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Gem Store Outfits - Does Anet want my money or not?


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I wanted to buy a few outfits from the gem store but they don't seem to be sold anymore.

Do the outfits in the gem store get switched out periodically or are some just discontinued indefinitely? or both?

Seems like Anet doesn't want my money? Otherwise they would make digital items for sale continuously. It isn't as though they can go out of stock, right?



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> @Jinath.1298 said:

> I wanted to buy a few outfits from the gem store but they don't seem to be sold anymore.

> Do the outfits in the gem store get switched out periodically or are some just discontinued indefinitely? or both?

> Seems like Anet doesn't want my money? Otherwise they would make digital items for sale continuously. It isn't as though they can go out of stock, right?


ANet uses a technique sometimes called "artificial scarcity," in which items are taken out of the gem shop periodically and replaced with others. It's a time-tested technique that works for department stores, Starbucks, amusement parks, airlines, and so on.

* It gives people a sense of urgency, since they know items are only available for limited periods.

* It gives people a sense of greater importance, since not everyone is going to have the items.

* It makes the same offerings feel vibrant and new, rather than stale & old, because the inventory keeps changing.

* It coerces people into paying more attention to the store and its sales.


All of the above combines into generating more total sales n the long run, even if it ends up preventing some people from spending at all (or annoying a few of us).


tl;dr Artificially scarcity works because ANet wants "our" money; they don't particularly care about "your money" or "mine".

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Cheap trick or not, it's been around for at least 100 years.


Incidentally, it's not a lousy decision for all players: things also feel more valuable to us if they aren't as easily obtained; familiarity breeds contempt. Some stellar skins in this game get short shrift because of how common they are. Really, it's only lousy for those of us who only log on occasionally, don't pay attention to what's in the shop the rest of the time, **and** suddenly decide they want a specific item that isn't available on demand. (That's obviously cold comfort for folks in that category; the point is it's not everyone nor all the time.)

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There is currently a package in the gem store for 3k gems that gives you a an outfit ticket to unlock any outfit they have sold in the past with the exception of anniversary or packaged ones from say a game upgrade (they WILL take your money):


Evon Gnashblade Decorative Package – 3000 gems


1x Black Lion Weapon Arsenal – Pick a weapon type and receive a random black lion skin of that type.

1x Makeover Pack (1x Makeover Kit & 5x Transmutation Charges)

1x Black Lion Key Set (10 BLC keys and 1 Golden BLC Key)

1x Black Lion Universal Outfit Ticket (choice of any outfit released before Awakened Zealot, not including anniversary outfits)

2x Dragon’s Watch Dye Kit

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