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Matchmaking in mornings/early afternoons is horrific


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Truly, due to the lack of players, especially during that time of the day, Ive seen MMRgaps between teammates of several hundreds. My rating was 300 higher than at least 1 of my teammates in a certain match. The skillgap then is so huge, that it is more of a gamble whether youre going to win the game or not. You can't carry those matches either. Anet should make waiting Queue times longer in order to find better matching opponents. I dont want for example an engineer that uses supply crate on my team, nor do they want better people that flame at them all the time in their team (I dont do that btw).

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Early afternoon plat player here and I have to agree that some matches are just ridiculous. Had a team yesterday where someone goes “TEAM! We need to kill bosses!!” on forest. Meanwhile we are 4v2 mid getting destroyed and losing the cap (our only node at the time) while 2 teammates 1v1 bosses for 30 seconds and the other team laughs and takes the 3 cap which far outweighed 2 boss kills. There’s a time and place for bosses... Tip: it’s not when your team needs you mid to match numbers and keep node control. It’s like people are blinded by the side mechanics sometimes and don’t know the circumstances to go for them.

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So you want to force everyone into long queues just because you want closer matches when it comes to player rating?


They really just need to add a tick box when queuing so that players that want this can sit in their horrendously long queues and not complain about the lack of skills of their team. Actually, that won’t matter as they will still complain about it.

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> @Ayrilana.1396 said:

> So you want to force everyone into long queues just because you want closer matches when it comes to player rating?


> They really just need to add a tick box when queuing so that players that want this can sit in their horrendously long queues and not complain about the lack of skills of their team. Actually, that won’t matter as they will still complain about it.


> @Ara.4569 said:

> Future looks bright for PvP'ers. I can see all of them in top 250 in a season or 2.

> No more gold vs plat, only legendary players. It will be awesome.


Come on guys, i know there's a lot of elitist 15 yo's that wants to show their friends their leaderboard rank, but don't looks like OP is one of this guys.

I've started playing sPvP 2 seasons ago and i was heavily frustrated for jumping on fights and dying. It was really sad that i couldn't even use my healing skill (CC much? No stunbreak?).

Now what frustrates me is the encounter of "guys like me", 2 seasons ago. It's not about "i'm better than you", it's about quality matches where you fight fair fights and everyone have fun. Why can't we have this?

When i've started i almost give up of frustration and i know A LOT of people just give up.

The matchmaking is the real problem here, not the people. Some will rage, be salty, others will give up.

Let's address the real problem. I think we deserve a word from Anet on this matter.

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> @Malafaia.8903 said:

> > @Ayrilana.1396 said:

> > So you want to force everyone into long queues just because you want closer matches when it comes to player rating?

> >

> > They really just need to add a tick box when queuing so that players that want this can sit in their horrendously long queues and not complain about the lack of skills of their team. Actually, that won’t matter as they will still complain about it.


> > @Ara.4569 said:

> > Future looks bright for PvP'ers. I can see all of them in top 250 in a season or 2.

> > No more gold vs plat, only legendary players. It will be awesome.


> Come on guys, i know there's a lot of elitist 15 yo's that wants to show their friends their leaderboard rank, but don't looks like OP is one of this guys.

> I've started playing sPvP 2 seasons ago and i was heavily frustrated for jumping on fights and dying. It was really sad that i couldn't even use my healing skill (CC much? No stunbreak?).

> Now what frustrates me is the encounter of "guys like me", 2 seasons ago. It's not about "i'm better than you", it's about quality matches where you fight fair fights and everyone have fun. Why can't we have this?

> When i've started i almost give up of frustration and i know A LOT of people just give up.

> The matchmaking is the real problem here, not the people. Some will rage, be salty, others will give up.

> Let's address the real problem. I think we deserve a word from Anet on this matter.


Not everyone wants long queues. Matchmaking is not the only problem. The outcome of a match is affected by more than just the gap between player skill ratings.

