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Current state of the game.

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* There are five new mounts and each has its own new abilities for traveling.

* The maps are large but they don't have the big HoT style meta events. There are a lot of smaller events. The maps are cool, though.

* There is a new concept of 'charges' that some skills have. A charge is like a Mesmer mantra. Once you activate the skill you have so many times to use it before cooldown.

* The story missions are well done. ArenaNet is doing a much better job with their narrative abilities.

* New prefixes, sigils and runes were introduced so you can change your end-game build.


Is it worth it? It's $30 with no subscription fee. The next Living Story Season 4 is starting in two weeks. It's GW2 still. If $30 is something you can afford to take a chance with I'd say go for it.


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Meta wise

* the raid meta was changed from the core 6 (2 chrono, 2 druid , 2 PS warrior to: 1 warrior, 1 druid, 1 or 2 chrono's and maybe an added healer.)

* if you can live with losing 320 power and 170 condi dmg a warrior is no longer mandatory.

* Neither is chrono: in 5 man content quickness can be done by firebrand. Alacrity, however, is not covered.

* Condi is still big.

* Some new builds appeared. some shifts have happened.

* Necro is still dead in PvE, and still pawns PvP

* in some cases new meta needs PoF stats, (druid and firebrand) I personally changed a heal ele to marshalls, but it's not meta yet. Dmg however in fractals is good.

* at least 3 classes can now stack might (druid, warrior/bverserker, thief and if needed firebrand can as well)

* at least 2 classes can now provide quickness (firebrand and chrono)

* Druid is no longer the MANDATORY healer. Openings have arisen for water tempest and ventari revs.

* Some ppl hold rigidly to the old meta, and lose out on dmg, however it really doens't matter.

* qT posted on it's website people should open their minds to other builds then just the "qT speedrun meta"

* New RNG boxes pissed off the community again. After BL chests and random dye boxes it was mount skins this time.

* PoF is nice, LW S4 is thge thing most ppl are waiting for.

* New stat-trinkets require a decent grind.

* PvP is still unbalanced as I am led to believe.

* WvW is dominated still by warriors and scourges.

* A true max white has arisen... Permafrost is shiny like none before. permafrost >...>...> celestial>...>...>...>...>...>...>.white unfortunately it's not in any birtday package yet...just 720 gold...vs 27 gold for celestial, even eternal ice and frostbite blue are both around 50 gold... generally said dye prices have dropped.


And last of all: most effects on characters have been moved from jewels to infusions. this combined with ever shinier dyes and now 4 channel mounts has created ppl with gear brighter then tyria's sun.

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Path of Fire is definitely worth the $30 price tag. Meta-wise, there are a few new contenders and a few little changes (that others have posted above), but it remains pretty close to what it was pre-PoF.


PoF is pretty much what they said it would be - a lot of new open world PVE content. The new zones are fun but, imo, do lack the replayability we saw in the HOT zones - hopefully something they are fixing with the next living story drop. The new elite specializations are mostly fun - if you look at them as solely being about fun gameplay and ignore the balance/competitive discussions.


Imo, there is more than enough new gameplay and pure content to warrant spending $30 on PoF.


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