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Over stacked servers are demoralizing the playerbase.


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> @Sovereign.1093 said:

> that is some recruitment message. =)


> hoping servers open


Plenty of space - come get while its hot!


Bring your whole Guild and be our allies **or** come as a player and we **will** support, **train **and **help **you. (We only recruit complete guildless players, for our PvX-niche and internal Alliance. However, for those with prior Guilds they wish to remain in, please go to the Aurora Glade community website - for possible Guilds, that advertise there.)

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> @"The Path Finder.3197" said:

> > @Sovereign.1093 said:

> > that is some recruitment message. =)

> >

> > hoping servers open


> Plenty of space - come get while its hot!


> Bring your whole Guild and be our allies **or** come as a player and we **will** support, **train **and **help **you. (We only recruit complete guildless players, for our niche and internal Alliance. However, for those with prior Guilde please go to the Aurora Glade community website.)


thanks. but i am with a good community at the moment at nsp.


good luck

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Anet should stop using the wrong Algorithms, which don't even use real world logic, of actual WVW Populations.

You get unlinked servers which are apparently full, wtih barely any queues during prime time, yet you get host and linked servers; which have queues on all borders almost, but one of them is usually open to transfers still.


A group of players moved to Gunnars hold recently; who are linked with Piken,, which is full of queues and has enough players, especially during prime time.

Now I know it's their own fault, for not even asking the host Server about the queues, but that's the problem with linking right now.

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> @DeWolfe.2174 said:

> > @Subversion.2580 said:

> > When it comes to player mentality and Anet's ability to form it, I would recommend everyone to listen to Roy's comment about server stacking and player mentality on the November 3rd WvW-themed Tea Time videocast (just Youtube Tea Time or find it through the Anet partnership thing). Roy explicitly mentions how many of the most experienced guilds and commanders actually tend to get together and actively try to counteract the stacking by making deals and spreading out. Those players pay gems to counter stacking in order to create content. My friends, you should let that sink in.


> Correct! The best thing Anet can do is increase World population limits back to launch levels, remove the darn locks, and give players the freedom to fix the game ourselves


Most of the people willing to do this at this point have since left the game, and it is undeniable that allowing players full freedom to move is precisely what caused this situation from the beginning given how things went with GW2's launch.


The only difference is that the at-the-time-leaders quit and the server ranks fell as a consequence, so people consolidated again to bigger servers.


People transfer down to win fair fights with their smaller numbers. Once they start winning, they get matched up again against the #1 server, get blobbed down, and just repeat the process. Glicko is too slow to respond to this, and keeps that low-tier server with nothing stuck in top-tier matchups. Then the rest of the population abandons it because there's no hope of winning and the mode is basically unplayable. This is just what recently happened to TC.


Freedom of movement is honestly really, really bad. It's fine for small groups of players, but it's absolutely more of a cause than anything of the disparities we have now.

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> @DeceiverX.8361 said:


> People transfer down to win fair fights with their smaller numbers. Once they start winning, they get matched up again against the #1 server, get blobbed down, and just repeat the process. Glicko is too slow to respond to this, and keeps that low-tier server with nothing stuck in top-tier matchups. Then the rest of the population abandons it because there's no hope of winning and the mode is basically unplayable.


This is basically the cycle I've been feeling the whole time. This vicious circle ends up dumping many people out of the game mode due to frustration. Some of us are too stubborn though hehe. Won't get rid of me that easy!



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Ok, maybe I am missing something..,


Glicko, to my knowledge has had nothing to do with matchups since 1 up 1 down was started.


The only thing slow to respond in this now, are the servers that tank too slow and get caught in a second week matchup they didn't like.


In four weeks, you can go from the lowest tier, to tier 1 in EU, and in NA it's 3 weeks. In the same amount of time, a server can go the other way.


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Battlegroups / merged server queue systems is kind of the last shot at fixing these population and demoralizing issues.


Yes it shreds the beloved server identities, but, lets be honest ... that died with mega-servers then it was buried 10ft under when server links became a thing.


I did not save the image link, but some poster from Maguuma drew up a battlegroups user-interface to propose to ANET about 6-8 months back.


Going Green, Blue, Red mega-servers with something that updates every 2-months like re-links. You have (3) Mist Wars that happen every (4) hours, each Mist War has the (3) BLs and (1) EBG map .. So you have a total of (9) BLs and (3) EBG maps that you can queue into. After 2-months, depending on the outcome, new servers will be Green, Blue and Red respectively. Skirmishes are still relevant, but the maps reset like EoTM every (4) hours with T2 Garrison and EBG keeps auto WP'd. Additionally, East and West keeps auto T2 and way-point after capture.


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> @Haematic.4913 said:

> Battlegroups / merged server queue systems is kind of the last shot at fixing these population and demoralizing issues.


