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Newbie Raid Assistance Guild [RAID] is Recruiting

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Or, it should be recruiting at least. I've seen several threads today about "some players are too elitist" or "there is no incentive for pro players to help new raiders" and "oh, let me clutch my pearls because the Meta is too strong."


Rather than have ArenaNet create in-game incentives, force the elimination of "elitism" from the community, or create end-game raid content that is easier... here is my proposition to the community.


Someone who feels disenfranchised by the raiding scene should find nine equally-minded individuals to create a guild. Together, without any regard to the meta or raid composition, start clearing content and have fun trying it. When your core team is strong recruit one or two more people who want to get into raiding but don't know the way. The idea is YOU [insert Upset Player That Isn't Elite] can be the changing force in the community to destroy elitism. YOU [insert Upset Player That Isn't Elite] can be the one to start the raid group that doesn't care about composition or meta. YOU [insert Upset Player That Isn't Elite] can be the one that assists other people.


The incentive to do this would be the fact that you're helping someone... changing the community... being that guild so the forum can say, "Yea, there is a guild for people like you."


Now, the hard part is how does the leader of the guild determine who the core group of people will be to form the guild? How do they determine who will play which classes and builds? How will the more mature [RAID] guild elders decide who the new recruits will be? Those decisions may have the smell of 'elitism' but don't pay attention to that -- decisions would need to be made on some quantifiable metric.


So, guys. Just make something like this happen. Stop complaining about how ArenaNet needs to solve this "problem." You have a Guild List with multiple slots for a reason so be the change you seek and fix things yourselves.



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> @Loosmaster.8263 said:

> It's easier to complain and get people triggered than put effort into it...

I get that -- I'd like to get things easier with less effort... but I'm lazy. That's why I just roll with whatever other people say if I want to play with other people. But there are so many people on this forum who seem so passionate about wanting to play with others in a raid environment but can't for _reasons_ -- they really should band together and make a guild.


Come on guys. I already made the recruitment thread for you. Run with it!

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> @blambidy.3216 said:

> I would love to join a guild that did raids and would help me play. But each time it’s like the guild I join to do raids. The leader is gone. Or they never do them. Or ever invited. It would just be nice to finish one.

Then why don't YOU make the guild and recruit people with the same level of commitment?


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> @Chickenooble.5014 said:

> Or, it should be recruiting at least. I've seen several threads today about "some players are too elitist" or "there is no incentive for pro players to help new raiders" and "oh, let me clutch my pearls because the Meta is too strong."


> Rather than have ArenaNet create in-game incentives, force the elimination of "elitism" from the community, or create end-game raid content that is easier... here is my proposition to the community.


> Someone who feels disenfranchised by the raiding scene should find nine equally-minded individuals to create a guild. Together, without any regard to the meta or raid composition, start clearing content and have fun trying it. When your core team is strong recruit one or two more people who want to get into raiding but don't know the way. The idea is YOU [insert Upset Player That Isn't Elite] can be the changing force in the community to destroy elitism. YOU [insert Upset Player That Isn't Elite] can be the one to start the raid group that doesn't care about composition or meta. YOU [insert Upset Player That Isn't Elite] can be the one that assists other people.


> The incentive to do this would be the fact that you're helping someone... changing the community... being that guild so the forum can say, "Yea, there is a guild for people like you."


> Now, the hard part is how does the leader of the guild determine who the core group of people will be to form the guild? How do they determine who will play which classes and builds? How will the more mature [RAID] guild elders decide who the new recruits will be? Those decisions may have the smell of 'elitism' but don't pay attention to that -- decisions would need to be made on some quantifiable metric.


> So, guys. Just make something like this happen. Stop complaining about how ArenaNet needs to solve this "problem." You have a Guild List with multiple slots for a reason so be the change you seek and fix things yourselves.




this is just a band aide that you came up with. Anet needs to implement hard coded mechanics which facilitate grouping, instead of the community coming up with a "movement" to get together to alleviate the problem. Either way it's a nice idea though.

