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If you're going to add more raids, fix elitism first

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > @Razor.6392 said:

> > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > >so ill go to other mmo's that dont really require it. thanks.

> > Good luck finding a mmo where you don't need to communicate at all in raids / hardest pve content.

> >

> > >Too bad though despite my attitude im probably better than 99% of the playerbase skill wise.

> > Laughed at this due to how generic and stereotypical it sounded. Is there any way in which you can prove this?


> read my posts above


Nothing posted on these forums by you in this thread has proven that you have more skill than 99% of the player base. None of it's proven that you're worse than 99% of the player base either, so don't claim I'm saying you're horrible.


People have lied about their raid experience before. There's one guy who even came to the forums and admitted as such. Therefore, players can't fully trust the words of boastful players anymore. It's a leap of faith. And not everyone wants to take that leap of faith. Not when it can affect the fun of 8 other people if you exclude yourself and the commander.

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> @maddoctor.2738 said:

> > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > What about my Eternal title from vale, that doesn't count either? still not good? Doesn't translate to skill... - carried? This is beyond absurd at this point, and showcases that anet has a real problem on there hands, this is what every raider faces right here in joining a raid...


> You will probably be taken in a Spirit Vale pug by having that title, but it proves nothing about your skill in the other Raids.


What a joke.


Reminder that this is the ONLY GAME I've EVER raided in with "training runs" while simultaneously having some of the easiest raids in any MMO ever made.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> They could do a lot to reduce it.


Sure they could at the extreme cost of the integrity of design and the mode itself.


So thanks, but no thanks.


I'd much rather people act like people and find groups that work for them instead of having the content changed to be something it's not all for the sake of a few people having some feels hurt.

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> @Kapax.3801 said:

> Seriously, the solution is easy, Normal mode / Challenge mode


> Normal mode, casual players.

> Challenge mode, demanding players.


> In this way the casuals will be happy with their "light way of playing".

> and the elitists will be happy to be the Arians of GW2...


They did that with wing 4, the devs didn't like it and will be doing just 1 mode from now on.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > @FrostDraco.8306 said:

> > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > > I don't understand why people who think that "putting the effort" into forming a group is part of the raid experience/content. Thats like a technicality not content or game play. At no point does my skill come into play as far as "putting the effort" into getting a good group.

> >

> > I'm sorry but you are just plain incorrect. Firstly socializing is a skill, like it or not. And making a group requires that skill. If you have 2 groups accepting the same roles, but one comm is a bumbling fool, while the other is deliberate, and communicates well. Which commander would you trust?

> >

> > Forming a group IS putting in effort because it's putting yourself out there. Just like a guy walking up and talking to a pretty girl is putting effort, compared to the guy that just stands there hoping for a girl to talk to him.

> >

> > > I cant even get into a group to demonstrate skill.

> >

> > Because your attitude and socializing skills are probably preventing you from being able to find a group. I see this problem all the time with people. They want everyone to come down to their level, and that's just not gonna happen. Even most of the elitist you claim are out there understand this, and make exceptions accordingly.

> >

> > >Just because everyone else has to do it, I don't know why others expect everyone to have to do this,

> >

> > That's EXACTLY why everyone has to do it. To prove themselves. You are basically asking for the removal of any sort of standard. Which never, ever ends well. See the history of communism for more.

> >

> > > instead they should be asking for a change, nobody should be subjected to this ideally.

> >

> > Should, woulda, coulda. There is your problem. You keep rambling on about how you feel things SHOULD be rather than dealing with them as they are, and applying yourself.

> >

> > >This is the least enjoyable "aspect" of raiding and you guys are acting like its a highlighted feature and part of the "raid difficulty" and "enjoyment" and elitism that is raid content.

> >

> > It's not elitism, its called vetting. It may be the 'least enjoyable' to some, but it is neccessary for those of us who value our time. Obviously you don't value raids or raiding enough to even try. So why are you here? Every second you spend on this forums complaining could be some time finding runs. And on NA its a friday, which is the day the super casuals start to come out.

> >


> yup socialization is a skill, one in which the cost is far too high compared to the rewards and experiencing the content, so ill go to other mmo's that dont really require it. thanks. Too bad though despite my attitude im probably better than 99% of the playerbase skill wise.


