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Build Help. No meta please.

Blades of Sabatine.5639

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I've found something you might be able to improve.

Your runes only increase condition damage while you have a traited off-hand sword that gives you a Sword phantasm every 12 seconds. I would either remove the sword trait and go for Evasive Mirror instead and aim for 3 pistol phantasms up, or I would replace your rune set with a full Adventurer rune set. I'd choose adventurer because it synnergizes with your hybrid damage viper stats and because everytime you use your mirror heal ability, you get an additional dodge and with that an ambush and dune cloak trigger. You might also consider traiting elusive mind instead of dune cloak because I can't see how you deal with conditions at this point exept for jaunt.

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High open Burst. Sustained Damage. Surviving Tools. Mobility. Swap Mirage Grandmaster depending on Situation -> IH generally for PvE, except you absolutely need easy access to stunbreak/condicleanse. DE in WvW. Swapped infusions based on what u want to play. T2 fractal dailys are easy handable with this. (never went higher, because i had no reason, would probably still work fine, but not in elite groups for t4CM). In WvW i'm havin a lot of fun with the set, 100% aimed on roaming and small scale fighting.


About Torch ; U CAN swap Sword for Torch, depends on ur personal opinion, but i strongly advice anyone to try sword at least. Low cooldown Phantasm, the only OH-Choice which gives 2 illusion spammer. The block actually hits HARD (u can kill people with it). I felt like sword OH works arround the Theme of Mirage pretty well; avoiding damage, while dealing damage. I'm always happy if I can kill my enemys with blocking and evading. Used to play Scepter/Sword for the double block+evade Spam, but overall i wasn't used to the 900 range of scepter and dropped it again for axe.


As u can see the build gives u own possibilites. U could go scepter/pistol - Greatsword, or scepter/pistol-Staff, if u retrait for it.[meaning scepter and Pistol here - generally stay with Illu/due/Mir]



If u feel safe u can go with self deception for the 3 illusion GS/Shatter Burst opener. Izerker,Mirrorblade,(blink[u need to get into Jaunt range])->(Blink)Jaunt into Mirrorblade->F1


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@"AliamRationem.5172" , @"Syprus Soulslayer.1640" , @"Miroe.2054" and @"FaboBabo.3581"


Thanks all for your great advice,


In regards to why I went with offhand sword is because of the skill 4. It has come in-handy numerous of time in the games I play. Like I said in the main post, it really for when I lose the rang advantage.


Having both axe and sword helps with deference. Block and jumping around like a frog while I wait for

for my pistol skill 4 or/and signet or domination to come of CD. Swapping back and using both will help me get back into rang.


As for while not using touch, did not have a good enough touch to take advantage or do enough damage compare to swordman, so forgot to even take that into consideration while running the build. But since you brought it up, I will invest in one and try it out.


As for shattering, I don't shatter unless must but will only use F3 or F4. Again more for deference propose mainly.


I will try some of the runes and signet changes and and a slight trait change and see the effect it has on the build.


Thanks again all.

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> @Cyninja.2954 said:

> So just to understand what you don't want, you don't want a build which is:


> **M**ost - **E**ffective - **T**actic - **A**vailable


> because quite frankly, that's what meta stands for.


> In short, you want people to share their random builds which they've tried without specifically telling you what worked best for them?


> A strange way to ask for good advice, but who am I to judge.


Can i say, your like a breath of fresh air.

Sometimes people do not reread or understand what they have posted, you gave me faith in humanity man.

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> @Genesis.5169 said:

> > @Cyninja.2954 said:

> > So just to understand what you don't want, you don't want a build which is:

> >

> > **M**ost - **E**ffective - **T**actic - **A**vailable

> >

> > because quite frankly, that's what meta stands for.

> >

> > In short, you want people to share their random builds which they've tried without specifically telling you what worked best for them?

> >

> > A strange way to ask for good advice, but who am I to judge.


> Can i say, your like a breath of fresh air.

> Sometimes people do not reread or understand what they have posted, you gave me faith in humanity man.


Yes, "meta"...for raids. The OP seems to be more concerned with finding a build for solo play. It just so happens that in this case the raid meta works great in open world, but that is not often the case. Raid builds tend to be a bit too glassy for most players in solo play.