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As soon as i have my new Pc I (end of decembre) will create this Guild. If this is too long, somebody can do it for me.


Every Guild needs Rules, and i think following would make sense.


1. U dont need a Meta Build, but u'd need a build that makes Sense.

->Dont go full condition damage if u dont have conditions to apply


2. Teamspeak

->I'd want communication in my Guild


3. Giving Tips is okay, but let the Player play it's build.


4. We need to KILL the boss as GROUP. Full Toughness/Vita/Healing Power, while only healing URSELF has another place then a raid.


This means ; U dont need to deal 40k dps as weaver. U dont need 100% Boon Time on Chrono etc.



General Infos ;


There'd be several fixed dates every week in which our Guild would plan to raid.


To this times We will set Groups based on the Builds and professions or our Playerbase, so every Group almost has same damage output and survivability. We don't want one Group to have only Damage, without buffs or Healers, while the other Group has only Healers etc.


If u wanna join a Group for the following week u can join the registre until sunday morning. Groups will be set until Sunday evening and u are asked to stay with what u offered. If u failed to join the registre u can always ask for runs outside of the usual ones, or replace Group members,which are absent due to any reason. If u're part of a group after registering and u're absent at the raid time, please inform your Group and the Leader, so replacements can be made.




Just a first Look at.

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> @Chickenooble.5014 said:

> > @blambidy.3216 said:

> > I would love to join a guild that did raids and would help me play. But each time it’s like the guild I join to do raids. The leader is gone. Or they never do them. Or ever invited. It would just be nice to finish one.

> Then why don't YOU make the guild and recruit people with the same level of commitment?



Not everyone is leader. Most people are followers. If you are so much into raiding and organisation you should know this already.

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> @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > @Chickenooble.5014 said:

> > > @blambidy.3216 said:

> > > I would love to join a guild that did raids and would help me play. But each time it’s like the guild I join to do raids. The leader is gone. Or they never do them. Or ever invited. It would just be nice to finish one.

> > Then why don't YOU make the guild and recruit people with the same level of commitment?

> >


> Not everyone is leader. Most people are followers. If you are so much into raiding and organisation you should know this already.

Not every follower is incapable of leading.


Maybe they are afraid of failing or never had the opportunity to lead. Maybe they were told too often, "you're a follower" and "you can't lead" when the chance to step up was available. Sometimes people need to be inspired to action rather then beat down from trying.

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> @Chickenooble.5014 said:

> > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > @Chickenooble.5014 said:

> > > > @blambidy.3216 said:

> > > > I would love to join a guild that did raids and would help me play. But each time it’s like the guild I join to do raids. The leader is gone. Or they never do them. Or ever invited. It would just be nice to finish one.

> > > Then why don't YOU make the guild and recruit people with the same level of commitment?

> > >

> >

> > Not everyone is leader. Most people are followers. If you are so much into raiding and organisation you should know this already.

> Not every follower is incapable of leading.


> Maybe they are afraid of failing or never had the opportunity to lead. Maybe they were told too often, "you're a follower" and "you can't lead" when the chance to step up was available. Sometimes people need to be inspired to action rather then beat down from trying.


Or many people don't feel like becoming the leader and no amount of copy pasted speeches from motivation trainer youtube guide will change it.

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> @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > @Chickenooble.5014 said:

> > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > > @Chickenooble.5014 said:

> > > > > @blambidy.3216 said:

> > > > > I would love to join a guild that did raids and would help me play. But each time it’s like the guild I join to do raids. The leader is gone. Or they never do them. Or ever invited. It would just be nice to finish one.

> > > > Then why don't YOU make the guild and recruit people with the same level of commitment?

> > > >

> > >

> > > Not everyone is leader. Most people are followers. If you are so much into raiding and organisation you should know this already.

> > Not every follower is incapable of leading.

> >

> > Maybe they are afraid of failing or never had the opportunity to lead. Maybe they were told too often, "you're a follower" and "you can't lead" when the chance to step up was available. Sometimes people need to be inspired to action rather then beat down from trying.