> Yes it shreds the beloved server identities, but, lets be honest ... that died with mega-servers then it was buried 10ft under when server links became a thing.


> I did not save the image link, but some poster from Maguuma drew up a battlegroups user-interface to propose to ANET about 6-8 months back.


> Going Green, Blue, Red mega-servers with something that updates every 2-months like re-links. You have (3) Mist Wars that happen every (4) hours, each Mist War has the (3) BLs and (1) EBG map .. So you have a total of (9) BLs and (3) EBG maps that you can queue into. Depending on the outcome of the week, new servers will be Green, Blue and Red respectively. Skirmishes are still relevant, but the maps reset like EoTM every (4) hours with T2 Garrison and EBG keeps auto WP'd. Additionally, East and West keeps auto T2 and way-point after capture.



Why aren't you playing EoTM. You just described EoTM.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> @"DeceiverX.8361"

> @"DemonSeed.3528"

> Ok, maybe I am missing something..,


> Glicko, to my knowledge has had nothing to do with matchups since 1 up 1 down was started.


> The only thing slow to respond in this now, are the servers that tank too slow and get caught in a second week matchup they didn't like.


> In four weeks, you can go from the lowest tier, to tier 1 in EU, and in NA it's 3 weeks. In the same amount of time, a server can go the other way.



Forgot they started doing 1u1d to be honest. Either way, the damage has largely been done, and 1u1d doesn't help improve the situation any more since it just makes it look like there's a faster response, when all it's really doing is just bouncing a server up/down appropriately in where it already stood in either stomping the other matchup or losing to it. Neither are fun or very productive and create no incentive for players to drop. Further, 1u1d with links makes the matchups more difficult to predict for individual servers.

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I have over 250 wvw'ers who had to be deleted off my contact list - they no longer play GW2 - and they only played it for WvW.


Links have destroyed WvW.


Three servers against one another was not the correct way to go but now you ask us to go against three on one side and two or three on another or Blackgate.


WvW should be a single server against another single server, not a mess that has zero balance and loses more people over time than it ever gains.


WvW should be going ten years from now, but at this point with this mess, it's losing its draw and mot PvE or PvP players say it's too toxic, and that

coming from PvP'ers, think about it.


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> @atheria.2837 said:

> Three servers against one another was not the correct way to go but now you ask us to go against three on one side and two or three on another or Blackgate.


Because servers aren't the same size?

Because Blackgate is still the biggest NA server?

Because there are no other servers that can go 1v1v1 with Blackgate.

Despite them going against linked servers they can still win on their own, but I suppose that's because they have the "specialz" community and not population or coverage to win, right? I'm sorry you can't see the reality of what wvw populations are really like from the high tower in BG, but that's how it's been for almost 2 years now.

What else you expect them to do? Unlink all servers? so BG can continue to roll over T1 into a complete dead tier that will not only hurt the two servers having to suffer to face them, but their own players who will suffer from boredom when players stop showing up. They won't merge servers, and any other solution will basically blow up all servers including BG.

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> @XenesisII.1540 said:

> > @atheria.2837 said:

> > Three servers against one another was not the correct way to go but now you ask us to go against three on one side and two or three on another or Blackgate.


> Because servers aren't the same size?

> Because Blackgate is still the biggest NA server?

> Because there are no other servers that can go 1v1v1 with Blackgate.

> Despite them going against linked servers they can still win on their own, but I suppose that's because they have the "specialz" community and not population or coverage to win, right? I'm sorry you can't see the reality of what wvw populations are really like from the high tower in BG, but that's how it's been for almost 2 years now.

> What else you expect them to do? Unlink all servers? so BG can continue to roll over T1 into a complete dead tier that will not only hurt the two servers having to suffer to face them, but their own players who will suffer from boredom when players stop showing up. They won't merge servers, and any other solution will basically blow up all servers including BG.


You assume the poster is from BG.


Some of us actually on BG are fin with two or three servers linked to match up.


And Xen... there are people on our server that deserve to be mocked, (and I may be one of them) but calling the community 'specialz '? Really? Grow up.

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Opening servers = easily overstacked servers = buying experienced WvW players from a demoralized server.

Closing servers = not being able to compete with existing overstacked servers = not being able to recruit = demoralized server.


The answer lies outside opening and closing servers.


How many times does BG have to start a match with 50 consecutive skirmish wins in order for there to be a change?

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> @draxynnic.3719 said:

> To an extent, yes.


> I'm on a server that hasn't stood on it's own for a long time, so I've seen the reaction of a few servers to the prospect of going up against BG since server matching began. It tends to be summed up as "puppy that, let's throw for a few weeks so we don't have to go up against them for a while".


