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Conditions Should be Damage Over Time, not Spike Damage.


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> @Genesis.5169 said:

> > @Morwath.9817 said:

> > > @Genesis.5169 said:

> > > > @Exedore.6320 said:

> > > > > @Genesis.5169 said:

> > > > > I think everyone in this thread who's complaining about conditions fundamentally does not understand the game. Every class has tools to completely negate either the applications, the damage or completely remove conditions. And good players usually do.

> > > > >

> > > > > If your getting condi bombed in one rotation PUT. SOME. kitten. CLEANSE. ON. YOUR. BAR.

> > > > Lol, your'e so ignorant. Have fun dealing with 15 stacks of confusion or 10 stacks of torment + 5 stacks of burn which are applied in 2-3 seconds while you're CC'ed (or CC'ed immediately after). Then deal with the fact that condi clear may only remove the pile of cover conditions instead of the huge damage stack.

> > > >

> > > > This is NOT a "learn to play" problem.

> > > >

> > >

> > > I play a firebrand, i generally get cleanse those conditions atleast 3-4 times because i can consider my self bombed, maybe you should learn to play the game ill help you start here's some infomation about my class and just a peer into how i deal with conditions its not hard to do doesn't require timing like dodges or blocks can't be baited like an aegis can its just straight up Conditional denial which could remove those said stacks that you have no idea how to get rid of.

> > >

> > > Major Adept - Smiter's Boon

> > > Cast Lesser Smite Condition when you use a healing skill.

> > >

> > > Chapter 2: Radiant Recovery ¾ 4

> > > Release magic from pages detailing the rebuilding of Vabbi, cleansing conditions on nearby allies. Allies are healed for each condition removed.

> > >

> > > Chapter 4: Stalwart Stand ¼ 10

> > > Recount the stand of Elonian loyalists against Palawa Joko, granting resistance to your allies.

> > >

> > > Epilogue: Unbroken Lines ¾ 12

> > > Recalling the memory of heroes past, enchant nearby allies with formidable defense

> > >

> > > And just for you heres a direct link to what a straight condition removal skill looks like https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Smite_Condition_(PvP)

> > >

> > >

> > > _P.S. Most condition removal breaks stun and on the rare occasion it doesn't break stun which is rare if you die before you stand up from conditions You need to learn to not face tank necros like bronze players, secondly this is a learn to play problem._

> > >

> >

> > Ancient Quaggans would say _Exceptio probat regulam_, which stands for _the exception proves the rule _, Firebrand is an exception, thats why hes anyhow viable.


> Okay, So.

> Mirages

> Warriors

> Engineers

> Necros


> Have more cleanses then firebrands....and so those guy are exceptions too right? Wait actually.

> Every class can put more then 3 versions of condition clear.


> _I guess the whole game is riddled with exceptions._


And thats the real problem to many cleanses that make if you dont build for condi spikes/bombing condies are useles

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> @Morwath.9817 said:

> > @Genesis.5169 said:

> > I think everyone in this thread who's complaining about conditions fundamentally does not understand the game. Every class has tools to completely negate either the applications, the damage or completely remove conditions. And good players usually do.

> >

> > If your getting condi bombed in one rotation PUT. SOME. kitten. CLEANSE. ON. YOUR. BAR.

> >

> > We have the tools for them, if your running your right bar with no defensive skills and no condition cleanse YOU DESERVE TO DIE VS CONDITION CLASSES. You cannot readily negate power damage like condition so oftenly and with 1 button.

> >

> > kitten, i swear every god kitten bronze player comes to the forums and complains about condition damage with out even attempting to put 1 or 2 skills on there bar to remove said conditions.


> Condi cleanse isn't effective, if conditions can be reapplied again and again, but the real issue with conditions isn't fact they are persistent, but that they kill Quaggan as fast as Power damage, while they are supposed to kill him slowly. What is worse, they aren't affected by toughness, Protection nor Weakness, which makes many of us completly helpless... and even if you dedicate all your traits, runes, amulet and utilities to battle Scrouge and Mirage, then you're rather pounching bag for remaining 3 players on enemy team. So, foooooooo.