> Or many people don't feel like becoming the leader and no amount of copy pasted speeches from motivation trainer youtube guide will change it.

Whatever man. It doesn't take a bunch of people to step up -- just a few -- to get a guild going with the purpose of trying to advance through raid content. If it's not the guild/idea for you then move along.

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> @Chickenooble.5014 said:

> > @blambidy.3216 said:

> > I would love to join a guild that did raids and would help me play. But each time it’s like the guild I join to do raids. The leader is gone. Or they never do them. Or ever invited. It would just be nice to finish one.

> Then why don't YOU make the guild and recruit people with the same level of commitment?



I would but I would have to take time to know the raids XD. Since I did only couple and the leader of the raid never got us to win one. But I could. I would just have to figure out some rules though.

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> @blambidy.3216 said:

> > @Chickenooble.5014 said:

> > > @blambidy.3216 said:

> > > I would love to join a guild that did raids and would help me play. But each time it’s like the guild I join to do raids. The leader is gone. Or they never do them. Or ever invited. It would just be nice to finish one.

> > Then why don't YOU make the guild and recruit people with the same level of commitment?

> >


> I would but I would have to take time to know the raids XD. Since I did only couple and the leader of the raid never got us to win one. But I could. I would just have to figure out some rules though.

People, at some point, had to learn the raids without the infinite resources available on the internet. No Dulfy, Youtube, GW2 forums, Twitch streams. Nothing. But they did it. The leg up you have is you can review that content, familiarize yourself with it, then lead your guild based on the strategies you've learned. Will you guys fail? Sure, of course you will. But you'll also get it if you guys stick together and keep trying. :)

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> @Chickenooble.5014 said:

> > @blambidy.3216 said:

> > > @Chickenooble.5014 said:

> > > > @blambidy.3216 said:

> > > > I would love to join a guild that did raids and would help me play. But each time it’s like the guild I join to do raids. The leader is gone. Or they never do them. Or ever invited. It would just be nice to finish one.

> > > Then why don't YOU make the guild and recruit people with the same level of commitment?

> > >

> >

> > I would but I would have to take time to know the raids XD. Since I did only couple and the leader of the raid never got us to win one. But I could. I would just have to figure out some rules though.

> People, at some point, had to learn the raids without the infinite resources available on the internet. No Dulfy, Youtube, GW2 forums, Twitch streams. Nothing. But they did it. The leg up you have is you can review that content, familiarize yourself with it, then lead your guild based on the strategies you've learned. Will you guys fail? Sure, of course you will. But you'll also get it if you guys stick together and keep trying. :)


But the guild leader of a guild designed to help new players learn raids, should at least have some experience. So that he or she knows they're getting the best assistance possible if someone says they're willing to teach. OR at least know someone who is willing to come on board to help vet those type of members.

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> @Seera.5916 said:

> > @Chickenooble.5014 said:

> > > @blambidy.3216 said:

> > > > @Chickenooble.5014 said:

> > > > > @blambidy.3216 said:

> > > > > I would love to join a guild that did raids and would help me play. But each time it’s like the guild I join to do raids. The leader is gone. Or they never do them. Or ever invited. It would just be nice to finish one.

> > > > Then why don't YOU make the guild and recruit people with the same level of commitment?

> > > >

> > >

> > > I would but I would have to take time to know the raids XD. Since I did only couple and the leader of the raid never got us to win one. But I could. I would just have to figure out some rules though.

> > People, at some point, had to learn the raids without the infinite resources available on the internet. No Dulfy, Youtube, GW2 forums, Twitch streams. Nothing. But they did it. The leg up you have is you can review that content, familiarize yourself with it, then lead your guild based on the strategies you've learned. Will you guys fail? Sure, of course you will. But you'll also get it if you guys stick together and keep trying. :)


> But the guild leader of a guild designed to help new players learn raids, should at least have some experience. So that he or she knows they're getting the best assistance possible if someone says they're willing to teach. OR at least know someone who is willing to come on board to help vet those type of members.


