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So, Anet is ok with the matchmaking behaviour?


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Well, if Quaggan would have to design MM tool for GW2 (conquest), Quaggan would give players following choices:

1) Do you want fast matches (up to 3 min), or you want to wait for close MMR match (max 200 rating difference);

2) Players _could_ choose which roles they are willing to fill;

3) Players _could_ choose one (or all) team setups they are willing to play with (role based).


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> @Bazooka.3590 said:

> Not other players but Match Making is the only enemy here. Only Anet could kill the beast but they are just watching it to slay us one by one.

> Pretty soon PVP going to extinct.


Which I believe wouldn't be the end of the world for anyone of us should that come to past. There are many other PvP titles out that gets many time more support from their devs. If not full support.


Just look at the gaming market. Barely anyone is releasing a MMO anymore these days. Most are releasing highly competitive battle royales, MOBAs, competitive shooters, and flatout competitive battle arena type games. The only cards left for MMOs are cosmetic microtransactions, P2W items, and the social aspect. Since single player RPGs do PvE far better than most MMOs out.

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> @Ayrilana.1396 said:

> You won’t get perfect match quality in a game which requires teams. There are too many variables and the quality of the individual player cannot be adequately measured.


> In order to keep queue times low, a broader range of players are pooled together. Otherwise, everyone would run into the same issue as legendary players.


> Team comps also contribute a lot to the matches. If you have a full team rangers, well you can imagine how that may go against a more balanced team.


> Maps are yet another factor. If you don’t have players filling certain roles, but the other team does, chances are you may lose. This can be map specific objectives or a highly mobile class keeping pressure on the enemy’s home point (assuming the rest of the team is stable).


> It just seems like matchmaking is being used as a scapegoat where a lot of the time the problem is elsewhere.


I'll tell it again: If the skill gap between players in these games are so huge you will NEVER notice any of those other aspects.

A game that ends "500 x <250" would never end with a victory of the other team, you can choose the map, team comp, and every other factor, it will NEVER end the other way.

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> @Ayrilana.1396 said:

> > @Vagrant.7206 said:

> > > @Griever.8150 said:

> > > I mean put yourself in their shoes. Either they restrict the matchmaking variation heavily and you guys whine about queue time or they do it this way and you guys whine about "match quality". At very least in the second scenario you get to play the game

> > >

> > > If you absolutely can't stand the idea of being matched with "scrubs", there's always tournaments and custom games.

> >

> > Why not Zoidberg?

> >

> > There is a way to design a hybrid system that **values both time and quality**. If you design the system so that it guarantees a minimum wait time (IE every 3/4/5 minutes), and changes the que based on who queues up during that time, it can improve the overall matchmaking without sacrificing the speed of matches.


> Assuming they’re not already doing that?


Whenever you hit queue and you're instantly put into a "match found" lineup, you know they're not doing that.

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> @Emmibolt.3928 said:

> > @moonstarmac.4603 said:

> > and to finish my T4 YoA for my legendary backpack.


> explains everything about you and why you don't care about the state of pvp




Actually, I do wish the matchmaking was better. Being a Gold rank means I should be playing with/against other Gold ranked players. However, I often end up in games with lower/higher ranked players. I think I'm decent in the Gold rankings, usually moving up and down from T1-3. But, yes, trying for my Year of Ascension stuff is part of it. It gives me a goal to shoot for...top stats, wins, and what not.


But honestly, I will never understand people who take PVP so seriously...it is just a game after all. If you want to take something serious, try RL sometime.

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> @moonstarmac.4603 said:

> > @Emmibolt.3928 said:

> > > @moonstarmac.4603 said:

> > > and to finish my T4 YoA for my legendary backpack.

> >

> > explains everything about you and why you don't care about the state of pvp

> >

> >


> Actually, I do wish the matchmaking was better. Being a Gold rank means I should be playing with/against other Gold ranked players. However, I often end up in games with lower/higher ranked players. I think I'm decent in the Gold rankings, usually moving up and down from T1-3. But, yes, trying for my Year of Ascension stuff is part of it. It gives me a goal to shoot for...top stats, wins, and what not.


> But honestly, I will never understand people who take PVP so seriously...it is just a game after all. If you want to take something serious, try RL sometime.


Yeah yeah, i'm here for the fun too!

I don't want to reach legend, beat everyone and have my name listed on the gorgeous leaderboard. I obviously want to win, it's inherent to the human being.

What i don't understand is that match manipulation thing. What tha fuck did this people want? A name on a fucking leaderboard? Whats the purpose of getting your name there if you don't work for it? It gives you nothing, lol. Not even the prestige that you obviously know you don't deserve.


I just want to play some competitive matches and have fun on a game i really like, that's it.

When i win games that i don't have to work for it or lose games that i couldn't possibly win it's just frustration.

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> @Malafaia.8903 said:

> > @Ayrilana.1396 said:

> > You won’t get perfect match quality in a game which requires teams. There are too many variables and the quality of the individual player cannot be adequately measured.

> >

> > In order to keep queue times low, a broader range of players are pooled together. Otherwise, everyone would run into the same issue as legendary players.

> >

> > Team comps also contribute a lot to the matches. If you have a full team rangers, well you can imagine how that may go against a more balanced team.

