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Anet switched to higher ping Amazon servers since 2 weeks ago

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So, an initial update on changing GW2's port to 80. Today I tried running both port 80 and 443 and I haven't experienced the same kind of insane lag spikes that I've been seeing over the last couple weeks. It's a bit early to conclude success as it may simply have been a "good day" (especially since I imagine a lot of US players would be offline for Thanksgiving weekend and are thus not on to stress the servers), but fingers crossed that this is indeed a solution. I'll report back again in a few days with my findings.

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I don't know what my ping is or my fps but the last few weeks I get terrible lag spikes and game disconnects. This is both in PVE and WvW. I know it's not my isp because they were at my house for an unrelated problem and I had them check out my connection thinking that was why I was having gw2 issues. I am in New Jersey, east coast USA

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Oh wow, just posted lag spikes/latency thread when i see this thread about server migration. Playing here from NZ and have gone from ping of 190ms up to a min of 280ms in the past couple of weeks....on servers with 10.xx.xx.xx it is making my wvw life very difficult and not far off unplayable in zerg fights. Since wvw is about all I do in GW2 this is ruining my playing experience.

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I'm an EU player and the issue is the same. I keep having high latency in maps with ip 10.x.x with constant 160-200 ms. While on the other hand, maps with ip 206.x.x, that has been used for years, are totally fine like always with 30-40 ms. It's just when I join maps with this ip 10.x.x that the messed high latency starts...

I sent a ticket too, we tried any possible fix "for my connection", but nothing worked. The lag is still here and anet says "it's my connection", even though only gw2 has this kind of issue.

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I'm quite sad this game is becoming more unplayable as it grows older.

I would expect a game to evolve in the exact opposite the older it gets.

I deal with low fps and high ping from day one, i don't reach high fps due to my own setup. but I could manage & accept all deaths and quirks that are caused on my end.


However, I don't expect a game to start hanging for 10 seconds plus because of a hosting server is not optimal.

Especially in pve, that i am now playing because of reasons..


pls fix stuff with magic hands of programming.



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I have been troubleshooting on my end thinking the problem was on my side or my ISP. Nope, it's ArenaNet servers moving thus increasing my latency. I don't mind RNG lootboxes since it doesn't affect me much, but this is different. Moving the servers NEGATIVELY AFFECTS MY GAMEPLAY EXPERIENCE.

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Well, after two days of fairly good connection over the weekend, the lag and unresponsiveness is back as of Monday. So much for changing the ports being a solution as I'd hoped. :/ I'm now going to start tracking to see if the lag issues only arise whenever I'm connected to Amazon's servers (10.x.x.x).

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It might suck for a while, but 120 ping isn't bad to be honest.

I wish I got regular 120 ping, frequently got around 200 ping, running around 140-150 ping now.


There are games which require low ping to play competitively (or well for that matter), mainly mobas and FPSs.

This game being an action MMORPG does require adequate ping, but by no means is 120 ping unplayable.

I feel bad for those in EU playing on NA server tho, but they normally had 300 ping already.


Whats funny is that many NA FPS competitive gamers told me that its possible to play on 150+ ping, but admitted to refusing to play once thier ping would hit 120 or higher.

Their reasoning was "if you want to play competitively, move to another state closer to the hosting server".

This said, I don't believe in such an argument. But I know people who probably thought the same thing when they had 50 ping and now have 100+ ping.

So please, by all means keep in mind for years folks who have had good ping have told us with bad ping based on our living location that its our fault / suck it up.

I'm sorry but complain if you want, but its time to suck it up.


Don't move to get better ping. Don't force Anet to move so you can get better ping. Just play the game, learn what its like to have to anticipate certain skill casts.


Bear_Grylls.jpg "Improvise. Adapt. Overcome."


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Dear VoxShatterfall, since it's clear you were referring to me with that 120 ping, even though I said 120-200, 120 is when the six decide to make me play well, but lots of times it's 160-200, especially the night.

In my case I'm an EU player and the servers are still in Frankfurt, but for some reason maps with ip 206.x.x are fine like it's always been for years with 30-40 ms, while maps with ip 10.x.x have constant 120-200 ms, read carefully, not 120 but 120-200.

So to concrete facts it's not a matter of distance, since the location is the same. It's definitely an issue with only amazon servers. I don't know it might be an issue with the tracert, nodes...But there's definitely an issue.

I don't know where you live and I'm not one of those people who insulted folks like you saying it's your fault, it's your location bla bla...It's a technical issue and you can't just say we must shut up, "suck it up" and play the game bad and silently. Seems like you're just happy that finally lots of people are going to have high latency like you.