> I also like the conceding attitude of the people on here, its like oh its broken but we wont fix it and we shouldnt complain, they wont change it anyways, just give up. Ok fine i give up - i dont care now. Its like none of you want to improve the game in any way, I don't get it.


> I only put this amount of effort into real life endeavors its not worth it for an online game.


> and i very much disagree, forming a raid group is not raiding, nor does it require player skill, which is raiding. Nor has it ever been a fun process, its more of logistical chore that people put up with, in order to get to the fun part. Im not going to bother the chore is too costly.


Well there you have it, as predicted.


"I don't want to put in any effort because 'its just an online game'."


This whole entire thread in that case makes you look like a fool. Btw, by your logic, the devs shouldn't put in 'amount of effort into an online game'. The irony is so thick you can cut it with a knife.

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> @Shiyo.3578 said:

> > @maddoctor.2738 said:

> > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > > What about my Eternal title from vale, that doesn't count either? still not good? Doesn't translate to skill... - carried? This is beyond absurd at this point, and showcases that anet has a real problem on there hands, this is what every raider faces right here in joining a raid...

> >

> > You will probably be taken in a Spirit Vale pug by having that title, but it proves nothing about your skill in the other Raids.


> What a joke.


> Reminder that this is the ONLY GAME I've EVER raided in with "training runs" while simultaneously having some of the easiest raids in any MMO ever made.


This is completely true and you can see the mentality of the people that think that everything is fine lol, it's hopeless.


Also if u bring any of this up or suggest fixes they assume u must suck at raiding and that's why. If you try to tell them that isn't it you're a liar. Lol

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> @Shiyo.3578 said:


> What a joke.


> Reminder that this is the ONLY GAME I've EVER raided in with "training runs" while simultaneously having some of the easiest raids in any MMO ever made.


I want to actually contest this point a bit, mainly because I don't quite think GW2 raids are as easy as you presume on a few factors:


- They can never be 'outgeared', ala you can't just get enough Gearscore / Item Level to arguably ignore mechanics.

- 'Dynamic' gameplay, which I'll do my best to explain but maybe you'll understand what I mean if you've played other MMOs like WoW or FF14.


Having 'Horizontial' Progression is actually a really **great benefit** to maintaining a difficult encounter, it can never be vertically progressed through having steadily stronger roles trivialize certain encounter mechanics. Even after the next set of Raid wings hits, Vale Guardian's punch is still going to be just as impactful as it was as launch, aka no one but the tank should be getting cleaved by it. The only potential power-creep will come from the continued addition of Elite Specs, but I would argue that is a necessarily sacrifice in the long run, and continues to keep the content relevant depending on if the rewards are still worth it.


Dynamic Gameplay takes into account that GW2 by far has the most...action-orientated combat compared to cast bars and channel times in other raiding MMOs. I suppose it is a matter of feel, but after raiding in other MMOs and doing the latest Savage Content in FF14 (not quite Ultimate yet), GW2 is more Organic in that the RNG factors in many mechanics the devs dish out slightly vary up each encounter attempt just a bit more. The Green Circle from VG is the best example of this, but aside from that unlike in other MMOs we have the lovely abuse of the Dodge Roll mechanic which is relied on for several attacks. At least, you could go with Dodge rolls if you prefer, the raid comp in GW2 can cater each encounter very well given the long enrage timers for the fight.


These bring me to my next point, mechanics, health pool, and boss outputting damage are all there for the first series of raids. However something has to be said about how Spirit Vale runs were done in All greens, or low manned and so forth.


Ironically, while we might say the Enrage Timer is not the reason groups wipe to bosses, it is most definitely a reason why the bosses aren't challenging the group enough. The first series of raid wings gave us a taste of bosses and what they can do, my hope is that Arenanet realizes the damage we raiders are capable of, and makes the enrage timers much **tighter** so that we have far less ability to make mistakes. I mean, after all are we not getting raid currency for boss attempts? Make us eat the whole weekly currency on one boss for the first week of launch.

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They are going to get a new Raid that only a very small part of the community is going to play .... If this is the case, then they preferred to stop spending resources on one aspect of the game that almost nobody plays and concentrate on another more important as in PvP, WvW or PvE in general.

