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is (currently) the GW2 PvP a chaos?


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Okay, this is what I see wrong in the GW2 PvP:

* 5 year of meta conditions, the necro in the eye of the storm as always! :s

* The skill bar is small, and that is why you are forced to choose the skills that you think will help you. While in other MMOs you have all the skills at your disposal. This finally makes some classes with a single button have many actions and others that practically do nothing, but you need to survive over 2 seconds more! or maybe for nothing!

* A single button = six or more conditions .... and many stacks !!!!

* CC :'( , How can they be able to put all the control skills at the same time? and some accumulate? some classes incapacitate you, freeze, immobilize, block your skills and knock you to the ground for a long period of time, and many times all this is done up to twice in a row! Yes, some will say "but you have stability man", YES! but not all classes or builds, should do as in other games where there comes a time when you become immune for 10s or more every 20 seconds (and if implemented is not felt!).

* blessings, god, there are classes that can be put all the blessings of the game and for a long period of time ... should make them all last a certain time, for PvP I would recommend 3 seconds ....

* When they started this game they said there was no "holy trinity" (damage, healing, tank), but here I see healers as super healers and tanks as super tanks, they should retouch a little more, if they want battles of less than 15 seconds, then you should not see classes that are super healthy!

* Maps: eternal coliseum is ridiculously giant !!!! is for 20 people, not 10, should reduce it by 40%, Capricorn revenge also see something big (more than anything long) should reduce it 20%, come on, want more combat face to face ...

* New game modes: what happened with "capture the flag" or "team deathmatch"? the conquest way is boring ...

* And finally, classified games ... I take a step but I go back two if I lose? that concept is very old, they should value more the personal effort of each person, because there are people who leave everything in combat but when they lose they feel that they were punished ...


And well, I think that's all, if something else is missing add it, I've seen in this forum before and after its renewal, even in reddit, people give very, very good ideas of how they should balance the classes, add new content , even with sheets in excel or mathematical equations ... but in the end everything is for us, because when Anet announces a "swing" nobody is satisfied, but nobody!


PD: and so that nobody feels persecuted for voting, I will anonymously ... ;)

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> @Kapax.3801 said:

> Okay, this is what I see wrong in the GW2 PvP:

> * 5 year of meta conditions, the necro in the eye of the storm as always! :s

> * The skill bar is small, and that is why you are forced to choose the skills that you think will help you. While in other MMOs you have all the skills at your disposal. This finally makes some classes with a single button have many actions and others that practically do nothing, but you need to survive over 2 seconds more! or maybe for nothing!

> * A single button = six or more conditions .... and many stacks !!!!

> * CC :'( , How can they be able to put all the control skills at the same time? and some accumulate? some classes incapacitate you, freeze, immobilize, block your skills and knock you to the ground for a long period of time, and many times all this is done up to twice in a row! Yes, some will say "but you have stability man", YES! but not all classes or builds, should do as in other games where there comes a time when you become immune for 10s or more every 20 seconds (and if implemented is not felt!).

> * blessings, god, there are classes that can be put all the blessings of the game and for a long period of time ... should make them all last a certain time, for PvP I would recommend 3 seconds ....

> * When they started this game they said there was no "holy trinity" (damage, healing, tank), but here I see healers as super healers and tanks as super tanks, they should retouch a little more, if they want battles of less than 15 seconds, then you should not see classes that are super healthy!

> * Maps: eternal coliseum is ridiculously giant !!!! is for 20 people, not 10, should reduce it by 40%, Capricorn revenge also see something big (more than anything long) should reduce it 20%, come on, want more combat face to face ...

> * New game modes: what happened with "capture the flag" or "team deathmatch"? the conquest way is boring ...

> * And finally, classified games ... I take a step but I go back two if I lose? that concept is very old, they should value more the personal effort of each person, because there are people who leave everything in combat but when they lose they feel that they were punished ...


> And well, I think that's all, if something else is missing add it, I've seen in this forum before and after its renewal, even in reddit, people give very, very good ideas of how they should balance the classes, add new content , even with sheets in excel or mathematical equations ... but in the end everything is for us, because when Anet announces a "swing" nobody is satisfied, but nobody!


> PD: and so that nobody feels persecuted for voting, I will anonymously ... ;)


'Enemy To The Truth, Lies Chaos And Dis-Order'


Keep Standing up for the truth Kapax


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Idk why people complain about the lack of skills on the skill bar, like it dilutes the game or something. In mmos that give you 30 skills, each skill is not very impactful by itself. PvP is most mmos is just button mashing rotations of boring abilities. Like oh you're the warrior, your skills are power attack, some sort of charge, some sort of bleed dot thing, some whirlwind that hits everyone around you, a short little stun kick or some crap. Moving is useless, there is no aiming anything, no dodging, timing barely matters.