So since in our case it's clearly a technical issue with these amazon servers and not the distance, always on EU case, let us be active people, complain and say what the game should improve instead of laughing at us. Your comment was totally useless.

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> @MLGKorno.5419 said:

> since two weeks ago Anet has silently migrated almost all instances of HOTM, actual ranked/unranked/AT maps

> to 10.63.75.X amazon-owned servers

> This affects EVERYBODY in pvp who does not live in the northeast of the united states like NY, virginia, or eastern Canada. If you're from those places, you are getting the same or lower ping now, but you are among the minority.

> For everyone else, If you aren't aware of this, you probably never bothered to check. Check your ping next time if you are from west or central US/Canada, you will see what I mean.

> Most people are now getting 30-40 higher ping in PVP compared to before, from 60-70 to 100-120


> Anet hosting instances in these new amazon servers is causing so much more skills to not register due to higher ping for the majority of people, yet we haven't heard a single statement about it - nothing.


> I think PVP servers should remain hosted on 64.25 NCsoft texas data centers so PVP players across north america can get lower and more stable ping like 80 at the worst, instead of west coast players getting 120 ping. PVE/WVW servers can remain on 10.63 IPs, because having 100 ping in PVE doesn't really affect things as much.

> it was FINE the way it has been for the last four years, migrating just makes all west coast, south, central US /canada players, even AUS players have more lag.




> ***Anyway, besides getting some anet statement, I KNOW you guys still have 64.25 servers out there because right now like 1/5 of instances i join are 64.25.

> I am suggesting that you guys host all PVP instances (which should be a tiny minority of all the instances running for GW2 at any given point) on 64.25 only, while you can keep all instances of other modes on the new servers.




Welcome to the ping of the rest of the world, cept that still isn't the bad as the rest of us get it like 250ms to oblivion for the last few years. I'm surprised now people want to say there is a problem on their end, cept when we voiced about it before we always get "no it's not anet, it is your side" but now some feel it, well, now you know what some of us been feeling this whole time is not imaginary.

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> @DemonSeed.3528 said:

> > @MLGKorno.5419 said:

> > since two weeks ago Anet has silently migrated almost all instances of HOTM, actual ranked/unranked/AT maps

> > to 10.63.75.X amazon-owned servers

> > This affects EVERYBODY in pvp who does not live in the northeast of the united states like NY, virginia, or eastern Canada. If you're from those places, you are getting the same or lower ping now, but you are among the minority.

> > For everyone else, If you aren't aware of this, you probably never bothered to check. Check your ping next time if you are from west or central US/Canada, you will see what I mean.

> > Most people are now getting 30-40 higher ping in PVP compared to before, from 60-70 to 100-120

> >

> > Anet hosting instances in these new amazon servers is causing so much more skills to not register due to higher ping for the majority of people, yet we haven't heard a single statement about it - nothing.

> >

> > I think PVP servers should remain hosted on 64.25 NCsoft texas data centers so PVP players across north america can get lower and more stable ping like 80 at the worst, instead of west coast players getting 120 ping. PVE/WVW servers can remain on 10.63 IPs, because having 100 ping in PVE doesn't really affect things as much.

> > it was FINE the way it has been for the last four years, migrating just makes all west coast, south, central US /canada players, even AUS players have more lag.

> >

> >

> >

> > ***Anyway, besides getting some anet statement, I KNOW you guys still have 64.25 servers out there because right now like 1/5 of instances i join are 64.25.

> > I am suggesting that you guys host all PVP instances (which should be a tiny minority of all the instances running for GW2 at any given point) on 64.25 only, while you can keep all instances of other modes on the new servers.

> >

> >


> Welcome to the ping of the rest of the world, cept that still isn't the bad as the rest of us get it like 250ms to oblivion for the last few years. I'm surprised now people want to say there is a problem on their end, cept when we voiced about it before we always get "no it's not anet, it is your side" but now some feel it, well, now you know what some of us been feeling this whole time is not imaginary.


The idea isn't to blame and point your finger at your fellow player base for horrible upper management decisions in order to save money by the people you should really be mad and pointing your finger at. This post is to come up with a reasonable solution as to why they felt the need to screw over a major part of the player base especially in regards to PvP where skill reaction and activation is pretty much one of the first and most important things to be able to have. It's obviously money related so voicing this and hoping they can come up with a solution is the only way.


This whole idea of "Welcome to my world, now you have to adapt like I did!" mentality is beyond toxic and doesn't provide a solution to the situation at all. It's just basically you being an asshole.


I could easily be a dick and point the finger back you and tell you to move to the east coast in NA and don't play the game at all since you're not close to NA servers or to go to EU or one of the other many idiotic things somebody could say to someone in the same situation. The fact is that doesn't provide a solution to the problem.


