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[NA][PvX} We don't have a guild....we have a family

Magical Things.8465

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> @Distrikt.8075 said:

> Recently returned to the game. Looking for a good guild, This sounds like it might be the place for me. Please send an invite if you are still recruiting. B)


> @"ricky markham.1689" said:

> im still looking for a guild id like to try yall out so please send an invite if yall are still recruiting


> @JoshSoCal.2609 said:

> I messaged one of the people listed in the post but no one got back to me. I'd love to join the Guild, I'm fairly new and could use the help!


> @Raven.1792 said:

> I'm interested if your still recruiting


> @ShiroAero.8096 said:

> Yis this family sounds amazing can i be a part of it?


I've been away for a couple days, but I'm back now and ready with invites for you all! Let me know if you didn't get one. And welcome to our guild family! =)

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> @Jevati.4328 said:

> > @Distrikt.8075 said:

> > Recently returned to the game. Looking for a good guild, This sounds like it might be the place for me. Please send an invite if you are still recruiting. B)


> > @"ricky markham.1689" said:

> > im still looking for a guild id like to try yall out so please send an invite if yall are still recruiting


> > @JoshSoCal.2609 said:

> > I messaged one of the people listed in the post but no one got back to me. I'd love to join the Guild, I'm fairly new and could use the help!


> > @Raven.1792 said:

> > I'm interested if your still recruiting


> > @ShiroAero.8096 said:

> > Yis this family sounds amazing can i be a part of it?


> I've been away for a couple days, but I'm back now and ready with invites for you all! Let me know if you didn't get one. And welcome to our guild family! =)


Sorry I wasn't better about following up on the forums. Please let me know if you have not received your invite.

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> @Gorhaax.4021 said:

> This sounds like an interesting guild. I mostly PvE, haven't PvP or WvW in a while. The last 2 guild that ive been part of have kind of died. Can i get an invite?


For sure! I just invited you!


> @PurpleDrank.3521 said:

> Just accepted, thanks for the invite!


You're welcome! I'm looking forward to grouping with you! =)

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> @Jevati.4328 said:

> > @oaneo.2096 said:

> > If you're still inviting, I'd like to join. I'd definitely fall under the category of newbie. 8-)


> > @Harta.4367 said:

> > Looking to join a guild. Complete Newbie.


> Yes, for sure! I invited you both to the guild. =)



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