This is exactly the problem. You die much faster than a power build. Its crazy, yet Anet does nothing about it. I'm guessing they believe its fine. Scary.



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> @Abelisk.4527 said:

> Ironically, that was the balance team's aim.


Where did anyone from the dev team ever say that? Because in the last reddit AMA they held they stated that they agreed that conditions currently have too high a burst.


Conditions have always been frontloaded, it was a deliberate choice to give condi builds a chance at tagging mobs, not for any balance reasons.

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> @Genesis.5169 said:

> > @Morwath.9817 said:

> > > @Genesis.5169 said:

> > > > @Exedore.6320 said:

> > > > > @Genesis.5169 said:

> > > > > I think everyone in this thread who's complaining about conditions fundamentally does not understand the game. Every class has tools to completely negate either the applications, the damage or completely remove conditions. And good players usually do.

> > > > >

> > > > > If your getting condi bombed in one rotation PUT. SOME. kitten. CLEANSE. ON. YOUR. BAR.

> > > > Lol, your'e so ignorant. Have fun dealing with 15 stacks of confusion or 10 stacks of torment + 5 stacks of burn which are applied in 2-3 seconds while you're CC'ed (or CC'ed immediately after). Then deal with the fact that condi clear may only remove the pile of cover conditions instead of the huge damage stack.

> > > >

> > > > This is NOT a "learn to play" problem.

> > > >

> > >

> > > I play a firebrand, i generally get cleanse those conditions atleast 3-4 times because i can consider my self bombed, maybe you should learn to play the game ill help you start here's some infomation about my class and just a peer into how i deal with conditions its not hard to do doesn't require timing like dodges or blocks can't be baited like an aegis can its just straight up Conditional denial which could remove those said stacks that you have no idea how to get rid of.

> > >

> > > Major Adept - Smiter's Boon

> > > Cast Lesser Smite Condition when you use a healing skill.

> > >

> > > Chapter 2: Radiant Recovery ¾ 4

> > > Release magic from pages detailing the rebuilding of Vabbi, cleansing conditions on nearby allies. Allies are healed for each condition removed.

> > >

> > > Chapter 4: Stalwart Stand ¼ 10

> > > Recount the stand of Elonian loyalists against Palawa Joko, granting resistance to your allies.

> > >

> > > Epilogue: Unbroken Lines ¾ 12

> > > Recalling the memory of heroes past, enchant nearby allies with formidable defense

> > >

> > > And just for you heres a direct link to what a straight condition removal skill looks like https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Smite_Condition_(PvP)

> > >

> > >

> > > _P.S. Most condition removal breaks stun and on the rare occasion it doesn't break stun which is rare if you die before you stand up from conditions You need to learn to not face tank necros like bronze players, secondly this is a learn to play problem._

> > >

> >

> > Ancient Quaggans would say _Exceptio probat regulam_, which stands for _the exception proves the rule _, Firebrand is an exception, thats why hes anyhow viable.


> Okay, So.

> Mirages

> Warriors

> Engineers

> Necros


> Have more cleanses then firebrands....and so those guy are exceptions too right? Wait actually.

> Every class can put more then 3 versions of condition clear.


> _I guess the whole game is riddled with exceptions._


More condi cleanses than Firebrands? Wait... what?

Meta Firebrand has 8 pages on his Tomes, so he can cleanse/convert conditions into boons 8 times during Tome of Resolve [F2]. Radiant Recovery [#2] has low CD [2,75s] and cleanses 3 conditions, it also heals for every cured conditions and applies regeneration. Eternal Oasis [5] is converting 5 conditions into boons, increases healing effectivness by 33% and applies regeneration [8s CD]. If that isn't enough you can clear conditions/convert them into boons with your Mantra of Lore, which allows you to remove 4 conditions and convert 2 another into boons. It's pretty common to use Contemplation of Purity to turn all conditions on yourself into boons and you can also use Smite Conditions, however you will rather use Merciful Intervention or "Stand your Ground!" to support your allies. When your Tome of Resolve is on CD, you can grant Resistance to yourself and your allies with Tome of Courage with Stalwart Stand, which has uptime equal to 4 second every 6 seconds...