I am on Kaineng currently (I bounce with a certain server until the main opens...HURRY UP!) and honestly after finally facing that BG server I can say the only reason they seemed a tad better was there guild blobs / zergs. They played better together, didnt scatter when they got rushed. I watched them split into two groups when our blob came up and they would hit left/right or front/back. So the only thing there was how long their players played in my eyes.


I dont care about getting ran over as long as the commanders can command, move and find ways to get points. Small or not, as long as you are in a good group and can use programs like TS or Discord while running then things should be a little better.

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In NA when I'm on MAG and BG is our match up, I try for 3 days to get a toe hold on some territory, to get a keep on a map...tagging up when the map is tag less. By the third day it's impossible to even knock down a T3 tower. So I sit out the rest of the week. Or, some weeks just don't play the BG matchup. Pretty sure that a year of that is not just demoralizing but it's making me look for other games to play tbh.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> You assume the poster is from BG.


> Some of us actually on BG are fin with two or three servers linked to match up.


> And Xen... there are people on our server that deserve to be mocked, (and I may be one of them) but calling the community 'specialz '? Really? Grow up.


I don't care, I'll mock players until they stop with the stupid arguments they keep repeating over and over again because they don't seem to respond to sensible reasons to those arguments. The same goes with players who come in here and think BG's community is the real reason that server is up there, it is to an extent, but we all know it's population and coverage that wins matches and in BG's case it's also their pve pugs.


Lastly I didn't mention special in the way you're probably thinking, if you're thinking it meant that way, I was posting it as leet speak, which now obviously failed.

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> @XenesisII.1540 said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > You assume the poster is from BG.

> >

> > Some of us actually on BG are fin with two or three servers linked to match up.

> >

> > And Xen... there are people on our server that deserve to be mocked, (and I may be one of them) but calling the community 'specialz '? Really? Grow up.


> I don't care, I'll mock players until they stop with the stupid arguments they keep repeating over and over again because they don't seem to respond to sensible reasons to those arguments. The same goes with players who come in here and think BG's community is the real reason that server is up there, it is to an extent, but we all know it's population and coverage that wins matches and in BG's case it's also their pve pugs.


> Lastly I didn't mention special in the way you're probably thinking, if you're thinking it meant that way, I was posting it as leet speak, which now obviously failed.


Fair enough, but mocking does nothing but inflate your ego.


The poster wasn't even from BG, and I'll leave out the pre requisite comment on reading comprehension at this point,


And yes, it is quite humorous to see people blame things on the BG player base, whenever a population issue is mentioned, or opening a server is discussed, people always want to believe it's a BG player asking.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> And yes, it is quite humorous to see people blame things on the BG player base, whenever a population issue is mentioned, or opening a server is discussed, people always want to believe it's a BG player asking.


Quite often in the past it **has** been a bg player asking, that's why the first assumption is always bg, second is jq, but a lot of times these days they won't even mention the server anymore because it's a known running joke in the forums for years now. The poster isn't new to the forums, they know the situation and why we have links, servers can't 1v1v1 each other anymore, this isn't 2012.


P.S Yes I did make a mistake in reading their post at 1am in the morning. I apologize for assuming they are BG player, rest of my rant still stands.

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> @XenesisII.1540 said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > And yes, it is quite humorous to see people blame things on the BG player base, whenever a population issue is mentioned, or opening a server is discussed, people always want to believe it's a BG player asking.


> Quite often in the past it **has** been a bg player asking, that's why the first assumption is always bg, second is jq, but a lot of times these days they won't even mention the server anymore because it's a known running joke in the forums for years now. The poster isn't new to the forums, they know the situation and why we have links, servers can't 1v1v1 each other anymore, this isn't 2012.


> P.S Yes I did make a mistake in reading their post at 1am in the morning. I apologize for assuming they are BG player, rest of my rant still stands.


I wasn't looking for an apology, nor was I trying to flame.


I just think most of us that have played WvW since launch and are still here frustrated by many issues are spending a lot of time complaining about the problems (and that definately includes me) when maybe we could work more together to fix some of them.


MaS, Rise, CL, and at least 4 other guilds have moved off BG for various reasons. That is helping the situation. (And no.., BG doesn't need to be opened)


I think there is a lot that vets and guilds can do with training on servers with the influx of PvE players and having those experienced guilds elsewhere will help that.


We tend to spend more time beating each other up in the forum, and less time beating each other up in game.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:


> We tend to spend more time beating each other up in the forum, and less time beating each other up in game.


Because on the forums it's not he who has the most numbers and coverage wins. Plus there are times these forums are more entertaining then the game itself. Yes I said it, but it's the truth.

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What..?t somebodeh apologising for thinking someone else here is BG? Puppy that! The fact is most of the forum here are from BG that's why arguments against BG never win, cuz it's just a minority who are making noise about it. Is why I said to open all servers so that this minority error can be removed and happily ever after.

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