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> @Sykper.6583 said:


> - They can never be 'outgeared', ala you can't just get enough Gearscore / Item Level to arguably ignore mechanics.



I guess you don't raid enough then. Raids are already outgeared since you can ignore mechanics like there is no tomorrow.

* Cairn dies so fast that he doesn't do anything, at most he will teleport around only once.

* Xera you can just dps her down in the middle during first 50%.

* No updraft gorse

* Kc is one giant fight about skipping mechanics

* Mid Sloth will die so fast that you barely have to do any mechanics.



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> @Kapax.3801 said:

> Seriously, the solution is easy, Normal mode / Challenge mode


> Normal mode, casual players.

> Challenge mode, demanding players.


> In this way the casuals will be happy with their "light way of playing".

> and the elitists will be happy to be the Arians of GW2...


Then Normal mode players will start to pretend rewards.


Let's be honest raid are not impossibile, and players want to Tag with other in order to get carried ( most of em ). There is no effort at all.


@"Cynn.1659" : thank you.

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> @Cynn.1659 said:

> > @Sykper.6583 said:


> > - They can never be 'outgeared', ala you can't just get enough Gearscore / Item Level to arguably ignore mechanics.

> >


> I guess you don't raid enough then. Raids are already outgeared since you can ignore mechanics like there is no tomorrow.

> * Cairn dies so fast that he doesn't do anything, at most he will teleport around only once.

> * Xera you can just dps her down in the middle during first 50%.

> * No updraft gorse

> * Kc is one giant fight about skipping mechanics

> * Mid Sloth will die so fast that you barely have to do any mechanics.




And how much of that actually has to do with gear? That is the question, and your statement still doesn't answer it.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > @Shiyo.3578 said:

> > > @maddoctor.2738 said:

> > > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > > > What about my Eternal title from vale, that doesn't count either? still not good? Doesn't translate to skill... - carried? This is beyond absurd at this point, and showcases that anet has a real problem on there hands, this is what every raider faces right here in joining a raid...

> > >

> > > You will probably be taken in a Spirit Vale pug by having that title, but it proves nothing about your skill in the other Raids.

> >

> > What a joke.

> >

> > Reminder that this is the ONLY GAME I've EVER raided in with "training runs" while simultaneously having some of the easiest raids in any MMO ever made.


> This is completely true and you can see the mentality of the people that think that everything is fine lol, it's hopeless.


> Also if u bring any of this up or suggest fixes they assume u must suck at raiding and that's why. If you try to tell them that isn't it you're a liar. Lol


If its so easy, then why are you the only person here who seems to be having trouble finding raiding squads? I'm at least in the position to claim it's easy.


However you are not, and it sounds laughable.

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> @Shiyo.3578 said:

> > @maddoctor.2738 said:

> > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > > What about my Eternal title from vale, that doesn't count either? still not good? Doesn't translate to skill... - carried? This is beyond absurd at this point, and showcases that anet has a real problem on there hands, this is what every raider faces right here in joining a raid...

> >

> > You will probably be taken in a Spirit Vale pug by having that title, but it proves nothing about your skill in the other Raids.


> What a joke.


> Reminder that this is the ONLY GAME I've EVER raided in with "training runs" while simultaneously having some of the easiest raids in any MMO ever made.


This entire thread exists because the OP finds completing raids with pugs of his own experience level extremely hard (to the point he wants Anet to alter the game in a substantial way). The reason "elitism" exists is because of the playerbase (the same playerbase who created a 40 page thread complaining how hard the Eater of Souls was). The plaerbase needs to have more challenge injected into the core game to educate them, this is how you tackle raid groupng issues.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > @Behellagh.1468 said:

> > Fixing the hubris of mankind ... I'm sure they're on it.


> im glad you've spent most of the post nitpicking the topic title as well as basically proclaiming that I have no skill, rather then coming up with anything useful. I guess raiding is great how it is.


You were the one that opened that avenue. Don't get mad for being called out.

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> @FrostDraco.8306 said:

> > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > > @Shiyo.3578 said:

> > > > @maddoctor.2738 said:

> > > > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > > > > What about my Eternal title from vale, that doesn't count either? still not good? Doesn't translate to skill... - carried? This is beyond absurd at this point, and showcases that anet has a real problem on there hands, this is what every raider faces right here in joining a raid...