Firebrand also removes 2 conditions from himself when entering Tome of Resolve [F2] and another 3 conditions from his allies if using Virtues.


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> @Genesis.5169 said:

> I think everyone in this thread who's complaining about conditions fundamentally does not understand the game. Every class has tools to completely negate either the applications, the damage or completely remove conditions. And good players usually do.


> If your getting condi bombed in one rotation PUT. SOME. kitten. CLEANSE. ON. YOUR. BAR.


> We have the tools for them, if your running your right bar with no defensive skills and no condition cleanse YOU DESERVE TO DIE VS CONDITION CLASSES. You cannot readily negate power damage like condition so oftenly and with 1 button.


> kitten, i swear every god kitten bronze player comes to the forums and complains about condition damage with out even attempting to put 1 or 2 skills on there bar to remove said conditions.


I'm sorry but you're just not right. If the enemy team has 2 Scourges and god help you a Mirage the majority of classes in the game have no chance of cleansing it all. I made a Spellbreaker with Natural Healing, Featherfoot Grace, Berserker Stance, Revenge Counter, Cleansing Ire, Brawlers Recovery, Melandru Runes, and sigil of cleansing and it was still worn down by conditions. It wasn't a good build, but I wanted to see if you could actually fully mitigate the condis but it was just too much. One Scourge was fine, but it's when 3/5 of many games have a condition build when it becomes impossible.

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> @BurrTheKing.8571 said:

> > @Genesis.5169 said:

> > I think everyone in this thread who's complaining about conditions fundamentally does not understand the game. Every class has tools to completely negate either the applications, the damage or completely remove conditions. And good players usually do.

> >

> > If your getting condi bombed in one rotation PUT. SOME. kitten. CLEANSE. ON. YOUR. BAR.

> >

> > We have the tools for them, if your running your right bar with no defensive skills and no condition cleanse YOU DESERVE TO DIE VS CONDITION CLASSES. You cannot readily negate power damage like condition so oftenly and with 1 button.

> >

> > kitten, i swear every god kitten bronze player comes to the forums and complains about condition damage with out even attempting to put 1 or 2 skills on there bar to remove said conditions.


> I'm sorry but you're just not right. If the enemy team has 2 Scourges and god help you a Mirage the majority of classes in the game have no chance of cleansing it all. I made a Spellbreaker with Natural Healing, Featherfoot Grace, Berserker Stance, Revenge Counter, Cleansing Ire, Brawlers Recovery, Melandru Runes, and sigil of cleansing and it was still worn down by conditions. It wasn't a good build, but I wanted to see if you could actually fully mitigate the condis but it was just too much. One Scourge was fine, but it's when 3/5 of many games have a condition build when it becomes impossible.


^ wow


look I don't really want to get involved in this mess, but you've posted a real hum dinger.


like, really your example is that you can't survive the focus of three DPS classes? no shit dude. you can't survive 2 holos and a thief either.


you also forget that if you have a firebrand or tempest on your team, the majority of the cleanses they have clean your condis too. so it's your personal cleanses, plus those of the support Guardian- which is a ton of cleanse. honestly, ignoring anti condi support builds when talking about condis is deeply foolish.


like, the game is designed around the assumption that you have a dedicated support build on your team. so condis are going to be strong in 1v1 and weak in teamfights.

sure, you don't get this always in solo queue roulette, but that's just another reason solo queue is really ill suited to conquest in gw2.


regardless, i do agree that condis are overtuned. but so is power damage, so are heals and evades etc. the whole game is a powercreeped mess right now. but focusing only on condi damage and ignoring the bloat in all other areas is just silly.