The only way is to voice your opinion in the only possible mediums - for us , that is the forums or via a support ticket, not using it to bash other players because they are "now in the same boat as you".

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> @ZhouX.8742 said:

> > @DemonSeed.3528 said:

> > > @MLGKorno.5419 said:

> > > since two weeks ago Anet has silently migrated almost all instances of HOTM, actual ranked/unranked/AT maps

> > > to 10.63.75.X amazon-owned servers

> > > This affects EVERYBODY in pvp who does not live in the northeast of the united states like NY, virginia, or eastern Canada. If you're from those places, you are getting the same or lower ping now, but you are among the minority.

> > > For everyone else, If you aren't aware of this, you probably never bothered to check. Check your ping next time if you are from west or central US/Canada, you will see what I mean.

> > > Most people are now getting 30-40 higher ping in PVP compared to before, from 60-70 to 100-120

> > >

> > > Anet hosting instances in these new amazon servers is causing so much more skills to not register due to higher ping for the majority of people, yet we haven't heard a single statement about it - nothing.

> > >

> > > I think PVP servers should remain hosted on 64.25 NCsoft texas data centers so PVP players across north america can get lower and more stable ping like 80 at the worst, instead of west coast players getting 120 ping. PVE/WVW servers can remain on 10.63 IPs, because having 100 ping in PVE doesn't really affect things as much.

> > > it was FINE the way it has been for the last four years, migrating just makes all west coast, south, central US /canada players, even AUS players have more lag.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ***Anyway, besides getting some anet statement, I KNOW you guys still have 64.25 servers out there because right now like 1/5 of instances i join are 64.25.

> > > I am suggesting that you guys host all PVP instances (which should be a tiny minority of all the instances running for GW2 at any given point) on 64.25 only, while you can keep all instances of other modes on the new servers.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Welcome to the ping of the rest of the world, cept that still isn't the bad as the rest of us get it like 250ms to oblivion for the last few years. I'm surprised now people want to say there is a problem on their end, cept when we voiced about it before we always get "no it's not anet, it is your side" but now some feel it, well, now you know what some of us been feeling this whole time is not imaginary.


> The idea isn't to blame and point your finger at your fellow player base for horrible upper management decisions in order to save money by the people you should really be mad and pointing your finger at. This post is to come up with a reasonable solution as to why they felt the need to screw over a major part of the player base especially in regards to PvP where skill reaction and activation is pretty much one of the first and most important things to be able to have. It's obviously money related so voicing this and hoping they can come up with a solution is the only way.


> This whole idea of "Welcome to my world, now you have to adapt like I did!" mentality is beyond toxic and doesn't provide a solution to the situation at all. It's just basically you being an kitten.


> I could easily be a kitten and point the finger back you and tell you to move to the east coast in NA and don't play the game at all since you're not close to NA servers or to go to EU or one of the other many idiotic things somebody could say to someone in the same situation. The fact is that doesn't provide a solution to the problem.


> The only way is to voice your opinion in the only possible mediums - for us , that is the forums or via a support ticket, not using it to bash other players because they are "now in the same boat as you".


No, it is to let you know that where we've voiced before has gotten us nowhere. Some of us have been dealing with this for years and asked just as much, provided details, and yes we did and still do live with it. Right now they've made changes and from what I've heard it is supposed to lower pings overall and they say only a minority are affected so I don't think there is much that can be done honestly. New patch also came up so it is probably in relation to that but honestly a few ms is not the end of the world. Sure I'd like them to fix it, but where was that help when many of us voiced it before? Only now it's suddenly important? Oh and btw, many people have told me those things you have said like moving location etc, get a non crappy isp blah blah blah.

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I ran the game with a constant ping of 40-70 since headstart (apart from provider level issues, which can happen). And now that the game is progressively being moved to different servers, I get intermittent ping spikes to 3k ms with an average ping between 150 and 600 ms (depending on which map instance I happen to land on - on some maps it's still the usual 40-70 ping). For me, these issues are exclusive to GW2 and started with the server migration. I live in Austria, in case this is relevant.


However, I wouldn't exactly call the above "a few ms". For many, the game is currently unplayable in every content that does involve more than pressing 1 or F.


Seeing as there are threads about this issue left and right and also several reddit posts at this point, I doubt that there are too little people affected to consider taking care of it. It well may be that it can be considered a "minority". Maybe it's a "just EU players as compared to NA players" minority, or a "just EU players from those specific countries" minority... Or maybe it's even a "thank god I'm not affected, everything else I don't care about" minority. I didn't see any actual numbers which could give any weight to that claim.


