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Low FPS / Lag Issues [MERGED]

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> I was playing in WvW last night, without issue; I mean, it's certainly playable for me. I use a toaster - A8-4500M APU w/ Radeon HD 7640G

> Thus, it's not a matter of 'upgrad(ing)'.


> Good luck.


What areas and servers are you on? Everyone I know playing the game is having issues with crowd and graphics lag. If the controlling group on WvW is more the 20-30 We all suffer. Including folks with the i7 and better graphics. Maybe since last 2 updates. I also noticed I cant play Tequatl lately when numbers are high on map. I had this issue in the past and it went away after complaining.

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@"JacobsHell.6251" I suggest you look *urgently* at getting more system memory. You have 4GB (and yes, I know, the system requirements say 4GB, but bear with me), and the report claims that you have 2GB of page file in use. That's not good. It means that 2GB of stuff that would like to be in system memory has been kicked out ("paged") to the pagefile, and you're likely to have performance problems because of that.

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> @"JacobsHell.6251" I suggest you look *urgently* at getting more system memory. You have 4GB (and yes, I know, the system requirements say 4GB, but bear with me), and the report claims that you have 2GB of page file in use. That's not good. It means that 2GB of stuff that would like to be in system memory has been kicked out ("paged") to the pagefile, and you're likely to have performance problems because of that.


Pagefiling has nothing to do with anything. It is there to help off loading in game. I have it on a different hard drive.

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> @"JacobsHell.6251" said:

> > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"JacobsHell.6251" I suggest you look *urgently* at getting more system memory. You have 4GB (and yes, I know, the system requirements say 4GB, but bear with me), and the report claims that you have 2GB of page file in use. That's not good. It means that 2GB of stuff that would like to be in system memory has been kicked out ("paged") to the pagefile, and you're likely to have performance problems because of that.


> Pagefiling has nothing to do with anything. It is there to help off loading in game. I have it on a different hard drive.


You'll have performance problems when something wakes up, gets paged back in, and in the process kicks a bit of GW2 out to the page file, for example. It isn't about whether the pagefile and the game are on the same or different disks. If there is stuff paged out to the pagefile, your physical memory is too small for what your computer is trying to do with it. (If there was enough physical memory, that stuff wouldn't be *in* the pagefile.)


If you turn down *detail* in your graphics settings (shadow-map resolution, texture resolution, character model detail, that sort of thing), you can reduce GW2's memory usage. Are you running the 32 or 64 bit client, by the way? I know that on some lower-end machines, the 32-bit client is automatically preferred. (It also uses approximately half the memory used by the 64-bit client. I've seen the 64-bit client's memory use get beyond 3.5GB.)

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Hey Steve I don't remember what client version is installed. 32 bit version was horrible for me ram wise. Switched to 64 now game runs. I did a reinstall recently but I don't remember what version. How to check? Oh never mind 64bit is what I am running. Also without having my pagefile set to a decent amount the game would not even run I have experimented with this.


Also you say this client runs up to 3.5 gigs. I haven't seen any spikes go this high but the game crashes a lot. On the 32 bit client the game crashed non stop for me so I switched. I have been playing this game along time from time to time running into same issue yet it somehow manages to correct itself.

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I also seem to have this problem since yesterday - I'm from Greece playing on NA for 4 years now, I rarely have latency issues - my average ping is 150 which is fine - no lag. I'm having serrriious trouble though doing the most basic of stuff in pve as well as the OP states. I can't figure out why that is, everything else seems to be working fine, only GW2 lags out a lot. :/

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Before I get started.


i5 8600k

16 Gbs DDR4 - 2666 MHz



Ok so I've been a bit suspicious of my frame rate in certain areas recently. Now I know that frame drops are normal in a zerg. But I decided to check my system during the Dragon Stand meta today. In huge zergs my frame rate was around 40-50, and in boss piles it could dip just bellow 30. No AA, high character limit/detail, and all other visual settings maxed.


I know that these are good frame rates for a huge zerg but watching my system performance neither my CPU nor my GPU were ever maxed. My 1080 probably didn't even hit 50%,which I expected, while my CPU would vary between 60-75%. So my question is why doesn't that last bit of CPU get used? Is that some kind of system safety? If not is there someway to get the system to use that last bit of power? Thanks for any insights!