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> @AliamRationem.5172 said:

> > @Genesis.5169 said:

> > > @Cyninja.2954 said:

> > > So just to understand what you don't want, you don't want a build which is:

> > >

> > > **M**ost - **E**ffective - **T**actic - **A**vailable

> > >

> > > because quite frankly, that's what meta stands for.

> > >

> > > In short, you want people to share their random builds which they've tried without specifically telling you what worked best for them?

> > >

> > > A strange way to ask for good advice, but who am I to judge.

> >

> > Can i say, your like a breath of fresh air.

> > Sometimes people do not reread or understand what they have posted, you gave me faith in humanity man.


> Yes, "meta"...for raids. The OP seems to be more concerned with finding a build for solo play. It just so happens that in this case the raid meta works great in open world, but that is not often the case. Raid builds tend to be a bit too glassy for most players in solo play.


META isn't only for raids, its for every game mode anything that gets the job best is Meta. Please look up the term and before post just think about for a second. Just remember something if you were here as long as i have there were plenty of people complaining about AOE tagging for OW pve metas, So wouldn't a meta being specs that allow for easy tagging in the OW?


Do you realize anything that is recommend by alot of people is meta right?

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The OP said he wanted something for solo play that's different than the run of the mill "Meta" builds. Some of us just like playing our classes a litte different than the majority. Here's some fights in WvW so you can see how my funky hybrid BattleMirage works.




Duo with a Holosmith-


Duo with a Daredevil-


Outnumbered 4 man roaming-

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> @"Blades of Sabatine.5639" said:

> > @Cyninja.2954 said:

> > So just to understand what you don't want, you don't want a build which is:

> >

> > **M**ost - **E**ffective - **T**actic - **A**vailable

> >

> > because quite frankly, that's what meta stands for.

> >

> > In short, you want people to share their random builds which they've tried without specifically telling you what worked best for them?

> >

> > A strange way to ask for good advice, but who am I to judge.


> because i play the game my way. I do not need to play the meta game, Not fun for me also you are just like everyone else. Why should I play like everyone else when I play mostly solo?




Look, I don't really care how you want to play the game. I just don't understand why you are so insistent that playing a meta build will be unfun for you? The way you talk in this thread, you don't dislike the meta build itself or its playtsyle, you simply don't like _BECAUSE_ its meta, and that's not a good reasoning. If you actually have a playstyle issue with it then more power to you to not use it, I know I don't always use meta builds in open world PvE because I find them to be less fun. But avoiding it purely because its meta is a very poor choice in my opinion. You should only avoid builds because you don't like how they play, not because of how popular they are.

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@"Blades of Sabatine.5639"


This is one of the many variations of the build that I use in WvW, The armor I use is mixed but I gave you a glassier version to start with. I have over 4600 hours logged on my mesmer, I've mained mesmer since launch and have been running some variation of this weird "Hybrd" build since Pre-HoT


How to Hybrid Mirage 101


I'll explain why I picked the traits I did specifically for WvW ( In PvE I run a similar build but much glassier with a few traits swapped out )




1)Minor Adept: Critical Infusion- (5.75s ) Gain vigor when delivering a critical hit. - ICD 10s ( the majority of your "Power Burst" will come from critical hits in return granting you vigor )


2)Major Adept: Phantasmal Fury- (11.5s) Your phantasms have fury. -10s interval = Perma Fury ( See above+ this means your phantasms now have a 52% crit chance which is also nice for stacking bleeds )


3)Minor Master: Sharper Images- (6.25s per stack) Illusions inflict bleeding on critical hits. ( See Above, pretty much ties in with the whole "hybrid" thing when it comes to dps and at over 50% crit you'll be stacking bleeds like a mofo )


4) Major Master: Evasive Mirror- (2s) Gain a barrier that reflects projectiles after a successful evasion. - ICD 1.5s ( Awesome for fighting ranged or when you're popping in for that Axe / Torch burst during a fight to reflect all of those pesky projectiles )