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yeah I have same problem...while in normal day time I have nice fights, good, but mornings or nights (at me) I just have maybe 20% win ratio because as im in gold Im almost nonstop matchet with plat..and its easy to see even for rating scores..instead of getting 12-13 points on + or - flat on win/lose I getting maybe -10 pont (because opponents was higher rating) and with win 14-15 points but its rarely...before I will get those 14-15 win point I will lose atlest 2 to 4 times in row 10 points which is nonsense for me because with those matches score of lost team isnt ever half of possible point to get..rarely its getting to 200 point so its even no fun with just playing as you cant play with that experience players


> @Ayrilana.1396 said:

> So you want to force everyone into long queues just because you want closer matches when it comes to player rating?


I jsut prefer to wait even 20 mins more but to get equal teams with good match, like 300 or 400 - 500 points instead of 100-500 fights where you even dont have chance to fight etc... and this is pre-formed which team will win

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> @Ayrilana.1396 said:

> > @Malafaia.8903 said:

> > > @Ayrilana.1396 said:

> > > So you want to force everyone into long queues just because you want closer matches when it comes to player rating?

> > >

> > > They really just need to add a tick box when queuing so that players that want this can sit in their horrendously long queues and not complain about the lack of skills of their team. Actually, that won’t matter as they will still complain about it.

> >

> > > @Ara.4569 said:

> > > Future looks bright for PvP'ers. I can see all of them in top 250 in a season or 2.

> > > No more gold vs plat, only legendary players. It will be awesome.

> >

> > Come on guys, i know there's a lot of elitist 15 yo's that wants to show their friends their leaderboard rank, but don't looks like OP is one of this guys.

> > I've started playing sPvP 2 seasons ago and i was heavily frustrated for jumping on fights and dying. It was really sad that i couldn't even use my healing skill (CC much? No stunbreak?).

> > Now what frustrates me is the encounter of "guys like me", 2 seasons ago. It's not about "i'm better than you", it's about quality matches where you fight fair fights and everyone have fun. Why can't we have this?

> > When i've started i almost give up of frustration and i know A LOT of people just give up.

> > The matchmaking is the real problem here, not the people. Some will rage, be salty, others will give up.

> > Let's address the real problem. I think we deserve a word from Anet on this matter.


> Not everyone wants long queues. Matchmaking is not the only problem. The outcome of a match is affected by more than just the gap between player skill ratings.


I already answered you on my other topic:


"I'll agree with you that skill isn't something you can measure precisely with numbers, it's intangible in it's essency (although you can improve how the algorythm works, measuring more statistics other than just match results, aka, measuring skill individually).

But i assure you that games with double the score to the winning team have a LARGE skill gap between the players. When i'm 1x2 against the enemy team and my teammates show up, die, respawn, show up, die, respawn... We are clearly not on the same tier.

And i'm not bragging about my skills here, i'm sure i would be kitten in legend or even plat. I'm just asking for fair matches."

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> @Vertep.2498 said:


> I jsut prefer to wait even 20 mins more but to get equal teams with good match, like 300 or 400 - 500 points instead of 100-500 fights where you even dont have chance to fight etc... and this is pre-formed which team will win


The problem isn't that you will end up waiting 20 mins, there are more than enough gold level players to make teams fast to fight each other. The problem is anyone in high plat legend will have to wait hrs to get a match and even when they do they will end up fighting each other over and over . There just aren't enough pvpers at high level to give them fast que time.

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> @Mogar.9216 said:

> The problem isn't that you will end up waiting 20 mins, there are more than enough gold level players to make teams fast to fight each other. The problem is anyone in high plat legend will have to wait hrs to get a match and even when they do they will end up fighting each other over and over . There just aren't enough pvpers at high level to give them fast que time.


Currently I am plat 2, and I am getting matched up versus legendary players. I don't have issues with that, as I reached legendary last season myself. There are some good players in plat2 and plat3 that can be matched up versus legends. However, adding gold players to those matches (which happens) is problematic. The pool of plat2 and plat3 players should be large enough to find decent matchups in a considerable amount of time, instead of queueing up for 1 or 2 minutes to find yourself matched up with goldies.

