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Good/favorite griffon gliding locations?

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Where do you like to fly/glide with the griffon mount? Any recommendations if you just want to glide around easily?


I like finding places where I can reach high places quickly and go for a quick glide or mess around with (practice) power diving/gliding easily.


Places I enjoy and hope others can add to:

* Bloodstone Fen - for Waypoints that are already way up high, the deep pit down to the Unbound Boss location for a long power dive (watch the gold spirals...mesmerizing)

* Verdant Brink - getting up high is pretty easy, especially during the Night meta (choppers to bring you up)

* Tangled Depths - from the Chak Gerent Waypoint, you can get up high up on updrafts and power glide tunnels for some more challenging agility runs (watch the wing clips)

* Lion's Arch - from the lighthouse (is not the fastest, though), but LA offers plenty of places to hop up and fly from

* The griffon mastery adventurers in the Path of Fire maps are a good place to practice for an easy reset, but you are still limited to the adventure boundaries

* Fields of Ruin - jump pad just north of the city gets you up high quickly


There are others, but these are ones I frequent most.

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Auric Basin, from Eastwatch Waypoint, jump up the trees to the little chest then over the top of the city boundaries and fly around.


Malchors Leap, using the Springer to get ontop of the Temple of Dwayna, pretty much north of it's waypoint, careful of the weirdly placed invisible walls though if you fly towards Pagga's Camp in the South East. (Those airships and dragons in the sky are not even that big btw!)


Windswept Haven, take the Vantage Dome WP and make your way up the bridges.


Siren's Landing, from the top of the Jumping Puzzle.


Desert Highlands, from the Above the Flats mastery point, need the jackal to get there, or fly from the adventure start point.


The Griffon Master adventures ofcourse.


Don't forget you can take any jump pad in Tyria, if you hold space bar to deploy a glider asap, then mount your griffon, you should still have enough height to super speed yourself.



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Flying slightly above the treetops in the more forested areas of Wayfarer foothills/Snowden Drifts at night is a stunning visual.


Flying blind in Dry Top during a sandstorm can be a _very_ disorienting but cool experience.


Trying to dive, swoop and pull up through various doorways and arches in Orr without hitting the ground has been quite fun while exploring with my alts.

Managed yesterday to swoop through [the Lasciate Gateway](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lasciate_Gateway "the Lasciate_Gateway") from a great height. Felt really nice.


BONUS EDIT: Metrica Province, Take the skimmer and travel along the river all the way through the zone from north to south (or viceversa). A very scenic route.

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> @TexZero.7910 said:

> Outside the Rata Sum boundaries.

> But now that i've said that expect it to be hotfixed.


That's been that way for years, especially with gliding. In fact if you go far enough the game force maps you to a 'jail'. :)


That reminds me, in Desert Highlands, you can take the Jackal mastery portal to the Mastery Point waaaaaay above the map. It takes a minute or two to get there, but you are far up there. Also, the floating palace where you get the Jackal mount is a good place to launch from.

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- Underground of **Rata Sum**: The Y-canyon is where I trained to fly with the griffon once I unlocked the masteries. It is narrow and very deep, good for tryouts and aiming.

- Crescent Moon Canyon south of the **Gallowfields Waypoint in Brisban Wildlands**: Once I got bored of Rata Sum, I came here to train my accuracy and reflexes. It is an awesome place to test your skill and it looks absolutely mindblowing if you make it through without touching anything.

- **Hoelbrak**: The architecture of the city is awesome and suits the griffon flight ability perfectly. I came there with a friend, after he unlocked his masteries and we kept flying arround the giant ice sculputres for a long time.

- **Verdant Brink**: Canyon arround the bottom level. Not too narrow, but enough obstacles to keep you busy.

- **Blazedrige Steppes**: Use the wall with the rabbit to get height. Then climb the rest with the griffon. When you break through the storm, it looks like flying over a great ocean and some of the structures go even higher. And if you are high enough, you can even fly with Shatterer ^^.

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