PvP is gw2 is just a few (large) changes away from being really good imo; it's pretty depressing how close it is, yet the devs seem to have no intention making said few changes. Long-term new maps and modes would be great, but in the short term they won't even balance the game so it's not a shit fest of scourge circles on the ground and thieves who only have a 3 button.

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> @Flauvious.6195 said:

> Idk why people complain about the lack of skills on the skill bar, like it dilutes the game or something. In mmos that give you 30 skills, each skill is not very impactful by itself. PvP is most mmos is just button mashing rotations of boring abilities. Like oh you're the warrior, your skills are power attack, some sort of charge, some sort of bleed dot thing, some whirlwind that hits everyone around you, a short little stun kick or some crap. Moving is useless, there is no aiming anything, no dodging, timing barely matters.


> PvP is gw2 is just a few (large) changes away from being really good imo; it's pretty depressing how close it is, yet the devs seem to have no intention making said few changes. Long-term new maps and modes would be great, but in the short term they won't even balance the game so it's not a kitten fest of scourge circles on the ground and thieves who only have a 3 button.


Agree with you here mate.

While i do think PvP needs a lot of changes i disagree with most of the OP's claims.

Sure the condi meta is broken, but there's an easy fix in limiting the number of condis you can have stacked on you.

Reduce max stacks to 15-20, and/or decrease the overall condi durations in PvP only.

The overall league structure and balance are also pretty broken, and there's a huge lack of commitment to improve.

As i see it Arena Net has been investing less and less in pvp, the end of the World Champions is a telling symptom.

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> @Flauvious.6195 said:

> Idk why people complain about the lack of skills on the skill bar, like it dilutes the game or something. In mmos that give you 30 skills, each skill is not very impactful by itself. PvP is most mmos is just button mashing rotations of boring abilities. Like oh you're the warrior, your skills are power attack, some sort of charge, some sort of bleed dot thing, some whirlwind that hits everyone around you, a short little stun kick or some crap. Moving is useless, there is no aiming anything, no dodging, timing barely matters.


> PvP is gw2 is just a few (large) changes away from being really good imo; it's pretty depressing how close it is, yet the devs seem to have no intention making said few changes. Long-term new maps and modes would be great, but in the short term they won't even balance the game so it's not a kitten fest of scourge circles on the ground and thieves who only have a 3 button.



I'm going to have to highly agree with you. Hench why ever since getting a taste for action based MMOs. I just can't be bothered to go back to the outdated combat of tab target MMOs. I think if ANet completely did away with the tab target feature in GW2. Skill will then start to shine a little bit more.

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If they are going to leave the bar like this, then they should seek to limit how many actions a single skill or power can do at a time. I agree that they should limit the conditions that may apply, for me it should be a maximum of four with three stacks at most. And do not accumulate over time, they all have an exact duration of no more than five seconds. And that the conditions of CC do not apply all at the same time, with only one is enough ...


Then, on the blessings, the same, only a maximum of four, without accumulating by time, that all have a maximum duration of three seconds. Blessings should be a very small advantage, in my opinion.


With this they would have to look for other builds where the combat is more "close" and that was not enough to fill the crap floor and only turn around the enemy like a fool.


I would also like to limit the build or "escape" abilities because some classes, when you face them and see that they can not win, in a blink are already on the other side of the room. Not to mention the classes that look like a

"ping pong ball".

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> @Flauvious.6195 said:

> Idk why people complain about the lack of skills on the skill bar, like it dilutes the game or something. In mmos that give you 30 skills, each skill is not very impactful by itself. PvP is most mmos is just button mashing rotations of boring abilities. Like oh you're the warrior, your skills are power attack, some sort of charge, some sort of bleed dot thing, some whirlwind that hits everyone around you, a short little stun kick or some crap. Moving is useless, there is no aiming anything, no dodging, timing barely matters.


> PvP is gw2 is just a few (large) changes away from being really good imo; it's pretty depressing how close it is, yet the devs seem to have no intention making said few changes. Long-term new maps and modes would be great, but in the short term they won't even balance the game so it's not a kitten fest of scourge circles on the ground and thieves who only have a 3 button.


It used to be really good but with every change we are going into the wrong direction. GW2 for the most part has no resource management other than CDs, so the combat is inherently going to be more spammy than usual.


Increasing the number of skills available per bar (Firebrand, Druid, Holosmith, stuff like that) is going to make it exponentially worse, but the WORST part is the skill functionality bloat.


In GW1 every player had 8 skills on their bar and most skills were "deal x damage" or "remove x conditions". In GW2 not only do we have 2-5 times that many depending on the build, but there are single skills that do more things than entire GW1 bars did (look at a traited Steal or Well of Precognition). Of course it's going to be chaos and soon it's going to be entirely unplayable.

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