Also, I really question the MMR balance between the 2 teams in the same match. IF a gold player comes in, he should be in the same team with the legends, and not with the plat players. Buti it feels like this is just random in practice.

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I gave it a lot of thought recently and I think that, as much as some of you might say it is not true, I think that MMR is doing kind of fine. Even though I can't understand why it puts people on win streaks and loss streaks where only 1 every 10 or 15 matches feels balanced and on level, it appears to be doing better than in the past.

The thing is that a lot of bad players get carried by flavor of the season classes and win streaks. Later on we get bad matchups as we see platinum level players whose knowledge of their class and map rotation is on the level of a casual PvE player (no offense).

It's the people lads, this game just has too many unskilled players who get stacked one way or another, leading to one sided matches most of the time.

So by the algorithm, MMR works fine, players are just dummies who farm for lege armour and don't care about learning to improve. This is why I would like for no pip gain for lost matches. No pain no gain.

We have dungeons and fractals as not so challenging content for PvE players, so we have hotjoin and unranked for casuals. We have raids for hardcore players, let ranked be for hardcore players too. It would be even better if the best rewards were based on how many matches were won, distributed at the end of each season. So if casual players want PvP shiny stuff, they should improve. If not, then too bad.

This is why GW2 should introduce a better tutorial and an easy access in-game to information such as: what is rotation, map awareness, focus etc...



Git gud

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> @Rodzynald.5897 said:

> I gave it a lot of thought recently and I think that, as much as some of you might say it is not true, I think that MMR is doing kind of fine. Even though I can't understand why it puts people on win streaks and loss streaks where only 1 every 10 or 15 matches feels balanced and on level, it appears to be doing better than in the past.

> The thing is that a lot of bad players get carried by flavor of the season classes and win streaks. Later on we get bad matchups as we see platinum level players whose knowledge of their class and map rotation is on the level of a casual PvE player (no offense).

> It's the people lads, this game just has too many unskilled players who get stacked one way or another, leading to one sided matches most of the time.

> So by the algorithm, MMR works fine, players are just dummies who farm for lege armour and don't care about learning to improve. This is why I would like for no pip gain for lost matches. No pain no gain.

> We have dungeons and fractals as not so challenging content for PvE players, so we have hotjoin and unranked for casuals. We have raids for hardcore players, let ranked be for hardcore players too. It would be even better if the best rewards were based on how many matches were won, distributed at the end of each season. So if casual players want PvP shiny stuff, they should improve. If not, then too bad.

> This is why GW2 should introduce a better tutorial and an easy access in-game to information such as: what is rotation, map awareness, focus etc...



> Git gud


Isn't the role of matchmaking to put people who "have the knowledge of a casual pve player" to play togheter? The same way it should put people who "know what they're doing" to play togheter?

That's what we are asking here.


If there's people that "are just dummies who farm for lege armour and don't care about learning to improve" they should play togheter. That's not what's happening today. The saltiness of your words says by itself. I just don't understand how you think, after all that things you stated by yourself, that matchmaking is working fine.


People have to start from somewhere and who will be the one to say them: "ok, it's time to join ranked"? That's a personal judgement and the role of matchmaking, again, is to put these new people to play togheter.


Come on, is common knowledge that the pvp scene is smaller everyday. We need more people to help us get the attention from the devs to our favorite game mode. We need more people to join and enjoy this.

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> @Malafaia.8903 said:



> Come on, is common knowledge that the pvp scene is smaller everyday. We need more people to help us get the attention from the devs to our favorite game mode. We need more people to join and enjoy this.


I agree. However how do you convince upper management at ANet. To place forth resources in order to make your favorite game mode inviting to outside players? Simple answer unless you are a high tier investor in the game company with say. Then you honestly can not. Thus all efforts from us gamers are in vain.


