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[NA][PvX} We don't have a guild....we have a family

Magical Things.8465

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The Flames of the Mist is newly formed guild who is a social PvX guild and focuses is on quality over quantity. We don’t want to be that mega guild that turns into an LFG. We want to help each other and develop friendships to better enhance the guild experience.


One of our main focuses is helping players reach their goals. That may include build, gear, story mode completion, dungeons and fractals. We have fun when you’re having fun. So we are definitely new player/returning player friendly. We are true PvX meaning we participate in all game aspects – PvE, sPvP & WvW. Our home server is Ferguson’s Crossing but you only need to worry about that if you’re interested in WvW activities. We welcome anyone from any server.

We utilize Discord for voice and general chat and a website which is our central repository of information like guides, guild news and theroycrafting.

We are not and do not promote elitism. Your free to run what build works for you. In the case of WvW or higher tier fractals, we may give you some pointers but we will never require a specific build. We aren’t going for speed clear records or anything that requires strict adherence to a meta build. We do encourage that you optimize you’re build and we have plenty of people who can help.

All in all we are a fun, friendly guild rebuilding and looking for great members to do so. Keep in mind we are rebuilding so we do not have a fully upgraded guild hall or anything. We do ask for 50% rep to encourage building friendships and helping each other. In addition we ask that you check our forum site once a week so your kept up on news and events.


If you have any questions or want an invite, contact one of the following:


Magical Things.8465





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> @Gray.4852 said:

> Hi, are you recruiting? I just returned to the game recently and have no affiliations, or idea what I'm doing. I'm mostly PvE but like to dabble in all aspects, and am RP friendly, but currently not actively rping anymore. Is there a place for someone like me?


There is definitely a place for you in MIST! We have members who dabble, and members who are returning, and I think it would be awesome to get some RP started in the guild if you decided to do that. I've sent you an invite!

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