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Legendary crafting beginner help

Tiger Fu.6524

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Sup guys,


So i was never into legendary crafting... or any crafting for that matter really, but the latest legendary (heavy) armor got me interested enough to wonder if it's possible for me to get it. I was never big on grinding mats and gold for a legendary weapon because that is kinda really boring to me so i never really tried it. So for any experienced crafters out there could you please advise and give me some idea as to how long would it take me to get that legendary armor, it looks really awesome on a charr and the stat swapping is a very welcome feature.


Also does anyone know why isn't the shining blade on a tp yet ?

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I can't comment on the legendary armor, but The Shining Blade and all other 2nd generation legendary weapons are account bound from start to finish. You won't be able to buy them with gold and must craft them from the beginning to end.


You can buy most materials from the TP for The Shining Blade but some others must be obtained from Living World Season 3 and Heart of Thorns maps.

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The legendary wvw armor takes at least half a year of tickets and its the legendary armor that takes the most time to make. The Raiding armor takes less time but it requires a experienced raiding group. Its best to make a list of all mats needed for the legendary armor you are going for. Make sure you always try to craft the daily ascended mats since you need those for that armor. The pvp/wvw versions of armor requires crafting marks these are accound bound, so you need have 500 armorsmith, leatherworking, or tailor depending on your armor type. Do not sell any of your cloth, leather, or fine crafting mats(fangs, claws, blood so on). You will have to buy mats to craft your legendary and use up all of the previous mats I mentioned.


Remember its a long term project, so take your time and work on it a little bit everyday. I do not think their is a website that list the wvw/pvp armor mats but they all require 90 mystic clovers to make. Wiki mystic clovers and go to the gifts at the bottom: Gift of Competitive Prosperity (pvp), Gift of War Prosperity (wvw) and Gift of Prosperity (raids). You can follow links to find out what mats are needed for the armor.

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You can easily get most of the needed materials by just passively hoarding them (Don't sell materials at all)

The rest, well like people said, for the armours you will need to do their respective game modes to obtain some of the things you need.

Weapons are easy, just hoard stuff for a couple of months and you likely have almost everything you need, maybe save the precursor.

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> @"Tiger Fu.6524" said:

> Aww man, thx for the answer I guess I'll be working on weaponsmith 500 and the shining blade for the next year lel


Grind the mithryl and the wood beforehand.

The new legendary precourser has you been doing the same thing over and over with the same materials.

If you don't have money to burn, you should gather them beforehand.


I for once can't see that stuff anymore.

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