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The i5 8600K has 6 cores. I don't know specifically how well GW2 is optimized for multiple cores but many games aren't for more than 4 cores, especially older titles. GW2 is also a DX9 title, and I have heard that DX9 itself doesn't utilize more than 4 cores very well.


i am using a shortcut to launch GW2 that forces CPU affinity to use only the four physical cores on my i7-6700K, and that seemed to make a lot of improvement in smoother play.


Edit: here's the link to the post I made about how to make that shortcut.


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Yeah I know that older games tend to favor 4 cores. When I was watching my system monitor the other two cores were doing something but I guess I can't really tell what was using those cores. Just that they were being used.


That shortcut sounds interesting though do you know of any tutorials I could use to set that up myself?

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This is the walkthrough:


And I translated that into this shortcut for GW2 64 bit version:

C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c start "Gw2-64.exe" /affinity 55 "C\Program Files (x86)\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe" -autologin -mapLoadinfo

You will need to change the "55" to what gets calculated by the walkthrough, and other things if you don't have a default installation location for GW2. The last two items are GW2 command line arguments that are there to show you can just add them on the end like that. There are other ways to set CPU affinity but they are either not permanent or involve running other applications, and this is just a shortcut that you can use or not use for easy A/B testing.

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Sad that this hasn't been addressed since PoF release. I have friends and myself suffering bad in this game. I don't want to hear my crap is to old because all our complaints are the same low end to high end setups. I am in America so are my friends. my average ping 150-300. The larger the graphic content the worse things get. I played on new maps doing a bounty run and could barely move on the map while tagged to a squad. Left the squad after the battle and got a little performance back but not much to jump around about. As of right now I just cant play the game. I want to add that maybe a server is messed up somewhere or some bad programing is going on. I mean people with high end graphics dipping at least 50 plus fps. Something is wrong.

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I've started having these issues a few weeks ago, noticeably after the most recent Living World episode. I thought it may something with my computer but the people I play with somehow have the exact same problem. The game will freeze for seconds at a time. It doesn't matter whether I am in a PoF map, a city, or Central Tyria with very little people, even on the lowest graphic settings the game is basically unplayable. I have no issues with any other games I play. My internet connection is perfect.

I don't have the best computer, it's quite dated. But like I said, I play with people who have really nice computers and they experience the same thing. It's certainly not something on my end. Especially with the amount of people in this forum dealing with lag as well.

As for my geographical location, I am in Northeast United States.

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So I had an issue where my pc crashed, thunder storm.


ever since then, it seems like gw2 everything loads extremely slowly. im not talking loading screens, i mean character models, sounds, random disconnects, its so wierd. is there anything i can do about this?


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You may want to start by resetting your modem if the thunderstorm made it poof. If issue still persists after, you may want to check your ping with a tracert or similar so you can see where on the line you have packet loss. If it is at your side you will have to fix it (maybe thunderstorm gave some damage/issues), if its at your ISP you can give them a ring to fix it, if its Anet's side, maybe a ticket works so they can see where the problem lies. You may also want to check your Gw2 files and settings in case something went weird due to the pc crash (or even your hardware altho I am not sure it could be influenced by a thunderstorm outage) .

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After a year without playing, today I launched the game. But I'm facing a problem : I don't have the same ping as I used to have. Now I have around 200-300 whereas I usually have around 60. My ping is ok on speedtest, I checked if there was any program in the task manager and I updated my driver, but nothing has changed...


Is there anything I can do ?


Thank you !

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EU or NA?


the routing in EU to the server in frankfurt main germany can be lousy at times (Level3 server issues ... very well known for causing troubles on a regular basis. note: i am not an expert, i can only repeat what i was told(forum users and FAQ on provider websites)/what i can see on a pingplot)

using a VPN helped me, when i faced a period of one to two weeks with a ping of 300-900ms (i live VERY close to frankfurt)... most services come at a mothly cost however, which is a big downside.


in NA the servers moved i believe from NCSoft texas to amazon servers somewhere else and where/are causing high latency for many players (reddit is full of complains).

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