> >

> > Maps are yet another factor. If you don’t have players filling certain roles, but the other team does, chances are you may lose. This can be map specific objectives or a highly mobile class keeping pressure on the enemy’s home point (assuming the rest of the team is stable).

> >

> > It just seems like matchmaking is being used as a scapegoat where a lot of the time the problem is elsewhere.


> I'll tell it again: If the skill gap between players in these games are so huge you will NEVER notice any of those other aspects.

> A game that ends "500 x <250" would never end with a victory of the other team, you can choose the map, team comp, and every other factor, it will NEVER end the other way.


You’re assuming that the skill gap is so large between the players that get matched up. Something in itself is practically impossible to measure in a team mode.

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> @Vagrant.7206 said:

> > @Ayrilana.1396 said:

> > > @Vagrant.7206 said:

> > > > @Griever.8150 said:

> > > > I mean put yourself in their shoes. Either they restrict the matchmaking variation heavily and you guys whine about queue time or they do it this way and you guys whine about "match quality". At very least in the second scenario you get to play the game

> > > >

> > > > If you absolutely can't stand the idea of being matched with "scrubs", there's always tournaments and custom games.

> > >

> > > Why not Zoidberg?

> > >

> > > There is a way to design a hybrid system that **values both time and quality**. If you design the system so that it guarantees a minimum wait time (IE every 3/4/5 minutes), and changes the que based on who queues up during that time, it can improve the overall matchmaking without sacrificing the speed of matches.

> >

> > Assuming they’re not already doing that?


> Whenever you hit queue and you're instantly put into a "match found" lineup, you know they're not doing that.


Or the other players had been waiting some time for that last slot to fill which just happened to be the one you took.

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> @Ayrilana.1396 said:

> > @Malafaia.8903 said:

> > > @Ayrilana.1396 said:

> > > You won’t get perfect match quality in a game which requires teams. There are too many variables and the quality of the individual player cannot be adequately measured.

> > >

> > > In order to keep queue times low, a broader range of players are pooled together. Otherwise, everyone would run into the same issue as legendary players.

> > >

> > > Team comps also contribute a lot to the matches. If you have a full team rangers, well you can imagine how that may go against a more balanced team.

> > >

> > > Maps are yet another factor. If you don’t have players filling certain roles, but the other team does, chances are you may lose. This can be map specific objectives or a highly mobile class keeping pressure on the enemy’s home point (assuming the rest of the team is stable).

> > >

> > > It just seems like matchmaking is being used as a scapegoat where a lot of the time the problem is elsewhere.

> >

> > I'll tell it again: If the skill gap between players in these games are so huge you will NEVER notice any of those other aspects.

> > A game that ends "500 x <250" would never end with a victory of the other team, you can choose the map, team comp, and every other factor, it will NEVER end the other way.


> You’re assuming that the skill gap is so large between the players that get matched up. Something in itself is practically impossible to measure in a team mode.


I'll agree with you that skill isn't something you can measure precisely with numbers, it's intangible in it's essency (although you can improve how the algorythm works, measuring more statistics other than just match results, aka, measuring skill individually).

But i assure you that games with double the score to the winning team have a LARGE skill gap between the players. When i'm 1x2 against the enemy team and my teammates show up, die, respawn, show up, die, respawn... We are clearly not on the same tier.

And i'm not bragging about my skills here, i'm sure i would be raped in legend or even plat. I'm just asking for fair matches.

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> @Cynz.9437 said:

> People complained about long queues, so now we have short queues with really crappy quality of matches. Pick your poison. At the end i think anyone loses with short queues.

> Surely you get into match fast but this match has high chance to be a complete waste of time so 5 min queue + 15 min crappy match + all between time (prepration/after match) = 20+ min wasted for -15 points for which you might need 2+ wins = 40 more min. Basically 1 hour wasted with 0 progression (that is in best case, the higher you are ranked the more wins you need for 1 loss so it can turn into 3-4 hours easily). But hey, people asked for it.


Players mainly complained about "long" queue times when they were forced to stay in HotM, but now players could choose to actually do other stuff in the game while queuing. For many the problem was solved when you could go play WvW or PvE during queue.

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> I lost my kitten completely, i was rude, i was spreading toxic kitten to everyone and i just became the monster i was fighting till now.

> Matchmaking is whats ruining this game, balance is a problem that will only be noticed if you have close skill gaps between players and that's not what matchmaking is providing at first place.


you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain

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I would rather wait in queue for a proper match then wait more than 1 minute before a game because 1 person isn't ready yet, haha. wtf.

Matchmaking is awful. Pvp community is never going to grow if new players get destroyed by top players in unranked.. they shouldn't have to play against those people until they are close to their level, or on rare occasion, but for me at least it feels like the majority of games since the season started.

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> @Silencio.2604 said:

> I would rather wait in queue for a proper match then wait more than 1 minute before a game because 1 person isn't ready yet, haha. kitten.

> Matchmaking is awful. Pvp community is never going to grow if new players get destroyed by top players in unranked.. they shouldn't have to play against those people until they are close to their level, or on rare occasion, but for me at least it feels like the majority of games since the season started.


Exactly, it frustrates both "veteran" players that know what they're doing and new players that wants to join the game mode (and no matter what people say, they deserve to play ranked too, or the pvp scene will be smaller every day)

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