> > > >

> > > > You will probably be taken in a Spirit Vale pug by having that title, but it proves nothing about your skill in the other Raids.

> > >

> > > What a joke.

> > >

> > > Reminder that this is the ONLY GAME I've EVER raided in with "training runs" while simultaneously having some of the easiest raids in any MMO ever made.

> >

> > This is completely true and you can see the mentality of the people that think that everything is fine lol, it's hopeless.

> >

> > Also if u bring any of this up or suggest fixes they assume u must suck at raiding and that's why. If you try to tell them that isn't it you're a liar. Lol


> If its so easy, then why are you the only person here who seems to be having trouble finding raiding squads? I'm at least in the position to claim it's easy.


> However you are not, and it sounds laughable.


The raids are easy, finding a group isn't there's a difference lol Lots of people are having trouble finding raid groups, thats the point of this thread, that its really difficult to get into raiding despite the fact that the actual raids are trivial, and that anet should introduce things to minimize the reasons that players are so exclusive in there player selection.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > @FrostDraco.8306 said:

> > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > > > @Shiyo.3578 said:

> > > > > @maddoctor.2738 said:

> > > > > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > > > > > What about my Eternal title from vale, that doesn't count either? still not good? Doesn't translate to skill... - carried? This is beyond absurd at this point, and showcases that anet has a real problem on there hands, this is what every raider faces right here in joining a raid...

> > > > >

> > > > > You will probably be taken in a Spirit Vale pug by having that title, but it proves nothing about your skill in the other Raids.

> > > >

> > > > What a joke.

> > > >

> > > > Reminder that this is the ONLY GAME I've EVER raided in with "training runs" while simultaneously having some of the easiest raids in any MMO ever made.

> > >

> > > This is completely true and you can see the mentality of the people that think that everything is fine lol, it's hopeless.

> > >

> > > Also if u bring any of this up or suggest fixes they assume u must suck at raiding and that's why. If you try to tell them that isn't it you're a liar. Lol

> >

> > If its so easy, then why are you the only person here who seems to be having trouble finding raiding squads? I'm at least in the position to claim it's easy.

> >

> > However you are not, and it sounds laughable.


> The raids are easy, finding a group isn't there's a difference lol


I really don't see it. Because there are tons of groups. Join one, shut your trap, and clear the instance. Easy.


Also you can't take out the 'finding a group' portion from raiding in GW2. Because if you don't find one, you generally don't raid. Trying to separate the two to suit your argument is dishonest.


It's not difficult unless you have no time. But given your responses. I sense the problem is your attitude and socialization skills.

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> @FrostDraco.8306 said:

> > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > > @Behellagh.1468 said:

> > > Fixing the hubris of mankind ... I'm sure they're on it.

> >

> > im glad you've spent most of the post nitpicking the topic title as well as basically proclaiming that I have no skill, rather then coming up with anything useful. I guess raiding is great how it is.


> You were the one that opened that avenue. Don't get mad for being called out.


I also elaborately explained what I meant in my OP and subsequent posts, and instead you focus on nitpicking minute details of the overal concept. Thats pretty much all you guys do, someone makes a point you get the jist of it and understand most of it or all of it, then you micro-analyze one tiny aspect to find a questionable discrepancy, then showcase minor discrepancy to invalidate the entire thread. Sorry thats lame and it doesn't work., and I see it over and over again.


FACT: a huge number of skilled players are not able to connect with good raid groups or any raid groups for that matter, anet should look into it. That's it, no need to micro-analyze for cracks in that statement. It's all good.

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> @FrostDraco.8306 said:

> > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > > @FrostDraco.8306 said:

> > > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > > > > @Shiyo.3578 said:

> > > > > > @maddoctor.2738 said:

> > > > > > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > > > > > > What about my Eternal title from vale, that doesn't count either? still not good? Doesn't translate to skill... - carried? This is beyond absurd at this point, and showcases that anet has a real problem on there hands, this is what every raider faces right here in joining a raid...

> > > > > >

> > > > > > You will probably be taken in a Spirit Vale pug by having that title, but it proves nothing about your skill in the other Raids.

