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Seraph Emblem?


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So the Ministry Guard have this icon



The Shining Blade have this icon



The White Mantle have this icon



But what is the Seraph emblem? I can't find it anywhere, and it seems highly irregular for the foremost Krytan military force to not have it's own emblem.

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There's also the gryphon banner that's seen in Lake Doric.


Given that the Seraph are essentially the standing army of Kryta, using regular Krytan banners - such as the royal gryphon and the crown banner on the Tamini pole linked by Konig - makes sense. It's also worth noting that the Seraph are (supposed to be) much larger than the Shining Blade and Ministry Guard and is organised into multiple companies that don't have a formal overall commander, so its possible that each company has its own heraldry. So Konig's link might be the heraldry of the company stationed at Seraph's Landing, while the gryphon banner in Lake Doric might be the heraldry used by the Divinity's Reach Seraph.

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According to the Gw1 wiki the Gryphon Banner is the banner of the Salma royal line.


However it would not make sense for the Seraph to be using the royal banner, since Kryta is a nation-state and not a feudal kingdom, so the usage of the royal family banner for the military would be irregular. Also if any Krytan military group used the royal banner, it would be the Shining Blade, since the Shining Blade are actually directly affiliated with the monarchy.


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> @Crinn.7864 said:

> According to the Gw1 wiki the Gryphon Banner is the banner of the Salma royal line.

> https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Salma

> However it would not make sense for the Seraph to be using the royal banner, since Kryta is a nation-state and not a feudal kingdom, so the usage of the royal family banner for the military would be irregular. Also if any Krytan military group used the royal banner, it would be the Shining Blade, since the Shining Blade are actually directly affiliated with the monarchy.


Technically, both are affiliated with the monarchy - the Seraph are the royal army, while the Shining Blade are the royal guard slash secret police. Formally speaking, the monarch is the only person who has command of _all_ the Seraph: each company captain is independent of the others (Logan had a 'first among equals' status, but that came more from being Jennah's champion than formally outranking the other Seraph captains).


Given that the Shining Blade already had an ensign at Salma's coronation, it makes sense that the Shining Blade would keep its existing symbol, while the Seraph - or at least the first company therof - would use the royal ensign to represent that they are now the royal army.


Out of curiosity, though, I went and visited the Seraph Headquarters in Divinity's Reach, and there are a couple of large banners of a golden winged helm on a field of white at the back there. So my guess would be on that being the Seraph ensign.


Edit: From the wiki, clearest example is at the back towards the left: [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/9/96/Seraph_Headquarters.jpg](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/9/96/Seraph_Headquarters.jpg "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/9/96/Seraph_Headquarters.jpg")

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