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Alright not gonna place any more input in these thread, its clear none of you want to actually learn the game you just don't want to play the game differently. My firebrand is a condition paladin i do not spend 8 pages to heal conditions. And was talking about using cooldowns indivu> @Morwath.9817 said:

> > @Genesis.5169 said:

> > > @Morwath.9817 said:

> > > > @Genesis.5169 said:

> > > > > @Exedore.6320 said:

> > > > > > @Genesis.5169 said:

> > > > > > I think everyone in this thread who's complaining about conditions fundamentally does not understand the game. Every class has tools to completely negate either the applications, the damage or completely remove conditions. And good players usually do.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > If your getting condi bombed in one rotation PUT. SOME. kitten. CLEANSE. ON. YOUR. BAR.

> > > > > Lol, your'e so ignorant. Have fun dealing with 15 stacks of confusion or 10 stacks of torment + 5 stacks of burn which are applied in 2-3 seconds while you're CC'ed (or CC'ed immediately after). Then deal with the fact that condi clear may only remove the pile of cover conditions instead of the huge damage stack.

> > > > >

> > > > > This is NOT a "learn to play" problem.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > I play a firebrand, i generally get cleanse those conditions atleast 3-4 times because i can consider my self bombed, maybe you should learn to play the game ill help you start here's some infomation about my class and just a peer into how i deal with conditions its not hard to do doesn't require timing like dodges or blocks can't be baited like an aegis can its just straight up Conditional denial which could remove those said stacks that you have no idea how to get rid of.

> > > >

> > > > Major Adept - Smiter's Boon

> > > > Cast Lesser Smite Condition when you use a healing skill.

> > > >

> > > > Chapter 2: Radiant Recovery ¾ 4

> > > > Release magic from pages detailing the rebuilding of Vabbi, cleansing conditions on nearby allies. Allies are healed for each condition removed.

> > > >

> > > > Chapter 4: Stalwart Stand ¼ 10

> > > > Recount the stand of Elonian loyalists against Palawa Joko, granting resistance to your allies.

> > > >

> > > > Epilogue: Unbroken Lines ¾ 12

> > > > Recalling the memory of heroes past, enchant nearby allies with formidable defense

> > > >

> > > > And just for you heres a direct link to what a straight condition removal skill looks like https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Smite_Condition_(PvP)

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > _P.S. Most condition removal breaks stun and on the rare occasion it doesn't break stun which is rare if you die before you stand up from conditions You need to learn to not face tank necros like bronze players, secondly this is a learn to play problem._

> > > >

> > >

> > > Ancient Quaggans would say _Exceptio probat regulam_, which stands for _the exception proves the rule _, Firebrand is an exception, thats why hes anyhow viable.

> >

> > Okay, So.

> > Mirages

> > Warriors

> > Engineers

> > Necros

> >

> > Have more cleanses then firebrands....and so those guy are exceptions too right? Wait actually.

> > Every class can put more then 3 versions of condition clear.

> >

> > _I guess the whole game is riddled with exceptions._


> More condi cleanses than Firebrands? Wait... what?

> Meta Firebrand has 8 pages on his Tomes, so he can cleanse/convert conditions into boons 8 times during Tome of Resolve [F2]. Radiant Recovery [#2] has low CD [2,75s] and cleanses 3 conditions, it also heals for every cured conditions and applies regeneration. Eternal Oasis [5] is converting 5 conditions into boons, increases healing effectivness by 33% and applies regeneration [8s CD]. If that isn't enough you can clear conditions/convert them into boons with your Mantra of Lore, which allows you to remove 4 conditions and convert 2 another into boons. It's pretty common to use Contemplation of Purity to turn all conditions on yourself into boons and you can also use Smite Conditions, however you will rather use Merciful Intervention or "Stand your Ground!" to support your allies. When your Tome of Resolve is on CD, you can grant Resistance to yourself and your allies with Tome of Courage with Stalwart Stand, which has uptime equal to 4 second every 6 seconds...