The thread was born out of frustration that a number of people expected to be carried in raids despite not wanting to play according to the needs of the raid. I proposed the idea that those people make their own game, go through their own struggle and see why the bigger raiding guilds have standards and expectations. They could make a guild and progress through the content with their own rules and expectations without the help of anyone else (the internet as a guide). Then, if they felt inclined, to bring in a few more disenfranchised players to help them with the raid.


Like I said before -- someone had to lead the first raids and they certainly didn't have experience or knowledge of strategy.

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> @Chickenooble.5014 said:

> > @Seera.5916 said:

> > > @Chickenooble.5014 said:

> > > > @blambidy.3216 said:

> > > > > @Chickenooble.5014 said:

> > > > > > @blambidy.3216 said:

> > > > > > I would love to join a guild that did raids and would help me play. But each time it’s like the guild I join to do raids. The leader is gone. Or they never do them. Or ever invited. It would just be nice to finish one.

> > > > > Then why don't YOU make the guild and recruit people with the same level of commitment?

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > I would but I would have to take time to know the raids XD. Since I did only couple and the leader of the raid never got us to win one. But I could. I would just have to figure out some rules though.

> > > People, at some point, had to learn the raids without the infinite resources available on the internet. No Dulfy, Youtube, GW2 forums, Twitch streams. Nothing. But they did it. The leg up you have is you can review that content, familiarize yourself with it, then lead your guild based on the strategies you've learned. Will you guys fail? Sure, of course you will. But you'll also get it if you guys stick together and keep trying. :)

> >

> > But the guild leader of a guild designed to help new players learn raids, should at least have some experience. So that he or she knows they're getting the best assistance possible if someone says they're willing to teach. OR at least know someone who is willing to come on board to help vet those type of members.


> The thread was born out of frustration that a number of people expected to be carried in raids despite not wanting to play according to the needs of the raid. I proposed the idea that those people make their own game, go through their own struggle and see why the bigger raiding guilds have standards and expectations. They could make a guild and progress through the content with their own rules and expectations without the help of anyone else (the internet as a guide). Then, if they felt inclined, to bring in a few more disenfranchised players to help them with the raid.


> Like I said before -- someone had to lead the first raids and they certainly didn't have experience or knowledge of strategy.


But I'm sure the more successful leaders were the ones with the most experience in fractals or dungeons or leading in WvW.


And I'm not saying for every member. But I'm sure such a guild you're proposing wouldn't say no to someone who wanted to say teach the meta or teach the raid. And by teach the meta, I mean explain why 1 class over another and why this build and not that build. So that members know the why behind the meta so that they can tweak their builds should they choose to do so.


Because the guild will also be used by players who just want to learn the raid enough to get into the groups asking for experience. Wouldn't it be nice if they came out learning the right experience and not have to make a new build and relearn the raid?


And I'm not saying the guild leader has to have a ton of experience and knowledge. Just enough to know if someone is faking it to get a leadership position in the guild.


Why can't there be a guild designed to better raid players and not just to teach players that they can't always play how they want?

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> @Seera.5916 said:

> > @Chickenooble.5014 said:

> > > @Seera.5916 said:

> > > > @Chickenooble.5014 said:

> > > > > @blambidy.3216 said:

> > > > > > @Chickenooble.5014 said:

> > > > > > > @blambidy.3216 said:

> > > > > > > I would love to join a guild that did raids and would help me play. But each time it’s like the guild I join to do raids. The leader is gone. Or they never do them. Or ever invited. It would just be nice to finish one.

> > > > > > Then why don't YOU make the guild and recruit people with the same level of commitment?

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > I would but I would have to take time to know the raids XD. Since I did only couple and the leader of the raid never got us to win one. But I could. I would just have to figure out some rules though.

