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[EU][Raid] Raiding guild [ENUF] -- semi-hardcore, professionally relaxed -- needs 2 new members!


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* Do you want to raid in a fun and friendly environment?

* Do you have some solid experience but want to grow as a raider?

* Do you want to be part of a static and stable raiding group?

If yes to the above, then keep reading!


# **Who are we?**

[ENUF] is a new semi-hardcore professionally-relaxed raiding guild with no room for elitism. This means that we are a group of players committed to killing raid bosses and successfully clearing wings, and while there is a degree of seriousness in the group we will always be fun and friendly, we can laugh to wipes and clown fiestas, and we are not after lowmans or speed clears.


We recognise that raids can, in principle, be done by 5 people, or 10 naked chronos. As such, we recognise that as a group we need to work out what works for us. Just because one raid group or guild does things one way does not mean it is the best way for us. This is partially what we mean by "no elitism". Being open minded and flexible is key for this group.


# **What we do**

We currently have scheduled 3 raid days: Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Sundays at 6pm GMT (7pm BST, 8pm Central Europe summer time) for a combination of kills and practice on certain bosses. As a group we are practiced with all bosses except for Matthias, KC and Xera and get 10 weekly kills in about 4 hours over our first two raid nights, and with a stable static group we expect to be able to clear the remaining bosses weekly in the near future.


# **What we need**

We currently have 9 static raid members and are looking for about 2 new people to complete our group

* You need to be comfortable with wings 1 and 4, Sloth, Trio and Escort. You should have appropriate kill proof.

* You must have a relaxed attitude and willingness to be flexible, to see how we as a group do things and to contribute positively

* You will have upwards of 100 LI. This is not a training group. If you are after training whisper me for more information.

* You will be patient. This is a newish group with a mix of very experienced and less experienced players. Combined we have experience of all wings, but as a group we are still working towards our first Matthias, KC and Xera kills.

* You should be able to multiclass, with at least 1 "support" (chrono, cPS or druid) and 1 DPS class, although we will consider people who are close to a geared second class.

We need to replace people who, for various reasons (burned out, moving country...) are needing to take a step back from raiding and GW2 for a while (up to 6 months in some cases), and it is these places we are looking to fill. The roles these players filled were chrono, magi druid, condi ranger and cPS, so those who are practised at these classes and roles will be especially welcome. We have a total lack of condi or power mesmers, so we would be interested to hear from people with those.


# **How to apply**

If you are interested in raiding with this group then please head over to our guild Discord (https://discord.gg/8DPHSZv) where you can message our #recruitment channel for more information.

If we do accept you we will do so for an intial two week trial period where we will see how you fit in with the group. For us, being friendly and helpful is as important as being competent.

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