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When will Rangers use Guns?

Nels the Cornwhisperer.802

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> @EnderzShadow.2506 said:

> When has this game ever bothered to stick to a traditional 'DnD' stereotype for any of its classes?

> 30 comments wasted, every one giving their opinion on what "Ranger" means to them.


> You guys beat that dead horse on the Ranger + Pets thread.


Agreed. Like if ppl are really stuck in the dnd stereotypes, dnd druids could shape shift and cast spells. Druid elite spec heals while soul beast is pseudo shape shifting within the confines of the gw2 engine. Any new elite spec for ranger isn't a ranger (however you define it). It's a ranger merged with a new archetype.


Personally I want an aoe damage weapon focused on offense instead of evading. A hammer thumper with aoe cleave and cc could work. A rifle that puts down pulsing aoe damage (think lava font but rifle/natureish themed) could fit a niche that the long and short bow don't really have. Or scepter that calls lightning storms and tornadoes. Lb5 is aoe but not the main focus.

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> @DuckDuckBOOM.4097 said:

> > @EnderzShadow.2506 said:

> > When has this game ever bothered to stick to a traditional 'DnD' stereotype for any of its classes?

> > 30 comments wasted, every one giving their opinion on what "Ranger" means to them.

> >

> > You guys beat that dead horse on the Ranger + Pets thread.


> Agreed. Like if ppl are really stuck in the dnd stereotypes, dnd druids could shape shift and cast spells. Druid elite spec heals while soul beast is pseudo shape shifting within the confines of the gw2 engine. Any new elite spec for ranger isn't a ranger (however you define it). It's a ranger merged with a new archetype.


> Personally I want an aoe damage weapon focused on offense instead of evading. A hammer thumper with aoe cleave and cc could work. A rifle that puts down pulsing aoe damage (think lava font but rifle/natureish themed) could fit a niche that the long and short bow don't really have. Or scepter that calls lightning storms and tornadoes. Lb5 is aoe but not the main focus.


Not even about that. "Druids" also already had established lore from the first game.


Look at the name of our traitlines, the name of the traits, the flavor of the skills. Nothing, literally nothing about them scream guns except the "marksmanship" name that is refering to the bows (this traitline alone used to have 3 different bow traits). Then compare it to the two other adventure classes. You don't think Anet wanna have some kind of seperation between them?


And more **importantly**; what would a rifle add to the ranger? It would be in the awkward position of potentially competing directly with both longbow and shortbow (or at least one of them), and the only thing that would give it an edge would be AoE capabilities that isn't dependent on traits. Useless. If the idea of a rifle was AoE capabilities, I would rather have a nature magic themed scepter with utility skills similar to wells. You really think Anet would make us a rifle that shoots nature themed "lava fonts"? That's reaching if I've ever seen it..

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Offhand pistol would work really well as the weapon for a corsair spec thematically, the problem is finding it a niche.


Rifle otoh, the big problem with rifle is the same as with deadeye rifle, people basically expect some call of duty bullshit in a world that's barely invented the flintlock musket.

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When it comes to roles for a potential upcoming elite spec, what complicates matters is that the existing specs do not close off many options as far as roles go: DPS, support and tanky builds are all possible with both druid and soulbeast. The only niche I can think of that the class has not yet explored and which might see use in multiple modes is something like a specialist debuffer, a spec with access to boon corrupts and a suite of unique debuffs. For that design I could see rifle distinguishing itself from longbow (ultra-range power damage, CC & stealth) and shortbow (medium/close condition damage & CC) by being a mid-long hybrid weapon with a shared ammunition mechanic (similar to Thief's rifle, the SCAR Scrap Rifle or the Vlast Avenger) and access to debuffs - some ammunition types would deal condition damage and debuff conditions like chill & fear, others would deal power damage and interface with the class mechanic debuffs. That design should ensure that the weapon can be made to work with power-only, condition-only and hybrid builds.


Perhaps therefore the next elite spec could be some kind of witch? Something that turns the ranger's pet into a familiar through which the class gains access to GW1-style Hex debuffs fuelled by lifeforce and unlocked via an F5 pet-shroud, elixir potions that cause transformations for you and your enemies and a rifle which fires bullets derived from the noxious secretions of unnatural aberrations.

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I think a Rifle Elite spec Ranger would be great!! call it "hunter" and have it focus on crowd control/AOE and traps. everyone says we don't need another long range weapon for ranger and i agree, so make it a short-medium range weapon. i can't find the link but there use to be a image of a rifle for rangers made by nate baerwald (possibly a early Elite spec idea).


edit: found it!


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> @"Ellisande.5218" said:

> > @Oglaf.1074 said:

> > > @Nemo.5609 said:

> > > > @Zeefa.3915 said:

> > > > You wouldn't be able to equip both pistols and rifle though, since elite specs only give 1 new weapon. You would not get dual pistols either, since we only get main or offhand for new onehanded weapons (thus far at least) and not both.

> > >

> > > Spellbreakers got both main and off-hand daggers, so there's some precedent there.

> >

> > Being able to wield all their one-handers in either hand is a Warrior exclusive trait, pretty much.

> >

> > To represent them being masters-at-arms and all that.


> Which doesn't make a lick of sense. Everyone who uses a weapon like Guardian or Revenant would also be a "masters-at-arms and all that". Warriors should simply be really kitten Guardians because Guardians should be able to do everything that Warriors can PLUS USE MAGIC. And since Warriors can't use magic they should have no survivability and no offense. The only Warriors (and Engineers for the same lack of magic reason) should be NPCs used as cannon fodder.


Warriors do use magic. They don't cast spells, but they _do_ use it to massively increase their strength and durability, and perform feats like turning into a Hulk-like creature as their elite. Berserkers and Spellbreakers also obviously use magic.



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rifle on ranger


with ranger's survival traited skills

and greatsword's utility (i'd say dagger but i'd have to give that up. oh well)


it would be great........as long as they don't screw it like they did thief rifle...aka forcing you to be immobile......in a game where mobility is key due to how short "range" is, how fast enemies get to you. and how appealing melee is.


range wars always turn into kite fights. which deadeye can't do.


keep rifle mobile like warrior rifle. and it would be golden

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