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Make a not coverage based competition !! season !!


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So far **season** competition were based on the usual coverage based scoring, that's

a) boring

b) initiated big server-transfers, as in coverage based-competitions man-power rules everything else.


But I think WvW has also strategic and tactical aspects, but in relation to man-power based coverage they are unfortunately totallys covered.


So, how about the following to put strategy and tactics more into the foreground:

For the competition only one skirmish per day counts, this skirmish is pre-announced and known to everyone. (All other skirmishes are there but only count for Glicko :) ), They are selected randomly based on Player-hours of all servers in this skirmish, e.g. if in a skirmish 600 player-hours are mean participation and in another 30 player-hours are mean participation, then the first is more likely been selected, but both have a change.


Winner of a competition match is who got most points out of the selected 7 skirmishes of the week.


What do you think?

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I was thinking about this the other day. Here is an easy peasy fix:


- Drastically increase the points per kill, heavily weighting the score on the actual fighting aspect of the game

- No points per kill are awarded when a server outnumbers their competition by more than 10, players with the determined buff do not count towards this total

- If you are outnumbered by more than 10, like the 50 vs 60 battle, the 50 players points per kill will be doubled

- No points are awarded if **Any** players are hit by **Any** type of siege at all

- PPT does not tick or count when a server outnumbers their opponents by 10 on a particular map; that means 1 server's absence can cause the other 2's PPT to stop


What this means is, those servers than K-Train around on maps unopposed are basically receiving no score; nobody to kill and PPT will not tick. Players can no longer play the tower cower game and sit on siege, because again, they will receive nothing. The question is asked "then why defend", the answer "because it's part of the game, do it because you like it".


In order for "your" play time to produce any score, you **Must** go to a map where numbers are even, you'd have no choice in the matter. You cannot cower on other maps unless you simply just like taking over stuff unopposed for no real benefit.


This also means that roamers can produce some heavy handed results for their servers with calculated attacks. Be on a map where you are outnumbered and pick off players = lotsa score


Basically this is a heavy handed approach to force servers to fight at equal numbers if they want to produce any type of scoring result. This also means that groups who have unopposed coverage over others "night time", will have to take a real hard look at the server they are on to decide whether it's worth it to stay if outnumbering playtime is worth it.


This also means that players whom are on servers that typically que all maps more-so than others, or clearly have more coverage than others on each map, will have to take a serious hard look at their play time whether it's worth being on that particular server. That's because their presence their and play time may cause their server to spiral all the way down.

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How is this idea not *all* about coverage? Oh so skirmish 8 today day is randomly slected to be *the skirmish*... yesterday server 1 had 4 guilds raiding and tons of people on due to a very popular commander having a drunk raid, server 2 had 3 guilds on and server 3 had just 2 guilds but large pug masses so it all balanced out in the end. Server 1 won pretty good that skirmish. Now i *the skirmish*, that commander is still hung over, there is 1 raid running and nearly no pugs. The other servers maintain their forces roughly the same. Server 1 looses. Players playing are akways coverage.


If you want to "balance" out the points, just do this:

- Rip out tier based scoring. Delete it, burn it, *annihilate it* and never bring it back.

- Massivly nerf T2/T3 strength


Easy. Stronger server cant bunker T2/T3 points, weaker servers will flip easier with smaller forces, forcing the stronger server to spread out.


And hey now when I think about **this was exactly how WvW was in the old days due to no tactivators and no added bonuses by Anet when they kittened up scoring**. Go figure!

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> @Dayra.7405 said:

> For the competition only one skirmish per day counts, this skirmish is pre-announced and known to everyone. They are selected randomly based on Player-hours of all servers in this skirmish, e.g. if in a skirmish 600 player-hours are mean participation and in another 30 player-hours are mean participation, then the first is more likely been selected, but both have a change.


You are assuming every WvW player can play whole day whenever they want to for several hours. That is extremely rare, many players have actually small time to contribute at very specific times through day.


So, if you can not play at exact time required (because it could happen at early morning, or whenever you are working, or sleeping) you are not participating to the match this day. This could happen tomorrow too. And every day, cause it is random. In fact, for the whole week, it is possible you may never actually compete in WvW purely because you are playing at WRONG time.

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> @DeadlySynz.3471 said:

> I was thinking about this the other day. Here is an easy peasy fix:


> - Drastically increase the points per kill, heavily weighting the score on the actual fighting aspect of the game

> - No points per kill are awarded when a server outnumbers their competition by more than 10, players with the determined buff do not count towards this total

> - If you are outnumbered by more than 10, like the 50 vs 60 battle, the 50 players points per kill will be doubled

> - No points are awarded if **Any** players are hit by **Any** type of siege at all

> - PPT does not tick or count when a server outnumbers their opponents by 10 on a particular map; that means 1 server's absence can cause the other 2's PPT to stop


1 - Drastically increase ganking by groups of thieves who will pick single enemy, kill instantly and then run away. Meaning even less actual fights. Meaning even less reason for anyone to step out of their blob. Meaning even less reason to anyone use any other build outside of those too broken to be fun fighting against.

2 - Unsure if that outnumbered buff is suppose to be for the whole map. The problem with map-wide outnumbered buff is that it has no meaning considering single fight, you can be outnumbered and still gank 10v1 whole day.

3 - It is not possible to specificy "outnumbered" buff per each battle, because it is impossible to know which players actually participated in the battle and who were standing close by.

4 - Again, the games has no knowledge of event called "single battle". Siege is in the game so smaller servers are able to defend against larger blobs, you want to award only the blobs by taking away points defenders can get by fighting huge enemy zergs using of friendly siege. Result - more blobs.

5 - That is easiest to abuse, once your server is in lead, simply stop logging into WvW for the rest of the week and magically you have won the match within 2 hours. If you try for a moment think about smaller servers outside horribly overstacked Tier 1, it is likely one of the servers is always outnumbered in some maps just because they have no players to send into every map whole day.


In general, if you are in the server that has more players at any specific time in the matchup, it is not your fault, and you or your server should not be penalised for playing. Any player logging into WvW at any time is blessing and should be able to contribute to the score and their own progression. The huge open field blob vs blob vs blob fights you want to be ONLY thing in WvW does not happen very often. Many players actually like siege wars, they like defending against large enemy blobs and like to upgrade and repair objectives. Just because you do not like something, does not mean it needs to be "fixed".

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> @FogLeg.9354 said:

> In general, if you are in the server that has more players at any specific time in the matchup, it is not your fault, and you or your server should not be penalised for playing. Any player logging into WvW at any time is blessing and should be able to contribute to the score and their own progression. The huge open field blob vs blob vs blob fights you want to be ONLY thing in WvW does not happen very often. Many players actually like siege wars, they like defending against large enemy blobs and like to upgrade and repair objectives. Just because you do not like something, does not mean it needs to be "fixed".

Indeed. Open field battles have become the mantra of "hardcore" WvWers, yet this is not what makes WvW great. Its never been.


Remember the days where we had 3 hour **kitten battles** inside garri? Thats WvW.


Now its just meh its heavily fortified T3 with arrowcarts that do 100% more damage than the early days and tactivators up the kitten while speedy dollys feed it faster than we break it, lets not.

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  • 1 year later...

As tournament are discussed again, let’s Necros this old poll :)


Maybe some additions:

- starts with a fresh relink (or relink 1 week before, to give ppl time to socialize)

- no transfers are allowed (between relink and end of tournament)


Just 2 hours (maybe 4, as you don't want to start very unequal) per day, solves ANet's main reservation: burn-out die to overcommitment)

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