Still, I honestly don't see how some players who have supported the game for years are now suddenly worth less than those other players who just happen to be lucky enough to not have the connectivity issues. I just hope that ANet can do something about the server problems, because I'm sure that the current performance of the game can't exactly be considered healthy. I just played through the first LS instance with a ping of ~700 -> I wonder what kind of impression that would make on a player who is currently considering to return to/actively start playing the game...

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> @Windfire.9726 said:

> Dear VoxShatterfall, since it's clear you were referring to me with that 120 ping, even though I said 120-200, 120 is when the six decide to make me play well, but lots of times it's 160-200, especially the night.

> In my case I'm an EU player and the servers are still in Frankfurt, but for some reason maps with ip 206.x.x are fine like it's always been for years with 30-40 ms, while maps with ip 10.x.x have constant 120-200 ms, read carefully, not 120 but 120-200.

> So to concrete facts it's not a matter of distance, since the location is the same. It's definitely an issue with only amazon servers. I don't know it might be an issue with the tracert, nodes...But there's definitely an issue.

> I don't know where you live and I'm not one of those people who insulted folks like you saying it's your fault, it's your location bla bla...It's a technical issue and you can't just say we must shut up, "suck it up" and play the game bad and silently. Seems like you're just happy that finally lots of people are going to have high latency like you.

> So since in our case it's clearly a technical issue with these amazon servers and not the distance, always on EU case, let us be active people, complain and say what the game should improve instead of laughing at us. Your comment was totally useless.


Dear Windfire.9726,


Look. I'm sorry people are getting more latency, it sucks.

I'm not saying you are one of those people who always told me things are how they are, and I'm not saying you shouldn't complain.

But what I am saying is the best thing you can do is play and enjoy as much as you can.


I'm not happy people are getting higher latency. The higher latency just happens when they move data centers.

I'm sorry you feel that the game is laughing at you, and I certainly didn't mean to belittle any of your comments.


I'm just trying to say locations are a very hard thing to figure out for data centers.


Thank you,


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Playing wvw or going for gold in any of those adventure instances from OCX is way more difficult than playing from the US and becomes more difficult with each patch. I think it is pretty poor of Anet to move data centres without any consideration for players outside of the US. This last change means that I am severely disadvantaged by these 10.xx.xx.xx servers in wvw now in all but roaming and I really only like playing wvw now.

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> @VoxShatterfall.5470 said:

> > @Windfire.9726 said:

> > Dear VoxShatterfall, since it's clear you were referring to me with that 120 ping, even though I said 120-200, 120 is when the six decide to make me play well, but lots of times it's 160-200, especially the night.

> > In my case I'm an EU player and the servers are still in Frankfurt, but for some reason maps with ip 206.x.x are fine like it's always been for years with 30-40 ms, while maps with ip 10.x.x have constant 120-200 ms, read carefully, not 120 but 120-200.

> > So to concrete facts it's not a matter of distance, since the location is the same. It's definitely an issue with only amazon servers. I don't know it might be an issue with the tracert, nodes...But there's definitely an issue.

> > I don't know where you live and I'm not one of those people who insulted folks like you saying it's your fault, it's your location bla bla...It's a technical issue and you can't just say we must shut up, "suck it up" and play the game bad and silently. Seems like you're just happy that finally lots of people are going to have high latency like you.

> > So since in our case it's clearly a technical issue with these amazon servers and not the distance, always on EU case, let us be active people, complain and say what the game should improve instead of laughing at us. Your comment was totally useless.


> Dear Windfire.9726,


> Look. I'm sorry people are getting more latency, it sucks.

> I'm not saying you are one of those people who always told me things are how they are, and I'm not saying you shouldn't complain.

> But what I am saying is the best thing you can do is play and enjoy as much as you can.


> I'm not happy people are getting higher latency. The higher latency just happens when they move data centers.

> I'm sorry you feel that the game is laughing at you, and I certainly didn't mean to belittle any of your comments.


> I'm just trying to say locations are a very hard thing to figure out for data centers.


> Thank you,

> VoxShatterfall.


Dear VoxShatterfall, don't worry about me, I still play and enjoy the game.

I didn't say the game is laughing at me, but you with your comments like we just have to "suck it up". Because if you act like this, you look like you're happy and not sorry. We don't need opinions like these. If you're experiencing the same thing, just say it here because the more we are the more anet can hear us. But please if you have to laugh and say things meaning we're on the same boat, just save it.

I don't want to start a discussion. I don't know you but I wish the best for you.

I just don't like when someone is almost making fun of something important.


About the issue, in EU case the servers are still in Frankfurt, but as I said for some reason servers with ip 10.x.x have higher latency than ip 206.x.x, all this even though they're always in Frankfurt. So it's not a matter of distance since they're still in the same location, always on EU case. In the end there's something that's making these amazon servers acting weird.

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