It's best to just go where such fun is already supported, and monetized by the dev team.

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There is basically no solution to this apart from bringing new people in. You either take the long waiting times, or the greater differences between the teams. I will take the second without a thought, nothing is worse than useless playtime (aka waiting). And that is the general and accepted perception. That's why we have the system like this.


When Anet introduced greater rewards to PvP that has brought in LOADS of players, yet, there was nonsense whining all over the forums until they nerfed the rewards -> lots of players gone, no new pve players entering.


People failed to understand that not all the pve players are useless and sh*t, they just did not have the incentive to play pvp before. Even so, if you were actually good, you NEVER encountered the newly joined, so called 'pve' playerbase.


My point is, that season was by far the best (S5)


> @Ara.4569 said:

> Future looks bright for PvP'ers. I can see all of them in top 250 in a season or 2.

> No more gold vs plat, only legendary players. It will be awesome.

Legendary =/= top250, not even close.

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> @Malafaia.8903 said:

> > @Rodzynald.5897 said:

> > I gave it a lot of thought recently and I think that, as much as some of you might say it is not true, I think that MMR is doing kind of fine. Even though I can't understand why it puts people on win streaks and loss streaks where only 1 every 10 or 15 matches feels balanced and on level, it appears to be doing better than in the past.

> > The thing is that a lot of bad players get carried by flavor of the season classes and win streaks. Later on we get bad matchups as we see platinum level players whose knowledge of their class and map rotation is on the level of a casual PvE player (no offense).

> > It's the people lads, this game just has too many unskilled players who get stacked one way or another, leading to one sided matches most of the time.

> > So by the algorithm, MMR works fine, players are just dummies who farm for lege armour and don't care about learning to improve. This is why I would like for no pip gain for lost matches. No pain no gain.

> > We have dungeons and fractals as not so challenging content for PvE players, so we have hotjoin and unranked for casuals. We have raids for hardcore players, let ranked be for hardcore players too. It would be even better if the best rewards were based on how many matches were won, distributed at the end of each season. So if casual players want PvP shiny stuff, they should improve. If not, then too bad.

> > This is why GW2 should introduce a better tutorial and an easy access in-game to information such as: what is rotation, map awareness, focus etc...

> >

> > TL;DR

> > Git gud


> Isn't the role of matchmaking to put people who "have the knowledge of a casual pve player" to play togheter? The same way it should put people who "know what they're doing" to play togheter?

> That's what we are asking here.


> If there's people that "are just dummies who farm for lege armour and don't care about learning to improve" they should play togheter. That's not what's happening today. The saltiness of your words says by itself. I just don't understand how you think, after all that things you stated by yourself, that matchmaking is working fine.


> People have to start from somewhere and who will be the one to say them: "ok, it's time to join ranked"? That's a personal judgement and the role of matchmaking, again, is to put these new people to play togheter.


> Come on, is common knowledge that the pvp scene is smaller everyday. We need more people to help us get the attention from the devs to our favorite game mode. We need more people to join and enjoy this.


Carefully read what I wrote, because you choosed only the part you wanted to understand.

What I meant by my post is the REASON on why matchmaking seems so unfavourable to so many of us and WHAT should be done to improve it. Most of you just say how it is now, and this is what we know, so there is no need to paraphrasing each other's sentences or adding more of the same experiences. Now on the other note, you won't have bad players in top and high ranks in games such as CS:GO because they are pure skill based. You can buy AK-47 to pop headshots, but if you don't have the aim and reaction, you won't get high. I know I am capable of playing well, but my aim and knowledge of that game at this stage is bad so I cannot progress and I can't get carried if I drag my team down. Why? It does not forgive mistakes.


In MMORPGS where some of the traits listed above are irrelevant but abilities and understanding of enemy's action are more important (I am talking about combat now), you can roll whatever is strong atm and farm bronze, silvers until high gold/low-medium plat. Those who are in gold and low-medium plat are players who more or less know how to fight or at least bite hard enough, but don't know how to fight in a team composition or don't know how to properly focus, rotate, kite or bait. It's this lack of knowledge that handicaps so many games later on.