5) Minor Grandmaster: Master Fencer- (5.75s)Gain fury when you strike an enemy whose health is below the threshold (75%) - ICD 5s = Perma Fury when targets are below 75% ( this will boost your crit chance for over 52% once targets are below 75% which is huge for hybrid builds utilizing critical damage and bleed stacks for dps + intel sigils = 3 hits 100% crit chance on swap )


6) Major Grandmaster: Deceptive Evasion- Create a clone at your current position when you dodge. ( Great for replacing illusions that get wrecked by AoE, to keep your defense bonus ( Chaos 3% per illusion damage reduction ) and your Regen VIA ( Signet of Ether 344 HP per second )



**_ Chaos_**


1)Minor Adept: Metaphysical Rejuvenation- (11.5s)Gain regeneration when your health drops below the threshold (75%). ICD 15s ( this basically just helps your regen and overall healing during a fight, stacks well with signet of ether )


2)Major Adept: Illusionary Defense- Take reduced damage for each illusion you have in the world. - 3% per ( Remember when I said you won't be shattering much?? this right here is one of the reasons why. If you can keep up 3 illusions you'll be mitigating 9% damage + the regen from signet of ether. This is a large part of the reason I'm able to play mesmer the way I do. This allows me a window to jump into the heart of a fight and pop off my rotation / burst and combos. Add in the evades, stun breaks, and condition clears = the main concept behind my "Battle Mirage" in your face playstyle )


3)Minor Master: Illusionary Membrane- (3.5s)Gain protection when you gain regeneration. ICD 15s ( pairs well with Renewing Oasis, Metaphysical Rejuvenation, PU, etc )


4) Major Master: Chaotic Transference- Gain condition damage based on your toughness. - 10% of toughness converted to condition damage ( another huge score for hybrid builds. This is why I run all toughness infusions in my armor. I'm essentially double dipping on the +stat bonus. Sure it's only like 8-10 condition damage but it's 8-10 that I didn't have + if you decided to run a few pieces of Cav or knights or anything with toughness you're essentially doubling down on the stat bonus simply because of this trait )


5)Minor Grandmaster: Chaotic Persistence- (3% per boon) Outgoing boon and condition duration increase for every boon on you. ( with all of this regen, protection, fury, and PU you'll have no shortage of boon / condition duration increase :+1: )


6)Major Grandmaster: Prismatic Understanding- (50% interval 1s) Increased stealth duration from mesmer skills. Gain random boons while you are in stealth. ( You can run Chaotic interruption instead of this for the added Condis / Immob and boons. The only reason I run PU is for the occasional Aegis and for that extra 1.5s on stealth on my 2 stealth skills for when I need to GTFO or dodge a zerg )





1)Minor Adept: Mirage Cloak- (1s)Gain Mirage Cloak instead of dodge rolling. (1.5s)Ambush skills become available for a short time whenever you gain Mirage Cloak. Gain access to Deception skills. ( self explanatory, you can use your dodges offensively and pop off those ambushes while gaining super speed and evading attacks. I know it's pretty kitten sweet once you get use to it. )


2)Major Adept: Renewing Oasis- (4.5s)Gain regeneration when you gain Mirage Cloak. The duration of damaging conditions is reduced while you are regenerating. ( I mean come on... with the condition meta running rampant wouldn't it be nice to have something that reduces condition duration?? 20% WHILE REGENERATING. I'm unsure if this works whenever you get regen or just when you gain mirage cloak ) - You could run Self-Deception for extra clones and swap out deceptive evasion in dueling for Superiority Complex for that extra Critical damage.


3)Minor Master: Nomad's Endurance- (3.5s +150 condi damage)Shatter skills give vigor, which grants Condition damage. ( Yet another win for hybrid. I know you won't be shattering much but, I do occasionally pop off a F1 for that added dps when I have 3 more illusions ready to be pumped out or F3 for the interrupt and lets not forget F4 for finishing off targets )


4)Major Master: Mirrored Axes- (20%)Reduce recharge of axe skills. Axe skills generate an additional phantom axe. ( you'll be swapping alot if you plan on playing this the way I do so the reduced recharge is a plus )


5)Minor Grandmaster: Speed of Sand- Gain Superspeed when you gain Mirage Cloak. ( Kitten Sweet! love this new dodge mechanic thingy )


6)Major Grandmaster: Elusive Mind- Dodging breaks stun and removes conditions. ( A must have in outnumbered roaming ) If you're feeling bold you could run Infinite horizon for the added confusion when you and your clones both ambush at the same time.