> Firebrand also removes 2 conditions from himself when entering Tome of Resolve [F2] and another 3 conditions from his allies if using Virtues.



One your i was talking about 1 button releases not rotating cool downs and using your cleanse again because if thats the case your even more bad and you belong to a place far worse then bronze.


Secondly my firebrand isn't meta, metabattle are for bronze tier players who do not know how to spec on a per fight basis.


And thirdly you made the assumption my firebrand is a support one.


_I now understand none of you want to actually learn how to play you want to game to cater to your needs regaurdless of balance you guys belong in your tiers game neither game or class balance is keeping you there you are. There are countless gold and plat players who do not have this concern the game suddenly doesn't change at higher tiers the players do_


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> @Genesis.5169 said:

> Alright not gonna place any more input in these thread, its clear none of you want to actually learn the game you just don't want to play the game differently. My firebrand is a condition paladin i do not spend 8 pages to heal conditions. And was talking about using cooldowns indivu> @Morwath.9817 said:

> > > @Genesis.5169 said:

> > > > @Morwath.9817 said:

> > > > > @Genesis.5169 said:

> > > > > > @Exedore.6320 said:

> > > > > > > @Genesis.5169 said:

> > > > > > > I think everyone in this thread who's complaining about conditions fundamentally does not understand the game. Every class has tools to completely negate either the applications, the damage or completely remove conditions. And good players usually do.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > If your getting condi bombed in one rotation PUT. SOME. kitten. CLEANSE. ON. YOUR. BAR.

> > > > > > Lol, your'e so ignorant. Have fun dealing with 15 stacks of confusion or 10 stacks of torment + 5 stacks of burn which are applied in 2-3 seconds while you're CC'ed (or CC'ed immediately after). Then deal with the fact that condi clear may only remove the pile of cover conditions instead of the huge damage stack.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > This is NOT a "learn to play" problem.

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > I play a firebrand, i generally get cleanse those conditions atleast 3-4 times because i can consider my self bombed, maybe you should learn to play the game ill help you start here's some infomation about my class and just a peer into how i deal with conditions its not hard to do doesn't require timing like dodges or blocks can't be baited like an aegis can its just straight up Conditional denial which could remove those said stacks that you have no idea how to get rid of.

> > > > >

> > > > > Major Adept - Smiter's Boon

> > > > > Cast Lesser Smite Condition when you use a healing skill.

> > > > >

> > > > > Chapter 2: Radiant Recovery ¾ 4

> > > > > Release magic from pages detailing the rebuilding of Vabbi, cleansing conditions on nearby allies. Allies are healed for each condition removed.

> > > > >

> > > > > Chapter 4: Stalwart Stand ¼ 10

> > > > > Recount the stand of Elonian loyalists against Palawa Joko, granting resistance to your allies.

> > > > >

> > > > > Epilogue: Unbroken Lines ¾ 12

> > > > > Recalling the memory of heroes past, enchant nearby allies with formidable defense

> > > > >

> > > > > And just for you heres a direct link to what a straight condition removal skill looks like https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Smite_Condition_(PvP)

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > _P.S. Most condition removal breaks stun and on the rare occasion it doesn't break stun which is rare if you die before you stand up from conditions You need to learn to not face tank necros like bronze players, secondly this is a learn to play problem._

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > Ancient Quaggans would say _Exceptio probat regulam_, which stands for _the exception proves the rule _, Firebrand is an exception, thats why hes anyhow viable.

> > >

> > > Okay, So.

> > > Mirages

> > > Warriors

> > > Engineers

> > > Necros

> > >

> > > Have more cleanses then firebrands....and so those guy are exceptions too right? Wait actually.

> > > Every class can put more then 3 versions of condition clear.

> > >

> > > _I guess the whole game is riddled with exceptions._

> >

> > More condi cleanses than Firebrands? Wait... what?