There are many factors that should be changed to make it work as it should, such as a great nerf (rework). In other games jack-of-all-trade classes are medium, but here they are quite strong thanks to amulets and lots of passive play. However, this is not a matter to discuss here now, it's too broad.

Matchmaking is putting all those people based on its algorithm that works as inteded. Yes, when Anet stated "works as intended" I laughed and shaked my head, but this is no longer the case. There are sadly situations when we play with lower ranks, but this is because of queue times. I would gladly wait longer for a good match, but let's be realistic. You won't wait 30 minutes for every single match. The playerbase would eventually get bored of that and cry again, trust me. So now it's quantity over quality because GW2 is a PvE friendly game and PvE players want to farm shards for legendary armour.


Some things need to be changed in my opinion (there is more I'd like to mention but now I can't quite recall all of it):

1. Better class balance: less passive play or passive shenanigans (immunities, invulnerabilities), less jacks-of-all-trades. In short, more high risk/high reward so that mistakes are punished and people have to rely more on each other.

2. Automated account suspensions based on the frequency and ammount of reports for afk/wintrading/trolling and other behaviour that should be punished. A one day up to one month account suspensions are much worse than a perma ban. With the latter you can buy a new account or go f2p and do the same thing over and over again. With the first one, is it worth to buy a new acc or roll f2p, get to rank 20 and do the same just to get banned again after a while for the same thing?

3. More in-game tutorials and database of information for easy access for players on how to fight and play in PvP mode.


All of the above require a PvP team though. If we look at balance patches we get now, I kind of think such team doesn't even exist at the moment. Still, I am 99% sure that if those 3 conditions were met, we would definitely experience better matches more frequently.



We all know we can't hear each other's tones and see our faces online, so anything that might be serious or an honest critique is now considered salt. Maybe excessive use of emotes might help? Either way, I am chill about all that. I just play ranked every once in a while to grab a few last pieces of ascended shards and transmutation charges.


P.S. 2

At least for me "the pvp scene is smaller everyday" is not a valid argument. You can still have milions of players and only a few thousands to be skilled at the game. You can still have a small community but filled with good players. Before HoT there were lots of players playing too, but you could still find many unskilled ones. The percentage is the same.



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> @HeadCrowned.6834 said:

> > @Mogar.9216 said:

> > The problem isn't that you will end up waiting 20 mins, there are more than enough gold level players to make teams fast to fight each other. The problem is anyone in high plat legend will have to wait hrs to get a match and even when they do they will end up fighting each other over and over . There just aren't enough pvpers at high level to give them fast que time.


> Currently I am plat 2, and I am getting matched up versus legendary players. I don't have issues with that, as I reached legendary last season myself. There are some good players in plat2 and plat3 that can be matched up versus legends. However, adding gold players to those matches (which happens) is problematic. The pool of plat2 and plat3 players should be large enough to find decent matchups in a considerable amount of time, instead of queueing up for 1 or 2 minutes to find yourself matched up with goldies.

> Also, I really question the MMR balance between the 2 teams in the same match. IF a gold player comes in, he should be in the same team with the legends, and not with the plat players. Buti it feels like this is just random in practice.


If you look at leader board there are maybe 200 players that's plat2 or higher. that's 40 teams if everyone of them are online at the same time and all playing pvp. If you factor in time zone and people's rl schedule you will most likely have to cut that number by 1/3 to 1/2. Now then factor in other things people do like pve wvw you will probable have to cut another 20-25% from that. So really at peak hrs you will have around 70-100 players plat2 or higher . Now if we assume off peak player numbers is about 20% of the peak hr. This means in the morning and late late at night there will be 10-20 players to make teams at high mmr. That is just not big enough of a pool to work with.