**Note- This build was designed with outnumbered roaming in mind which is why it has 4 STUN BREAKS ( Blink, Decoy, 2 from Elusive Mind ) 12 CONDITION CLEARS ( 6 VIA mantra of the resolve, 3 VIA Jaunt, 1 VIA Torch 4, 2 VIA Elusive Mind ) Sooooooo Condition builds should be a cakewalk, and playing like a caster warrior AKA BATTLE MIRAGE!! is achieved by the amazeballs synergy of all of the traits that I choose.




The Weapons, trinkets, runes, infusions, and utility item are exactly when I run. My armor is a mix and I use to run Sigil of Doom on my offhand instead of energy simply to use it as a cover condi for when my opponents cleanse or to reduce healing by 33% VIA poison. The food I run is a feast it's like the Dragon's cakes except it has -15% condition duration instead of the +10% luck. The videos pretty much show how I like to play it but I encourage you to find your happy place with it and tweak it to your liking. Celestial gear will give you the most + stat point per piece than any other set the trick is getting the right balance to make it actually work.

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-Perma fury when targets are under 75%

-Near perma regen via all traits selected

-Sigent of ether is strong if your learn how to use it's regenerative properties with a clone / hybrid build especially when fighting outnumbered

- 4 Stun Breaks

- 12 Condition Clears

- constantly swapping weapons which are on low Cooldowns and double as power and condition weapons

- scepter 3 can hit upwards of 4-6k while stacking confusion

- axe 3 can hit upwards of 3-4k while stacking torment and confusion

- pistol 4 hits like a truck and your little duelist buddy just sits there charging up his next barrage while you're all up in your opponents face making them waste their defensive abilities

- Jaunt is a godsend for my playstle, I'm mobile AF AND it doubles as a gap closer/ escape and a Damage adder

- The build is relentless, you're always setting up something or attacking your opponents

- It works, Players tested and approved :+1:

- breakpoints around 2,000 -2200 power and 650-1000 condition damage in order to be effective as a "hybrid"


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  • 2 months later...

just saying tbh, i quit this game because at end game you're supposed to be "meta" the fun ends there... no verticle progression + no experimenting with builds + all using basically the same stats = doing stuff 100.000 people have done before me. not interesting in the slightest.

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> @"Sovex.8754" said:

> just saying tbh, i quit this game because at end game you're supposed to be "meta" the fun ends there... no verticle progression + no experimenting with builds + all using basically the same stats = doing stuff 100.000 people have done before me. not interesting in the slightest.


I think you're in the wrong subforum, sorry. Here's a link to the necromancer forum: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/necromancer

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> @"Blades of Sabatine.5639" said:

> > @Cyninja.2954 said:

> > So just to understand what you don't want, you don't want a build which is:

> >

> > **M**ost - **E**ffective - **T**actic - **A**vailable

> >

> > because quite frankly, that's what meta stands for.

> >

> > In short, you want people to share their random builds which they've tried without specifically telling you what worked best for them?

> >

> > A strange way to ask for good advice, but who am I to judge.


> because i play the game my way. I do not need to play the meta game, Not fun for me also you are just like everyone else. Why should I play like everyone else when I play mostly solo?




By ignoring theost effective tactic available because other people use it, aren't you just letting other people dictate what you use even more than if you just thought for yourself, decided the meta was a good build, and used it?

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> @"Genesis.5169" said:

> > @AliamRationem.5172 said:

> > > @Genesis.5169 said:

> > > > @Cyninja.2954 said:

> > > > So just to understand what you don't want, you don't want a build which is:

> > > >

> > > > **M**ost - **E**ffective - **T**actic - **A**vailable

> > > >

> > > > because quite frankly, that's what meta stands for.

> > > >

> > > > In short, you want people to share their random builds which they've tried without specifically telling you what worked best for them?

> > > >

> > > > A strange way to ask for good advice, but who am I to judge.

> > >

> > > Can i say, your like a breath of fresh air.

> > > Sometimes people do not reread or understand what they have posted, you gave me faith in humanity man.

