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Support firebrand PVE armor and runes


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As a support in Fractals, the only area you'd want to expand on are Quickness Generation and stability. The tomes are pretty powerful without needing stats allocated to it (unless you're going burn build), so sparking extra quickness for a Boonshare Chrono, or an extra condi clear is the most you'd want to add without risking a DPS drop. Firebrands are good for group support, but Fractals demands a lot of self-sustain that the FB has to be very careful about.


For raids Firebrand is more DPS, with Quickness to help cover gaps when the Chrono has trouble. Again, the stand alone power of the tomes doesn't demand gear allocated to it; so you'll be ok in minor emergencies.

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This is what I use, gives great heal and 100% boon duration so maintaining boons is no problem. With this I've been able to heal multiple groups in DS, tank through a lot of different mobs and had a lot of fun overall:




The build isn't expensive per say, just time/grind consuming.

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> @"Its Nerfing Time.1495" said:

> This is what I use, gives great heal and 100% boon duration so maintaining boons is no problem. With this I've been able to heal multiple groups in DS, tank through a lot of different mobs and had a lot of fun overall:


> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQNApdWnsADNCjFBDeCBkCjlHCbveuPDoZvn5TGALA0A+AA-jxxGQBLV5n52fgcnCgbqPAqKBDq6PA4JAQKA/GZB-e


> The build isn't expensive per say, just time/grind consuming.




Have you tried this build in raid and fractals?

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It works great, ... be sure people are aware of your build. Like they need a support/heal instead of a DPS.

And mantras are still akward to play, better range but visual effect not so visible for other players.

I play [This](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQJApOnsADFBjNCDEEhlHCL7EMfyA7zz8ZAFLA0A+AA-jhBhABUeCAAY/hFV/ZvHAoHQVlgbq8jUA+NyC-e "gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQJApOnsADFBjNCDEEhlHCL7EMfyA7zz8ZAFLA0A+AA-jhBhABUeCAAY/hFV/ZvHAoHQVlgbq8jUA+NyC-e") Minstrel/harrier are equivalent, just vitality and toughness allow me to stay focus on the very hard rotation.

The little drawback : Even if you're a great package with lot of boons and overheal you still would like a druid for DPS buff or a chrono for alacrity; so ... meh.

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> @lagrimabendita.8763 said:

> > @"Its Nerfing Time.1495" said:

> > This is what I use, gives great heal and 100% boon duration so maintaining boons is no problem. With this I've been able to heal multiple groups in DS, tank through a lot of different mobs and had a lot of fun overall:

> >

> > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQNApdWnsADNCjFBDeCBkCjlHCbveuPDoZvn5TGALA0A+AA-jxxGQBLV5n52fgcnCgbqPAqKBDq6PA4JAQKA/GZB-e

> >

> > The build isn't expensive per say, just time/grind consuming.


> Hi


> Have you tried this build in raid and fractals?


Raids no, Fractals not yet (don't have the Accessories yet). Currently just the weapons + armour with Magi accessories and the boon/heal would be easily more than adequate for either honestly

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> @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

> It works great, ... be sure people are aware of your build. Like they need a support/heal instead of a DPS.

> And mantras are still akward to play, better range but visual effect not so visible for other players.

> I play [This](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQJApOnsADFBjNCDEEhlHCL7EMfyA7zz8ZAFLA0A+AA-jhBhABUeCAAY/hFV/ZvHAoHQVlgbq8jUA+NyC-e "gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQJApOnsADFBjNCDEEhlHCL7EMfyA7zz8ZAFLA0A+AA-jhBhABUeCAAY/hFV/ZvHAoHQVlgbq8jUA+NyC-e") Minstrel/harrier are equivalent, just vitality and toughness allow me to stay focus on the very hard rotation.

> The little drawback : Even if you're a great package with lot of boons and overheal you still would like a druid for DPS buff or a chrono for alacrity; so ... meh.


If you can't afford either Minstrels or Harrier, what would you recommend as a cheap alternative? Clerics?

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> @"Wandering Mist.2973" said:

> > @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

> > It works great, ... be sure people are aware of your build. Like they need a support/heal instead of a DPS.

