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Core Mesmer and Mirage are strongly limited in Rune choice for sPvP and WvW - > Lux and Traveler

Wish ->Passive Movementspeed swaped to core Mesmer -> Likely Illusions or Duelling OR enable Lux rune in PvE/WvW

Problems ; Chronos could be sad/More runes = more powercreep


Mesmer is all about avoiding damage from enemys. First thing which comes to my Mind after Distortion + evades is Barrier.

Wish ->Barrier for core Mesmer OUTSIDE of Inspiration

Problems ; Powercreep


Axe Ambush is currently bugged, which causes too much damage in SOME Situations. This leaves the Player unkowing in how much damage the Attack will do and therefore hurts competetive WvW/PvP - playing.

Wish -> Bugfix Axe Ambush, without nerfing it, and spectate if further tweaking is needed.

Expectations -> Axe ambush will be nerfed. Two days later the Axe Ambush bug will be hotfixed and the nerf won't be reverted.


Wish -> More hybrid options on certain Mesmer weapons, specificly GS and Sword.

Problem; Extremly Powercreep and not needed, and too strong. (I'd still love it)


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I don't think mesmer needs barrier. Like you said, as a duelist class our sustain comes mainly from distortion and evades, along with a few one hit blocks (core mesmer, I'm not discussing chrono and his shield here), but barrier is just there to help you eat an attack without taking damage. I don't think it fits mesmer's theme for sustain.


Sadly, I think you hit the nail on the head with axe ambush. I expect it to be nerfed before or at the same time as it is bug fixed, but then never reverted. Which is a shame, because its hard to know if its actually overperforming or not when we have that bug.


The runspeed I'm more or less neutral over honestly. I don't see a problem with choosing a rune set for run speed if you want run speed, having to make choices is good game design

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barrier= eating dmg , which is not a mesmer thing tbh .

we need some utilities rework and general cd reduce to moa ,nullfield , illusion of life etc .

they will do double nerf to mirage axe , leave this spec to trash tier for rest of 2 years . remember burn zerker , s/w ele . anet balance team doesn't care about those before , they won't start from mesmer .meanwhile axe 2 is still slow , deception skills are still mostly trash .mirror are still poorly designed . we still have no way to restore endurance beside vigor on a spec which focuses on dodge .but hey we have "perma evade "with energy sigil and adventure rune now

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Regarding movement speed - I'm satisfied with normal movement speed on core and mirage.


Instead what I'd rather have is *cheaper* movement speed utility consumables - ie like the writs of masterful speed but not stupid prices of like 15g for half an hour...

Something cheap from the wvw provisioner - say 5 badges and a bit of silver.


I don't see why something like that shouldn't be available given you'd be using a consumable slot, reducing the optional stat gain that utility consumables are usually used for.


That way if you don't need movement speed (ie in pve open world due to mounts), you don't need to use the consumable. If you do need it (ie wvw), then it's easy to use.

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