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What are we thankful for

Jumpin Lumpix.6108

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> @Hitman.5829 said:

> As a warrior, there is nothing to be thankful for. We are the ones that get the worst nerfs each patch.

> Why should we be thankful?


Don't think of it that way. Think of it as ANet giving you a great incentive to explore other games. Who like myself, it could actually end up being a blessing in disguise for you.

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I don't know about any of you people, especially any that are hard of hearing in game, but I am especially grateful for all those commanders who refuse to buckle to any pressure and assert their right to run a squad anyway they see fit. Highly commendable! I like the idea of squads running half full and closed for hours, especially to those silly eager ones who want to participate - go get em! Thank you to the friendly and helpful wvw community and to anet for supporting squad rights and admonishing those who complain! Is this the coolest game or what? Thank you everyone for your support! Happy Times :)

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