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Your mount adoptions: What did you get, and how did you like it?

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I consider myself super lucky. I splurged since I just sold my home and bought a 10 pack and said 'that's it, I get what I get'. I ended up getting the three I really, really wanted which was the lightning raptor, the star field jackal, and the skimmer with the lights. I only got one bunny skin, but its pretty cute, and I admit, I didn't pay attention so much to the griffon skins I got yet, since I have yet to finish the PoF story and start on that collection...

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> @Lunarlife.5128 said:

> Would like a chance to earn mounts in game not through money.


Technically you can, as they cost ~110g a piece.


Bought 2 for gold. Was hoping for a skimmer since I liked them. Got the Oceanic Ray which I love and some springer I don't like very much. I'm happy overall. I knew it'll be random and there are not many skins which I don't like at all.

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> @Lunarlife.5128 said:

> This is a forum. You can't really make a thread that is only for people bought a mount adoption license. Would like a chance to earn mounts in game not through money.


As you say, this is a forum. Which means an OP can make a thread about a certain subject and it's etiquette to stick to that subject, especially when there are other threads much more pertinent for what you want to say. Nobody can stop you from saying it here. It's just rude if you do.


And as I said before, I've bought one mount licence so far and I'm reasonably happy with the skimmer I got. I'm thinking about getting another licence with the hope of getting a non-skimmer skin, any skin. I don't really mind which one, as long as it has more channels.

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3 Skimmers (Minus the glowy one), river moth and the generic ones with different dye channels.

3 Springers (Arctic, Fiery and the other generic one)

2 Griffons (Badlands Stalker and Fiery Griffon)

1 Raptor (Same as others, just different dye channels)


2 licenses bought with in-game gold, both rewarding me with a griffon skin.

3 licences bought with real money, from which I got 2 Springers and a Skimmer...

4 licences gifted from a friend. Raptor, 2 Skimmers and another Springer.


Overall? Unhappy. I wanted Clouded Corvus Griffon, I wanted the Canyon Spiketail Raptor and I wanted the glowy Skimmer.

I'm ok with getting the Arctic Hare and two griffon skins but the rest is just meh...so yes, what a waste.


EDIT: Just got myself two more and got Clouded Corvus and Starry Griffon. Now I can say I am very happy!

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I ended up with 12, only disappointment was that I use the raptor a lot and only got 1 raptor skin, the stripped trihorn. Of the other skins I got:




Ardtic Jerboa

Desert Lop

Tawny Hare

Windy Spot




River Moth Wing

Bright Ringfin

Dajah Lanter




Crown Ancient

Twin Sands




Fire Pinion

Highlands Harrier


Over all I'm happy. The Desert Lop with the floppy ears is one of my favorites, just adorable. But I wasn't really looking for specific skins so much as variety for my 37 characters. I've achieved that in everything but raptor. I did buy the halloween skins last month, which I can use on a necro or two, so I have some variety. I did not buy the reforged warhound skin, as $25 seems like too much to me for a single mount that I don't use that much. I use the jackal less than any other mount.

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> How many did you buy? Which did you get? How did you like the ones you got? Did you have something particular you were hoping for, and did you get it? Overall, how satisfied where you?


I bought 14. Got:


Raptors -- Coastal, Canyon, Savannah

Springer -- Primal, Tawny

Skimmer -- Bright, Oasis, Spined

Jackal -- Crowned Ancient, Polished Stone, Pyroclast

Griffin -- Badlands Stalker, Highlands Harrier, Starbound


I mostly like them, it's not a bad distribution, but sadly the Primal springer is just too ugly to use seriously. So I only have Tawny for regular use on my alts and would love to have Windy. Raptor, I'd be glad to get Storm Ridge but can get along fine without it. Skimmers I likewise would like the remaining three but the ones I have give me plenty of variety. Jackal I made out like a bandit -- I initially thought Crowned wasn't one I'd like but it offers some real menace to my more aggressive alts. Polished refines the base version really nicely and with the right dyes Pyroclast is fantastic. Griffin I also did well with getting the normal looking ones (I do wish they didn't red-tinge areas of the wings no matter what dyes you use), though I wanted the Clouded Corvus.


So -- unhappy only with Primal Hare (see, I do like effects on some mounts, it's just those jagged wounds in the animal's side along with the mane/tail fog that look poorly designed to me). Very pleased with most of my results, and would still like Windy Springer and Clouded Griffin but shan't be spending gems on a 1 in 7 chance of getting ones I want.

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I planned to buy only 10 to test my luck, but having 9 chars, I just bought the 30 pack/9600, at first, I only like all the griffon skins (using griffon 90% of the time), almost all Jackals (Pyro, StarB, Crown and Twin Sands/Doge!), couple of Skimmers (Oceanic/Lantern), 3 of Springers (Jack, DLop, and Artic) and some Raptors(Storm and Flame). Thankfully that I got the 30 pack, now I'm using all of the mount skins.

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I plan to get them all. I bought my first pack of 10 earlier this week. I got:


Fiery Gryphon

Power Cosmic Gryphon

Angler Fish Skimmer

Shiny Stone Jackal


Floppy eared bunneh

Mr. Freeze bunneh

Canyon Raptor

Coastal Raptor

Savannah Raptor


I am pretty satisfied with the outcome. Of all the mounts I wanted, I got the Gryphons, the Skimmer, and the Bunnehs. The Jackal and the Raptors didn't really give me anything of particular note. It is unfortunate, but the only real difference between the three raptors is they have different spot patterns, and one has a different horn set. Knowing my luck, I won't get electroraptor or doge until the last 10 pack.