> > Meta Firebrand has 8 pages on his Tomes, so he can cleanse/convert conditions into boons 8 times during Tome of Resolve [F2]. Radiant Recovery [#2] has low CD [2,75s] and cleanses 3 conditions, it also heals for every cured conditions and applies regeneration. Eternal Oasis [5] is converting 5 conditions into boons, increases healing effectivness by 33% and applies regeneration [8s CD]. If that isn't enough you can clear conditions/convert them into boons with your Mantra of Lore, which allows you to remove 4 conditions and convert 2 another into boons. It's pretty common to use Contemplation of Purity to turn all conditions on yourself into boons and you can also use Smite Conditions, however you will rather use Merciful Intervention or "Stand your Ground!" to support your allies. When your Tome of Resolve is on CD, you can grant Resistance to yourself and your allies with Tome of Courage with Stalwart Stand, which has uptime equal to 4 second every 6 seconds...

> > Firebrand also removes 2 conditions from himself when entering Tome of Resolve [F2] and another 3 conditions from his allies if using Virtues.

> >


> One your i was talking about 1 button releases not rotating cool downs and using your cleanse again because if thats the case your even more bad and you belong to a place far worse then bronze.


> Secondly my firebrand isn't meta, metabattle are for bronze tier players who do not know how to spec on a per fight basis.


> And thirdly you made the assumption my firebrand is a support one.


> _I now understand none of you want to actually learn how to play you want to game to cater to your needs regaurdless of balance you guys belong in your tiers game neither game or class balance is keeping you there you are. There are countless gold and plat players who do not have this concern the game suddenly doesn't change at higher tiers the players do_



You're really good at assuming everyone's rank while probably doing 0 effort to actually look said ranks up.

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> @BurrTheKing.8571 said:

> > @Genesis.5169 said:

> > Alright not gonna place any more input in these thread, its clear none of you want to actually learn the game you just don't want to play the game differently. My firebrand is a condition paladin i do not spend 8 pages to heal conditions. And was talking about using cooldowns indivu> @Morwath.9817 said:

> > > > @Genesis.5169 said:

> > > > > @Morwath.9817 said:

> > > > > > @Genesis.5169 said:

> > > > > > > @Exedore.6320 said:

> > > > > > > > @Genesis.5169 said:

> > > > > > > > I think everyone in this thread who's complaining about conditions fundamentally does not understand the game. Every class has tools to completely negate either the applications, the damage or completely remove conditions. And good players usually do.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > If your getting condi bombed in one rotation PUT. SOME. kitten. CLEANSE. ON. YOUR. BAR.

> > > > > > > Lol, your'e so ignorant. Have fun dealing with 15 stacks of confusion or 10 stacks of torment + 5 stacks of burn which are applied in 2-3 seconds while you're CC'ed (or CC'ed immediately after). Then deal with the fact that condi clear may only remove the pile of cover conditions instead of the huge damage stack.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > This is NOT a "learn to play" problem.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I play a firebrand, i generally get cleanse those conditions atleast 3-4 times because i can consider my self bombed, maybe you should learn to play the game ill help you start here's some infomation about my class and just a peer into how i deal with conditions its not hard to do doesn't require timing like dodges or blocks can't be baited like an aegis can its just straight up Conditional denial which could remove those said stacks that you have no idea how to get rid of.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Major Adept - Smiter's Boon

> > > > > > Cast Lesser Smite Condition when you use a healing skill.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Chapter 2: Radiant Recovery ¾ 4

> > > > > > Release magic from pages detailing the rebuilding of Vabbi, cleansing conditions on nearby allies. Allies are healed for each condition removed.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Chapter 4: Stalwart Stand ¼ 10

> > > > > > Recount the stand of Elonian loyalists against Palawa Joko, granting resistance to your allies.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Epilogue: Unbroken Lines ¾ 12

> > > > > > Recalling the memory of heroes past, enchant nearby allies with formidable defense

> > > > > >

> > > > > > And just for you heres a direct link to what a straight condition removal skill looks like https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Smite_Condition_(PvP)

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > _P.S. Most condition removal breaks stun and on the rare occasion it doesn't break stun which is rare if you die before you stand up from conditions You need to learn to not face tank necros like bronze players, secondly this is a learn to play problem._

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Ancient Quaggans would say _Exceptio probat regulam_, which stands for _the exception proves the rule _, Firebrand is an exception, thats why hes anyhow viable.