> > > > >

> > > > > What a joke.

> > > > >

> > > > > Reminder that this is the ONLY GAME I've EVER raided in with "training runs" while simultaneously having some of the easiest raids in any MMO ever made.

> > > >

> > > > This is completely true and you can see the mentality of the people that think that everything is fine lol, it's hopeless.

> > > >

> > > > Also if u bring any of this up or suggest fixes they assume u must suck at raiding and that's why. If you try to tell them that isn't it you're a liar. Lol

> > >

> > > If its so easy, then why are you the only person here who seems to be having trouble finding raiding squads? I'm at least in the position to claim it's easy.

> > >

> > > However you are not, and it sounds laughable.

> >

> > The raids are easy, finding a group isn't there's a difference lol


> I really don't see it. Because there are tons of groups. Join one, shut your trap, and clear the instance. Easy.


> Also you can't take out the 'finding a group' portion from raiding in GW2. Because if you don't find one, you generally don't raid. Trying to separate the two to suit your argument is dishonest.


> It's not difficult unless you have no time. But given your responses. I sense the problem is your attitude and socialization skills.


Really so if its attitude and socialization, show me the boss that is weak towards a good attitude or strong desire to socialize with others. Oh thats right those aren't game mechanics thats just nonsense.


and also who are you to tell me to shut my trap lol? go make your own thread.

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> @Shiyo.3578 said:

> Reminder that this is the ONLY GAME I've EVER raided in with "training runs" while simultaneously having some of the easiest raids in any MMO ever made.


Actually, that makes more sense than "common sense" suggests. In a game with raids of epic-difficulty, the vast majority of players wouldn't even consider the possibility of doing them. In a game with the easiest raids "in any MMO ever made" (pretending that's a provable claim), we should expect more people to feel it's worth trying, and therefore more people who likely need help getting started. Hence: training runs are far more likely to be common in a game with easier raids.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> FACT: a huge number of skilled players are not able to connect with good raid groups or any raid groups for that matter, anet should look into it. That's it, no need to micro-analyze for cracks in that statement. It's all good.


That's not a fact; there's not even all that much evidence of players who **cannot** connect with a raid group.


There are people who choose not to take advantage of the existing training groups for all sorts of reasons. There are people who choose not to look for available resources. There are people who try and don't like it (also for all sorts of reasons having nothing specific to do with skill, as well as skill). There are people who don't feel they should need any training and yet keep trying to join groups that are looking for experienced-only runs.


Perhaps by "not able to connect" you're referring to people's ability to get along. And for that, absolutely, there are people who seem absolutely unwilling to communicate, or compromise, or otherwise come into a group as one of 10 members of a team. That's pretty much true of any social groupings since the first hunters and gatherers started hunting and gathering. However, that's not an example of "elitism;" that's an example of some people preferring to do their own thing.


And that's not a problem that ANet could solve even if they wanted to (and there's not much reason for them to want to try).


GW2 raids are easy enough that anyone who wants to can manage them _eventually_. For some, "eventually" is their first time; for others, it's only after hours and hours and hours. That's not a problem with the game; that's an implied effect of challenging content — if everyone could handle it easily, it wouldn't be challenging to anyone.



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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > FACT: a huge number of skilled players are not able to connect with good raid groups or any raid groups for that matter, anet should look into it. That's it, no need to micro-analyze for cracks in that statement. It's all good.


> That's not a fact; there's not even all that much evidence of players who **cannot** connect with a raid group.


> There are people who choose not to take advantage of the existing training groups for all sorts of reasons. There are people who choose not to look for available resources. There are people who try and don't like it (also for all sorts of reasons having nothing specific to do with skill, as well as skill). There are people who don't feel they should need any training and yet keep trying to join groups that are looking for experienced-only runs.


> Perhaps by "not able to connect" you're referring to people's ability to get along. And for that, absolutely, there are people who seem absolutely unwilling to communicate, or compromise, or otherwise come into a group as one of 10 members of a team. That's pretty much true of any social groupings since the first hunters and gatherers started hunting and gathering. However, that's not an example of "elitism;" that's an example of some people preferring to do their own thing.


> And that's not a problem that ANet could solve even if they wanted to (and there's not much reason for them to want to try).