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Bought 5 with gold only (I refuse to do it with gem)


2 griffon: Spotted Sylph, Clouded Corvus (both average skin with the 4 dye option)

1 skimmer: Oasis Skate (average skins with the 4 dye option)

2 raptor: Canyon Spiketail, Coastal Spiketail (both average skin wit the 4 dye option)


Out of the 30 skin I would love to get like 13. None of them came in the first 5 licence (of course).

I will keep farming until I get at least 1 nice skin for all mounts.

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I just bought one with gold and got the Clouded Corvus Griffon, which is lovely. I didn't really care which I got, as I just wanted some variation - although there are some skins I like more than others, there aren't any I really didn't like.


I plan to just buy a license with gold every so often when I have gold to spare and see what I get. If I was desperate for one or two in particular, then I guess I'd be angry about it, but as I'm not, I'm fine with the way the lootboxes are working, because it's a nice little surprise every so often, and I like surprises.

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I have now overall gotten 18 skin's. Once a pack of 10 and then 4 originally to start with and then 4 later.


I am okey with the skins I got, got plenty of skins I like, though still 4 skins that would have really loved to had which would have been: Dajkah Lantern for the skimmer, Trihorn for the Raptor, The husky looking skin for the jackal and the Celestial for the griffon.


But don't know if will maybe buy a few more at some point and see if I get lucky of getting those skin's or not. On the other hand I got one griffon skin I really liked, all the other jackal skin's other than that husky looking one... Oceanic skimmer, which is lovely. And the strom raptor which I especially love from the raptor skins. And I got the Jackalope for the springer, so basically each ride has nice variety and some of the skins I really were happy to get. And only gladly got 2 springer skin's... kind of the reason I am unsure if it is wroth it for me to try my luck on getting more, considering pretty high likelyhood of getting more springer skin's which I really don't need more of, not don't like as much.


So yeah think spend a bit too much gold and some real money for getting the skin's but at least got some really nice once's too. I don't mind the mechanic completely.... though really at least as griffon is an optional ride it should be one of those one should be able to choose if they want to have it in that gamble or not. And it would be better if you just overall would be able to pick which mount you would be able to get a skin for.

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> @Khailyn.6248 said:

> [...] The other was the Windy Spot Springer. Now this one I like. I was able to dye the whole Springer white.



Mh... Now I might consider pumping a bit of my upcoming christmas bonus into this game....

But then, I would fall for aNet's bait. But then again, my Springer, as much as I love him, looks like he is the cartoon mascot of a cereal box with his orange/black colour match right now...





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I got 1 just to experiment with and got the Highlands Harrier. Neither pleased nor displeased.


Got a set of 10 for the discount and played it with the intent to enjoy the gambling aspect of it (I'm not a gambler in general, just fyi). Only got one skin I wanted (Storm Ridge). Got several that I didn't think I would like but actually love once I dyed them (Arctic Jerboa, Banded Mystic, Twin Sands, Pyroclast, Fire Pinion). I got at least one skin for every mount type. I enjoyed the drama of it. I have the Primal Hare now and even though it's hideous, it's so hilarious I can't help but use it.


All in all, I'm satisfied. I may buy more, I may not. I'd like to see them retro you down to 9600 gems if you end up buying all of them before I buy more.

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After all the "lootbox" noise I took a while to consider what would really be worth it to me, and settled on "well at least one skin for each mount would be good so I have control over all the colors and can put together something unique". Figured the 10-pack had a high chance of delivering that so that's what I settled on.


The results were in line with that. Two Raptor skins (Savannah Monitor, Storm Ridge), two Springer (Desert Lop, Windy Spot), one Skimmer (Bright Ringfin), three Jackal (Crowned Ancient, Banded Mystic, Pyroclast), two Griffon (Fire Pinion, Starbound). That covered a lot of things I was hoping for, particularly Storm Ridge; would have liked Twin Sands and Clouded Corvus but I think I'll just wait until either individual sale is possible or they introduce something else I like better. Got the two most flashy Griffon skins, strangely enough, even though they weren't what I was aiming for; but you can do interesting things with them so it'll do for now.


Overall I would rate that "haul" a 4/5 for me. Not perfect but checks most of the boxes.

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When they first came out, I bought 4. I got the Twin Sands (Husky) Jackal, the Coastal Spiketail (I think that's the name) Raptor, the fire Springer, and a Griffon I couldn't use at the time (hadn't unlocked griffon).

I was happy with what I got, because they were all new skins regardless. I didn't have my heart set on any one in particular--I'd win no matter what, as far as I was concerned. Since then I've got a couple more--fire Jackal and Banded Mystic Jackal. Again, it's a new skin no matter what, so I was pleased. I'd like to get the Crowned Ancient Jackal, but I'm not gonna throw a pissfit if I don't get it.

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I bought 4, of which 3 were pretty plain meh-skins for raptor, griffon and springer and one was the Flamelander raptor. But since raptor is probably my least used mount (I was really hoping for a Jackal skin, any of them) overall I regret purchasing them. But I had the extra gems, and was hoping to get lucky. I won't be buying any more of these.

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