> > And mantras are still akward to play, better range but visual effect not so visible for other players.

> > I play [This](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQJApOnsADFBjNCDEEhlHCL7EMfyA7zz8ZAFLA0A+AA-jhBhABUeCAAY/hFV/ZvHAoHQVlgbq8jUA+NyC-e "gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQJApOnsADFBjNCDEEhlHCL7EMfyA7zz8ZAFLA0A+AA-jhBhABUeCAAY/hFV/ZvHAoHQVlgbq8jUA+NyC-e") Minstrel/harrier are equivalent, just vitality and toughness allow me to stay focus on the very hard rotation.

> > The little drawback : Even if you're a great package with lot of boons and overheal you still would like a druid for DPS buff or a chrono for alacrity; so ... meh.


> If you can't afford either Minstrels or Harrier, what would you recommend as a cheap alternative? Clerics?


Probably a mix of Cleric and Magi.

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Concentration/boon duration is really important if you want to make up for the chrono for quickness and for fury, mights etc. You already overheal people with f2 #5 #4#1, passif resolution, regen, symbol, with few amount of healing power (if people stand near).

Without concentration you really lose the utility and even ventari rev will be better support.

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> @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

> Concentration/boon duration is really important if you want to make up for the chrono for quickness and for fury, mights etc. You already overheal people with f2 #5 #4#1, passif resolution, regen, symbol, with few amount of healing power (if people stand near).

> Without concentration you really lose the utility and even ventari rev will be better support.


Hmm ok. Giver's is an option but just as expensive as Minstrels, so I'll just settle with Cleric's for the time being. Why they made the recipe for Giver's insignia a wintersday special I will never know.


EDIT: Nevermind, I found the recipe and it's a lot cheaper to make than Minstrel's. Thanks for the help.

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Zealot is IMO the best bet for Fractals support as Guardian. You don't want to put your stats into defense when running Fractals as the small group size means that you're significantly limiting your party's DPS if you aren't doing your fair share of damage. Harrier is an alternative but it's a giant DPS loss compared to Zealot and the extra boon duration isn't necessarily required when Guardian already applies boons with good duration in the first place or pulses the essential boons through Symbols. The only real benefit is extending the uptime of your quickness however party quickness is something many professions can give (especially the ever popular in Fractals Chronomancer) but consistent party sustain is something Guardian is a better fit for.


I use a build focusing around Mace/Symbol of Faith that gives symbol healing, regeneration, and Battle Presence to sustain while applying Aegis to trigger Pure of Heart in order to recover. By using many lower heals that don't require breaking damaging (as Mace auto and Symbol of Faith still do sizable damage using Zealots and recovery traits) and saving Tome of Resolution for heavy recovery you can maintain consistent damage, keep your party up and healthy, and have Tome of Resolution saved in your back pocket for when it's really needed. The only Fractal mode I can't swear by this is the challenge modes for 99 and 100 and not because I don't think this build will work but rather because I don't run them personally and can't say from experience if they're effective.


Mantra of Truth can be replaced with a consecration depending on the need or just with Bane Signet if you want to kick more ass. The swap weapon can be changed according to your needs (hammer for defense, greatsword for offense, scepter for steady range). Additionally you can take Liberator's Vow and Stalwart Speed with Golden Dumplings if your party is lacking in quickness uptime.

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I run [this](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQJArensADFBjNCDeCBEEhF+BbPj+RPpZToM0PALAMDKCA-jFChABU+AA27EAaBwWVjFVLxZdAbq8Dg9HOXJ49gAgJAsqSVVVJFgfLAA-w) for fractals and raids. It does pretty significant healing, makes perma quickness, perma fury and about 15-20 might pretty easily. It also has regen and prot with nearly 100% uptime and can provide access to every single boon in the game if needed.


It doesn't do a ton of damage, but it covers the vast majority of anything you need from support specs in one neat little package.


The last utility skill can be swapped to just about anything based on the needs of the fight. You can take a 50% uptime reflect with the wall of reflection, or group stability or whatever else you may need for a particular fight.

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