> GW2 raids are easy enough that anyone who wants to can manage them _eventually_. For some, "eventually" is their first time; for others, it's only after hours and hours and hours. That's not a problem with the game; that's an implied effect of challenging content — if everyone could handle it easily, it wouldn't be challenging to anyone.




OH ok well im one of the ones who cannot connect (so you found one), with decent raid groups. Ive also talked to a ton of other people in the same boat as me and they quit trying to raid or don't bother or raid in other games because of it. The raids are easy for me personally, the raids are very easy compared to other mmo's raids. Trying to get into a group of raiders that can actually clear any of the content is very hard compared to other mmo's. If you think none of this is a problem then ok... great.


no im not talking about getting along with others. Im talking about i look for a group and they say do you have exp, and I say yah ive seen the videos, i've cleared vale, I have a handful of LI's and they say oh Nope can't join (and thats the end of it over and over and over again). Join a training raid lol. Not going to happen they always fail or they don't even try. When they setup the group and start out by saying "ok guys were not going for a kill here."


LOL sorry this is just so ridiculous as i write this down and look at it all laid out. Its demeaning and insulting for skilled players, as well as for new players - Training raids are a band-aide that the community has come up with for some strange reason that nobody can figure out (most likely because there are no alternatives or optional features for raids, like auto joining or variable difficulty), as it exists in most other mmos, and if anet doesn't do something to alleviate players psychological aversion to taking unknown players, then I won't bother, and I hope that they stop developing new raid content, because not addressing this problem makes it unplayable for many and they might as well invest that time into other areas of the game.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> I also elaborately explained what I meant in my OP and subsequent posts, and instead you focus on nitpicking minute details of the overal concept. Thats pretty much all you guys do, someone makes a point you get the jist of it and understand most of it or all of it, then you micro-analyze one tiny aspect to find a questionable discrepancy, then showcase minor discrepancy to invalidate the entire thread. Sorry thats lame and it doesn't work., and I see it over and over again.


> FACT: a huge number of skilled players are not able to connect with good raid groups or any raid groups for that matter, anet should look into it. That's it, no need to micro-analyze for cracks in that statement. It's all good.


You can explain until you are blue in the face. It doesn't make you any less wrong, or more right. You keep saying micro-analyze. That's not even a word. It's a red herring you created to avoid the fact that your logic is inconsistent, your statements are grandiose, and downright full of entitlement. If i find something questionable, I'm going to point it out. And you ideally should care about that, because YOU are the one that said it.


Anyone that says the word 'lame' in response to a statement shows how anti-intellectual they are. I don't care how 'lame' you feel something is. You came to US, we didn't come to you.


> FACT: a huge number of skilled players are not able to connect with good raid groups or any raid groups for that matter, anet should look into it. That's it, no need to micro-analyze for cracks in that statement. It's all good.


This isn't a fact. You haven't proven this, or cited a source. And there are no studies im aware of that even touch this information. CITATION NEEDED or gtfo. Conjecture is useless.


> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> OH ok well im one of the ones who cannot connect (so you found one), with decent raid groups. Ive also talked to a ton of other people in the same boat as me and they quit trying to raid or don't bother or raid in other games because of it. The raids are easy for me personally, the raids are very easy compared to other mmo's raids. Trying to get into a group of raiders that can actually clear any of the content is very hard compared to other mmo's. If you think none of this is a problem then ok... great.


It's not a problem for me, or anyone else who gets runs done. It's a problem, your problem, the said person that can't connect with others. It's YOUR problem, so YOU fix it.


I question anyone that sates something is easy but cant even find a pug to take them, of which half they time they arent even required to talk. Silent runs exist for a reason. And that still doesn't explain why you can't do your own run, with minimal socializing required. Why haven't you formed a group with those 'people'? Dubious statement at best.


I have mental disorders, and BPD, yet im still able to get my ass in a group every week to clear every wing, with literally no social issues. Why? Because i know what im doing, and i put in effort even when it's 'easy' because I'm not a chump. I would never let such a small issue stop me from raiding, and neither should anyone else. Make all the excuses you like, it won't get you into raids. And a new system wouldn't change much, as you'd probably get kicked anyway given your demeanor.


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