> > > > People, at some point, had to learn the raids without the infinite resources available on the internet. No Dulfy, Youtube, GW2 forums, Twitch streams. Nothing. But they did it. The leg up you have is you can review that content, familiarize yourself with it, then lead your guild based on the strategies you've learned. Will you guys fail? Sure, of course you will. But you'll also get it if you guys stick together and keep trying. :)

> > >

> > > But the guild leader of a guild designed to help new players learn raids, should at least have some experience. So that he or she knows they're getting the best assistance possible if someone says they're willing to teach. OR at least know someone who is willing to come on board to help vet those type of members.

> >

> > The thread was born out of frustration that a number of people expected to be carried in raids despite not wanting to play according to the needs of the raid. I proposed the idea that those people make their own game, go through their own struggle and see why the bigger raiding guilds have standards and expectations. They could make a guild and progress through the content with their own rules and expectations without the help of anyone else (the internet as a guide). Then, if they felt inclined, to bring in a few more disenfranchised players to help them with the raid.

> >

> > Like I said before -- someone had to lead the first raids and they certainly didn't have experience or knowledge of strategy.


> But I'm sure the more successful leaders were the ones with the most experience in fractals or dungeons or leading in WvW.


> And I'm not saying for every member. But I'm sure such a guild you're proposing wouldn't say no to someone who wanted to say teach the meta or teach the raid. And by teach the meta, I mean explain why 1 class over another and why this build and not that build. So that members know the why behind the meta so that they can tweak their builds should they choose to do so.


> Because the guild will also be used by players who just want to learn the raid enough to get into the groups asking for experience. Wouldn't it be nice if they came out learning the right experience and not have to make a new build and relearn the raid?


> And I'm not saying the guild leader has to have a ton of experience and knowledge. Just enough to know if someone is faking it to get a leadership position in the guild.


> Why can't there be a guild designed to better raid players and not just to teach players that they can't always play how they want?


I understand your point, not everyone is a leader. However the argument is always "90% of the playerbase wants to raid but the elitists won't let us, so nerf raiding/make an easy mode/create a new forced grouping mechanism" now in that 90% there has to be a few competant people who are able to read/watch a guide and make a guild for anti-elitists.


Everyone who raided in the first few days of each release (I am in this group) went in blind and had to muddle through, hell my first VG kill was without a quickness chrono xD There is so much resource available to anyone with an interest these days; guides, builds, dps benchmarks, rotations, equipment suggestions. GW2 raiding doesn't have attunements, you can literally walk into the raid on a fresh character - you don't even need to leave Lion's Arch.


If you want to raid you can and it doesn't help that people are constantly begging for damage to be done to the raids (be it damaging their integrity or costing development time). If there are so many of you and you have the strength of feeling to create topics on forums and keep them going for 9 pages then you have the dedication required to watch a guide and make a group. Only you can save you.

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> @Coulter.2315 said:

> > @Seera.5916 said:

> > > @Chickenooble.5014 said:

> > > > @Seera.5916 said:

> > > > > @Chickenooble.5014 said:

> > > > > > @blambidy.3216 said:

> > > > > > > @Chickenooble.5014 said:

> > > > > > > > @blambidy.3216 said:

> > > > > > > > I would love to join a guild that did raids and would help me play. But each time it’s like the guild I join to do raids. The leader is gone. Or they never do them. Or ever invited. It would just be nice to finish one.

> > > > > > > Then why don't YOU make the guild and recruit people with the same level of commitment?

> > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I would but I would have to take time to know the raids XD. Since I did only couple and the leader of the raid never got us to win one. But I could. I would just have to figure out some rules though.

> > > > > People, at some point, had to learn the raids without the infinite resources available on the internet. No Dulfy, Youtube, GW2 forums, Twitch streams. Nothing. But they did it. The leg up you have is you can review that content, familiarize yourself with it, then lead your guild based on the strategies you've learned. Will you guys fail? Sure, of course you will. But you'll also get it if you guys stick together and keep trying. :)

> > > >

> > > > But the guild leader of a guild designed to help new players learn raids, should at least have some experience. So that he or she knows they're getting the best assistance possible if someone says they're willing to teach. OR at least know someone who is willing to come on board to help vet those type of members.

