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New to WvW, not sure what to play


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So i got plenty of 80s right now, maining Ele and liking it so far, but debating on getting into WvW, so my question is, whats one of the better classes to get into? Looking for ideally a frontline bruiser like role (Scrapper Engineer any good? or maybe a skirmisher like a DD thief with +vitality and/or soldiers stats, any tips?

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Frontline bruisers are guardian and warrior (firebrand and spellbreaker), u can also use scrapper, but it dont have support part like first two :D , u can build revenant also as bruiser.... but u can make him also powerfull range with hammer..... thief is good out of zerg... for roaming... or near zerg picking glass builds (like ele).. building him tanky... u sacrifice too much to survive...

Ele is backline dps.... strong aoe but its for experienced players.... u need to move good or u die in enemy bombs.... more u build him as dps... bigger chances u die ... risky but rewarding gameplay.

Good is also scourge (necro spec) .... its mixed aoe range class with frontline bruiser.... easy to play and effective.


WvW is lot more versatile than pve. (in pve u have meta builds what u need to use) . In WvW u can take meta, or take something from it and upgrade it for your purposes, or just made your own build and still be effective and have fun....

I play all characters in WvW ... different builds... it depends on my mood what i pick :)

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