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Which member of Dragon's Watch do you NOT want to see anytime soon?

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Braham. No redemption. He has to die. Tiami would be next. She can just become irrelevant like many badly aging child stars and wander off to do Mall openings.

Then the Charr, hopefully by fire as the only time I enjoy them is when they are on fire and screaming.

The rest? I'd just like to see them fade into obscurity. Drama Watch is horrid.


We need a solid group of Heroes who have risen above their peers by actual deeds, not some bunch of snowflake nobodies who showed up in The Mystery Van.

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I hate Rytlock. I didn't want to see him in HoT and I certainly didn't want to see him in PoF.


Also Braham is pointless and boring. I wasn't a fan of the female Norn but at least she was less boring and uninteresting than Braham. Killing her off to replace her with Braham was one of the most bone headed mistakes Anet made. They should have killed Braham off instead where he sacrificed himself to save his mom, that at least would have been something interesting to his character. Braham is like a boring generating. Every scene that he is in immediately becomes boring.

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Braham is a little ____ and all, but he has room for growth. Mrs. Perfect and her manly significant other don't. I voted Jory because at least Kasmeer represents the overly faithful, religious krytan stereotype where as Marjory has really nothing going for her. It's about time she and her sister reunite.

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I honestly, honestly, _honestly_ like all the characters - including Braham.


He reminds me of another character, who was much loved in his first rendition, loved through _most_ of the second rendition - until he did something really really really really really really really really stupid at the very end - and there was absolutely _no_ coming back from it. There was no resolution, there was only the chaos that ensued by his own actions and deeds..


There was no saving grace for this character.


I can only hope that there can be some sort of saving grace for Braham, because he _is_ a character I have always liked, and while I dislike him at the moment, there is room for growth and perhaps the ultimate sacrifice.



That character I spoke of is Anders from Dragon Age...


He still makes me very mad.


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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > @bearshaman.3421 said:

> > Braham's behavior is unacceptable. He dishonors Eir's legacy with his every action, has turned his back on his friends and comrades, and as a norn lover, his character has become an embarrassment.

> >

> > Tbh, I kinda find the line-up of Dragon's Watch to be... patchwork. Like something stitched together that clearly doesn't belong together. Rytlock being there seems like hes abandoning Destiny's Edge, and while I get that Eir died and Logan and Zojja were out of commission at the time, his ignoring his comrades and the Black Citadel just seemed really out of character to me. Canach doesn't seem the type to join a team, and I feel like the team up they had in season one was one of convenience, but not one that would last. I mean, their friends sure, but they don't seem like battle comrades, you know?


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dragon%27s_Watch


> According to the wiki Canach is already a member of DW ( though i don't remember him joining the guild but my memory is bad as hell ).


He actually refused to join DW at one point.

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I think they all have merit and story to tell.


I've never felt an inkling of hate toward any one character, however the one i feel is the most One-Dimensional or Flat thus far is definitely Rox.

My only hope for LS4 is that Rox has a character growth arc soon or she'll be the Hawkeye of this group and to me that wouldn't do her much justice. If by some miracle i can see many characters have growth it would be in the order of Rox, Braham, Kas then in no real order Canach, Taimi, Jory. I get the feeling however that we'll be seeing Jory/Kas/Taimi (or Canach) for LS4 though just due to where we left things.

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> @OriOri.8724 said:

> I just hope that Anet's writers wanted braham to be hated in LWS3, because otherwise they failed pretty kitten hard with his character development


I'm not sure people hate Braham, I think they don't care much about him or are annoyed at best. If we really hated him, we would not want him to vanish from the story. We only want him removed because we wouldn't care if he died or vanished or whatever. No fictional character deserves that, it's just bad writing. The only way I see to put him up a rank is by introducing Jar Jar Binks to the GW2 universe.

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> @Faaris.8013 said:

> > @OriOri.8724 said:

> > I just hope that Anet's writers wanted braham to be hated in LWS3, because otherwise they failed pretty kitten hard with his character development


> I'm not sure people hate Braham, I think they don't care much about him or are annoyed at best. If we really hated him, we would not want him to vanish from the story. We only want him removed because we wouldn't care if he died or vanished or whatever. No fictional character deserves that, it's just bad writing. The only way I see to put him up a rank is by introducing Jar Jar Binks to the GW2 universe.


Actually, when I hate something... I want it gone.

When a tyrant leader hates you, you're executed. That's how things go. They don't usually waste time to keep you to suffer unless they want something from you.

Whether it's for you to give up something valuable, or information or whatever. If you're not holding anything they need... you're dead.


What does Braham really hold? Other than the ugliest personality/hairstyles/face... he holds nothing.


EDIT: Also. Taimi is Jarjar Binks with a better speech process.

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Eh, honestly, it's a pity about Braham. He was actually a very likeable character before HoTS, but now he's very unlikable, especially after his latest tirade in LS3. Part of me hopes he goes back more to the way he was before, because I enjoyed his big brother relationship with Taimi, and his 'partner in crime' type of vibe he had going on with Rox, but I guess only time will tell.


Anyway, I decided not to vote because how I feel about characters coming back depends largely on how well they are written in LS4. For example, I also found Kasmeer somewhat annoying in LS3, but she kinda redeemed herself in PoF and looks like she's straightening herself up, so I'm holding up the same hope for Braham. As for who I'd like to see most, honestly I want more of Rox. She's a cool character at face value, but I also feel like she has seen the least attention story wise out of all of our companions. I'd really like to see some more development for her and learn more about her.

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Braham annoys me to no end. First he yells at you for not caring that Eir died when you knew her longer and were closer to her than he ever was (he also ignores that you kind of have a huge war to fight and cannot stop to mourn one person when so many people are relying on you), then he ends up actively working against you. Perhaps not with the intention to undermine what all you're working on, but when you ask him to stop doing things that could get himself killed or risk what passes as balance, he tells you to mind your own business. He's just so annoying and frustrating to deal with, and I hope the writers have something to either redeem him or make him interesting.


I'm also really annoyed that thanks to Braham going out and doing super dangerous things, Rox has been pushed to the side. I really want to see her as a character and have her grow, but all through LW3 and PoF she's been relegated to Braham's furry babysitter.


(also Braham being so upset over one death (of someone he only just met) is kind of laughable when, as the commander, you have had multiple close people die and seen more deaths than you can count. He's very naive, which is fair enough, but he's so callous and self-absorbed he never even considers the commander's feelings or what the commander has gone through)

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > What does Braham really hold? Other than the ugliest personality/hairstyles/face... he holds nothing.


> He holds Eir's legacy.

> This is why he is going to remain alive and around. Not sure about DW though.


I bet you 10 bucks he's gonna sacrifise himself in "heroic" way to redeem himself and then we'll get a gemstore backpiece of his pure, innocent face.

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> @serialkicker.5274 said:

> > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > What does Braham really hold? Other than the ugliest personality/hairstyles/face... he holds nothing.

> >

> > He holds Eir's legacy.

> > This is why he is going to remain alive and around. Not sure about DW though.


> I bet you 10 bucks he's gonna sacrifise himself in "heroic" way to redeem himself and then we'll get a gemstore backpiece of his pure, innocent face.


I'd give you 40 internet points if they were a real currency.

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