> > > >

> > > > Okay, So.

> > > > Mirages

> > > > Warriors

> > > > Engineers

> > > > Necros

> > > >

> > > > Have more cleanses then firebrands....and so those guy are exceptions too right? Wait actually.

> > > > Every class can put more then 3 versions of condition clear.

> > > >

> > > > _I guess the whole game is riddled with exceptions._

> > >

> > > More condi cleanses than Firebrands? Wait... what?

> > > Meta Firebrand has 8 pages on his Tomes, so he can cleanse/convert conditions into boons 8 times during Tome of Resolve [F2]. Radiant Recovery [#2] has low CD [2,75s] and cleanses 3 conditions, it also heals for every cured conditions and applies regeneration. Eternal Oasis [5] is converting 5 conditions into boons, increases healing effectivness by 33% and applies regeneration [8s CD]. If that isn't enough you can clear conditions/convert them into boons with your Mantra of Lore, which allows you to remove 4 conditions and convert 2 another into boons. It's pretty common to use Contemplation of Purity to turn all conditions on yourself into boons and you can also use Smite Conditions, however you will rather use Merciful Intervention or "Stand your Ground!" to support your allies. When your Tome of Resolve is on CD, you can grant Resistance to yourself and your allies with Tome of Courage with Stalwart Stand, which has uptime equal to 4 second every 6 seconds...

> > > Firebrand also removes 2 conditions from himself when entering Tome of Resolve [F2] and another 3 conditions from his allies if using Virtues.

> > >

> >

> > One your i was talking about 1 button releases not rotating cool downs and using your cleanse again because if thats the case your even more bad and you belong to a place far worse then bronze.

> >

> > Secondly my firebrand isn't meta, metabattle are for bronze tier players who do not know how to spec on a per fight basis.

> >

> > And thirdly you made the assumption my firebrand is a support one.

> >

> > _I now understand none of you want to actually learn how to play you want to game to cater to your needs regaurdless of balance you guys belong in your tiers game neither game or class balance is keeping you there you are. There are countless gold and plat players who do not have this concern the game suddenly doesn't change at higher tiers the players do_

> >


> You're really good at assuming everyone's rank while probably doing 0 effort to actually look said ranks up.


I know i can tell by what people do and do not complain about, there are tons and problems in wvw and spvp. Condition spam isn't it.

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> @Genesis.5169 said:

> One your i was talking about 1 button releases not rotating cool downs and using your cleanse again because if thats the case your even more bad and you belong to a place far worse then bronze.



If you was talking about one button releases, then your statement was even more wrong, because Firebrand removes all conditions at once, but nice try.


> @Genesis.5169 said:

> Secondly my firebrand isn't meta, metabattle are for bronze tier players who do not know how to spec on a per fight basis.



Assuming you know what term "meta" stands for, playing "non meta" build is nothing more than crippling not only yourself, but also your team.


> @Genesis.5169 said:

> And thirdly you made the assumption my firebrand is a support one.



I made assumption you play to win, and only purpose of playing is winning, thus you don't gimp yourself or your team, for any silly reason like "fun".


> _I now understand none of you want to actually learn how to play you want to game to cater to your needs regaurdless of balance you guys belong in your tiers game neither game or class balance is keeping you there you are. There are countless gold and plat players who do not have this concern the game suddenly doesn't change at higher tiers the players do_



Yes, I agree, I'm in tier where I belong. The question is, where are you.



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> @OriOri.8724 said:

> > @DoomNexus.5324 said:

> > Just let toughness reduce condition damage as well and add an internal cooldown to confusion.


> Why does confusion need an ICD? The whole point of it is to punish you for spamming attacks, adding an ICD would destroy the point of the condi.