> > >

> > > The thread was born out of frustration that a number of people expected to be carried in raids despite not wanting to play according to the needs of the raid. I proposed the idea that those people make their own game, go through their own struggle and see why the bigger raiding guilds have standards and expectations. They could make a guild and progress through the content with their own rules and expectations without the help of anyone else (the internet as a guide). Then, if they felt inclined, to bring in a few more disenfranchised players to help them with the raid.

> > >

> > > Like I said before -- someone had to lead the first raids and they certainly didn't have experience or knowledge of strategy.

> >

> > But I'm sure the more successful leaders were the ones with the most experience in fractals or dungeons or leading in WvW.

> >

> > And I'm not saying for every member. But I'm sure such a guild you're proposing wouldn't say no to someone who wanted to say teach the meta or teach the raid. And by teach the meta, I mean explain why 1 class over another and why this build and not that build. So that members know the why behind the meta so that they can tweak their builds should they choose to do so.

> >

> > Because the guild will also be used by players who just want to learn the raid enough to get into the groups asking for experience. Wouldn't it be nice if they came out learning the right experience and not have to make a new build and relearn the raid?

> >

> > And I'm not saying the guild leader has to have a ton of experience and knowledge. Just enough to know if someone is faking it to get a leadership position in the guild.

> >

> > Why can't there be a guild designed to better raid players and not just to teach players that they can't always play how they want?


> I understand your point, not everyone is a leader. However the argument is always "90% of the playerbase wants to raid but the elitists won't let us, so nerf raiding/make an easy mode/create a new forced grouping mechanism" now in that 90% there has to be a few competant people who are able to read/watch a guide and make a guild for anti-elitists.


> Everyone who raided in the first few days of each release (I am in this group) went in blind and had to muddle through, hell my first VG kill was without a quickness chrono xD There is so much resource available to anyone with an interest these days; guides, builds, dps benchmarks, rotations, equipment suggestions. GW2 raiding doesn't have attunements, you can literally walk into the raid on a fresh character - you don't even need to leave Lion's Arch.


> If you want to raid you can and it doesn't help that people are constantly begging for damage to be done to the raids (be it damaging their integrity or costing development time). If there are so many of you and you have the strength of feeling to create topics on forums and keep them going for 9 pages then you have the dedication required to watch a guide and make a group. Only you can save you.


Definitely. If they really wanted to raid, they'd find a way to get the experience needed to be a raid guild leader. Even if it is just watching videos on YouTube and guide reading.

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I don't like the way raids are currently implemented because there is only one difficulty and wish there were multiple difficulties but the OP does make a good point.


What makes it difficult for me to do what OP suggested is that I can't play on a regular schedule due to real life. So its harder to arrange to get into a training group. I have completed escort and VG thanks to groups who were willing to take me into their group. These were PuGs and I was running an ele.


When you keep playing with different players all the time the chance of failing is much higher, you might train the early stages of the raid more and the latter parts less etc.


Plus I play in off peak hours which makes it harder as well.


I agree OP organising your own group is a solution, I also think raid content is fun, I just wish it could be accessible to less skilled/more time constrained players like myself through multiple difficulties.


The rewards might be 3/10 of a legendary insight per run on lower difficulties so the optimal farm is still on harder runs.





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There already is a starting guild for people with zero LI

Raid Training Initiative. RTI has been around for a while now. And people are still going around complaining raids don't have a starting point.

But that's all finished now.

Apply on rti.enjin.com and become a raider. Until the guild roster is full you don't have an excuse to create more anti raiding topics :) good luck

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It is unfortunate but Raiding is dying off quickly because Anet made it the way they did and no helping guilds will change that. The only way to fix it is to fix the core raiding issues. The way it is now, raiding is closing in on Dungeons on their low point. Metas must die and mechanics have to take into account most, if not all, play styles and gear bases for Raids to live on.

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