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New masteries for Living World season 4?

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Living World season 3 came with its own mastery line, [Ancient Magics](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Heart_of_Thorns_mastery_tracks#Ancient_Magics), in which each mastery was useful only within a specific episode's map. This was somewhat similar to the HoT masteries, many of which were only useful within the specific HoT maps (like the Poison mastery, the Nuhoc travelling mastery, the Exalted assistance mastery, and so on).


In PoF, in other hand, all masteries are linked to the mounts. If Living World season 4 comes with a new mastery line... What kind of mastery do you think it will be? Something map specific like in season 3? Something linked to the mounts? A whole new mount? More than one new mount? Or something else?

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I guess/hope we'll get one or two more mounts, as well as some new things for our existing mounts.

As for new mounts:

It would almost be a scandal if Anet didn't bring in an Junundu-related mount.

Aurene looks kinda mount-sized to me now and it would make a lot of sense in terms of story. The commander is her champion, not to mention to bond with the other races like vlast didn't, traveling around with the commander sounds quite appropriate.


As for the new abilities for existing mounts, maybe those wouldn't masteries at all, rather something you have to buy like the glider skins in bloodstone fen.

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> @Ceridwen.6703 said:

> If there must be a mastery line, it's got to be useful on all maps and I don't need it tied to a mount. No new mount needed (yet). I have nothing other than that, though. :)


I do not really care if the mastery is a mount (although if it is my money is on Aurene). What I want to see is the masteries building on some theme/a single mount. These one-off masteries (paging koda's flame) that you just need in order to get the masteries after it are hopefully gone now.

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