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> @Ayrilana.1396 said:

> So you want to force everyone into long queues just because you want closer matches when it comes to player rating?


> They really just need to add a tick box when queuing so that players that want this can sit in their horrendously long queues and not complain about the lack of skills of their team. Actually, that won’t matter as they will still complain about it.


Yes. Yes I do. I don't mind having to queue for 10 mins (now 4+ mins) for match that is more balanced than these matches where there is 1600+ players against 1300 rating players (happened to me many times) or when there's 1300,1400 and 1700 players vs 1500 players.



And yes, you should also sit in queue for as long as its needed to get better team balance, or quit PvP. ^^

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> @Mutaatti.2789 said:

> > @Ayrilana.1396 said:

> > So you want to force everyone into long queues just because you want closer matches when it comes to player rating?

> >

> > They really just need to add a tick box when queuing so that players that want this can sit in their horrendously long queues and not complain about the lack of skills of their team. Actually, that won’t matter as they will still complain about it.


> Yes. Yes I do. I don't mind having to queue for 10 mins (now 4+ mins) for match that is more balanced than these matches where there is 1600+ players against 1300 rating players (happened to me many times) or when there's 1300,1400 and 1700 players vs 1500 players.



> And yes, you should also sit in queue for as long as its needed to get better team balance, or quit PvP. ^^


Quaggan would like to remind you that some people have studies, jobs, family etc and they don't have time to waste on waiting to do something, they would rather just do it in short time window they have.

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> @Morwath.9817 said:

> > @Mutaatti.2789 said:

> > > @Ayrilana.1396 said:

> > > So you want to force everyone into long queues just because you want closer matches when it comes to player rating?

> > >

> > > They really just need to add a tick box when queuing so that players that want this can sit in their horrendously long queues and not complain about the lack of skills of their team. Actually, that won’t matter as they will still complain about it.

> >

> > Yes. Yes I do. I don't mind having to queue for 10 mins (now 4+ mins) for match that is more balanced than these matches where there is 1600+ players against 1300 rating players (happened to me many times) or when there's 1300,1400 and 1700 players vs 1500 players.

> >


> > And yes, you should also sit in queue for as long as its needed to get better team balance, or quit PvP. ^^


> Quaggan would like to remind you that some people have studies, jobs, family etc and they don't have time to waste on waiting to do something, they would rather just do it in short time window they have.


Then don't play PvP. Simple as that. :) There can't be split between ppl to queue fast or queue within range of rating (no more than 300 points imo)


And now that you can queue from anywhere, you can play PvE or WvW while waiting.


Think it this way: rather get match in 2 mins, against 4 plat players as a gold 1 player+teammates, and lose 200-500 wasting 12-15 mins, or Q 10 mins, play against same rating players 500-450 and feel like match isnt onesided and waste 20-25 mins?

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> @Ledavi.1803 said:

> I think our job as part of the community is to openly welcome new PvPers - only way for queue times to shorten and MMR to do its best work



Lol this is fallacy in itself. You just can't convince real competitive players to PvP in GW2. As for the reasons why, you can just look on page one of the PvP section on these forums.


In order to get new PvPers to GW2 these things have to happen.

- ANet would have to get serious about it's PvP mode.

- The devs would have to start supporting PvP as it's own game mode.

- PvP will have to be fun.

- PvP will have to have balanced build diversity.

- ANet would have to actively police, and remove trolls and griefers from the Ranked PvP pool.


All of this would have to happen to convince players to compete in GW2's PvP. Why you ask me. Because these are the basic concepts that are upheld in other games PvP game modes, that's why. If ANet can't do these basic things that other can do. Then players will simply go to those games instead of trying to compete here. It's really as simple as that.


And there is little we can do as players. In order to convince other to serious try PvP in GW2. If anyone does any bit of cursory research on GW2's PvP. They would instantly see PvP mode in GW2. Is just as radioactive as chernobyl, right after the meltdown. And they would naturally stay far away.

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