how Kalla fought besides her battle with the Iron legion imperator Ironside where she bled him to submission (That is probably the reason for the focus on bleeds weapon wise and trait wise) and as a result gained his trust, aid and the recognition of female Charrs as equals. If she was a ranger like her grand sire then why wouldn't she also use a shortbow as well as a greatsword? Where was written that the weapon for the elite had to be one used by the legend?


tl;dr: **The statue had a greatsword, crazy idea but she could have used both?**


**Muuh equality:** The simple addition of a female legend isn't some part of a huge pc conspiracy to brainwash you. This extends outside of Guild Wars - If your first response to important characters in stories/games not being male/straight/white is "muuh pc culture, muuh equalty" then you need to readdress your thought patterns.

tl;dr: **read it**.

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> @Ariurotl.3718 said:

> Rev legends are mostly fan service for GW1 veterans, and those of us who only played GW2 have little to no idea who they were either. Mallyx who? Shiro who? At least Kalla is prominently referenced in charr lore. Mallyx and Shiro are ridiculously irrelevant, nobody ever mentions them.


lol, as if anyone even mentioned Kalla outside some charr fan. Shiro created the jade winds and changed the entire continent of Cantha, much like Palawa Joko for Elona, and Mallyx was the reigning demon in the realm of torment. Kalla was simply some charr who took advantage of some other charr underestimating her in some tired narrative of downtrodden but resilient woman proving misogynistic men wrong.

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In defense of shortbow - it's really a weapon we needed. Not only because it'll be our first and so far only real ranged dps option, but because it doesn't drastically fall off if you get closer to enemies with it, save one skill (7 shot).


I was doing VB on condi rev today and when doing bosses (especially wyverns) i cursed not being able to equip the shortbow here and now. But in two days time...:>

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> @ZeftheWicked.3076 said:

> In defense of shortbow - it's really a weapon we needed. Not only because it'll be our first and so far only real ranged dps option, but because it doesn't drastically fall off if you get closer to enemies with it, save one skill (7 shot).


> I was doing VB on condi rev today and when doing bosses (especially wyverns) i cursed not being able to equip the shortbow here and now. But in two days time...:>


Right on. We needed our missing condi range weapon (which you'll find many people kept asking for). As for the kalla stance, I'll take it purely for razorclaw's rage.

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> @Zenith.7301 said:

> They wanted to check off a diversity box by deviating from Pyre Fierceshot into the "kitten female charr who united the legions and liberated charr females."


> Which would have been fine if they hadn't genderbent Pyre Fierceshot and followed Kalla's weapon which is a greatsword and not a shortbow.


Beat me to it. Not much else to add to be honest. As much as I love this game, sometimes the decisions made for ideological reasons make no sense. If they wanted a strong female legend, Eir would have been a brilliant choice.


What? Too soon? :P

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> @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> Well, Pyre may have lit the spark of revolution among the Charr. Kalla turned it into a full-blown inferno.


> Between the two, Kalla definitely deserves to be the legend, but her preferred weapon was the Greatsword, not bow. We see this in the Black Citadel!


Pyre sabotaged the Flame Legion at their peak in the heart of their own land and sparked a revolution. All Kalla did was arrive at the last moment to a battle then proceed to get assassinated right after.

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