Because its ticking even if you don't use any.

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> @Morwath.9817 said:

> > @Genesis.5169 said:

> > One your i was talking about 1 button releases not rotating cool downs and using your cleanse again because if thats the case your even more bad and you belong to a place far worse then bronze.

> >


> If you was talking about one button releases, then your statement was even more wrong, because Firebrand removes all conditions at once, but nice try.


> > @Genesis.5169 said:

> > Secondly my firebrand isn't meta, metabattle are for bronze tier players who do not know how to spec on a per fight basis.

> >


> Assuming you know what term "meta" stands for, playing "non meta" build is nothing more than crippling not only yourself, but also your team.


> > @Genesis.5169 said:

> > And thirdly you made the assumption my firebrand is a support one.

> >


> I made assumption you play to win, and only purpose of playing is winning, thus you don't kitten yourself or your team, for any silly reason like "fun".


> > _I now understand none of you want to actually learn how to play you want to game to cater to your needs regaurdless of balance you guys belong in your tiers game neither game or class balance is keeping you there you are. There are countless gold and plat players who do not have this concern the game suddenly doesn't change at higher tiers the players do_

> >


> Yes, I agree, I'm in tier where I belong. The question is, where are you.




Gold 1.

Everything else you said just yelling at the sky, your arguing that conditions are op where you have all the tools to fix it, i'm positive you don't know what your doing.

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> @Genesis.5169 said:

> > @Morwath.9817 said:

> > > @Genesis.5169 said:

> > > One your i was talking about 1 button releases not rotating cool downs and using your cleanse again because if thats the case your even more bad and you belong to a place far worse then bronze.

> > >

> >

> > If you was talking about one button releases, then your statement was even more wrong, because Firebrand removes all conditions at once, but nice try.

> >

> > > @Genesis.5169 said:

> > > Secondly my firebrand isn't meta, metabattle are for bronze tier players who do not know how to spec on a per fight basis.

> > >

> >

> > Assuming you know what term "meta" stands for, playing "non meta" build is nothing more than crippling not only yourself, but also your team.

> >

> > > @Genesis.5169 said:

> > > And thirdly you made the assumption my firebrand is a support one.

> > >

> >

> > I made assumption you play to win, and only purpose of playing is winning, thus you don't kitten yourself or your team, for any silly reason like "fun".

> >

> > > _I now understand none of you want to actually learn how to play you want to game to cater to your needs regaurdless of balance you guys belong in your tiers game neither game or class balance is keeping you there you are. There are countless gold and plat players who do not have this concern the game suddenly doesn't change at higher tiers the players do_

> > >

> >

> > Yes, I agree, I'm in tier where I belong. The question is, where are you.

> >

> >


> Gold 1.

> Everything else you said just yelling at the sky, your arguing that conditions are op where you have all the tools to fix it, i'm positive you don't know what your doing.


Look, you're Gold 1, Quaggan is Plat 2 with 1657, yet you would send Quaggan to bronze, just because you have different opinion that Quaggan, how nice of you... It's really bad habit to assume that someone is newbie and has no clues about anything, just because he disagrees with you about something. Don't get Quaggan wrong, higher rating of Quaggan doesn't mean hes right or something, but you should avoid judging people and/or Quaggans you don't know nothing about.


Quaggan also would like to remind you that we're not debating in this thread if conditions are OP, if they are superior to power damage or anything like that. Thread is about that condition damage (which ignores most defensive game mechanics like toughness, protection, weakness) should be able to burst or not, or should just be damage over time effect, especially when conditions have also side effects like weakness itself, healing reduction via poison etc.


[slightly Edited, Quagganized]

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As the wise quaggan said what everyone defending conditions blindly overlooks is the fact they do more than just damage , theres damaging control condies confusion ,torment, poison theres weakening condies blind weakness vulnerability slow then theres cc condi and etc

Then theres the access to unblockable skills low cooldowns aoe applicability

And possibly the biggest offender Boon Corruption

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