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Ferocious strikes update


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If you think they are going to revisit any awful traits or unused utilities, then be ready to keep waiting.


PS: Thief will always struggle with DPS on any given weapon as long as their auto attacks are pathetic. It's an innate problem with the initiative system and the awful interaction it has with other things, like alacrity.

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> @Oldgrimm.8521 said:

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ferocious_Strikes_(thief)


> Can this trait be updated to have increased damage whenever you have fury, since in PvE boss encounters we lose the modifier when a mob/enemy is less than 50% of its HP. This might help our power thieves to be on the spotlight once more in PvE.


I agree that it could use a different trigger condition besides enemy health above 50%, but the trigger using fury would basically make it a different version of No Quarter.

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What Asur said. Good luck getting ANet to make even a small technical change.


Since HoT launched and defiance got changed, we still haven't gotten any fixes to how interrupts work or interact with them.

The problem with that one is that the Daredevil has a trait that is entirely worthless on anything with a defiance bar. There are also runes for on-interrupt, and we have weapon sets that are all about interrupting--sword/pistol is my old standby, even though it's basically never been good.

All I want is for on-interrupt traits to trigger any time you _would have_ interrupted a target who has a defiance bar, so that things like Impacting Disruption and runes that work on interrupts aren't flat-out worthless on a huge proportion of enemies in the game. It's not a controversial concept, really, but ANet doesn't care about Thief.

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> @Slowmelt.8547 said:

> What Asur said. Good luck getting ANet to make even a small technical change.


> Since HoT launched and defiance got changed, we still haven't gotten any fixes to how interrupts work or interact with them.

> The problem with that one is that the Daredevil has a trait that is entirely worthless on anything with a defiance bar. There are also runes for on-interrupt, and we have weapon sets that are all about interrupting--sword/pistol is my old standby, even though it's basically never been good.

> All I want is for on-interrupt traits to trigger any time you _would have_ interrupted a target who has a defiance bar, so that things like Impacting Disruption and runes that work on interrupts aren't flat-out worthless on a huge proportion of enemies in the game. It's not a controversial concept, really, but ANet doesn't care about Thief.


And to add, and or, elaborate on the idea, maybe whenever we use a hard CC on a defiance bar we should be able to apply our interupt traits/skills.


This change will be applied across all classes that has on interrupt effects like mesmers power block

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Here's another one that's always been kind of a niggling annoyance for me:

The beloved Ricochet. That one that is still a sore spot for almost everyone who plays Thief, I think, considering how fun it was. I think I can speak for a large number of us when I say we would really like it to come back.


If memory serves, it was removed for being "too random" due to the random chance of extra bounces, but then, shortly after, new tech was added to the game so that you could make skills that bounce only along a limited arc. I am genuinely baffled as to why this was never used as a way to bring Ricochet back in a less random form.


Why not bring back Ricochet and make it so that it only bounces off of targets to targets on the far side of them, relative to the Thief? Not only would it be awesome (because it would look a lot more like a ricochet) but with that, you could also remove the randomness. It can always bounce instead of it being random, but you have to aim it properly so it has someone to bounce _to_ within it's limited angle and range, rewarding skilled skirmishing gunslinger play with a large boost to effectiveness while not being random? If having every shot Ricochet (or Ricochet the same number of times) is too hard to balance, why not make it 2 extra targets for autoattacks only, with any other attack being just 1 bonus target? Plus, this can even go a step further now--by giving Ricochet back to the core Thief, whatever line it's given to instantly gets awesome synergy with the Rifle and helps make the Rifle a little more consistent, since right now it seems like most people consider it pretty lackluster. This wouldn't be a hugely overpowered boost to the rifle, either, since you can make the ricochet bounce's range independent from the range of the original shot--you can fire from 1500 range, but your second target needs to be within a few hundred of the first target _and_ within the 140~160 degree angle behind them where a ricochet would be valid, preventing it from being able to reliably spike down groups.


Overall, this is another change that seems like it'd be pretty easy to do for the most part, requiring only a bit of thinking and some relatively straightforward testing, and it'd bring a _ton_ of good will from the people who play Thieves. I have to wonder if it's ever been discussed at all, or if there's some technical difficulty that isn't clear here. It'd be really nice to hear from ANet on that, and the other ideas raised in this thread.


Speaking of, I don't even know who's in charge of Thief balance and design anymore. Can someone tag the right person?

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> @Oldgrimm.8521 said:

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ferocious_Strikes_(thief)


> Can this trait be updated to have increased damage whenever you have fury, since in PvE boss encounters we lose the modifier when a mob/enemy is less than 50% of its HP. This might help our power thieves to be on the spotlight once more in PvE.


yeah actually that's a pretty good idea!

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  • 4 weeks later...

> @"Oldgrimm.8521" said:

> > @Slowmelt.8547 said:

> > What Asur said. Good luck getting ANet to make even a small technical change.

> >

> > Since HoT launched and defiance got changed, we still haven't gotten any fixes to how interrupts work or interact with them.

> > The problem with that one is that the Daredevil has a trait that is entirely worthless on anything with a defiance bar. There are also runes for on-interrupt, and we have weapon sets that are all about interrupting--sword/pistol is my old standby, even though it's basically never been good.

> > All I want is for on-interrupt traits to trigger any time you _would have_ interrupted a target who has a defiance bar, so that things like Impacting Disruption and runes that work on interrupts aren't flat-out worthless on a huge proportion of enemies in the game. It's not a controversial concept, really, but ANet doesn't care about Thief.


> And to add, and or, elaborate on the idea, maybe whenever we use a hard CC on a defiance bar we should be able to apply our interupt traits/skills.


> This change will be applied across all classes that has on interrupt effects like mesmers power block


At least they listened to the other suggestion to make interrupting related skills and sigils affect defiance bar



I know that they read this section


I still have high hopes


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