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New Elite Idea: Singer of Shadows (offhand)


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Hello all, during last days here are many topics about new or future specialization requested.

So here is mine.


What today Thief lack so much? META, group support and utilization with other builds/ characters etc.

So lets make Thief great again ! and give him some team-focus and utilization with teams and builds.


**Weapon:** Focus

**Role:** Group focus, off-support, utilization


**New** "steal". Steal becomes Helping hand ( I will help ! ) (No shadow-step, same concept of steal like Deadeye have). Helping hand have 20 second basic CD, can be lowed by Sight hand and Trickster tree.

_You can now use Steal on your group members. "Stolen" skills from your team members have now support role in group. Stolen skills are 10 seconds long.

E.g. if you "steal" from Guardian, you gain new buff spell which share within group, stability, group heal and your team members gain Fire damage for 10sec, which burn your enemies for xyz damage (Depends on bard condition damage)

If you steal from Necromancer, you gain ground-targetable skill. Enemies which stand in that that place are drained from HP but your teammates gain Heal per hit on monster standing in area.

Stealing from Warrior give your group members 15 stacks of might, fury - after expiration of buff, your members gain burst of berseker feel, and gain 25 stacks of might for 10 seconds.

etc etc.. every character have different new buff for thief.


Now to skill set:


**Dagger + Focus**

Thief gain 3 new abilities,

3rd ability become **Shadow music** Thief shadow-step to selected area, monster in area are damaged by single Dagger whirl (450 range), Whirl is finished by Focus "metal" music and Thief and players in shadowstep area are Healed, heal is based by Thief healing power.

Range 1200


4th ability - This ability can be used as on monster or team members.

**Focus Throw** Same as dagger throw with D+D build, but now focus can be throw away on your team members, team members are healed (this is once again based on thief healing power) + each team member gain buff, this buff is different by character which focus hit, e.g. Guardian gain stability, Ranger fury, Elementalist gain increased elemental damge.

Range 900


5th ability

**Taste of music** - non targetable spell cast skills, monster in area around Thief are dazed / stuned, team member in area gain quickness. Spell range is 600.

This spell have 3 stages. Each stage have approximately 1 second casting speed. This spell cannot be used on move.

1 stage - Monster are dazed for 1 second, Team members gain quickness for 3 sec

2 stage - Monster are stunned for 1 second, Team members gain quickness for 2 sec

3 stage (This stage cannot be canceled, only interrupted by enemies by stun or daze) - You finish your spell with huge wave of music - Monsters are knock back /range 150m/, but your team members are stunned for 2 sec but after when stun ends they gain burst of Quickness for 10 sec and 15stacks of Might.


**Sword + Focus**

Gain 3rd new ability / do not know name now/

Single target skills - you throw sword on your enemy, this skill can be recast in 5 seconds to shadow step to the enemy and hit him with your focus, which leads into wave of music and players around thief 250 range are drained from conditions and conditions are transferred to the enemy which was hit by your focus.


**Pistol + Focus**

Gain 3rd new ability

**Shot in the dark** Shot enemy with your pistol, you mark your enemy for re-cast. Re-cast leads into throw your focus and stole boons from your enemy. Those boons are transferred to players around you. Range of shoot: 900, range of buff area: 250


Gain 5th new ability

**Covered by shadow** You shoot with your pistol and create smoke field, after shot you hit with your focus into field and cover thief and players within smoke field. Stealth duration: 5 seconds. Players which are stealth are healed by thief healing power.




Only 2 new Utilities. + 1 new signet + 1 new Elite


**Healing signet**

Passive: Increase healing power of thief by 400 ??

Active: Heal thief and players around thief for 1500 HP (5 second duration)

Nr. of targets (not including thief): 5

CD: 45 sec

Radius: 300



**Feeling for music**

Use this skill to increase your healing power by 1000 for 10 sec.

Players around you gain 5 random boons

Nr. of targets: 5

CD: 120 sec

Radius 600


_2 new utilities: _

**Wall of Music**

Creating wall around thief and team members.

This wall block all incoming attacks.

Duration: 3 sec

CD 60 sec

Radius 250


**Feel power of music**

Ground targetable skills.

Players in area gain stack of might each second.

Duration 10 sec

When field expire players loose all stacks of might and gain fury + quickness for 4 sec.

Nr. of targets: 5

CD 60 sec

Range of casting 600

Field range: 350






Minor Proficiency : You can now wield focus in off-hand


Minor Adept: Boons on your team members last longer, increase all your boon duration by 1 sec.

Major Adept: Team members affected by your boons take less damge -5% damage taken

Major Adept: When you and your team members have thief quickness they damage is increased by 5%

Major Adept: **Wall of music** players in area are healed by 450 HP per second.


Minor Master: Your healing power is increased by your % of power, 10% of power is transferred to healing power

Major Master: Focus mastery, while wearing focus some of your skills last longer. Wall of Music, Feel of power music, duration of those skills in increased by 1 sec.

Major Master: When you use healing skill, you remove 1 condition from you and team member

Major Master: Music over power. Healing skills have 1 additional tick


Minor Grandmaster: Damage of your team members are increased by 7% if they have full HP pool.

Major Grandmaster: Taste of Music: First 2 stages are removed, but stun on your team members is increased by 1,5 sec.

Major Grandmaster: Covered by shadow: Healing is removed, instead of this, team members lose conditions per 1 second of duration of stealth.

Major Grandmaster: Covered by shadow: Healing is removed, instead of this, team members gain in end of stealth quickness for 5 sec.



Waiting for feedback ! :)

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