> >

> > Yes, "meta"...for raids. The OP seems to be more concerned with finding a build for solo play. It just so happens that in this case the raid meta works great in open world, but that is not often the case. Raid builds tend to be a bit too glassy for most players in solo play.


> META isn't only for raids, its for every game mode anything that gets the job best is Meta. Please look up the term and before post just think about for a second. Just remember something if you were here as long as i have there were plenty of people complaining about AOE tagging for OW pve metas, So wouldn't a meta being specs that allow for easy tagging in the OW?


> Do you realize anything that is recommend by alot of people is meta right?


There is likely a "most effective tactic available" for open world, but good luck getting a consensus on that for solo play. That's why when people ask for open world builds, they typically get directed to snowcrows. Unfortunately, raid meta is not always synonymous with open world meta. Make sense?

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I don't play mesmer, but I can give some very sound advice (I believe).

Build your mesmer to what kind of role you want to fulfill.

A guy by the name of Nemesis on youtube explains this concept very well, and pretty clearly (besides his accent, but I personally can still understand him perfectly).

Choose your traits that will help you fulfill your desired role to its absolute maximum potential. Make sure all choices for gear and additives (sigils, runes, etc) synergize with your trait choices, and also help define your desired role. Then, develop a playstyle based on this role (e.g. you don't want to try and bunker damage as a full glass burster). Try your best not to play outside of your role, it will lead to salt and bad times.

That's the advice I can give.

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I too have been playing with non-traditional builds since the patch. Don't get me wrong, I've been running a bit of meta too, because truthfully, it's almost required in certain situations.


The build I've been playing with for a few days is a core mesmer torment build. Basically, I am running staff and dual sword, Dire exotics w/ perplexity runes, and cleansing/malice sigils. (not going to run ascended on a build I'm not using much.)


I can usually keep up at least 3 or 4 stacks of torment along with the confusion that while it isn't what it was, it still ticks off a good bunch of health. I have been surprised by the somewhat tankiness of the character, and the DPS has been satisfactory so far. Still playing with it, but it's a build I'm enjoying as an alternative to the meta.

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> @"Ashabhi.1365" said:

> I too have been playing with non-traditional builds since the patch. Don't get me wrong, I've been running a bit of meta too, because truthfully, it's almost required in certain situations.


> The build I've been playing with for a few days is a core mesmer torment build. Basically, I am running staff and dual sword, Dire exotics w/ perplexity runes, and cleansing/malice sigils. (not going to run ascended on a build I'm not using much.)


> I can usually keep up at least 3 or 4 stacks of torment along with the confusion that while it isn't what it was, it still ticks off a good bunch of health. I have been surprised by the somewhat tankiness of the character, and the DPS has been satisfactory so far. Still playing with it, but it's a build I'm enjoying as an alternative to the meta.


You meant 30 or 40 stacks of torment, right?

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"Ashabhi.1365" said:

> > I too have been playing with non-traditional builds since the patch. Don't get me wrong, I've been running a bit of meta too, because truthfully, it's almost required in certain situations.

> >

> > The build I've been playing with for a few days is a core mesmer torment build. Basically, I am running staff and dual sword, Dire exotics w/ perplexity runes, and cleansing/malice sigils. (not going to run ascended on a build I'm not using much.)

> >

> > I can usually keep up at least 3 or 4 stacks of torment along with the confusion that while it isn't what it was, it still ticks off a good bunch of health. I have been surprised by the somewhat tankiness of the character, and the DPS has been satisfactory so far. Still playing with it, but it's a build I'm enjoying as an alternative to the meta.


> You meant 30 or 40 stacks of torment, right?


uh... yeah.... that's what I meant... :sunglasses:

I'm still having fun, and making armor that's more amenable to the build. It may not work out in the end, but it's fun right now.

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I realize you do not want meta, but it's not a bad idea to use as as a guideline to understand synergy and tweaking based on preference and play-style.

Outside of raids which is completely team based and time is a significant factor there is quite a bit of wiggle room for you to play with for what you want.


You can win plat t2-t3 ranked matches with portal as the only true requirement, and a build you are comfortable with...

Presuming you consistently land your skills and get kills, and have proper point rotation.

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